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I like Swiftbrook's idea.
Also I saw an announcement for the RotRL set that said 'Part 1' at the end of it. Please dont tell me there are going to be two different sets for the AP. My group is already into the second half of the series, and I dont want to miss getting to use some of those for the last book or so cause the AP is divided between two minis sets.

Azure_Zero |

Just send in some Canadians, We'll clear it all out and you can resume work.
Just don't take any from Toronto, as they called in the army to deal with a small snow storm once. Proof

Caineach |

Just send in some Canadians, We'll clear it all out and you can resume work.
Just don't take any from Toronto, as they called in the army to deal with a small snow storm once. Proof
This is pretty standard fair for the north east US when dealing with lasting snow. Reserves get called in every few years. Why has the mayor gotten flak? Its a standard function for the US National Guard.

Azure_Zero |

Not when it was only a small snow fall and you call in the army,
and the rest of the province of Ontario got it worse and they did not call in the army.
Hence why the mayor got flak,
most areas were hit harder and they dug themselves out,
Toronto got a little snow and he calls the army to dig them out.

Caineach |

Not when it was only a small snow fall,
and the rest of the province of Ontario got worse snow fall and did not call in the army.
Ok, both the article and the comments seem to imply that they were already unable to deal with the snow they had, and the small snowfall was irrelevant to that.

Feegle |

I used to live in Ottawa, and joined in on the Toronto hate every time they did something stupid.
Now I live in Toronto. When my relatives give me flak for something, I just remind them that 14% of Canadians live in the Greater Toronto Area. 1 in 7.
The army should come and blow-dry our streets after a light summer's rain. :P
edit: Incidentally, I didn't live in Toronto during that snow storm. But did you read the article you linked, Azure?
Over 15 days, almost an entire season's worth of snow had fallen -- up to 118 centimetres. A typical January in Toronto at that time would see about 35 cm for the month, with 124 cm for an entire winter.
It would be described as the snowiest two-week period for the city since 1871.
There were more than 5,000 kilometres of roads to clear. GO Transit trains were shut down for two days, and the TTC was barely functioning, with fistfights breaking out between passengers frustrated by delays.

Azure_Zero |

No, that was -- as many will recall -- Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman in January 1999. Indeed it's difficult to look at
photos of this year's storm and not think about how bad things got in our city after that blizzard dumped
between 35-45 centimetres on us. I remember that it took about an hour and half to drive to my part-time job
the day after the storm, and I was only going from around Avenue and Bloor to Yonge and Lawrence.

Azure_Zero |

I used to live in Ottawa, and joined in on the Toronto hate every time they did something stupid.
Now I live in Toronto. When my relatives give me flak for something, I just remind them that 14% of Canadians live in the Greater Toronto Area. 1 in 7.
The army should come and blow-dry our streets after a light summer's rain. :P
edit: Incidentally, I didn't live in Toronto during that snow storm. But did you read the article you linked, Azure?
CTV News wrote:Over 15 days, almost an entire season's worth of snow had fallen -- up to 118 centimetres. A typical January in Toronto at that time would see about 35 cm for the month, with 124 cm for an entire winter.
It would be described as the snowiest two-week period for the city since 1871.
There were more than 5,000 kilometres of roads to clear. GO Transit trains were shut down for two days, and the TTC was barely functioning, with fistfights breaking out between passengers frustrated by delays.
They had 3 storms over a period of 15 days, more than enough time to clean up the previous storm's leavings.

Feegle |

They had 3 storms over a period of 15 days, more than enough time to clean up the previous storm's leavings.
Perhaps. I'm optimistic enough to think that that's not true, or they would have done it. But I freely admit that my knowledge base when it comes to the infrastructure of high-volume snow removal in the context or a megacity is minimal, so I'll concede the point.

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Ryan. Costello wrote:Is that a digital render of the yeti? It looks perfect! It's too perfect to be a sample, right? Is that a sample? What is that?The lighting and lack of glossyness make me think it is a paint master. I could be wrong though.
If you're right, wow. That's a mighti pretti yeti.

