Paizo LIVE has become one of my favorite events. If you haven’t joined us, it’s our near-monthly, 2-hour live Twitch show featuring the Paizo staff and guests talking about upcoming Pathfinder and Starfinder releases. Join us for Episode 9 of Paizo LIVE from 4 to 6 p.m. Pacific next Friday, February 18, 2022.
You can catch past episodes on YouTube, including last month when we discussed Starfinder Galactic Magic, the Pathfinder Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path, and Organized Play updates.
On Paizo LIVE, you can get the scoop about Paizo’s biggest products from some of the people who made them, helping you to understand the story they are telling, the innovations they bring to the game, and the insider stories of the products’ creation. Plus, we add a ton of Paizo LIVE spoilers about upcoming products that are worth hunting for. The wit and wisdom of the Paizo Staff is timeless, so you’ll want to watch every episode!
On the next episode, we will present our February 23 Releases, including Lost Mammoth Valley, the second volume of the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path. We will also start the hype about the next Starfinder Society metaplot.
Then we will look ahead to March with Pathfinder Book of the Dead, Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight, and more!
We have the pleasure of welcoming Jessica Catalan on the show, who is the Starfinder Society Developer, the author of Lost Mammoth Valley, and is one of two authors on the cover of Pathfinder Book of the Dead, along with Jason Bulmahn. We’re hoping to have Jason on, too.
Have questions about upcoming products? Ask them here or save them for the Twitch chat! We’ll see you on Friday, February 18, for Paizo LIVE at!
Adventures Ahead!
Aaron Shanks,
Marketing and Media Manager
On the Next Paizo LIVE: Mammoth Releases!
Friday, February 11, 2022