
Valenswift's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts (32 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


I don't think you take damage, not defeating a barrier usually has some other effect on you. Also you aren't making combat checks against barriers.

Yeah why not. It would make the Hambly's being reduced to ghouls even more dramatic if the PC's all ready have a connection to them.

I play with my three best friends, who are all new to roleplaying. We play for 2-3 hours every couple of weeks. As they are all ready indulging MY hobby i don't want to push them for more :P

Even this time involves a lot of 'out of game chat' and joking around as we all have families and don't get to see each other much any more.

@ Protoman - reflavoring seems a good idea

@ Lincoln - thanks for the advice. I have read elsewhere that wizard/monk isn't a great combo.

After reaching level 5 and advancing from the beginner's box the wizard in our game is intent on multi-classing with monk and becoming 'Monkey Magic'

He has the fly spell but obviously the duration is limited, is there any way to get a flying cloud or equivalent for more frequent flying?

Thanks everyone so far, amazing suggestions (especially hats). I'm really looking forward to incorporating them in to our game.

@ Skylancer - Thanks. I think this is how the party feel about them, especially as they provoke an AOO. Maybe they'll feel better about them when they have more experience? for now i think i'll use environement to spice things up - and there's no reason i can't have the monsters frustrating the party with maneuvers ;)

@ KidDangerous - great stuff thanks

@ Vincent - I was thinking using maneuvers against them might be the best way to show their potential, thanks.

My friends and i have just advanced from the beginner's box to the CRB and as GM i'm trying to make combat more interesting. I've introduced combat maneuvers but no one in the group is using them.

I was hoping to get some advice on how maneuvers are useful so i can explain this to the group.

The group consists of a Fighter 5, Rogue 5 and Wizard 5

Thanks for the responses, i was wondering how this feat could be useful. Swapping out a 5th level spell for a first doesn't seem a great idea but i guess an extra fireball at the right moment could be beneficial :)

Reading the CRB it says that a quickened spell takes a spell slot four times higher than the actual spell. Does this mean that this feat isn't worth taking till the PC is caster level 5? and then they can only quicken a lvl 1 spell?

If you want something like Diablo then try Path of Exile. It's currently in Beta and free and also very good.

I just ordered from here d=CJ-ArM-S6LgCFU3LtAodqgUAjw

£20 cheaper than it is on Amazon.

Expansions are equally inexpensive too.

I say go for it.

I had the same feelings last year at 37 when i discovered the Beginner's Box and hoped to play with my children. I now GM for my 3 best friends,who are fantastic enough to indulge my gaming whims, and we're having more and more fun each session (just about to start The Skinsaw Murders from ROTR adventure path).

I guess it makes sense that things aren't always achievable and players have to think of an other way round the problem. Thanks a lot for the explanations :)

Thanks, i'd missed the bit about aid another.

I've been DM'ing with the Beginner box and am making the transition to core rules but i'm not getting ability checks and i just can't seem to find the answer in the CRB.

I understand the fundamentals of course but what i don't understand is how a PC can beat high DC (for example a STR check on a door with DC28) when their STR modifier is say +2 and even taking a 20 would only give them a maximum of 22.

Are there other modifiers that i am missing or have i totally misread how ability checks work?

Thanks for any help.

In our latest session, the party took down Nualia after a tense battle and are now planning on hauling in to Sandpoint to face justice.

The session started withe group and Orik (who had offered his services in return for his life) entering the shrine to Lamashtu and being set upon by two of the Yeth hounds. The rogue and Orik ran after their bay howl attack and didn't return for 3 rounds. This meant one of the hounds setting upon the wizard and getting in some vicious bites. Luckily for him some very lucky rolls from the fighter saved his life and a sneak attack from the returning rogue finished the encounter.

After healing up they moved on and found Lyrie who had barricaded herself in to her research room after hearing the hounds howling. The PC's managed to force their way past the barricade and tried to get some information from the less than helpful wizard. After a successful sense motive roll the wizard suspected that something was a miss and moved towards the wall with the secret door. Lyrie, in desparation, cast mirror image and attempted to hold off the party. Seeing his chance for redemption from Nualia, Orik attacked the wizard whilst the fighter and rogue had gone in to engage Lyrie.

This time the wizard came close to death and was only saved by my cleric. Lyrie's duplicate's were whittled down and then she started to take damage upon which she immediately raised the white flag. Orik panicked and shouted out that they'd killed Tsuto, Lyrie resumed the fight with an enraged look in her eye. However it didn't take long before she was knocked unconscious and as a result Orik, once again, gave himself up. Unsurprisingly the PC's weren't buying it this time and instead they stripped them both, manacled them together and put them in one of the goblin prison cells.

Next they discovered the secret stairs to level two and after some careful trap searching they managed to disable the twin glaives and avoided anyone getting chopped in two. They then rushed in to the Observation deck, hoping to surprise whoever was in there. Nualia however was ready for them and in my best bond-villain mode, informed them that she'd 'been expecting them'.

Her last Yeth hound howled, this time causing the wizard and cleric to flee back down the corridor. The fighter took on Nualia and the rogue engaged the hound.

