It Pays to Read

Monday, March 21, 2016

Behold! New sanctioned material!

While co-managing an organized play campaign that touches upon nearly everything that Paizo publishes in one way or another, Linda and I spend a lot of our off-time reading, catching up on the latest publications, and thinking about how to incorporate them in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. Today, we bring you more sanctioned content for your enjoyment both at and away from the gaming table!

One of my favorite projects is sanctioning the Pathfinder Tales novels, which continue to impress me with the authors' insight into our shared campaign setting, fun characters, and subtle incorporation of game mechanics into the narratives. This latest round of reading began with Michael A. Stackpole's The Crusader Road, a story of frontier survival in the River Kingdoms, and concluded with Tim Pratt's Liar's Island, a tale of mischief, humor, and opportunistic heroism in Jalmeray. If you're a fan of the Darklands—especially if you enjoyed the recently released Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Shadows and Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Darklands Revisited—you'll love Forge of Ashes by Paizo's own Josh Vogt, who shows us how cool an oread can be and how delightfully bizarre the Darklands' residents are. Check out both Pathfinder Tales, Volume VI and Pathfinder Tales, Volume VII for all eight of the newest sanctioned novels.

On a related note, remember that Audible now produces audiobook versions of the Pathfinder Tales novels, letting you experience the stories wherever you go. Our partnership with TOR also means that these novels are available in ebook form through a variety of online retailers. In light of the new digital formats available, showing a GM the audiobook or ebook file on your phone, laptop, or even printed out screenshot now qualifies for activating any of the Pathfinder Tales boons.

But that's not all! Linda has also composed the sanctioning document for Pathfinder Module: Daughters of Fury, opening up new adventure content for character levels 2-6. As with many of our sanctioned 64-page modules, this adventure is broken into three chapters, each with its own Chronicle sheet. Play the whole adventure with the same character to qualify for a bonus Chronicle sheet at the end, helping to either boost your PC's Prestige Point total or gain additional experience points and wealth.

You can download all of the sanctioning document files from their respective product pages. These documents will be added to the Additional Resources page next week, along with the rest of the monthly update.

We're busily looking ahead to other sanctioned content in the Module, Adventure Path, and Tales lines, so don't worry if you don't see the next publication's Chronicle sheets here; they're in the pipeline. We'll see you next week for a preview of March's new scenarios.

John Compton
Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

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Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Thanks John and Linda for this update. Glad to see both Daughters of Fury being added to the scantioned material as well as more novels. I am looking forward to seeing what those will bring to the table.

Dataphiles 3/5

Thanks to both you and Linda for your work on this. I've been really impressed with, and thankful for, the work you've both done sanctioning new material for the campaign(especially Iron Gods.) Purely out of curiosity are any of the older AP's being considered for sanctioning?

As someone who has no idea how PFS works, how do the Pathfinder Tales playable scenarios?

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

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H2Osw wrote:
As someone who has no idea how PFS works, how do the Pathfinder Tales playable scenarios?

They aren't scenarios, but minor boons you can add to your character.

You just have to show that you have the book, so that your GM can initial the sheet.

I have a number that I have to fill out, myself. ^_^

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They're not playable scenarios - they're small boons you get to apply to your characters for owning the novels.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Any thought to boons for the comic book series?


Kalindlara wrote:
H2Osw wrote:
As someone who has no idea how PFS works, how do the Pathfinder Tales playable scenarios?

They aren't scenarios, but minor boons you can add to your character.

You just have to show that you have the book, so that your GM can initial the sheet.

I have a number that I have to fill out, myself. ^_^

Although trying to play through them might actually be a fun idea. I'm assuming that most of the characters and monsters presented in the books could be statted out and a large number of Pathfinder adventures are fairly linear to begin with...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Now I need to make a character that can use my murktouch cloak. :)

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Thanks for keeping the Tales support rolling!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Really excited to see if Bloodbound is in the list, would love something flavorful to add on to add onto my dhampir.

Thanks for the great work!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Malikjoker wrote:
Any thought to boons for the comic book series?

I just got those out of the second Humble Bundle.. I dunno if that would be too easy for people to do now?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

Aw yiss! Daughters of Fury here I come!

Sczarni Order of the Amber Die

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Count me in!

The characters in the Tales as rich as they are diverse, and their stories really bring the Pathfinder campaign setting to life. I've used many of the novels for inspiration as a player, and as a GM I've had a few characters make a cameo appearance, but actually being able to interact with them in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild sounds even more fun!

The Pathfinder Tales Books Club often discusses the relationship between the novels and the game, including two of the aforementioned titles - The Crusader Road and Forge of Ashes - so come and join us if you'd like to delve deeper into these stories before you get a chance to meet their characters in organized play!

Grand Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

John & Linda, thanks for getting this sanctioned. I was really hoping to be able to schedule a new module with sanctioned content at KublaCon in May.

Could you give us any guidance on how long each section would take? We have 4 hour slots to fit the module play into and need to make sure that everyone can walk away with a chronicle for the sections they sign up for (if they don't sign up for all of it). We have seen some very different play times for the 64 page modules from 3 full days for Dragon's Demand in campaign mode (that was great fun), to 5 or 6 four hour slots (Tears at Bitter Manor or Plunder & Peril).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for getting this sanctioned.

Dark Archive

Are there any boons that would be beneficial to a level 11 Human Magus, a level 6 Dwarven Inquisitor of Gorum, a level 4 Tiefling Warpriest of Nethys, a level 1 Human Occultist, a level 3 Nagaji Bloodrager, or a level 1 Skinwalker Feral Hunter?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

DragoDorn wrote:
Are there any boons that would be beneficial to a level 11 Human Magus, a level 6 Dwarven Inquisitor of Gorum, a level 4 Tiefling Warpriest of Nethys, a level 1 Human Occultist, a level 3 Nagaji Bloodrager, or a level 1 Skinwalker Feral Hunter?

Most of the novel boons are modest, one-use things. A handful of them are longer-lasting, and in the recent batch, once you complete a 4-set of books, you can pick one of the boons to make more permanent.

They're minor nice things, but some of them are pretty ncie indeed. I'm looking at you, Reign of Fallen Stars.

My favorite of the Tales by far is Stackpole's Crusader Road! Such a good read! One of my sons has already read it twice, he liked it so much.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Developer

Wendy-Ann Francis wrote:

John & Linda, thanks for getting this sanctioned. I was really hoping to be able to schedule a new module with sanctioned content at KublaCon in May.

Could you give us any guidance on how long each section would take? We have 4 hour slots to fit the module play into and need to make sure that everyone can walk away with a chronicle for the sections they sign up for (if they don't sign up for all of it). We have seen some very different play times for the 64 page modules from 3 full days for Dragon's Demand in campaign mode (that was great fun), to 5 or 6 four hour slots (Tears at Bitter Manor or Plunder & Peril).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for getting this sanctioned.

Daughters of Fury should be closer to Tears at Bitter Manor or Plunder & Peril. Dragon's Demand has around 10 pages of adventure than most modules, and is expected to level up a non-PFS character from 1 to 7 (as opposed to most 64-pagers, which level up their characters 3 times).

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