Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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The Dragon Compendium Hardcover Announced!

Ignored queries

More Keith Baker & Eberron Articles Please

A real Class Act

Can't find Mind Mage

Issue #290???

Queries in small articles

About a certain issue of Dragon...

Planescape Prestige classes

Apperances of Paul Kidd's Justicar?

25 millions is not enough !

Loner and Forlorn flaws

Wormfood - Dragon 333

Non-solid backgrounds

AD search!

When you lost me, Why you lost me

Non-good paladin

Monster Parts For Sale!

No replies to submission queries...

Thank you Eric Cagle

Strategies or rules to quicken combat particularly in the higher levels!

Dragon #332 Aberrant paragone Hit Dice where is it?

Barbarian variant article

Is the Forgotten Realms a dying game world?

missile mage

Where's my Dragon?

Backgrounds articles are printed on

Divine Inspiration?

Fantasy and Evolution?

Download Modules?

Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu!

Dragon is NOT what it used to be!

Dungeon or Dragon?

I'd like to start playing dungeons and dragons

Castles + Crusades = d&d lite?

This May Get Me Lynched, But...

Dragon #333

Dragon 333 Wrong Monster?

Printing Articles from Dragon Magazine Archive - HELP!

Using Dragon 325 in desert campaign

What hit die for the Aberrant Paragon?

Elminster's Guide - Halfway Inn and Character Sheets?

Concerning Acolyte of the fist...

Looking for 5 level Dwarf Prestige Class

Back Issues that are not currently available...

thoughts on simplified sanity checks in Dragon #330

Alternate Monk - past article

Which Issues have articles on Flaws?

I'm looking for an article also but its a little newer.

Cartoons in Silicon Sorcery....

Looking for Dragon article from mid 1980s about dream control ability


331 Lots and Lots of My Favorite Things

Aztec Knights


'Trophy Hunting' in Dragon #332

Ecology of the Explosion Dog

332 Norton appreciation well done

Realms PRC's I'd like to see

Devil Lords and Demon Princes

Need help with an article

Articles, sure. But how do I get your job? =D

Query Length

Dragon #298 PDF?

A non-striking monk?

Mega Poster Maps

The long wait

First edition versus 3.5 modules

Conjurer Prestige Class


New PC race

Submitting a query

All the bells and whistles

Leadership & Followers

Origins / Dragon Prestige Class Design Contest

Beowulf, Beowulf, Beowulf

Duom: Exotic or Martial?

Far Realm used in d20Modern

Questions about Polearm Feats in Dragon 331

Issue #331 in Canada

Prestige Class competition.

Greyhawk City in 3.5

Curious about Ravenloft ? Here's a freebie!

Ideas for theme-based prestige classes

Dragon #310

331 Missing Polearm Pics?

Alterative Primes

How about a nice "How to Draw" section....

Voodoo Pantheon

REQUEST: Expanded Class Acts

Illithidae (in Lords of Madness)

Issue 331's art is really good.

Class Acts as Reference cards

Question about Beholders...

Something I'm curious about

Why No NPC Famliars?


Issue #331, and my beef

Bolts of Arcane Penetration Question

Subscription Question?

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