Pathfinder Comics #1: Part 1

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Grab a bowl of Cheerios and settle in for our new Saturday morning blog featuring the Pathfinder comic. We'll be posting issue #1 in it's entirety, for free, a few cliff-hanging pages each week. Enjoy!

Subscribers to Pathfinder comics through receive a 20% discount off the cover price, 15% off back and special issues, a special subscriber tag for the messageboards, and a limited-edition collectible exclusive cover for each issue.

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Tags: Pathfinder Comic

Ah, I see you're posting for free the content of a product I have paid for.

Please don't be surprised when I decline to pay for your content in the future.


7 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh come now.

With the compilation of the comic's Dark Waters Rising series just a few months off and volume one being a half a year old, is this really that outrageous? Especially as the format here is a series of jpgs strung out over multiple months--making the original comic's format and readability alone far superior (and arguably worth the less than $5 price).

We're not trying to screw over our current comic readers--they're the ones whose enthusiasm is allowing us to do the massive compilation we've got in the works. We're just trying to show off the series to folks who haven't gotten a glimpse of the VISCERAL art or INCREDIBLE storytelling.

Consider this a trailer for the upcoming movie, or the free episode in preview of the upcoming series boxed set. Because that's what it is.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Are you serious waynemarkstubbs? You better don't look up what "PRD" means...

I actually have number one ordered just a few days ago and I'm not upset at all. With the physical copy you get so much more value then 'just' the comic.

I don't buy the physical copy. I buy the electronic version. So, what's being given away here is exactly equivalent to what I paid for.

Silver Crusade

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I'd like to say thank you for doing this. As a person who has also already purchased the comic (and am enjoying them), I hope this brings more people in to buy them so more will be released in the future.

Are these compilations going to be available electronically? Will it cost less than the individual comics put together? If so, I'll stop buying the comics after issue 6 and just by the compilations.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's just basic marketing 101. You give folks the first hit for free to get them hooked. I've been curious about these myself for some time but don't want to buy them blind. If I like what I see here I might end up buying the rest. So while it's possible they'll loose some customers out of some sense of outrage or whatever this tactic is bound to get them that many more.

Paizo Employee Developer

We don't have much say in whether or not Dynamite releases the compilation digitally. I'd look at what they've done with compilations of their other titles for an idea of their typical tactics there.

Also, note that we can't guarantee that every issue released in the line will be included in a compilation at some point down the line. Sure, the first six issues are being released as Dark Waters Rising in April, but for the issues after that? Only way to be sure you get to read them is to subscribe. Anything beyond that is extra.

As a big fan of the comic thus far, I really applaud this sharing of the first issue! Great idea to draw in some new fans, much like posting up sample chapters from the novel line on Wednesdays as new books come out.

I love the comic book and it is the one i most look forward too from my pull list. A big part of that is because of the free map and extra content about various areas and NPC's around Sandpoint. I've been laminating the maps and using them in my ROTRL campaign. As a new PF DM i've found them great little encounters for a bit of extra XP.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Folks who own an actual digital copy of the issue have a ton of gaming material that will not be posted here. Plus, this is JPEGs on a blog.

The Blog wrote:
We'll be posting issue #1 in it's entirety
Eric Mona wrote:
a ton of gaming material that will not be posted here

Both these statements cannot be true.

Dark Archive

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He means things like the map (Which incidently you dont get with the digital version)

Also this seems a big deal about nothing after all the artists for the comics put up pages for them on there accounts

Kevin Mack wrote:

He means things like the map (Which incidently you dont get with the digital version)

Also this seems a big deal about nothing after all the artists for the comics put up pages for them on there accounts

Yeah, I agree. The digital comic is $2. So you can wait six months and get it for free, missing out on the sandpoint stuff, the covers, having to read it over months (without being able to flip through the pages easily) and still having to pay for issues 2-6.

It's true something you've bought has been given away. but it cost $2, the freebie is in a less friendly format and there are significant omissions. The most "damage" that's been done is, lets face it, $2.

i wasn't going to get the comic book however my daughter saw your post, loved the art and so now we have a trip scheduled for our friendly neighborhood gaming/comic book store. kudos to paizo and dynamite for the free sneak peak:)

one comic posted of a series of comics over a month or however long period is a sneak peak in my book

I know that Paizo like to treat their non-paper customers as second class, but to be fair, the digital version of the comic DOES include the alternative covers, the RPG material etc.

