Iron Gods Roll Call

I've been wanting to do the Iron Gods Adventure Path for a long time, but it's not all that easy to just roll out a campaign that makes significant use of mountains of items and armor and weapons and creatures and hazards that the game doesn't yet have rules for. I'm talking, of course, about lasers and robots and radiation and gravity suits and nuclear resonators and atom guns and neurocams and K-lances and heavy weapon harnesses and robojacks and thoracic nanite chambers and graviton generators and more. What are all those things? I'm afraid you'll all need to wait a few more months to find out.

But what you DON'T have to wait for is the list of Iron Gods Adventure Path titles and authors! Because here they are! Long time readers will note some new names, some familiar names, and at least one old name risen from the murky depths of the past!

  • Part 1: Fires of Creation, by Neil Spicer
  • Part 2: Lords of Rust, by Nicolas Logue
  • Part 3: The Choking Tower, by Ron Lundeen
  • Part 4: Valley of the Brain Collectors, by Mike Shel
  • Part 5: Palace of Fallen Stars, by Tim Hitchcock
  • Part 6: The Divinity Drive, by Crystal Fraiser

Oh. And here's a spaceship. (No... this isn't the Silver Mount. That one's a LOT bigger.)

Illustration by Rodrigo Vega

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Zaister wrote:

If you will indulge my self-quoting...

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Damnit Sebastian, guess what DVD I am currently tracking down?

Thundarr is like, required study material before Iron Gods.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Sebastian wrote:
Zaister wrote:
If you will indulge my self-quoting...

Hmm... maybe I'll try and take a look.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Let me stress that it is not a good show. However, each episode is packed full of crazy magic meets technology events.

Oh, I am aware. I may not have grown up in the 80's but I did grow up with those shows on re-runs on Cartoon Network.

Hmm, I'm thinking maybe Swat Kats and the Herculoids should bee added to the list of 'study material'.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Sebastian wrote:
Let me stress that it is not a good show. However, each episode is packed full of crazy magic meets technology events.

Yes I got that from your linked post :)

On the other hand the character designs were done by Jack Kirby and Alex Toth, so it's at least visually awesome. :)

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I love Swat Kats, Thundarr, and The Herculoids. I would also like to through in some Jonny Quest and Pirates of Darkwater weirdness in there as well.

Verdant Wheel

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Technology is the magic of order and magic is the technology of chaos ?

Wow, this looks awesome. Amazing author list as well - good to see Logue and Shel back in the AP line again. Can you reveal roughly what level this AP should go to - will it go to 17, like most of the recent ones, or something else?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Blackfingers wrote:
Wow, this looks awesome. Amazing author list as well - good to see Logue and Shel back in the AP line again. Can you reveal roughly what level this AP should go to - will it go to 17, like most of the recent ones, or something else?

As with most Adventure Paths, this one will likely go to about 16th to 17th level.

Sovereign Court


If I have to buy six copies of each of these to get you people to come out with more Numerian stuff, then SO BE IT.

Keep it coming.

Okay, The Divinity Drive has my interest,

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Azten wrote:
Okay, The Divinity Drive has my interest,

Let's just hope its not about a fundraiser for Abadar. ;)

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Knight_Druid wrote:

Truly truly truly outrageous.

I dunno why, but I just have this image in my head of the Starstone when I read the words "divinity drive."

Liberty's Edge

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I hope the AP ends with the divinity drive being a warp engine that allows the party to set out on a five year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations...

If I had to guess, the Divinity Drive isn't even a physical object, but a goal or objective that the Iron Gods have. Where they get this plan/directive, and why they want to initiate it, is conjecture.

I'm imagining it to be something like this.

Liberty's Edge

I'm pretty sure this is what they mean by 'the Divinity Drive.'

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I rather pictured this myself.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hyperion Cantos would perhaps be a better clue.

This is the stuff I have been looking forward to!

Neongelion wrote:
If I had to guess, the Divinity Drive isn't even a physical object, but a goal or objective that the Iron Gods have. Where they get this plan/directive, and why they want to initiate it, is conjecture.

How do we know the Divinity Drive isn't the Starstone?

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Mogo the Goblin wrote:
Space? Space! Space? Space? SPACE! Space?

Oi, that fellow needs to seriously calm down.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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MagusJanus wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
If I had to guess, the Divinity Drive isn't even a physical object, but a goal or objective that the Iron Gods have. Where they get this plan/directive, and why they want to initiate it, is conjecture.
How do we know the Divinity Drive isn't the Starstone?

It's not. That's how. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
If I had to guess, the Divinity Drive isn't even a physical object, but a goal or objective that the Iron Gods have. Where they get this plan/directive, and why they want to initiate it, is conjecture.
How do we know the Divinity Drive isn't the Starstone?
It's not. That's how. :)

Seems Legit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
It's not. That's how. :)

And why should we trust you? You're just a talking T-Rex.

James Jacobs wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
If I had to guess, the Divinity Drive isn't even a physical object, but a goal or objective that the Iron Gods have. Where they get this plan/directive, and why they want to initiate it, is conjecture.
How do we know the Divinity Drive isn't the Starstone?

It's not. That's how. :)

Well, crap.

Okay, alternative theory... the drive is Arodan's body and the ship needs the body of a dead god to function :P

MagusJanus wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
If I had to guess, the Divinity Drive isn't even a physical object, but a goal or objective that the Iron Gods have. Where they get this plan/directive, and why they want to initiate it, is conjecture.
How do we know the Divinity Drive isn't the Starstone?

It's not. That's how. :)

Well, crap.

Okay, alternative theory... the drive is Arodan's body and the ship needs the body of a dead god to function :P

I'd honestly be dissapointed if it turned out the space ship was powered by anything other than technology.

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