Necromancer Class Discussion

Would it help to have a grave cantrip that moves thralls?

What About Creating Wizard Thralls?

My necromancer's playtesting results and feedback.

Necromancer Abilities We'd Like To Have

Should thralls be focus points made physical?

What (if anything) does Master of Life and Death actually do?

Geometry with thralls

Macabre over Grave

A detailed analysis and critique of the Necromancer

So why are necromancers intelligence based?

Crazy theory about traditions.

Suggestions for Necromancer + Free Archetype?

Quicker or Stickier thralls?


Kind of weak ?

Bone Spear + Reach of the Dead

Would a Class Based Spell-List By Any Other Name Smell as Sweet?

MAD Martial Builds-Necromancer


Necromancer Cantrips

Quickened Casting typo?

Please allow us to choose a spell list instead of forcing every necromancer to be occult

Inconsistent descriptions on Grave spells with areas, and other mechanical weirdness.

SpellStriking wonkiness

What kind of person dedicates their life to necromancy?

Fifth level playtest necromancer one-shot

Osteo armaments is one of my favorite feats in the game

Thrall Mechanic Feedback

What to do about flying enemies?

Make Thralls Sticky!

I adore this take on the Necromancer

Low level actual play combat

Actual Play Combat with the Necromancer (Level 10)

Change suggestion to Create Thrall cantrip.

When reviewing classes, I think about Starfinder, and I'm not ashamed about it

On theme and mechanics: do I want to play *this* Necromancer?

Necromancer feedback and suggestions.

How do you call forth your thralls?

Identifying thralls

Is the name Necromancer the right name for this class.

Please create a level 20 feat that allows you to become undead.

Undead Companions and Necromancer?

I Ain't Flavoring No Ghost?

Actual Play Scenario - Necromancers - Lvl 5

Get rid of spellcasting and focus on thralls / focus spells

A Necromancer's rotation looks unexpectedly even in power per action to me. (Necromancer feedback thread)

Quickened Casting

Bad wording

Can you attack with old thralls?

Let the bodies hit the floor?

Necromancer and Melee: Feedback and suggestions

Getting thralls to move is easy

Life Tap feels a bit underpowered.

Void Warp still doesn't target Undead, and issue using Necromancer in Blood Lords

Please create a necromancy spell list similar to the elemental one.

Quickened Casting without frequency entry?

What is the point of Necrotic Focus?

Necromancer is the funniest, strongest, most interesting class ever released by Paizo

Requested clairifcation for the final release.

Necromancer Thorough Breakdown + Review

Necrotic Bombs & Thralls

Issue with focus points and Necrotic Focus

Reclaim Power clarification

Intimidate with INT or Undead Lore

Clarification Needed on Bone Spear Spell

Create Thralls and Command Thralls

Thralls and Manoeuvres

Thralls and initial / end round effects.


Dark matter, the specific gravity of ectoplasm

Spamming Thralls - No Limits

First Impression - A Necromantic Vibe Check

Necromancer playtest initial feedback

So why Occult List?

I'm not really a necromancer until there's an undead pouring me a goblet of wine.

To Strike or Not To Strike?

Was adding spells to your Dirge via Learn a spell deliberately omitted?

Rick the Meeseeks'o'mancer has entered the chat

Necromancer not unholy?

Limited spell slots, Occult list, what do you cast?

Rebuilding my Blood Lords character

Necromancer and Melee Combat

Bag of Rats

Feedback on subclasses

living graveyard Vs perfected thrall

Oops. There go all my thralls!

Inevitable Return's thrall size

Disappointed by lack of thrall abilities


Undead lore naming

Mastery of Life and Death

Congrats, you built my new favorite caster (long feedback)

Initial thoughts on the class

I just came here to comment on this quote that made this class win me over...

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