Want More Adventure Card Game? We've Got That.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Attendees at this year's GAMA Trade Show and PAX East conventions got a sneak peak at some Pathfinder Adventure Card Game goodness that Paizo's got planned for later this year. Though the final details are still being worked out, I want to share the basic concepts with our loyal blog readers.

Class Decks

In August, we're debuting a new type of PACG accessory: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks. The initial offerings will include seven 109-card decks that each contain all the cards one character needs to play an entire PACG Adventure Path from start to finish. Each deck contains four playable characters of the same character class, and each character will have two unique roles to choose from. Meet Olenjack, a new character from the Rogue Class Deck:

Illustration by Maichol Quinto

Olenjack is the master of a guild of... merchants. He rarely feels the need to use the pair of long-handled daggers in his belt, but when he does, the wounds they leave behind are invariably fatal. Olenjack's ties to a variety of less savory communities hint at complex schemes and delicate manipulations. (Pathfinder RPG fans may recognize Olenjack—and many of his Class Deck compatriots—from the NPC Codex.)

The seven Class Decks premiering in August will showcase the bard, the cleric, the fighter, the ranger, the rogue, the sorcerer, and the wizard. Each deck will feature a mix of familiar and new cards, and can be used in your home games or in our new organized play program!

Organizing Your Play

With an amazing segue like that, who wouldn't want to find out more about the organized play program we'll be debuting at Gen Con ? Details are still being worked out, but here are the basics.

Season 0, as we're calling it internally, will consist of around 30 weekly scenarios that will be made available in PDF form. Scenarios will initially be offered exclusively to major conventions and retailers participating in the organized play program. Each month, the previous month's scenarios will then be bundled together and offered for sale to all paizo.com customers.

Season 0 will feature themes and stories inspired by the Skull & Shackles Base Set. To play, each participant will need to have a Class Deck and a Pathfinder Society number, and each table will need a copy of the Skull & Shackles Base Set plus all of the Skull & Shackles adventure decks released to that point. Play will be similar to the game you've already come to love, but when the time comes to improve your character deck, you'll do it with cards from your Class Deck. After the game, participants can report the results online to keep track of what you've played and how you've done.

If you're interested in helping coordinate or run the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game at a store or convention near you, please contact your local Pathfinder Society Venture Officer. We'd love to have you aboard. We're not quite ready for retailers to sign up for the program yet, but we'll have an announcement about that very soon.

There will be a variety of other fun things to share with you as we firm up details and dream up new concepts, but I can't get into specifics now. I can say that players who already participate in the Pathfinder Society organized play program might find the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game OP program worth checking out.

We'll be back with more information on both the Class Decks and the organized play program as a whole as August draws nearer.

Until then, go play some games!

Tanis O'Connor
Adventure Card Game Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Maichol Quinto Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
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Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Remember, Lini will be in Skull and Shackles too. So while she won't be sanctioned for Organized Play, you will have two Linis to choose from for either re-playing RotR or playing S&S.

What do we actually know of repeated characters? I know it's three in the base set and one more in the character add-on. I thought I'd seen Valeros, but that might have been in talks about the class decks. You obviously have evidence for Lini. Ezren? Merisiel? Are there are a core four iconics, or have I imagined that?

The blog announcement for skulls and shackles said the fighter, rogue and bard would be returning (Valeros, Merisiel, Lem). Lini is on the cover of the character add-on deck

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The returning ones are Lem, Valeros, Merisiel, and Lini.

Shiver Me Timbers! A New Pathfinder Adventure Carrrrrrd Game Experience! wrote:
New character classes: We're bringing seven new character classes from the Pathfinder RPG to the Pathfinder ACG. The Oracle, Gunslinger, Magus, and Swashbuckler will debut in the Skull & Shackles Base Set, along with the returning Bard, Fighter, and Rogue. The Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck will introduce the Alchemist, Witch, and Warpriest, along with the Druid. (Not familiar with the Swashbuckler or the Warpriest? They appear in the upcoming Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide—check tomorrow's Paizo blog for more on that!)

