Guest Organized Play Blog: SkålCon turns Five Years Old

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

SkålCon Logo

This September marks the five-year anniversary of the Minnesota Paizo Organized Play (MN POP) group’s fundraising convention, SkålCon. Since the very beginning, our goal was always to raise as much money as we could, take in as many wish list items as possible, roll some dice, have fun, and try to surpass the previous year’s total. Over the years, we’ve done just that. A lot has changed in these past five years, but the spirit of generosity has not.

It is a testament to SkålCon’s mission that we are a destination convention for people across the country. We cannot do this alone! Support comes in many forms: our local volunteers, without whom this would never have happened; Paizo, who donates charity boons, sanctions runs of retired scenarios, and providing staff members such as Tonya Woldridge as attendees; to our convention goers, who donate money and items to those in need. Everything adds up to make for an amazing experience for everyone!

How does a relatively small regional convention such as SkålCon grow to get national, even international, attention? With a little help from our friends. Thurston Hillman, for one. He was instrumental in helping our convention get off the ground. His willingness to help in a myriad of ways, regardless of what it was we asked him to do, went a long way in ensuring we could put on our little convention the following years. Thurston also helped spread the word about our community’s dedication to the idea of SkålCon. Every year, I meet more and more people, most of whom I had never met before, who ask me when SkålCon is and if they can volunteer. Why? Because Thursty, that’s why.

While every convention is different, so our experience will be different than yours, Paizo event support is consistant. They have the ability to help you promote your convention. work with you to find the appropriate level of support for your convention, be it one that seats 15 or 150 tables over a weekend, and ask “How can we help make your convention better?” Most of the Org Play team has a Venture Corps background and were once doing what you are planning to do, so they understand the challenges of hosting an event. Paizo is in a position to give you the right level of support no matter what size convention you are running, and we encourage you to use them as a resource.

What do we do with the collected donations? We give them to Tubman, which helps women, men, youth and families throughout the Twin Cities who have experienced relationship violence, elder abuse, addiction, sexual exploitation or other forms of trauma. You can learn more about their mission at

Finally, I want to share a few words from Tubman’s Director of Communications, Emily Truscott:

“Since 2015, SkålCon participants and organizers have contributed nearly $20,000 and countless diapers, food items, clothing, and toiletries to support the people who need Tubman’s services. People come to Tubman due to domestic violence, sexual assault, addiction, and many other situations, and the support from the community means so much—not only in the tangible necessities, but because it sends a message to our clients that people care about them. Knowing that the community is supporting them while they go through these life-changing situations can make a huge impact on someone’s life. All of us at Tubman are grateful for the SkålCon community and what they’ve done for people at Tubman.”

SkålCon is September 20-22 2019 at Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West and we invite you to join us! Our website has all the information you need to attend.

Jon Dehning
Organizing Committee, SkålCon

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Every year, the staff proves that Skål Con is best con.

Shadow Lodge

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Dark Archive


Dark Archive

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Thanks to everyone at GenCon that supported us by donating a dollar for a badge a ribbon. I think we raised ~$130 over the weekend.

Thank you all so very much!

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I am looking forward to my second year at Skalcon.

Dark Archive

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Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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I'll be there. Running "Into the Perplexity: The Second Trial"


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

SkålCon is second to none and it's not even close.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Last year was my first year at SkålCon, and it was a blast. If you're anywhere near Minneapolis that weekend, do whatever you can to attend.

Also, many thanks to Thursty and all of the other Paizo folks who make it out to our little con in flyover country. :D

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


Grand Lodge Contributor

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I wish I could make it out there. Maybe next year! It's been too long since I've seen Swat in action. Hope you guys can make it out to PaizoCon next year!



1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll be there as a GM for most of it. Except Sunday when my gnome delves into the Perplexity again. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Scarab Sages

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I'll make it someday!

Dark Archive

Woran wrote:
I'll make it someday!

Yes you will!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pinstripedbarbarian wrote:

I wish I could make it out there. Maybe next year! It's been too long since I've seen Swat in action. Hope you guys can make it out to PaizoCon next year!


Gallowspire is set as the swan song for SWAT. There will be no more after as we are set to retire the next week.

Shadow Lodge


Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Pinstripedbarbarian wrote:

I wish I could make it out there. Maybe next year! It's been too long since I've seen Swat in action. Hope you guys can make it out to PaizoCon next year!


Gallowspire is set as the swan song for SWAT. There will be no more after as we are set to retire the next week.

Truly the end of an era.

I'll never forget that run of Alabastrine, where y'all came up to me after and were explaining "THURSTY! They tried to bribe the cops!!!"

The Exchange

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Pinstripedbarbarian wrote:

I wish I could make it out there. Maybe next year! It's been too long since I've seen Swat in action. Hope you guys can make it out to PaizoCon next year!


Gallowspire is set as the swan song for SWAT. There will be no more after as we are set to retire the next week.

Truly the end of an era.

I'll never forget that run of Alabastrine, where y'all came up to me after and were explaining "THURSTY! They tried to bribe the cops!!!"

While that one was pretty good, I was reminded of possibly my most epic and favorite SWAT story this past PaizoCon.

Me: sniff.... sniff...

Grand Lodge

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Pinstripedbarbarian wrote:

I wish I could make it out there. Maybe next year! It's been too long since I've seen Swat in action. Hope you guys can make it out to PaizoCon next year!


Gallowspire is set as the swan song for SWAT. There will be no more after as we are set to retire the next week.

"I got my boat, my elven gal, and some beautiful trout waiting to reel um in. Life is good"

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

SkalCon is the best and I'm so excited to see everyone this year and in the future!

Hotel for Saturday is completely booked so if you need help finding other options please reach out to us and we'll figure it out!

<3 <3

Manifold Host

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thurston Hillman wrote:


I'll be there. Running "Into the Perplexity: The Second Trial"


Charli looks up at Thurston. "It was a terrifying but awesome experience. Be prepared to fight for your lives!"

Grand Lodge

SkålCon is a wonderful convention. I recommend it to everyone as being a fantastic experience having fun raising money for a great cause!


Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Leg o' Lamb wrote:

Or maybe it should be 'Heja'? ;)

It would be great to visit Minnesota someday; and if I ever moved to the States, Minneapolis-Saint Paul area is where I'd most likely want to live. I've never heard of SkålCon before, but it sounds like just my type of convention. Keep up the good work, people! :)

Sovereign Court

Just got a flyer for that from Con of the North. Going to see about playing some 2nd edition mods.

Hope I can get q table without a father/son duo for once. :/

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