Coral Golem

Acolyte of Mushu's page

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After furiously searching through my entire Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Card Game set, I've come to the conclusion that the Celestial Beacon location deck from Deck 2 is missing. Is it possible for a new one to be sent to me?

Much thanks!

This is inspired by and pretty much completely based off Joe Homes, who mentioned on the Lords of Rust GM Reference that he had such an idea. I shared my thoughts but I'd like to open this up further.

I'm planning on having a recurring NPC, appearing in Lords of Rust first. He will be a vercite cyborg space-pirate stranded on Golarion. While cruising past Golarion, his aethership was attacked by the Dominion vessel from Valley of the Brain Collectors. He was the only survivor and is now stranded on Golarion, just trying to survive any way he can. Now, here's where I'd like the community's help.

One, what class(es) would people recommend?

Two, does anyone know how advanced Verces is in the field of weaponry, as in firearms? We know they're advanced in space-travel and cybernetic technology, but not much else is given.

Last, I'll be pulling character traits and such from pop culture, such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Cad Baine and the Alien Bounty Hunter from The X-Files. Any other ideas would be great!

I have an idea for a tidy little side-quest for The Palace of Fallen Stars that maybe extends into The Divinity Drive. I really like the idea, but I'm at a loss on how to expand it.

Here it is:
In Palace of the Fallen Stars, the juggernaut robot is introduced in the bestiary in the back. However, the juggernaut robot does not actually appear in the adventure or the next, save through a small chance via wondering monster encounters. I initially planned to just through in a juggernaut somewhere, but when I read about Specimen One I was intrigued. Specimen One is specific juggernaut robot that's inactive, save the head, kept locked up by the Technic League, I figured, whilst exploring the Technic League compound, the PCs could stumble upon the head and inactive frame (dismantled and strewn about) of Specimen One. Specimen One could then ask for aid or supply some side-quest. That's where my well of ideas runs dry.
Thoughts and musings are appreciated. :)

How have people handled the numerous long-lasting (as in, possibly more than one adventure) allies? There are plenty of allies that have this potential, and I'm wondering how this would work balance-wise. I suppose I really mean how would the PCs recruiting more than one long-lasting all work out.

As the title suggests, I have a question concerning what skymetals the different robots are made from. (I'm too lazy to figure out a way to end that sentence without a preposition.) I assume most of them are made from glaucite or pure adamantine, but I feel like some would be made of better and more valuable metal than others. Any insight or suggestions would be great.

Follow up question, what tools or skills would you need to shear scrap metal from a robot's frame?