
Abdi the Goldmane's page

81 posts. Organized Play character for Faelyn.


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Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi has seated with everyone again, this time looking more resplendent outside his adventuring attire. "I must say, having someone so unreliable as a Venture-Captain feels very strange to me. I hope the others, this Venture-Captain Valsin, are more so reliable. How fare you all after our adventure?"

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi shrugs, displaying his ambivalence to their fate. "Their fate was sealed the moment they raised arms against us for anything as foolish as their cults. Whether we leave them to die or save them for questioning, does not matter to me. What do you think we could learn from them further?"

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7
Kaliban Atreyu wrote:
Abdi the Goldmane wrote:
GM Nowruz wrote:

How do you get DC 18? ;-)
A LOT of optimization. Focuses on Charisma over Wisdom (pushed it to 18), then picked up Improved Channel feat for +2, and then Sacred Conduit for another +1. He's very at channeling, but not very good at much else! LOL.

I don't play Clerics much, is default DC 10 or DC 11 for a Level 1 Cleric?

Do you round down or up for Cleric Level? I think it follows the general round down rule. Making it DC 17?

I'm just playing my first Cleric and they are a Herald Caller! And, Unchained Rogue multi-class... built in flanking buddies.

Huh... you know, I could have sworn that the rules states "minimum of 1", but they don't.

"The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier."

So, I think in this instance you're correct that it should be 17 and not 18. I haven't played this character in many years, I can't believe I missed that on the initial creation! One of those rules I don't necessarily agree with, but I suppose it doesn't matter LOL.

Yeah, I tried to come up with a way to help make Abdi decent when he isn't able to Channel and I've found that summoning is a great option when your spell DC isn't fantastic. Unfortunately, summoning spells at 1st level are completely useless.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7
GM Nowruz wrote:

How do you get DC 18? ;-)

A LOT of optimization. Focuses on Charisma over Wisdom (pushed it to 18), then picked up Improved Channel feat for +2, and then Sacred Conduit for another +1. He's very at channeling, but not very good at much else! LOL.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Doing much better today, thank you! And thanks for the Bless ruling :D

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi glowers at these fools that dared to impede their missions as he strides forward with a determined look, raising his spear towards the roof of the cave and shouts. "Kneel before the might of your betters, chattel!" A wave of energy bursts forth from the tip of his spear, engulfing all their enemies, but his companions find themselves unaffected!

Move forward to get Sabah and (I think) Jussa out of range. *EDIT* Looks like Jussa is still in range, but that's okay. I can avoid 4 allies with my ability. *EDIT* Use Channel Negative Energy and Selective Channeling to avoid hitting any companions. All enemies take 1d3 negative energy damage and must make a Will save DC 18 to avoid being Dazed for 1 round.

Negative Energy: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

If possible as a RETCON, Abdi would have cast Bless during that surprise round, but I also understand if we don't want to mess around with that.

Abdi quickly rushes up behind Kaliban and places a hand upon his back as a glowing aura wraps itself around the half-orc. "The protection of the true Sun God is upon you, warrior. Go forth, emboldened!"

Casting Shield of Faith on Kaliban; +2 Deflection bonus to his AC for 1 minute.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

I'm back everyone. I apologize for my absence. My son came down sick on Thursday and I had to take two days off work to take care of him, and then I got sick myself over the weekend. I'll work on catching up now.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi stares dumbfounded at all the accumulated Pathfinder Society lore sitting before the group. "This is... This is a worthy find that will one day grace the pages of the Chronicles, my friends! Do any of you speaking this language?" He frowns as he looks at the pages without any understanding of their words.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

I'll let the higher intelligence PCs come up with the idea if need be. Also, I know the answer, but I've also run this as a GM and player multiple times. So, if no one else is able to come up with the answer, I can provide it ;)

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Sorry about my absence over the holidays. They were much busier than I initially anticipated.

Abdi nods his agreement to Sabah. "Agreed, it is the only path we have available to us at this moment."

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi shrugs. "It would appear so, but I do wonder why. What do we do now? If these are indeed illusions, it would seem that Master Fimbrik has not been here for some time based on how much post there is up front."