We also know they won't be exactly the same.

http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lfjc&page=2?Shiver-Me-Timbers-A-Ne w-Pathfinder-Adventure#83

First off, I wanted to say that demoing S&S at Origins was a delight. I love the new skill focused encounters, the new elements and new classes. I got a chance to play with the gunslinger. Lirianne had some great art and was fun to play. I'm very much looking forward to OP and S&S in general.

Secondly, it was awesome to meet Tanis O'Connor in person and she even demo'ed the game for us. It was obvious that she and everyone working at the Paizo booth loved what they are doing.

I got the opportunity to help out and even teach some brand new players how to play which was very cool. They seemed really excited to learn and looked forward to purchasing their own game.

I'm looking forward to the OP guilds and look forward to running some of the events.

Thanks again and I wish everyone lots of luck waiting for the great new products.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I also did the Skull & Shackles demo at Origins and it was a lot of fun. Thanks for the opportunity to see some of the new cards. I've been playing Kyra for so long that it was fun to try out Valeros. It was actually a bit strange to play a character with no advancement again, I'm so used to having a bunch of extra stuff chosen.

I believe it was Tanis who also ran our demo as well.

Now the wait for Gen Con!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I got to check out the demo at Origins as well, and I did a short interview with Tanis about the upcoming Card Guild which I'll be posting on the PACG Facebook page in the next day or so. I'll link to it here when I post that. :)

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Mike Selinker wrote:
Zoltán Mészáros wrote:
I have only a single concern left : that I may end up with too many basic cards in the boon decks if I use multiple class decks. That could be a problem when reaching AP3 and above.
We'll have to look at that math at some point.

I do not believe this will be an issue. I included very few unnecessary Basic cards in the Class Decks, for a variety of reasons including the scenario Zoltán proposes.

Scarab Sages

I apologize if this has been asked already, but I have two (complex) questions...

1. Presumably the Class Decks will be first available at GenCon. I was hesitant to sign up for a Thursday morning (10 am) Guild session, because I feared that I would not be able to get a hold of a Class Deck before that time (I think the exhibition hall is open at 9 or 10 am). The events also said that materials would be provided, which seemed half-true (everything but your class deck, right?). So in that case, if the Class Decks are not available at time of play, how can the organized play go through?

2. If I was interested in these Class Decks and wanted to make sure I had a copy at GenCon (fearing a sell out of all or any), could I order them and then make sure they are sent to GenCon with the rest of my sub (S&S base set and S&S character add-on deck)? How would that work?

1. If you've signed up for 4 sessions you can get a free deck. Based on this comment, it seems that those getting a free deck will not need the dealer hall to be open to pick up the free deck. And yes, everything except the class decks will be provided.

2. You can't reserve them like you can your subscription. But you can buy them at GenCon and still receive your subscriber discount.

Scarab Sages

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

2. You can't reserve them like you can your subscription. But you can buy them at GenCon and still receive your subscriber discount.

Would it be possible to order them, add them to my sidecart for when I get my next shipment (which is GenCon) and have them shipped to GenCon for me to pick up like my subscription? That sounds doable in theory, right?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Casey Weston wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

2. You can't reserve them like you can your subscription. But you can buy them at GenCon and still receive your subscriber discount.
Would it be possible to order them, add them to my sidecart for when I get my next shipment (which is GenCon) and have them shipped to GenCon for me to pick up like my subscription? That sounds doable in theory, right?

They won't reserve items to meet people's order, other than the subscriptions. It's due to limitations on the mount of stuff they are going to ship half the continent to Indianopolis. Although they'll have lots of class decks with them, they're unlikely to have that random, ten year old mini that you put in to your side cart. Defining where the line between those things is really hard, so it's easiest to define it on the subscription/non subscription line

Scarab Sages

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Casey Weston wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

2. You can't reserve them like you can your subscription. But you can buy them at GenCon and still receive your subscriber discount.
Would it be possible to order them, add them to my sidecart for when I get my next shipment (which is GenCon) and have them shipped to GenCon for me to pick up like my subscription? That sounds doable in theory, right?
They won't reserve items to meet people's order, other than the subscriptions. It's due to limitations on the mount of stuff they are going to ship half the continent to Indianopolis. Although they'll have lots of class decks with them, they're unlikely to have that random, ten year old mini that you put in to your side cart. Defining where the line between those things is really hard, so it's easiest to define it on the subscription/non subscription line

Thanks for clearing that up for me. Paizo really needs to make a new designation of item between one-off and subscription. Something like not-subscription, but related or "Subscription optional". Because I think these decks are entirely relevant to the sub, but I can see where 7 $20 decks released at the same time is unacceptable in the sub-proper.

