hogarth wrote:
Oh, I have it on good authority that they'll not only announce, but also start selling 5e on this year' GenCon. It's going with the trading card model.
James Jacobs wrote: We won't be revealing the plot and nature of the AP after Jade Regent for some time. Probably about 6 to 8 months. So you don't deny the all-dungeon-crawl Below The Siege Castles adventure path? Or the Hermea kill-every-single-smug-bastard-on-the-isle-and-their-dragon-too path? Excellent...
Daniel Moyer wrote:
The thread starter sounds like a genius! :)
In the early days of Thassalion, Xin spent considerable resources on workarounds for this problem: All the replacing of parts for bigger golems was seen as a huge waste. Sadly, his solution - while perfect in the scalability department, made trade-offs in resilience, and when the runelords decided to take over, all they needed was a single barbed devil to wade through Xin's massed army of rubber golems.
JasonKain wrote:
Both. But for the special edition, they guarantee that the babies suffered before they died. |