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi frowns. "This is most peculiar... If he was living here, why would there be this much post sitting on the front step?" Abdi will knock on the window of the room in which the gnomish figure reacted and will then point to the front door if it reacts to his presence again.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Np! Looks like we are headed off to see a wizard!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Yes, please do so... otherwise it's about to quickly turn to the other social skill that Abdi is very good at; Intimidation! LOL

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Know: Religion DC 15: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Abdi glowers at the holy symbol briefly before rolling his shoulders and approaching with a large smile. "Ah, a fellow brother in faith of those with greater power than our own. We have come to pay respects to the fallen and see the sights herein. Is this area off limits then?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi grins. "Our most esteemed Venture-Captain, there was a hidden room! When we pulled upon the bottle you requested, it opened to a room filled with ancient Pathfinder lore, but then we were accosted by a swarm of vampiric bats which laid several of us low, but in Pathfinder fashion we emerged victorious."

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Kaliban, you're up to full HP now. Anyone else need healing?

As they head back up to the main floor, Abdi notices the slight hitch in Kaliban's step and the still bleeding wounds. He walks up to the man and taps his wand against his back, allowing the healing magic to seal up the wounds and refresh his vigor. "Tis just me, good Kaliban. You are needed to stand before us."

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi will rush over to Darzus while removing a wand from his bandolier and touching it to his wounds. "On your feet, Pathfinder. We have much to do!"

Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Posted a question for you on the Discord about positioning, Nowruz!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Also... I just noticed that we have six members in the party now... That presents problems. Abdi is going to be pretty much worthless in this encounter other than a little bit of healing here and there, unless one of you can get 30' away from him so I can Channel Negative Energy. I can only exclude 4 party members (not including myself) from the ability.


Correction. I do have two vials of acid if someone with a decent Dexterity score wants to use them. I'll make that announcement on his turn.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Hey all, I'm back in the office after my conference last week. Sorry on the delay, it was actually quite a bit more interesting this time around. I will work on getting caught up this morning!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Hey all, about to be leaving for a work conference for the next three days. I should be available during that time, but just in case... if I'm not active and you guys need to bot Abdi in case of combat, feel free!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Sorry for my absence over the weekend. It's been a bit of a crazy one; had to assist my father-in-law with covering for his rental property while he was out on vacation during a tenant transition... I'll never be a landlord...ugh

While things calm down and Abdi realizes that there will be no violence, he takes a moment to go over to Janira during a lull in her tales. "Janira, it is good to see you again! Not sure if you recall my face as I know you take many new Pathfinders on their Confirmations."[/b]

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Whatever the group would like to do. I can always RP the heck out of a situation, but I also recognize that perhaps that's not what anyone else would like to do. My vote would be doing some RP with NPCs.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Diplomacy (Information Gathering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Diplomacy (Information Gathering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Diplomacy (Information Gathering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Abdi smiles at the newcomer. "Welcome! It is good to have more Pathfinders on this errand for the Venture Captain. I am Abdi the Goldmane." He extends his hand to Kaliban.

As they look about the room, Abdi recognizes the Boartusk twins and while he had never had the pleasure of working with them directly, he knows of their reputation around. He does, however, recognize one face that he has worked with; Janira! His initial impulse was to call out over to her, but he saw that she was deep in the telling of a story and did not wish to interrupt her cadence. He looks around and takes it in with a deep contented sigh. "I wish I had learned of this place sooner. I love the richness of this northern wood. Come! Let us finish our errand so that we might have time to carouse after."

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

A very handsome Garundi man enters the room; he is tall and wears fine clothing with a large holy symbol blazoned upon the buckle about this waist, but the first thing you all notice is the pale blonde hair and goatee that he sports. "My friends, I am called Abdi the Goldmane, the illustrious Venture-Captain Dreng has requested that I assist you all with some task. It would seem that I have arrived late, but hopefully not too late." He smiles as he gestures around the room and the lack of Drandle. "You have the look of great adventurers about yourselves. May I sit with you?"

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

I hate to see you go, Steph, but I can understand. I wish you the very best in life!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Hey all, I will be heading to Florida for a week starting tomorrow morning. Normally I would have my work computer with me, but I have to leave with our IT guys for some much needed tinkering. I'll have my phone with me, but I may not have much time for posting. If you need to GMPC my character during this time, that is okay.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Checking in!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Agreed, no stress GM!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Yuck, I know that feeling Steph, my entire family got a wicked stomach bug that knocked all of us down over the past two weeks. I hope you feel better soon and a speedy recovery! Take your time and no rush.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Hey all, just realized I never updated Abdi's Chronicle sheets from his Confirmation. I'm using my PPs to pick up a healing wand for the group and wanted to see if you all would prefer an Infernal Healing or Cure Light Wounds wand? Let me know!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

