Field Test #2: Putting the Fantasy in Science-Fantasy

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023

Starfinder releases its second Field Test!
Hey everyone! Welcome to the exciting reveal of our second Starfinder Second Edition Field Test.

If you didn’t already know, there's a new edition of Starfinder on the way. We’ve previously released a Field Test document that highlighted a work-in-progress snapshot of the new soldier class, plus some new firearms. Today we’re taking a similar approach and releasing the first five levels of the new mystic class, along with a handful of Starfinder 2e spells.

Concept art of shirred mystic, Chk Chk, art by Kent Hamilton

Concept Sketches by Kent Hamilton

Mystic is a class that we’re really interested in getting more feedback on. As a spontaneous caster, its connections currently give it access to the divine and primal traditions. However, regardless of the chosen connection, the mystic gains powerful healing in the form of its vitality network ability. Mystics can further customize how they use their vitality network through their connection and feat choices, but you’ll have to download the Field Test to learn more!

In our playtests, the mystic has been exceptionally efficient as a healer, in part because its powerful vitality network ability has the potential to restore large sums of Hit Points as a single action. However, the mystic is also a class that manages its resources, either doling out Hit Points in smaller chunks or saving up for a big heal that depletes the vitality network entirely. We found that in challenging encounters, the mystic might easily deplete their vitality network and need to decide whether or not keeping allies alive at low Hit Points is worth the risk.

This new rendition of the mystic relies on its connection and forming bonds with fellow party members. It shares a lot of the same design space as the First Edition mystic, just reworked to fit the Second Edition engine and to mesh in a broader sense with the setting. We’re taking some steps to allow for mystics to be more directly connected to deities, which wasn’t entirely possible in the past. This means that a player can create a mystic character who is a priest or follower of a deity and gain many of the same benefits that a cleric might enjoy. Don’t worry, mystics won’t be required to worship a deity.

Along with the mystic, we’re also including some new spells for everyone to check over. Some of these are spells we mentioned in our prior Field Test, now with actual stats included. In addition, we’ve included some fun thematic spells like doom scroll and motivating ringtone, which really show what Starfinder has to offer in terms of a truly different type of spellcasting—not to mention the modern and futuristic themes we want to explore with our new rules. As always, we’re excited to see fan feedback on our work and can’t wait to see the thoughts people share with us in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned for our upcoming Paizo Live, where members of the Starfinder team will further discuss the Field Test, as well as give some hints on exciting up-and-coming content for the new edition of Starfinder.

— The Starfinder Team

-Thurston Hillman, Managing Creative Director (Starfinder)
-Jenny Jarzabski, Senior Developer
-Dustin Knight, Developer
-Jessica Catalan, Starfinder Society Developer

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Zoken44 wrote:
Oh, can you link to where a Paizo source mentioned they would be compatible enough to use classes from PF2e in SF2e? I hadn't seen that.

The field tests themselves talk about it, as does starfinderplaytest/faq.

My understanding was that they had stated the meta-state of the games were going to be very different, which would lead to things like ancestries with flying at early levels, and classes with universal proficiency in ranged weapons that deal energy damage, and weapons that deal AOE damage. All of which would throw the power balance of a paty way out of wack from the current PF2e meta.

Things like flight isn't a math change (and PF2e technically already has flight at level 1 options). High access to ranged energy damage is also not a major shift, cantrips exist. Weapons that deal out AoE damage will exist, but from what we've seen they aim to still keep their output controlled so that it fits with the rest of the game.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think the balance of portable games elements is a really interesting area, where we shouldn't jump to conclusions until we've seen more of the game yet.

On the one hand, the StarFriends have said the games will be compatible. In some of the interviews and podcasts, they've spoken about how great it'll be to not have to re-print monsters in both games if they already exist in one. Need a daemon in SF2? No prob, grab the stats from PF2, give it a laser rifle (i.e. ranged attack that does Fire dmg) and you're good to go! This implies the 'math' about monster defenses, HP, offenses, etc are likely to be the same.

But, on the other hand, they've also very specifically and intentionally said that "compatible" is not the same as "balanced," and that different meta-game assumptions can change things such that game elements that are balanced in one game might be OP or imbalanced in the other. Just making up examples, but: while you can bring a PF2 Fighter into SF2, having loads of reliable melee damage in a system that isn't equipped for that might break stuff. Similarly, sure you could bring a Soldier into PF2, but having loads of reliable non-magic AoE damage might break encounters. Just making up examples (the Solarian being a Str-primary attribute class means the game design more than likely is accounting for melee beatsticks, for example) but you get my point.

So, maybe they'll be exactly the same, but I wouldn't be surprised if the monster stats tables diverge a little - especially at higher levels. Maybe PF2 will have higher ACs, but SF2 will have more HP, or something.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Something I realized: lot of mystic feats at level 1 feels like character choices you'd want to make at level 1 without having to play as human to get extra mystic feat.

Like sounds weird to have your shirren xenodruid mystic pick their order at level 2 :'D

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