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O.M.G. Periods for emphasis. My group's gonna have a blast with this.
You'll be all, like, "I'm tainted by a familial blood pact with daemons but ah lurves me the goodness of Milani," and I'll be like, "ORLY, lil' cuz? Don't start nothin', or I'll have to hit you with the flat side o' mah axe!" And Heather's PC will all be like, "chillax, youze two, or I get my horsey to stomp you in der face-bits!" And then Brent's bard will tell us a story, and your other PC will drown a dude, and Dustin's rogue will stab a guy, and Bento's dude will do whatever Bento's dude does.
And somehow, we'll rule a kingdom. We'll figure that out as we go along. :P

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This picture is just the right size for a new desktop, by the way.
In general, any blog post with the wallpapers tag will contain an image suitable for such a use.

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So how does Kingmaker keep the PCs from blowing all the taxes on magic items instead of roads?
Two ways.
1) The units of currency used to build roads and buildings and kingdoms, and what you earn by placing taxes and having a good economy, are NOT gold pieces. They're instead categorized as "Build Points," which encompasses ALL resources (coins, workers, tools, favors, debt, etc.). You can add to your kingdom's Build Point total by selling magic items and making deposits, and you can also make withdrawals from your kingdom treasury by converting Build Points to cash. Of course, just like selling and buying magic items, this isn't a very economic use of funds, since the conversions aren't equal and are engineered to favor NOT withdrawing BP to use as PC funds.
2) Extracting money from the national treasury or otherwise taking advantage of the citizens in order to use tax money and the like to buy fancy stuff for your PCs causes your nation to increase in Unrest. Unrest causes penalties to ALL kingdom checks. If your unrest gets high enough, your kingdom starts to fall apart and you start losing control of parts of it, and it starts shrinking in size. And if you hit the maximum Unrest score of 20, your kingdom falls into anarchy. This is basically the same endgame event as a character death; once your kingdom falls into anarchy, you basically have to start a new kingdom. It's analogous to building a new character. Gaining 20 Unrest is a bad thing, and frequently blowing taxes on magic items is a GREAT way to do that. The adventure already gives out plenty of treasure for the PCs, so if they're blowing tax income on themselves and not using that income to build their kingdom, they're basically just being greedy and destroying their nation to do so.

Merisiel Sillvari |
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Gozran 1: Hmmm. They’re still grumbling, but not enough to be a problem. The peasantry, that is. Kyra might be right that it’s maybe not a good idea to tax them that heavily, but at the same point, no one’s actually openly rebelled yet, so I’m pretty sure it’s just growing pains and hot air. We expanded to the east and built some more roads into there, and I even ordered the land developed into farms for those cranky peasants. They like cows and horses, yeah? That should quiet them up. Also, growing our own food lets us not spend treasury funds on food, which is good, because that means the treasury is bigger.
OH! We finished clearing the area for Owlbearton! Which means that we were able to finally repair the ruined keep and now we have a castle! Used up about half the starter funds Brevoy sent us, but it’s worth it! I HAVE A CASTLE OF MY OWN!!! Well, I guess technically I’m sharing it with Seelah and Kyra and Lem and the other leaders, but still. Pretty nice! Oh, and at Lem’s suggestion, I’ve started instituting some promotions and, well, I guess you might even call it propaganda. Basically, working on the way we present ourselves to the people, and how the people present themselves to our neighbors. Costs a bit, but it seems to be helping make the place a bit more stable. Which is, I suppose, a good thing. Especially since it looks like we didn’t make much money this month. I think maybe next month I’ll build some sort of business in town to boost the economy. Maybe a brothel! Yeah! Everyone loves brothels!

Merisiel Sillvari |

Desnus 1: Well... the castle DID seem to make some of the people happy. Turns out having a place they can run and hide in when the monsters come makes you feel safer. They're not COMPLETELY happy, though. Heard some more rumors about fistfights out at some of the outlying farmlands. What's it take to make a bunch of farmers happy? These people...
Anyway, we expanded some more! The kingdom now encompasses a silver mine! I've got some dwarven guys down there working away at it even now; should help the economy a bit. Assuming they don't run off with the ore. I should think about upping the guards down there at the mine. We'll see how it works out, I suppose. Developed the lands surrounding the mine into some more farms too.
In other news, the brothel's finished! And while I suspect that it did indeed make the people a bit more loyal, it also sounds like there's been a few more scuffles down there. More drunks and more lewd behavior in the streets or something. I'm not sure why that's a problem, but Seelah and Kyra seem to think it is. At least Lem's on the side of logic, although if he asks me for a brothel discount again I might just scream.
The brothel's helping though! And the silver mine, I guess. We made quite a bit of money this month. More than enough to cover building the brothel in the first place, in fact. Hmm... I just noticed that lots of the folks nearby are living in tents.
Back. Just approved the building of some housing for the squatters. That should make them happy.
The frustrating part of the month though is that those bandits we kicked out seem to have come back. They attacked several caravans and made off with three loads of silver from the mine. Sent out some soldiers to fix the situation and only one came back... and that one was missing a hand. Seems the bandits have holed up in the hills out there... and they're STILL out there somewhere. Probably spending all of my silver. Jerks.