I'm perfectly okay with Crystal. Plus I'm playing a Pregen and I don't really know Kyra that well to have a good personality for RP. Once I bring back Abdi; however, he I know the personality well enough.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

To my respective GMs and/or players, I am posting this in all my games that I'm running or involved in. I was involved in a force on force incident today during work. I cannot go into details for obvious reasons, but suffice to say no one was seriously injured. I'll be very busy with paperwork for the foreseeable afternoon/evening. If I have time later this evening, I will attempt to get caught up with my games. Otherwise, look for me tomorrow!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Woohoo, congrats!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Received my chronicle sheet and all looks good, Xynen. Thanks again for running this. I had a great time, although I'm sorry I had a few instances where I was unable to keep up with the requested posting rates.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

"It was a pleasure joining each and every one of you on this Confirmation. I am please to have made your acquaintances and will spend prayers to Ra to keep his watch over you wherever your journeys may take you. Lady Janira, we are all indebted to you for your brave, if foolhardy, actions with the minotaur. I wish to thank you."

Upon receiving his Wayfinder, Abdi smiles and immediately loops a leather thong through it to attach to his belt. 'I finally have found a place to call home.'

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

No problem, GM! I'm taking an educated guess and say that the haft of the axe is probably wood and likely not a candidate for Burning Disarm?

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Hey Xynen, not to be a bother, but it looks as if the minotaur actually failed his Will save. The DC for Abdi's Channel Energy is 18 and he only rolled a 17. There might be something else involved of which I may not be aware. In such a case, you can disregard this message and you can tell to shut my yapper! lol.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi struggles to move through the thick underbrush, but finally reaches the river's edge and moves into a more desirable position as he raises his spear into the sky and grabs the large buckle around his belt... "Kneel beast and know your place in the face of your betters!" Suddenly a bright, golden light bursts out of Abdi and while his companions find themselves unaffected, the minotaurs staggers as the power of Ra assails him!

Variant Channel Negative Energy: 1d3 ⇒ 2 Minotaur Will Save DC 18 or be Dazed for 1 Round.

Moving into position on map. Excluding Janira, Acelyn, Chou, and Valon with Selective Channeling. I believe Irini should be excluded based on our positioning.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

No problem, GM!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi suddenly smiles as they hear Janira's voice, but then he realizes she still battles the minotaur. "Quickly now, friends! Janira still lives, let us make sure it stays that way!" He rushes into the tree-line and thick underbrush, moving as quickly as he can. "Lady Janira, we are coming! Stay away from the beast until we can arrive!"

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

I am here... had some serious issues with my internet/phone service. We changed over some options and my internet access got utterly screwed. Very sorry about my absence, I didn't have time to stop in anywhere and let you all know.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi continues to bolster Valon's prowess in battle. "Press the attack, Valon! Ra is with you!"

Inspiring Command to affect Valon and grant him a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, AC, combat maneuver defense, and skill checks for 1 round.

Guys, don't forget you all have that +1 bonus to attack from Bless. So, Valon's first attack would have been a hit!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Abdi takes a step back to allow an open position for Valon. "Valon, fall back to my position and allow a few of the enemies to file in to allow the others a chance to destroy these enemies!"

Inspiring Command to affect Valon and grant him a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, AC, combat maneuver defense, and skill checks for 1 round.

Hoping Valon will take a 5' step to Abdi's previous spot so that one of the enemies can take Valon's position and open it up to three attacks as opposed to just one.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Okay, I've decided that I will make a Pregen account that I can use for anytime I play a Pregen character for PFS. That way we can easily keep track of their stats and not get everything confused. I'll work on that later this afternoon. Also, I'm going to look through that list you provided Steph and see if I can find some exciting scenarios to play through in Osirian!

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Kyra smiles. "I would gladly led this procession for your people to bolster their spirits. The Dawnflower would expect nothing less of her devoted followers. I support my companions that wish not to be involved; however, I will be involved. What say you, Lady Rime?"

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

I would also like to apologize for my lack of posting over the weekend. I simply forgot... I thought I had posted on Saturday and went to check this morning only to realize that I had not.

Scarab Sages

Male Garundi 1st Level Cleric (Herald Caller) | HP 9/9 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 10 | Fort +3 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perc +2 | CNE: 6/7

Knowledge: Religion: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 = 12

Abdi recognizes the undead skeletons and realizes his primary abilities will do no good in this fight. Instead he calls upon the power of his God to bolster through prowess. "Go forth, my friends to glorious battle and know that none can stand before you!"

Cast Bless on the party!

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