How A God’s Death Impacts Pathfinder Society

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hey there Pathfinders! In our stream on Tuesday, we announced the god who will die in the War of Immortals. This blog discusses how that god’s death will affect characters in Pathfinder Society.

This blog contains spoilers for the War of Immortals! If you don’t want to know which god dies, click away now!

Seriously, I’m not joking. The god’s icon is like 5 lines down.

Now’s your last chance.

Okay, you’ve been warned!

Take it away, Josh!

Alex Speidel
Organized Play Coordinator

The religious symbol of Gorum: a sword driven into a mountain

Illustration Jeff Carlisle

Greeting Pathfinders,

By now you’ve all learned which of the core 20 will be dying—Gorum. Many of you may have characters that through one way or another draw power from Our Lord in Iron, and I can imagine that you’re all wondering what this means for those characters going forward. Our setting is one where dead gods don’t grant spells, no matter how fervent their remaining believers. We’re also running the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign in a living setting, and that means that setting-altering impacts will happen, and that they will matter. So, starting at Gen Con, August 1st 2024, Gorum will no longer be alive to grant his faithful power.

The armored god Gorum menacingly wields a sword, the glow of his eyes the only thing visible within his helm

Illustration by Ksenia Kozhevnikova

What that means is that any character with an option than relied on Gorum, such as a cleric, gets a free rebuild immediately. You don’t have to use it right away, but if you want to play your character on or after August 1st, you won’t be getting power from Gorum. I know many of you have characters intensely devoted to the gods they follow, and I’ve seen some really incredible Gorumites in my time volunteering for Pathfinder Society and since coming on as a developer. You don’t have to erase that fervor though. Just as we allow the reporting conditions for our scenarios to shape our setting, changes to the setting can be a part of your character’s story. We have some of the most creative players out there, and I look forward to seeing how you incorporate this twist into the characters you play.

A heavily armored dwarven priest of Gorum weilds an axe in one hand and a steel shield emblazoned with Gorum’s symbol in the other. He’s clearly looking for a fight.

Illustration by Francesco Graziani

The death of Gorum is going to hugely impact the setting, but we’ll also be releasing some Godsrain scenarios, so you’ll be able to play through some of the setting-altering aftermath of Our Lord in Iron’s demise. I know some of you will still be disappointed that a character you’ve put a lot into has to change, but we can’t keep our promise of a living setting if we don’t have those setting changes impact everyone. Though Gorum will be gone, your characters’ stories will continue. And I can’t wait to show you some of the scenarios we’ve shaped around this massive event, stories you’ll be able to contribute to because this is a living setting.

But that’ll have to wait for another blog. So, to reiterate, as of August 1st, Gorum will be dead, and any option explicitly receiving power from him won’t work. Any character using such an option, like a cleric, will receive a free rebuild. Until then, play your Gorumites’ hearts out.

Happy gaming everyone. It’s been a blast watching everyone’s theories and reactions throughout this announcement process.

Josh Foster
Pathfinder Society Developer

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Grand Archive 4/5 5/55/5 *

Character Options wrote:
Beginning on November 15, 2023, if a class has been reprinted in the Player Core, no new characters may be created using its class chassis as printed in the Core Rulebook...

As the Cleric was reprinted in the Player Core and the 'Gorum is dead' rebuild is after that. It would very much stand to reason that the answer to

1) Can the Core Rulebook chassis be used instead of the Player Core chassis?

is very likely no, as the whole point is to transition to the remaster everything.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

The answer to 1) is no, as no clerics may be built using the CRB chassis as of the release of Player Core 1.

JohannVonUlm wrote:
x x 342 wrote:
Master of None wrote:
x x 342 wrote:

Going back to PFS1, I have always and only played clerics of Gorum. So POOP.

Three questions on the 'free rebuild':
1) Can the Core Rulebook chassis be used instead of the Player Core chassis?
2) How much gp does the character get on the rebuild? The 15% tax/penalty on the remaster rebuild is a problem.
3) Will the answers to my first two questions be documented somewhere other than as a post on this forum to establish a Source of Authority?

I think the answers for all of your questions can be found in the remaster section of The Guide to Organized Play.
I think the remaster section of The Guide to Organized Play is specific to the remaster. The 'free rebuild' for clerics of Gorum is not a remaster and the rules may or may not be the same as the remaster rules. I posted my comment hoping to get my questions definitively answered by someone either at paizo or at PFS3.
Gorum's death is still a future event. I'd imagine that when the book that formailizes it is published, Alex and our PFS leadership will tell us how it works.

Well yeah, but .... as I read this thread, my PFS GMs are being 'directed' to not allow my Gorum cleric starting August 1. I may be wrong but I'm not expecting a book in the next five weeks. IMHO an update to The Guide to Organized Play that is specific to the death of Gorum would be 'very helpful'.


Alex Speidel wrote:
The answer to 1) is no, as no clerics may be built using the CRB chassis as of the release of Player Core 1.

That's...really bad.

