The Rival Academies (Part 1)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Six Schools’ Convocation approaches with Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies! Before the book releases on March 5th, it’s time to let everyone in on a few school secrets.

The Convocation is ultimately an exhibition of what these six sponsor schools have to offer and a place to exchange knowledge so it outlives its discoverers. But far be it for any academic to accept that their exhibit wasn’t the most groundbreaking or that their plan for eradicating demons fell behind their rival’s!

So, the Convocation’s six schools have come together in a spirit of learning and competition, alongside their invited guests. But who are these schools, where do they learn the rest of the year, and what secrets have they brought with them?

Academy of the Reclamation

Academy of the Reclamation campus, art by Mirco Paganessi. A stone castle decorated with bright paintings

Academy of the Reclamation campus by Mirco Paganessi.

The Academy of the Reclamation may seem a strange host for this gathering of scholars. Located on the edge of the demon-haunted lands of Sarkoris, it’s so new that it’s just now celebrating its first graduating class. Its position in the fortress-city of Nerosyan does provide some surprising benefits, however, with old crusader barracks becoming temporary lodging for guests and the weapon racks of armories being replaced with bookshelves.

Still, the academy’s existence can’t be separated from the nation’s history. The people of Sarkoris were scattered for a hundred years, their lands overrun by endless swarms of demons from the Worldwound. Only once that portal to the Outer Rifts was closed could the process of healing the lands and people truly begin.

The Academy of the Reclamation seeks to gather the knowledge that dispersed along with the Sarkorian peoples. The magic—and even the names—of the land’s old gods must be reclaimed alongside all the stories, crafts, and traditions that defined the clans of Sarkoris. Somewhat controversially, the academy also embraces what the descendants of old Sarkoris learned during their long flight, even going so far as to establish a new school of wizardry.

Campfire Chronicler, art by Anselmi Hyytinen. A man dressed in decorated furs, uses magic while tending to a campfire Diarra Romagne, art by Anselmi Hyytinen. A woman dressed in decorated furs, holds a staff in one hand and a tray of cookies in the other.

Campfire Chronicler and Diarra Romagne by Anselmi Hyytinen.

It’s an easy mistake to see the Academy of the Reclamation as mired in sadness and loss. Although the work ahead for returning Sarkorians and their allies is vast, only a few years ago the demonic ranks and foul energy of the Outer Rifts were truly endless. Every day is now a step forward, with each demon killed or plot of land purified marking real progress toward the nation’s healing.

Spreading this hopeful message has mostly fallen to Diarra Romagne, who is making a rare appearance at the Convocation, spending most of her time traveling wherever the descendants of Sarkorian refugees can be found. Although not everyone is at a place in their life where they can join the academy, few can resist sharing their family’s story when presented with a smiling face and a plate of cookies.

Perhaps the academy’s proudest step thus far is rediscovering the rites of Isthralei, an old god of Sarkoris dedicated to protecting travelers in exchange for their stories. The campfire chroniclers who practice these rites have become an unofficial group of representatives, accepting the visiting students as their charges in Isthralei’s place.


Cobyslarni Campus, art by Bastien Jez. A large castle sits on the back on a massive, three eyed elephant, which is laying peacefully on a grassy field

Cobyslarni Campus by Bastien Jez.

No school gathers as much attention on the grounds of the Convocation as Cobyslarni. A massive elephantine creature simply arrived one day, the school atop his back, and settled into a convenient part of the Convocation grounds. This ancient creature, also named Cobyslarni, is the rarely heard headmaster of the school along with being its literal foundation.

The school spends most of its time in the fey realm of the First World, with excursions to other planes as suits the headmaster’s unexplained plans. Cobyslarni’s students are likewise gathered from the across the planes, but largely represent the fey. Its curriculum focuses on the magic of the fey, particularly the power of oaths and agreements. The most basic of these agreements, between students and their mentors, form the basis for Cobyslarni’s structure, as loose and chaotic as it may seem to outsiders.

With so many students visiting the mortal Universe for the first time, the culture shock is quite extreme. Time and terrain can seem suffocatingly rigid while death looms as an actual threat to fey students. Meanwhile, other attendees are left wondering whether the bird critiquing their exhibit is a professor offering honest feedback or someone’s familiar babbling random insults.

Echo Repository, art by Mirco Paganessi. Humanoids stand on the trunk of a massive elephant, looking down on its forehead where a large portal has opened up to show what appears to be a library

Echo Repository by Mirco Paganessi.

Along with countless smaller student exhibits of fey magic and artistry, Cobyslarni has also opened access to the Echo Repository, an extradimensional archive filled with things plucked from forgotten dreams. Although the smiling librarians are quick to offer cryptic guidance, even the students of Cobyslarni often find gremlins and mist-shrouded nightmares before they locate forgotten rites or stories lost to time.

That is not the only source for information that Cobyslarni brings, of course. The school travels through distant realms, its students learning strange secrets and gathering pacts with mysterious beings. Many students become witches by finding a single powerful being willing to enter a pact, with a chosen few even managing to catch the headmaster’s direct attention.

