Note: The Pathfinder RPG Prerelease Discussion forums will be locked on Friday, October 16, 2009. You will not be able to create new posts after this date, but existing discussion will still be available for reading.

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

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Question for Jason

Barbarian: First thoughts.

Playtest Credits

Shackled City Pathfinder Playtest

Monsters changes?

Isolated Playtest this Sunday - Things to Try / Monitor?

My alpha 3 review

Thank You Paizo for Pathfinder!

Tavern Brawl artwork

3.5 Private Sanctuary: Pathfinder Alpha playtest

A Simpler, Balanced Point-Buy System

[Ravenloft] Forlorn (758 BC): first Italian playtest?

Playtest - FR campaign

Turn, turn, turn...

Dungeon, Dragon, and Pathfinder

Experience Point progression Formulas?

I recant my request for Psionics.

The Name of Staves

Shadowborn's Alpha Test of the R.A.W., Take Three...

Designer Notes

Converting our campaign

ERRATA - Report here

Ogre's Low Level Playtest

Cross class skills

Another one of tallforadwarf's Alpha playtest reports with page numbers!

PFRPG and Wheel of Time RPG

OT Sortof: PHP

When your players didn't like PfRPG Alpha

Playtest Feedback--The Haunted Forest

Why are orcs "vermin"?

Ability scores for a Monk

Will this fit in one book?

Online Tabletop Test

Just remember it MUST be back compatable with 3.5

Stealing something from rituals

Phantasmal Killer

Question for you all...

Backwards Compatibility... a goal but not the be all

The benefits and drawbacks of Multiclassing

PfRPG CoCT Playtest *Spoilers*

Playtest Feedback - Jumping

Crafted items

Divine Bond

Archade's Playtest #4

Four Suggestions

Bard spells / Monk feats / Mobility & PowerAttack / 3.75 praise

I'm coming around . . .

High level playtest

Feats from the ROTRL PHB

Playtest: Baldur's Gate 2 Pathfinder - French Party

Kill Bargle Playtest Diary

Jason: In this thread, everyone says what you did right

Grimcleaver, Me and Who else: what are we doing?

About Werewolf

For Beta - Spell List inclusions PLEASE

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the SRD

Pathfinder Campaign Comic

Pathfinder Character Creation Experiment

Abilities Like Mayonnaise

EGA Pathfinder Playtest: Rise of the Runelords

Grapple - Dragons, giants and such

Permission to Post Conversions

Alpha 3 - "Burnt Offerings" playtest

Nitpicky Typos etc.

Taliesin and Mordulin's Playtest Report

1. Sorc. Bloodlines and 2. Wiz-Sorc multiclass

Problems Downloading

Conversion Notes - Drakthar's Way


New Attribute Point-buy Rules - bad for the game

A question of magic...

Baldur's Gate 2 : Pathfinder Version

Include an optional Level to Age Table in Pathfinder

Karzoug and PFRPG

Alpha 3 One Shot Playtest Results

Broken / sundered Item condition

Confusing wording for Maximum Skill Ranks

Design philosophy about gaining other classes' abilities?

Alpha 3 Playtest Report - Seven Swords of Sin (Full Report with Minor Spoilers)

My First Pathfinder Character (Input Desired)

WotBS Playtest Quickview

WICHT & SONS Playtest Inc.

Sorcerer Bonus Spells / Can't turn into a outsider

Minor Character Sheet Tweak Needed For Perform

Selhyiel, A Character Sheet

Compatibility : others world, like Forgotten Realms

Curse of the Crimson Throne - Playtest

Playtest Results: Funeral Procession

Some of my playtest assumptions are changing.

Perhaps to Refine our Input - Paizo Feedback regarding Beta?

Beta vs. Final, which will you buy

Specific Pathfinder Rules Test Adventures

Test Adventure using Pathfinder Alpha rules

Pathfinder playtest: 3.0 Death in Freeport

Text Only Version Please

Printing Problems

Heroforge Pathfinder Alpha

Character Sheet Request

Cost of Printing....

Archade's Playtest #4

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