By all means mandate that new characters must use the new rules, but we are not talking about new characters, we are talking about extant characters. And my understanding was that all existing characters were grand fathered in (as they absolutely should be). That should apply just as much to (former) clerics of Gorum as to anyone else.

It doesn't affect me directly, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. And I would imagine those who are directly affected will be (rightly) livid.

Grand Lodge **

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, what's the difference in class chassis for Clerics?

Some very slight wording tweaks. Changes to descriptions to keep up with changes to the rules (mentions of alignment removed, paragraph on Sanctioning added, mentions of spellcasting components removed, trained in "spells" instead of just "divine spells," "negative" and "positive" replaced with "void" and "vitality," ability boosts to attribute boosts... I think that's all of them). Wording that matches the current rules is a little easier to use, but there's no changes to the actual class here.

Trained in Cleric Class DC. Oh man, people have been complaining about how spellcasters without this training can't really use certain options from Archetype feats for a long time. This will have no impact at all on most characters, but for those who use it it's an improvement with no downside.

Divine Font no longer linked to Charisma. However, the number you get is now equal to the maximum possible you could get before. Unless you maximized Charisma and took a Charisma apex item... but aside from that being a very odd choice, it's also out of the level range of PFS anyway. An improvement with no downside.

Cloistered Cleric's Fourth Doctrine now grants Expert in simple weapons and unarmed attacks as well as your deity's favored weapon, though favored weapon still gets the extra boost of Crit Specialization. An improvement with no downside.

Warpriest's Third Doctrine now grants Expert in simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks as well as your deity's favored weapon, though favored weapon still gets the extra boost of Crit Specialization (it was always weird that Warpriests gained Training in martial weapons as their main feature at 3rd level, then effectively lost it at 7th level). An improvement with no downside.

Warpriest's Final Doctrine now grants Master proficiency in your deity's favored weapon as well as spells. Okay, I guess what I said about gaining proficiency just to lose it still applies, but at least it takes 12 more levels. And regardless, it's an improvement with no downside.

I went through it line-by-line, and I didn't see anything else.

Five changes. Three are to doctrines so any given character isn't affected by all five, and two of those are basically the same tweak to both doctrines (plus one of them is at 19th level, so...).
The only change likely to make any significant difference for most characters is the buff to Divine Font, but all five changes are buffs. Who's livid over three or four marginal buffs?

Some classes had more changes, but Cleric isn't one of them.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Super Zero wrote:


The only change likely to make any significant difference for most characters is the buff to Divine Font, but all five changes are buffs. Who's livid over three or four marginal buffs?

Some classes had more changes, but Cleric isn't one of them.

So, while that's all good, I think they might have wanted to rebuild OUT of the cleric class into another, non-remastered one, maybe something like battle oracle?

Just speculation on my part, trying to guess why they are angry about this.


Super Zero wrote:
So, what's the difference in class chassis for Clerics?

It doesn't matter what the changes are. We were told that they would be optional, and now a subset of us is being told "except for you - for you they're compulsory". That's not cool.

There's also the factor that to keep playing the former cleric of Gorum as a cleric now potentially comes with a 40ish quid price tag (I know it's core assumption or whatever it's called now, so you can look it up on AoN but not everyone has Internet during their PFS sessions or suitable devices). Obviously, Paizo wants us to buy the new books, but being heavy handed is the wrong way to go about it IMNSHO.

Grand Lodge **

Compulsory expert proficiency in simple weapons. Okay. If you don't use them, there won't be a difference there.

Your complaint is something that did happen, but this isn't the case where it happened.

Grand Archive 4/5 5/55/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
glass wrote:
It doesn't matter what the changes are. We were told that they would be optional, and now a subset of us is being told "except for you - for you they're compulsory". That's not cool.


Yep. It is how it goes.

glass wrote:
Obviously, Paizo wants us to buy the new books, but being heavy handed is the wrong way to go about it IMNSHO.

I think you are mistaken. The goal is for all characters to operate under the same rules. This is for ease of GMing.


You can just write down the changes on your sheet. The differences between Legacy and remaster cleric are so minimal nobody will care if you're referencing the old book and just have two stars on your character sheet to remind you a feature changed a tiny bit. The internet is only needed for a brief moment while leveling up once or twice.


Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
glass wrote:
It doesn't matter what the changes are. We were told that they would be optional, and now a subset of us is being told "except for you - for you they're compulsory". That's not cool.
Yep. It is how it goes.

It's not an immutable law of nature that that is "how it goes". Someone's decided that that is how it is going to go in this case, and they could (and IMO should) have decided differently, and could still change that decision.

Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
glass wrote:
Obviously, Paizo wants us to buy the new books, but being heavy handed is the wrong way to go about it IMNSHO.
I think you are mistaken. The goal is for all characters to operate under the same rules. This is for ease of GMing.

Mistaken about what? That Paizo wants us to buy their stuff? I am pretty sure I am not!

As for ease of GMing, what difference does it make to the GM which version of a class a player is using? That's the player's responsibility to track, and 90% of the time the the GM doesn't need to worry about it (that's one of PF2's strengths relative to PF1).

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