Students who dig deeper into the magic of pacts generally become pactbinders, tying themselves magically to many beings or even abstract concepts. The pactbinders of Cobyslarni have gathered many pacts from the Eldest to simple individual fey through their school’s long travels.

Kitharodian Academy

Kitharodian Academy campus, art by Mirco Paganessi. An aerial view of the Kitharodian academy campus featuring a lively courtyard with a fountain in the center

Kitharodian Academy campus by Mirco Paganessi.

The empire of Taldor has been a force to reckon with for thousands of years, and Kitharodian Academy is dedicated to retelling that history through songs, poetry, plays, and operas. As Taldor is a military and mercantile power in the Inner Sea, Kitharodian is a cultural power.

However, the academy and its patron are tied together through thick and thin. Taldor has declined over the centuries, becoming more insular and more focused on its past glory, and Kitharodian has followed suit. A handful of tales are told and retold, polished until they shine like gold. Meanwhile, students are compared to the centuries of artists who came before them.

While publicly staging grand productions of past emperors’ stories, it’s an open secret that many Kitharodian students turn their acting to serve the present empress, Eutropia. Although the school will carefully deny it, particularly at international events like the Convocation, many of its students go on to work as spies among the Lion Blades after graduation.

Kitharodian Academy exhibit, art by Mirco Paganessi. Academy attendees watching an exhibit on a rasied stage featuring a humanoid figure battling a large, horned creature

Kitharodian Academy exhibit by Mirco Paganessi.

The Convocation has presented a rare opportunity for Kith, as the students call themselves, to expand into new subject matter. These include stories from far-off lands, but also more recent events like the sealing of the Worldwound. They also have a chance to show their polished work to people who haven’t seen those stories a thousand times.

Sharing these stories and the techniques behind their telling is a pressing mission for Kith who wonder how long the empire’s relevance will last. But perhaps even then the stories still capture their larger-than-life personalities, from the heroic to the darkly comedic. The finest of Kitharodian’s students can truly inhabit those roles, like living vessels for the emperors of the past.

Retelling the same stories has fostered a strange sort of innovation, driving endlessly toward the freshest inspiration and the newest tools. While the inspiration found in moonlit trysts and raucous parties is an ephemeral thing, the workshops’ tools are useful in the shadows as often as on the stage.

And More to Come!

Alongside the other three sponsor schools we’ll be visiting next time, the Convocation is also playing host to the Sihedron Spires of New Thassilon and representatives of a dozen other schools. Story information and character options, from a new spell brought by a researcher to archetypes passed down through generations, can help you bring the schools to life in a campaign anywhere their students and graduates may travel.

Landon Winkler (they/them)

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Liberty's Edge

moosher12 wrote:
Errenor wrote:
moosher12 wrote:
Errenor wrote:
moosher12 wrote:
Actually, having access to a magical wikipedia is a Level 1 spell. Pocket Library.

As if. It actively refuses to give any answers. +1 to a skill you already have can't represent encyclopedias. They should give a skill you don't have at least.

I know, I know you are joking and I'm picking on trifles.

Just because you can look up a scientific document does not mean you're initiated enough to understand it.

Look at this day and age where you can look up anything on the internet, yet look at how much technical knowledge is actually known by the average joe despite this.

Things that pf characters want to know about in the game almost always aren't comparable with advanced science. You can look up an elephant on wiki and you just get a trove of information about it: size, some anatomy, some biology, some behaviour - anything pf character would want to know about a creature and much more. And you don't need to be a biologist for this. Moreover you could know nothing at all about elepants before this - and now you know enough.

Yes, identifying would be a bit harder, but there are identification guides.

Identification is the first step though. I think you forgot to realize how privileged you are in this day and age to even know what an elephant is. There's a lot of things we take for granted to know in the fact that we live in a world-wide society and actually have gone to primary, middle, and high school, and potentially college, alongside growing up with copious professional educational media. You phrase things like you're looking for the animal knowing what the animal is.

But if I described a small animal with black fur with yellow highlights, hard spiked fur, and a long snout, that might give you pause for thought. But it's certainly an animal I've never heard of before looking it up to describe as an example here. I never even knew it's family name. Now you ARE trained in...

Note that RK is an Untrained action.

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The Raven Black wrote:
Note that RK is an Untrained action.

Of course, I can attempt to recall knowledge on String Theory, does not mean I'll pass the check. Nor will I know what scientific documents are reputable to research it to get a bonus to the check. Of course I can try to acquire the skill after a long period of careful study, but by the time I know it well enough to use a reference document, then for practical purposes, I'll be trained.

Now, tell me I'm trying to recall knowledge on a mechanical/thermodynamic system instead, and I definitely know where to look to get the bonus.

Despite both types of documents being freely available to me via the internet.

In the words of some of my old professors: "Of course you could bring a cheat sheet. If you don't know what you're doing, you'd fail anyway."

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Brinebeast wrote:
The Shifty Mongoose wrote:

...Has anyone else wondered aloud if Cobyslarni was ever in a relationship with the Oliphaunt of Jandelay?

It probably couldn't last, if it happened.
Well, I have now shipped them as Olislarni. Someone needs to start writing the fanfic!

Where the junk in the trunk may just be a castle picked up and offered as a bouquet.

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