Skull and Shackles Minis on Preview at the Store

Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 01:02 PM Pacific

Sara Marie
Customer Service Dire Carebear Manager

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Tags: PaizoCon

Omigosh, super cool! Some of them look much cooler next to other minis than they looked in the preview (especially the Seacat, I think). And I think there are a few in there that we haven't seen previewed yet? Hard to make out details, but still, very exciting!

Grand Lodge

I'm kinda excited about these. They look great.

In the immortal words of Sgt. Apone..."Absolutely Badasses". Oh man they look so good. That undead dragon is going to be so sweet as Dragotha.

Thanks Sara for the great picture. It sure helped with scale. I think Erik mentioned the Drowning Devil was big, but it didn't sink in how big until now. And Brinebones looks much better with some color on his bones.

And between all us bloggers, can anyone idenitfy what the miniature in the middle of Brinebones, the Seaweed Siren, the Cannon Golem and the pirate is? The one that looks like she has long hair and a flowing blue dress. I can't place her as anything we've seen so far.

Berk the Black wrote:

Thanks Sara for the great picture. It sure helped with scale. I think Erik mentioned the Drowning Devil was big, but it didn't sink in how big until now. And Brinebones looks much better with some color on his bones.

And between all us bloggers, can anyone idenitfy what the miniature in the middle of Brinebones, the Seaweed Siren, the Cannon Golem and the pirate is? The one that looks like she has long hair and a flowing blue dress. I can't place her as anything we've seen so far.

As the sculpts have been following the AP illustrations pretty closely, based on the pose I suspect that is the Ship's Whore/Ghoul from Wormwood Mutiny. AFAIK the figure hasn't been officially previewed, but there is a repaint of it in the new Undead Builder assortment.

That's my suspicion too: Ship's Whore

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yeah it's a ships whore. My only issue is the sea devil and Cyclops (down the front) appear to be the same size, that makes either the Cyclops a small large or the sea devil very big for its size. As for the sea troll, he looks huge! Is that the scale for trolls now? Certainly looks larger than the giants to date.

This is a nice figure set I hope they add Conchabar, Sandra Quinn, and the icnonic Oracle with the last few un-named mini's. Concharbar and Sanrda played major roles in my S&S campaign, we're in book 4 and I can still use them.

ooooo i forgot about that oracle chick. See I was thinking it would be the magus, but she shows up a lot on the covers too. good call.

Grand Lodge

That Sea Devil is definitely robust. I think he looks great.

That Cyclops is much smaller than the DDM versions, but who cares, that too is a great looking mini. I hope to see some friends, even some with benefits, in future sets.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

From the catalogue pictures I can confirm Seltyiel and Sandara Quinn, and the Undead Horde Builder set has a repaint of the ship's whore ghoul, so that was pretty much a given for a few weeks now.

Sovereign Court

What mini is that underneath the Drowning Devil's right wing?

Oh s!!@ yeah i saw Seltyiel in the catalog and he hooks awesome!

Callous Jack wrote:
What mini is that underneath the Drowning Devil's right wing?

I'd hazard a guess that is the rat swarm. I don't see it anywhere else in the picture.

Still no sign of the hammerhead shark. :( That's one mini we k ow a out that I sure would like to see.

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