New Releases on Demiplane for Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder 2e Playtest

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Unleash your next hero with up to seven different unlocks!
Hello, Paizo Community! We are so excited to announce our newest releases and content releases from these past few months! We’re thrilled to be able to offer these official tools to the community and value your continued feedback about Pathfinder and Starfinder Nexus.



One of the most frequently requested features—the ability to export Pathfinder Nexus characters to a PDF—is live and available for both Starfinder and Pathfinder Nexus. Whether you want to show off your own character or your favorite iconic, build your character in minutes and have them ready in an editable PDF in seconds.


The life of an adventurer is a dangerous one, so feel welcome to choose from one of many pregenerated characters to tackle danger head on! Whether you’re looking to leverage Valeros’ fearlessness or Cutie Killstuff’s deceptively bright smile, pregenerated characters are only a few clicks away. Want to make edits? Every pregen can be tweaked to your heart’s desire—this allows new and experienced users to take advantage of “recommended builds” from official Pathfinder 2e content to get into the game quickly. Pregen characters are available on both Starfinder and PathfinderNexus and are kept up to date as more and more content is released.


Ever wanted to see what it was like to take the fiercest barbarian in Golarion and have them pilot a starship or find a missile launcher? Never let go of your dreams! You can select Pathfinder 2e content in Starfinder Nexus (and Starfinder 2e Playtest content in Pathfinder Nexus) during character creation.


Each character on Pathfinder Nexus can now track crafting projects, invested items, and rest/recovery rules:


Start a new crafting project following Pathfinder 2e rules. Start a new project, select an item to begin building, roll for results, and select your degree of success. We’ll let you know the number of days spent, the total amount of funds spent, and even allow players to spend additional days on the project if needed. Didn’t roll well? Did Bandits disrupt your crafting efforts again? Save your project for later, and we’ll store it until you’re ready to try again.


Characters can now invest and track invested items on their character sheet. Not sure which treasure of yours can be invested? We’ve got it covered for you. You seek out the loot, and we’ll handle the logistics with the investment drawer. Don’t want to be constrained by the rules? Override the maximum number of invested items and walk around like the bedazzled kobold you’ve always wanted to be—we won’t stop you.


Finally, we’ve finished our Rest & Recovery system, which allows players to quickly see the benefits of rest and select any additional rest options relevant to their character, be it resting without shelter, sleeping in armor, or resetting all your prepared spells. With the Rest & Recovery system completed, all relevant notes, penalties, or benefits should also be tracked for your review (we’re looking at you and your 2 hour ‘standby state,’ automatons).


Demplane: Starfinder Nexus - play the second edition playtest for free

Pathfinder Nexus and Starfinder Nexus are the official, online, all-in-one Pathfinder 2e & Starfinder 2e compendium and toolset for play wherever you are, be it a physical or virtual tabletop. Both systems host a library of enhanced rulebooks and quick-reference resources, as well as interactive tools useful for matchmaking, planning games, and managing real-time play for GMs and party members alike. Whether you’re running the game or joining the adventure, Pathfinder and Starfinder Nexus create an accessible, intuitive experience to bring your story to life.

You can try out both for free today! 

Pathfinder Nexus 

Starfinder Nexus

Demplane: Pathfinder Nexus - unleash your hero, explore at

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Roleplaying Game

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Wishing for export\import with Foundry VTT.

Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Is there any hope of having them not lock a bunch of stuff for SF2e playtest behind ownership of PF2 PC1? Like i know its stuff that's cross referenced and not reprinted but it seems detrimental to the playtest success

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, right off the hop, I checked out the pregens, and found that only 3 PFS pregens are available for free. All others are locked behind a paywall.

Isn't the whole point of the pregens to be available for new players to try out without being bogged down by learning how to create a character immediately? (I realize that this is not the complete picture, but probably makes up a close majority of the time.) Why would you lock down those characters that are supposed to be freely available to all users?

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have been progressively warming to the two nexuses, glad to see they are continuing to grow.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I really want to like Demiplane/Nexus, but I keep bouncing off because of a lack of mobile/tablet app, lack of foundry integration, and cost.

I've bought a couple of Lost Omens books on there and I enjoy them for reading on my phone and iPad mini over a pdf, but my mobile connection can be spotty with my phone and I'm not always sitting somewhere with wifi when I read on the tablet. Part of the reason I picked up a mini vs. a full size is the ability to sit in a park somewhere and read. There's also the fact that my LFGS doesn't have wifi in the shop, meaning everything has to be done locally.

My players and I all play in foundry these days, so lack of integration there makes it difficult to justify paying for rulebooks again, for a service that doesn't allow them to be used easily.

I could see paying for it if these issues are fixed, but for now I guess I'm sticking to .pdfs.

Blaydsong wrote:

So, right off the hop, I checked out the pregens, and found that only 3 PFS pregens are available for free. All others are locked behind a paywall.

Hey there! This doesn’t sound right at all and I have forwarded this to our Demiplane Pals to look into fixing in the next patch. Thank you for bringing this up so we can fix it! :)

Moth Mariner wrote:
Have been progressively warming to the two nexuses, glad to see they are continuing to grow.

Thank you for growing with us! :)

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