Which is why, when they said they were posting "Issue #1 in its entirety" I took them at their word.

waynemarkstubbs, I can understand why you are upset. I have been a comics subscriber from the first issue, though I get the physical versions. If this is enough to cause you to stop purchasing the comic, then I think it's too bad. You'll be missing out on some fun stories. But you have to do what you think is right as a consumer.

waynemarkstubbs wrote:
The Blog wrote:
We'll be posting issue #1 in it's entirety
Eric Mona wrote:
a ton of gaming material that will not be posted here
Both these statements cannot be true.

In the strictest sense you are correct. I'm going to copy the full sentence in order to clarify.

The Blog wrote:
We'll be posting issue #1 in it's entirety, for free, a few cliff-hanging pages each week.

When I saw the second part of the sentence, I immediately assumed that they would not be posting the gaming material. My assumption was that they would be posting the story only, which aligns with Eric Mona's statement. There's just not a lot of cliffhanger in the Sandpoint Gazetteer or the encounter.

Also, nowhere do they state that they will be posting the future issues on the blog. Think of this more like the iTunes practice of offering television show pilots for free in the hopes that you will buy the rest of the season. Even some comics are giving away digital first issues on iTunes to grow sales. I have an Avengers comic and a Batman comic that were free on iTunes, I'm sure there are other folks who paid real money for those issues.

My hope is that people will read this, enjoy it, and subscribe, ensuring the future success of the comic line. I hope that you are not so offended that you stop buying the comic. If you do, I respect your decision.

waynemarkstubbs wrote:

I know that Paizo like to treat their non-paper customers as second class, but to be fair, the digital version of the comic DOES include the alternative covers, the RPG material etc.

Which is why, when they said they were posting "Issue #1 in its entirety" I took them at their word.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this. How are digital customers "second class?"

We get material later, and without subscription options. There have been threads on this in the past where various Paizo bigwigs have defended this as deliberate policy, because they like books.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for posting this Paizo! I've been reading the comics from the start, but hopefully this will get new people to pick up the book.


So, because I haven't bought comics in years, I have to ask. Are you distributing these to local comic shops as well or can you only purchase the comics through the web store?

Icaste Fyrbawl wrote:
So, because I haven't bought comics in years, I have to ask. Are you distributing these to local comic shops as well or can you only purchase the comics through the web store?

Since lots of folks have indicated that they get them through their regular "pulls" at comic stores, it sounds as though you can get them through standard brick and mortar comic shops.

I'm sure any comic shop would be willing to get them for you if you are willing to pay for them.

But if you subscribe through Paizo, you get 20% off the price (but you pay for shipping). If you have other subscriptions, they will hold the comic until your next subscriptions ships to save you money on shipping.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can get them at your FLCS, but the covers have been great and those are exclusive to

I blame this comic for me getting back into comics as a whole, which now includes 3 other books and the hardback AvX trade.

Marketing Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Please pardon my mis-phrase "in its entirety". The comic story pages will be posted from issue #1, but none of the game content, back matter, RPG bonuses, exclusive or variant covers, etc.

Grand Lodge

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

Consider this a trailer for the upcoming movie, or the free episode in preview of the upcoming series boxed set. Because that's what it is.

I know you just used this as an example. But an "upcoming movie" with Pathfinder characters would be way too cool if done right.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
waynemarkstubbs wrote:
We get material later, and without subscription options. There have been threads on this in the past where various Paizo bigwigs have defended this as deliberate policy, because they like books.

For a little clarity, we make PDFs available for purchase to non-subscribers on the same day that the product is released to retail. So it is true that you generally are able to get material later than subscribers, but you do not get it later than everyone. No, we don't offer PDF-only subscriptions; I'm sorry you feel left out about that. As for the fact that subscribers get a better deal than others, I'm not the least bit apologetic about that.

waynemarkstubbs wrote:
Paizo bigwigs have defended this as deliberate policy, because they like books.

Treerazer Press FTW!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As someone who knows little about these comics, it sounds like the first one deals with Rise of the Runelords. Do they cover basically the entire AP?

Does each issue series cover an AP?

Dark Archive

Not related to the Ap's at all

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Interesting, so it's purely a coincidence that the first issue starts with a goblin attack on Sandpoint?

Timeline wise, do they assume certain APs have already taken place?

Dark Archive

Not that I can tell havent seen any mention in the 5 issues Ive got at least.

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