Sir Jeffrey |

Thanks for the preview. I'm in Tacoma, just south of Seattle, so I share the Paizo crew's understanding of the Snomaggedon we are facing.
I got a case of the Heroes & Monsters and love them all! Just one short, the Frost Giant talked 3 Ettins into my case so he could go out and play in this snow storm!
Can't wait for the ROTRL set later this year.
The yeti mini looks like a great sculpt, but I have one question? Why does the yeti have a loin cloth and a shaved chest? I checked the entry in Bestiary 1, no pants, shorts, or britches. Did a google image search for 'yeti', plenty of pics, none with clothing of any type. Every instance of yeti elsewhere and indeed in the Bestiary shows them with long white fur on their entire bodies, sans clothing. This mini sculpt is nice, but looks more like a silverback gorilla in a loin cloth. Just my 2 cents.

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This is the version of the Yeti from the cover of Ultimate Combat. I suppose that eventually we will reconcile in world why there are two different official "looks" for yetis in Pathfinder, but for this mini it comes down to "this is how Wayne Reynolds drew them, and we thought they looked cool this way."

Sir Jeffrey |

This is the version of the Yeti from the cover of Ultimate Combat. I suppose that eventually we will reconcile in world why there are two different official "looks" for yetis in Pathfinder, but for this mini it comes down to "this is how Wayne Reynolds drew them, and we thought they looked cool this way."
Thanks Eric, that is a simple enough explanation. Checking the Ultimate Combat cover, they do look pretty impressive and brutal. They are even wielding spears and axes. So I guess folks can start equipping their yeti with all manner of weaponry to do standard damage if they'd like to make their yeti's weaker, give them 1 attack and take away the cold damage and rend capabilities.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

This is the version of the Yeti from the cover of Ultimate Combat. I suppose that eventually we will reconcile in world why there are two different official "looks" for yetis in Pathfinder, but for this mini it comes down to "this is how Wayne Reynolds drew them, and we thought they looked cool this way."
Some wisdom from the stars:
We do not discuss it with outsiders.

thunderspirit |

It's a paint master.
The Yeti is wearing clothes because of Original Yeti Sin, which brought shame and self-awareness to the Yeti community.
You, sir, owe me one computer monitor, as I spit my Diet Pepsi all over it over that remark. :-D
Mental note: also, sue PepsiCo.

Anguish |

The Yeti is wearing clothes because of Original Yeti Sin, which brought shame and self-awareness to the Yeti community.
While this is a brilliant post that deserves much praise in its own right, I'd like to applaud the choice for different reasons. This mini can be used for a lot of other purposes. I could easily see it fitting in for a lycanthrope in hybrid form, for an eidolon, for any of a number of giants, amongst others. Basically, by adding clothing it becomes more believable for PC use. I like it.

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I'm a huge fan of the minis you are producing, and they are doing really well in my shop, so kudos. Keep it up.
However, I have to say one thing after seeing today's image: can you tell the sculptors that not every monster has to stand face forward, mouth open, arms raised in the air? The troll, werewolf, zombie, wolf, frost giant, dire rat, gargoyle, skeleton, vampire, orc brute, mummy, spectre, and a couple goblins already have been stuffed into this "surprise!" pose. Do something a little more dynamic, perhaps?

Sir Jeffrey |

I'm a huge fan of the minis you are producing, and they are doing really well in my shop, so kudos. Keep it up.
However, I have to say one thing after seeing today's image: can you tell the sculptors that not every monster has to stand face forward, mouth open, arms raised in the air? The troll, werewolf, zombie, wolf, frost giant, dire rat, gargoyle, skeleton, vampire, orc brute, mummy, spectre, and a couple goblins already have been stuffed into this "surprise!" pose. Do something a little more dynamic, perhaps?
Great point Drogon. I agree, though the sculpts and painting are great, they do seem a bit 'static'. Perhaps some more lively poses would help to put a set of 'great' minis up to 'exceptional' status.

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Yeah, this guy is definitely aping (get it?) the Troll and others from the first set. I don't think any of the other Rise of the Runelords minis are doing this, though, so if he's part of the "Wave," he's the first guy doing it, and everyone else in the set is just sort of looking at him and shaking their heads.

Aaron aka Itchy |

Yay!! ROTR minis! I'm excited to see these. After seeing the Heros and Monsters minis, my gaming group has expressed interest in splitting the cost of another case. I am hopeful that a single case will still be enough to be reasonably certain of a full set.
Speaking of Minis... when will the encounter packs be listed?

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Yay!! ROTR minis! I'm excited to see these. After seeing the Heros and Monsters minis, my gaming group has expressed interest in splitting the cost of another case. I am hopeful that a single case will still be enough to be reasonably certain of a full set.
Speaking of Minis... when will the encounter packs be listed?
Shortly. Details on the first one should be available by the end of this week.