Kingmaker Campaign Ends Soon!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Four iconic Pathfinder adventurers -- Amiri the barbarian, Lini the druid, Harsk the ranger and Sajan the monk --  approach a walled fortress at the top of a hill.

The Kingmaker Late Pledge campaign ends in one week! This is your final opportunity to seize the Kingmaker Adventure Path and Companion Guide at special pricing, as well as to pick up exclusive Add-On products that won’t be available in stores. From Hero Point tokens and Kingmaker-themed dice to the Kingdom Management Screen, this is your opportunity to make your Kingmaker campaign something truly memorable! The campaign runs through 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on September 30, so head over to and lock in your pledge!

Reminder: Kingmaker products are not part of any subscription.

Kingmaker Adventure Path

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Adventure Path 640-page hardcover

A stunning 640-page hardcover, the Kingmaker Adventure Path provides GMs everything they need to run this epic campaign. All six chapters published in 2010 will be updated to Pathfinder Second Edition rules—plus a new prologue makes its tabletop debut in this release! Detailed appendices provide GMs with flavorful gazetteers of the campaign’s myriad locations, from the Stolen Lands at large to the rival city of Pitax.

The Kingmaker Adventure Path also features complete rules for hex-map exploration, kingdom building, and management to bring the campaign’s most innovative elements to life at your table. Lastly, a bestiary of new and updated monsters that feature prominently in the Adventure Path give GMs of any campaign new tools to torment their player characters with! The expanded adventure path also includes new material, including:

Barony Expansion: You’ll get a wealth of new tools, options, and encounters to complicate your players’ lives during the early days of their nation’s foundation. What strange events, dangerous complications, and unexpected boons await, and what effect might they have on the nation during its tender formative years?

Season of Bloom: A strange and frightening contagion spreads through your lands—people are getting sick, going mad, and ultimately bursting open as horrific monsters emerge from within to rampage through the kingdom! Can you cure this strange affliction and bring the Season of Bloom to a close before your nation falls apart from within?

Candlemere Dungeon: The ancient legacy of an eldritch god still holds sway. The deadly truths hidden away within the chambers below Candlemere will test your PCs to the very limits of sanity and life alike! Are the powerful treasures and ancient secrets to be discovered in the sprawling ruins below Candlemere worth the dangers your PCs will face, or are some things best left forgotten?

Cursed King: Take your Kingmaker PCs on their most deadly and dangerous adventure ever! With this expansion, the Kingmaker Adventure Path will provide enough content for your party of adventurers to reach the absolute height of power, finishing the campaign as 20th-level heroes... that is, if you can survive these final epic encounters!

Kingmaker Companion Guide

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Companion Guide 128-page hardcover

Kingmaker Companion Guide: Inspired by the Pathfinder: Kingmaker computer game from Owlcat Games, the Kingmaker Companion Guide is a 128-page hardcover that expands on the experience by providing details on twelve companion NPCs who are destined to accompany you into the Stolen Lands. Each NPC in the Kingmaker Companion Guide is presented at several points during their adventuring careers, and as your PCs get to know them, each will reveal additional quests in the Stolen Lands, giving your party ever more opportunities to grow in power and fame. Further rules expanding specialized roles in kingdom management, shenanigans that could take place around campfires or in taverns between adventures, and other downtime activities will help to fill the gaps between adventures and improve your characters’ and your kingdom’s legend with each friend you make!

Bestiaries for Pathfinder and 5E

You’ll also find the Kingmaker Bestiary for 5E and Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition available as optional Add-Ons after you’ve backed the campaign.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Bestiary for 5E 160-page hardcover

Kingmaker Bestiary for 5E: More than 140 monsters and key NPCs from the Kingmaker Adventure Path pack the pages of this 160-page hardcover guide to the dangers and denizens of the River Kingdoms, all in glorious 5E rules! Whether used as a companion volume to help convert the entire Kingmaker campaign or as a handy way to add new challenges and foes to 5E campaigns of all varieties, these time-tested critters and foes are sure to keep your players on their toes! With rules conversion and additional design by our friends at Legendary Games, this collection of creatures translates seamlessly across game systems and is a perfect addition to any 5E campaign! This product includes both print and PDF versions.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition 160-page hardcover

Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition: We’ve got you covered with the hardcover Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition, a 160-page monster and NPC resource that converts the new companions, NPCs, and monsters unlocked by this campaign into old-school Pathfinder First Edition. Play along in the new and updated encounters with this helpful conversion guide featuring back-converted stats for the entire Kingmaker campaign, plus other rules conversions, tips and tricks to run the campaign smoothly. This add-on book is your ticket to playing Kingmaker in classic style.

