Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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The Vorpal Sword

The Four Horsemen in D&D.

Editors' Picks and Preferences

Gem Dragons

Favorite issue ever

Dragon #333 & Tharizdun?

Peaceful Characters

|| Selling Dragon Magazines ||

Artwork in 330

Video Game Based Article

Old Dragon Issues

Fey in Dragon?

The Jester, Issue 330

An issue going to tie in with the Champions of Ruin release?

Dragon #329

Coverless Dragon #329

Pen & Paper Fan Awards

More Corrupt Spells?

Dragon Mag 330...where is the dread knight prc

Old Dragon Article on lizardfolk

To Dragon Staff

My sword and dagger don't get along.

metamagic feats and swift actions

Issue # 312, I cant find this issue and need some info please!!!

Symbiots, which issue?

Issue #330-oops I got the title's mixed up! DROW

Dragon Issue #130

Dragon Issue #327

Your 3 Favorite Dragon articles under Paizo.

#329 Class Acts Rogues

Magazines on CD-ROM?

ancient world

Elf Knights


#329; Now that's the Dragon I remember...

#329 Mesopotamian Mythos Yeah!

Forgotten Realms product question

wizards boards

Online Play or MASSIVE Help

Query about queries (and word counts)

Need a reference from an old issue

What is the issue # when Dragon Magazine 100% converted to 3.5?

help! I need to get my PCs in character!

#329 Class Acts Rogues

Annual index for Dragon magazine?

Dragon 274 - Legends of Sherwood

trait reqests

most / least useful spell issue

hat trick


Issues Search!

Flaws: your feedback on their use and abuse.

Suggestion for the dragon art director regarding covers.

Red knights in which issue?

Thoughts on #329

Help finding a Prestige class

Subscription vouchers instead of mags in the mail...

What when you cannot move back?

Writer's Guidelines / Prestige Class question . . .

Where do you read about the demon princes?

New Writers Guidelines

Qustion to the Editors

329 Unreadable Words?

Dragon #321: Infused question?

Dragon 284 and 274

Better paper stock?

Ok I may be a hertic asking for this but:

Golmoids v. Warforged

City of Towers please

REQUEST: Save the Druid!

players from chagrin area in Ohio

Cardboard Carriage letter from #329

Which issues are the War of the Spider Queen NPC's in

Dragon #322: Darkness Psuedo-Elementals

Issue #328 - Comments and Questions

Epic Levels and Savage Species

Slash from the past - Ravenloft

Why are vermin in D&D so stupid

Whatever happened to Chromatic Racial Classes?

Paizo's permission.

Why I let my Dragon subscription lapse.

Pronunciation guide. . .

Older races from Dragon in Eberron

Request: Mage-knight

giant society? searchable engine?

Poll on ENWorld

Code of the Minotaur (old Dragon)

Core classes

Cartoon characters???

Combat Style?

More Flaws Please.

Half-celestial template as class level progression

Request: Lankhmar Material

Tactical and Weapon Style Feats

Slippers of spider climbing and Webs

Eberron Magic Items

any one read this series?

Zogonia, Complete Adventurer

Insider's view of DRAGON (and DUNGEON)

Dragon Magazine Archive CD

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