
MeredithDTRPG's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Moth Mariner wrote:
Have been progressively warming to the two nexuses, glad to see they are continuing to grow.

Thank you for growing with us! :)

Blaydsong wrote:

So, right off the hop, I checked out the pregens, and found that only 3 PFS pregens are available for free. All others are locked behind a paywall.

Hey there! This doesn’t sound right at all and I have forwarded this to our Demiplane Pals to look into fixing in the next patch. Thank you for bringing this up so we can fix it! :)

Ravien999 wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
Ravien999 wrote:
I'd like to double down on hephaistos' question - Is the two pages including OGL/ORC langauge and title card, or is it in addition to them?

Apologies for the delay on this!

It is two pages of *content created by you* so the licensing & legal lines or cover would not count against the two pages!

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Amethyst Tiefling wrote:
Is this a one page (front and back) adventure or any potential one page submission for Paizo Infinite?

Anything that fits within the guidelines!

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TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
Is this a contest, or a buildup to an explosion of content?

As many as you'd like! No limit as long as it meets the PFI Guidelines + in before the due date! :D

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TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
Is this a contest, or a buildup to an explosion of content?

Just a way for the community to celebrate for PaizoCon! Explosion of quick small content for people to enjoy during the Con and beyond!