Now I have to rush and bee-line straight for the paizo booth rather than casually pick up my stuff when there isn't a mob.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Casey Weston wrote:

I apologize if this has been asked already, but I have two (complex) questions...

1. Presumably the Class Decks will be first available at GenCon. I was hesitant to sign up for a Thursday morning (10 am) Guild session, because I feared that I would not be able to get a hold of a Class Deck before that time (I think the exhibition hall is open at 9 or 10 am). The events also said that materials would be provided, which seemed half-true (everything but your class deck, right?). So in that case, if the Class Decks are not available at time of play, how can the organized play go through?

As Hawkmoon said, those who have 4+ tickets for the org play events will be able to pick up their free Class Deck in room 232 at game start. (I was quite concerned about this very issue -- when I started playing Living Greyhawk many Gen Cons ago, I ended up playing a full day of adventures before I could get a copy of the rulebook. Not ideal.)

As for the intricacies of the Paizo store, I am glad someone else has answered your question, for I am ignorant of its mysterious ways.

Scarab Sages

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Casey Weston wrote:

I apologize if this has been asked already, but I have two (complex) questions...

1. Presumably the Class Decks will be first available at GenCon. I was hesitant to sign up for a Thursday morning (10 am) Guild session, because I feared that I would not be able to get a hold of a Class Deck before that time (I think the exhibition hall is open at 9 or 10 am). The events also said that materials would be provided, which seemed half-true (everything but your class deck, right?). So in that case, if the Class Decks are not available at time of play, how can the organized play go through?

As Hawkmoon said, those who have 4+ tickets for the org play events will be able to pick up their free Class Deck in room 232 at game start. (I was quite concerned about this very issue -- when I started playing Living Greyhawk many Gen Cons ago, I ended up playing a full day of adventures before I could get a copy of the rulebook. Not ideal.)

As for the intricacies of the Paizo store, I am glad someone else has answered your question, for I am ignorant of its mysterious ways.

The problem was the remaining event times. One of them on Thursday at 10 am......with 3 tickets remaining....like you said, not ideal :).

To avoid confusion, when you say those who ordered 4+ tickets for the event get to pick up a free Class Deck, what you mean is that all 4+ players will each get a Class Deck of their choice?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Casey Weston wrote:

I was hesitant to sign up for a Thursday morning (10 am) Guild session, because I feared that I would not be able to get a hold of a Class Deck before that time (I think the exhibition hall is open at 9 or 10 am). The events also said that materials would be provided, which seemed half-true (everything but your class deck, right?). So in that case, if the Class Decks are not available at time of play, how can the organized play go through?

Casey, I saw this and want to point something out to you - if you are not registered for 4 sessions, you may want to rethink your time slot. The exhibit hall opens at 10, and usually Paizo has a mega line, so you could be in line for quite a while. Depending on your dealer hall-fu you might be looking at anywhere from 20 minutes to a couple hours.

As pointed out, people who registered for 4+ sessions can pick up their free class deck early Thursday so they can play at 8 or 10 just fine. Everyone else basically will have to wait until noon so as to have a chance to buy the decks.

I guess people with early exhibit hall access could theoretically get in on 10 as well.

Scarab Sages

ryric wrote:
Casey Weston wrote:

I was hesitant to sign up for a Thursday morning (10 am) Guild session, because I feared that I would not be able to get a hold of a Class Deck before that time (I think the exhibition hall is open at 9 or 10 am). The events also said that materials would be provided, which seemed half-true (everything but your class deck, right?). So in that case, if the Class Decks are not available at time of play, how can the organized play go through?

Casey, I saw this and want to point something out to you - if you are not registered for 4 sessions, you may want to rethink your time slot. The exhibit hall opens at 10, and usually Paizo has a mega line, so you could be in line for quite a while. Depending on your dealer hall-fu you might be looking at anywhere from 20 minutes to a couple hours.