There are also three exclusive products that won’t be available at retail stores. Make sure to pick up the Kingmaker Commemorative Hero Point Token from Campaign Coins, Kingmaker-themed dice from Q-Workshop, and the Kingdom Management Screen.

We’ll see you at!

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Tags: Kingmaker Pathfinder Adventure Path

I'm a late comer and I'm interested in this. Do "Late Backers" get the PDFs for the Kingmaker Adventure Path, People of the River, etc. that Backers received?

90$ for one book? yikes

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hmm, aren’t the AP books $25 each, so for 6 of them for the whole adventure you would typically pay $150. SO including all the extra stuff that has been added, as well as updating to PF2 rules, seems like it is a very good deal.

Already backed it but I might pick up a few add-on before time runs out, particularly the pawns. I'm already prepping even MORE stuff to add to it once I get it!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just added a bunch of add ons, I think that unlocked the next level though I don't know if that makes a difference in the late pledge stage.

I would really appreciate if Paizo didn't do business via kickstarter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The way I read this page, the D&D5e and Pathfinder1e bestiaries will be available on their own after the crowd funding campaign. Is that correct?

I absolutely cannot back this now, but I'm interested in picking up the 1e bestiary later.

I was disappointed that the Vampire Hunter D Pathfinder book (from Paizo) never made it to the website after that Kickstarter ended.

Paizo Employee VP of Marketing & Licensing

Swiftbrook wrote:
I'm a late comer and I'm interested in this. Do "Late Backers" get the PDFs for the Kingmaker Adventure Path, People of the River, etc. that Backers received?

No, the backer PDFs were part of the original launch campaign and are not available during the current late pledge campaign.


Paizo Employee VP of Marketing & Licensing

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wolf Munroe wrote:
The way I read this page, the D&D5e and Pathfinder1e bestiaries will be available on their own after the crowd funding campaign. Is that correct?

Yes, all of the products from the campaign will make their way to and your favorite local game store when they release in late 2020. The exception to this are the exclusive items (the commemorative hero point token, the Kingmaker-themed dice set, the slipcase, and the kingdom management screen); these can only be picked up from the Game On campaign page after you've selected a reward level.


Paizo Employee VP of Marketing & Licensing

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Just added a bunch of add ons, I think that unlocked the next level though I don't know if that makes a difference in the late pledge stage.

There aren't any unlocks during the Late Pledge campaign, as we did all the unlocks during the initial launch campaign.


Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Jim Butler wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Just added a bunch of add ons, I think that unlocked the next level though I don't know if that makes a difference in the late pledge stage.

There aren't any unlocks during the Late Pledge campaign, as we did all the unlocks during the initial launch campaign.


Understandable, since planning, assignments, etc. would be based off the achieved stretch goals at the actual campaign close. But still kinda sad that some goals would have otherwise been met.

I am looking forward to this so much!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ageron wrote:
Jim Butler wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Just added a bunch of add ons, I think that unlocked the next level though I don't know if that makes a difference in the late pledge stage.

There aren't any unlocks during the Late Pledge campaign, as we did all the unlocks during the initial launch campaign.


Understandable, since planning, assignments, etc. would be based off the achieved stretch goals at the actual campaign close. But still kinda sad that some goals would have otherwise been met.

I am looking forward to this so much!

FYI . . .

From this thread Kingmaker Late Pledge Campaign

Mark Moreland wrote:

To head off any confusion, because we were so close to unlocking the Ekundayo level-up when the campaign ended, and because we knew we'd have this late pledge window to push us over that last hurdle, we went ahead and unlocked it for the final book!


Jim Butler wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
I'm a late comer and I'm interested in this. Do "Late Backers" get the PDFs for the Kingmaker Adventure Path, People of the River, etc. that Backers received?

No, the backer PDFs were part of the original launch campaign and are not available during the current late pledge campaign.


I understand but I'm sad. Since there in nothing to show for my money for the next 15 months, I think I'll hold on to it. I understand that I may pay a little more, but I'll also have the benefit of reviews before I make a purchase. I'm not interested in the three 'campaign only' Exclusive items, but the currently available PDFs, if included, would have been an incentive to buy now.

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