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The frustrating part of the month though is that those bandits we kicked out seem to have come back. They attacked several caravans and made off with three loads of silver from the mine. Sent out some soldiers to fix the situation and only one came back... and that one was missing a hand. Seems the bandits have holed up in the hills out there... and they're STILL out there somewhere. Probably spending all of my silver. Jerks.
Better go show 'em who's Queen, Meri! How long's it been since you stabbed something, anyway?

Merisiel Sillvari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sarenith 1: Wow... the resources those bandits made off with nearly ended up not leaving enough funds to pay for food and supplies and stuff for the people of Owlbearton. And there's certainly not enough left over to pay for further expansions into other parts of the Greenbelt. Maybe next month. Made enough money to maybe cover expenses next month though, which is good.
The bad news, though, is that those obnoxious bandits went and nabbed not only a load of silver this month, but also killed a bunch of merchants and stole their stuff too! Who would have guessed that success and a shiny castle would instill such jealousy! These bandits are seriously starting to get under my skin. I've spent the last three hours sharpening the knives, and tonight, Seelah and Lem and Kyra and I are heading up into the hills to see if we can't take care of this little problem...

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Will any of the other Iconics (besides the one's already mentioned) be appearing in these at all?
Probably not. Would you like them to? I can certainly see Merisiel calling in some favors... after all, we've got 12 spots for leadership roles, and 12 iconics... Hmmm. Of course, one of those 12 leadership roles would be co-ruler with Merisiel, which could get interesting...

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Argh, the wait is killing me. Any chance you guys are going to reveal the 12 positions any time soon? Pahweeeeeeeese?
Are you asking who does number two work for?

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Kevin Mack wrote:Will any of the other Iconics (besides the one's already mentioned) be appearing in these at all?Probably not. Would you like them to? I can certainly see Merisiel calling in some favors... after all, we've got 12 spots for leadership roles, and 12 iconics... Hmmm. Of course, one of those 12 leadership roles would be co-ruler with Merisiel, which could get interesting...
That would be interesting and the last bit a bit telling. I mean who would Merisiel pick to be her "co-ruler"?

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James Jacobs wrote:That would be interesting and the last bit a bit telling. I mean who would Merisiel pick to be her "co-ruler"?Kevin Mack wrote:Will any of the other Iconics (besides the one's already mentioned) be appearing in these at all?Probably not. Would you like them to? I can certainly see Merisiel calling in some favors... after all, we've got 12 spots for leadership roles, and 12 iconics... Hmmm. Of course, one of those 12 leadership roles would be co-ruler with Merisiel, which could get interesting...
Note that I did not say "King" or "Queen."

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Dark_Mistress wrote:Note that I did not say "King" or "Queen."James Jacobs wrote:That would be interesting and the last bit a bit telling. I mean who would Merisiel pick to be her "co-ruler"?Kevin Mack wrote:Will any of the other Iconics (besides the one's already mentioned) be appearing in these at all?Probably not. Would you like them to? I can certainly see Merisiel calling in some favors... after all, we've got 12 spots for leadership roles, and 12 iconics... Hmmm. Of course, one of those 12 leadership roles would be co-ruler with Merisiel, which could get interesting...
Yeah I noticed that which is why I posted what I did. I mean we know at least one of the iconic's is gay. :)

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kenmckinney wrote:So how does Kingmaker keep the PCs from blowing all the taxes on magic items instead of roads?
Two ways.
1) The units of currency used to build roads and buildings and kingdoms, and what you earn by placing taxes and having a good economy, are NOT gold pieces. They're instead categorized as "Build Points," which encompasses ALL resources (coins, workers, tools, favors, debt, etc.).
It's not easy to buy magic items with chickens and turnips, but you can use them to feed labourers and soldiers.

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Argh, the wait is killing me. Any chance you guys are going to reveal the 12 positions any time soon? Pahweeeeeeeese?
The More than 12 positions site.

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Argh, the wait is killing me. Any chance you guys are going to reveal the 12 positions any time soon? Pahweeeeeeeese?
The search function is your friend.

DM Wellard |

Well fitting the obvious ones into the obvious places
Ruler.. Merisiel
Grand Diplomat..?
High Priest Kyra
Royal Assassin..?
leaving Seoni, Lini, Seltyiel and Sajan to fill in the question Marks

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I've already put Merisiel in the role of Queen. This is a TERRIBLE choice, since the ruler needs to have a good Charisma, and adds her Charisma modifier to several kingdom-based rolls. Merisiel's Charisma is only 10 (even though she's so lovable and cute, go figure!), and thus she doesn't add any bonus to those rolls.
What I'm saying is that I might well put Harsk in the Magister role and Ezren up as the Grand Diplomat just to be a pill. :-P