As pointed out, people who registered for 4+ sessions can pick up their free class deck early Thursday so they can play at 8 or 10 just fine. Everyone else basically will have to wait until noon so as to have a chance to buy the decks.

I guess people with early exhibit hall access could theoretically get in on 10 as well.

Ahh, yes. I forgot about the VIGs.

Anyway, don't worry I passed on Thursday morning for that very reason. I opted for Friday morning (the only 2 reasonable tickets left) and my mission on Thursday is to get the Class Decks I want for me and my wife, preferably all of them :). The only other available times were Sunday and that's pretty much a pack up and leave day.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Casey Weston wrote:

To avoid confusion, when you say those who ordered 4+ tickets for the event get to pick up a free Class Deck, what you mean is that all 4+ players will each get a Class Deck of their choice?

While supplies last, yes. We are not bringing our Bag O' Infinite Class-Deck Holding to the show. Now I wish we had one of those.

I believe that room will open not too long before the first slot.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Casey Weston wrote:

Ahh, yes. I forgot about the VIGs.

Anyway, don't worry I passed on Thursday morning for that very reason. I opted for Friday morning (the only 2 reasonable tickets left) and my mission on Thursday is to get the Class Decks I want for me and my wife, preferably all of them :). The only other available times were Sunday and that's pretty much a pack up and leave day.

Cool. I just didn't want you to get there and be frustrated. My Thursday mission is also to pick up everything so we have it for our slot on Friday.

Grand Lodge

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Casey Weston wrote:

To avoid confusion, when you say those who ordered 4+ tickets for the event get to pick up a free Class Deck, what you mean is that all 4+ players will each get a Class Deck of their choice?

While supplies last, yes. We are not bringing our Bag O' Infinite Class-Deck Holding to the show. Now I wish we had one of those.

I believe that room will open not too long before the first slot.

Logistics follow-up: I'm in the 8am slot. From what you just said, I'm thinking that room is going to be filled with people from all the other slots also trying to get their free class decks (since the dealer hall isn't open yet) at that time.

Or is the deck pickup going to be limited to people in the current slot?

My concern is spending playing time waiting on a line full of people from other slots to pick up their decks. (And from a customer service point of view, Paizo may find that there are no Fighter [or whatever] decks left by the time the second slot rolls around.)

Grand Lodge

One of the reasons I didn't schedule any Thur morning slots is 1) How can you miss the opening of the Exhibit Hall?!? I mean really, it is one of the best parts of GenCon. 2) Last year I went directly to Paizo booth and did not pass Go.

I am bringing my (canvas) Paizo bag-o-holding with me this year plus one of those nifty purple Paizo bags to help me hold my SHTUFF!

My only question is that I do have 4+ tickets. I am planning on picking up all the class decks at GenCon. I was planning on buying all but one deck initially and then getting my freebie at my first event. Should we be worried that the one we want wouldn't be available at the event?

Question: If one was to exclusively do OP do they have any actual reason to buy the base sets? Or would they want to only buy class decks?

Basically I have a friend who would only ever play the standard game when he's in town to visit me.

Ataraxias wrote:

Question: If one was to exclusively do OP do they have any actual reason to buy the base sets? Or would they want to only buy class decks?

Basically I have a friend who would only ever play the standard game when he's in town to visit me.

They would only need the class deck. (Assuming someone else has the relevant base set.) That is one of the major benefits of the Organized Play program. 6 different people can play. 1 of them needs a base set, and all 6 of them need a class deck. The organizers at the store or where ever you are playing will hopefully take care of the base sets. (And of course you could volunteer to help with that aspect if you get Skull & Shackles.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Theryon Stormrune wrote:
My only question is that I do have 4+ tickets. I am planning on picking up all the class decks at GenCon. I was planning on buying all but one deck initially and then getting my freebie at my first event. Should we be worried that the one we want wouldn't be available at the event?

We'll have a lot. It's possible that if everybody who pick up a deck chooses the same one, we'll run out of that one—but I think it's unlikely to be a problem.

Vic, you know just what to say to make we not worry about missing the first day and getting to GenCon on Friday. Thanks!

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