I had gone in to this session with the intention of letting Nualia escape to become a recurring villain. However i found she was trapped inside the observation deck. As her HP got lower i had her bull rush the wizard who was lurking in the corridor and she attempted to go south, casting obscuring mist as she did. The party simply followed her and as you could still see up to 5 feet were still able to defeat her. Is there a better way i could have done this, or how do you handle fleeing in general? would be helpful for future encounters.

The good thing however is that the PC's didn't kill Nualia and along with Lyrie and Orik, they intend on taking them back to Sandpoint to the sheriff. This now gives me opportunity for a bit of foreshadowing as i intend to bring in Ironbriar from Magnimar to take the prisoners and then Nualia will 'escape' to turn up at a later date. Any ideas where?

I love the comic book and it is the one i most look forward too from my pull list. A big part of that is because of the free map and extra content about various areas and NPC's around Sandpoint. I've been laminating the maps and using them in my ROTRL campaign. As a new PF DM i've found them great little encounters for a bit of extra XP.

I apologise in advance if this has been asked before.

I started last year with the beginner's box and in there it says a lvl 1 wizard gets first level spells, a lvl 2 wizard gets first level spells, a lvl 3 wizard gets second level spells and so on up to lvl 5.

Now i have the core rules i can only find a table which says which level spells a wizard is entitled too. This seems very arbitrary to me and i was just wondering if there was text anywhere that explains the why the levels are as they are?

Sorry if this is a bit of a pointless question but if there is a reason for it (does there even have to be?) i'd like to know :P

MTCityHunter wrote:
Valenswift wrote:
As i said in my original post we are very new to this so if anyone has any advice or notices something we're doing wrong, that'd be great.

Sounds like things have gone well so far. Your party certainly handled things to this point FAR better than mine did. As I mentioned, my party was laughably narrow in scope. Cue comic shop guy from the Simpsons: "worst party ever".

Sounds like ya'll are having fun.

That's the most important message I have got from these forums, to have fun. We are certainly doing that and my friends have all asked to look at the core book so they can delve a little deeper in to their characters (they started with the pre-rolled in the beginner box).

And I'm sure your party will improve :p

I ran the next session and the group have got through the goblin tunnels, defeated Gogmurt and hit level 3.

It started with them returning Ameiko to Sandpoint and then some preparation for their next adventure. I hinted heavily that a wand of CLW might be essential and i also gave them a few potions of it too as a gift for saving the Cathedral.

The first encounter with the 10 refugees started with the fighter rolling his obligatory '1' but after that he put cleave to great use. The overwhelming numbers meant that the wizard couldn't avoid melee combat and was reduced to 2 HP, which meant my cleric had to reveal himself (I planned on only using him for heals and have him hide during combat) to keep him alive.

This didn't bode well for the 'real' fights but luckily the trend didn't continue. Next they took on 4 goblin dogs which started the encounter tethered with frayed ropes. I made a roll for each dog to see if they could break the leash which added a tension to the fight that the players enjoyed.

The players made sure to bring as little attention to themselves as possible, which meant that the rogue was able to sneak up on the sleeping leopard and nearly kill it with one blow. The leopard woke with a whelp but somehow (ridiculously low perception roll) Gogmurt didn't hear and his pet was dispatched without him knowing.

The group then moved on to Gogmurt's lair with the druid entangling them all at the entrance, after he'd took a fireball in the face. Gogmurt started using produce flame as the fighter and rogue slowly broke free from the vines. Once they did the fighter luckily crit the druid and reduced him to 3 HP before he had a chance to escape, the goblin broke down and spilled the beans.

And that's where we left it with the players levelling up their characters.

As i said in my original post we are very new to this so if anyone has any advice or notices something we're doing wrong, that'd be great.

I ran the next session and the group have got through the goblin tunnels, defeated Gogmurt and hit level 3.

It started with them returning Ameiko to Sandpoint and then some preparation for their next adventure. I hinted heavily that a wand of CLW might be essential and i also gave them a few potions of it too as a gift for saving the Cathedral.

The first encounter with the 10 refugees started with the fighter rolling his obligatory '1' but after that he put cleave to great use. The overwhelming numbers meant that the wizard couldn't avoid melee combat and was reduced to 2 HP, which meant my cleric had to reveal himself (I planned on only using him for heals and have him hide during combat) to keep him alive.

This didn't bode well for the 'real' fights but luckily the trend didn't continue. Next they took on 4 goblin dogs which started the encounter tethered with frayed ropes. I made a roll for each dog to see if they could break the leash which added a tension to the fight that the players enjoyed.

The players made sure to bring as little attention to themselves as possible, which meant that the rogue was able to sneak up on the sleeping leopard and nearly kill it with one blow. The leopard woke with a whelp but somehow (ridiculously low perception roll) Gogmurt didn't hear and his pet was dispatched without him knowing.

The group then moved on to Gogmurt's lair with the druid entangling them all at the entrance, after he'd took a fireball in the face. Gogmurt started using produce flame as the fighter and rogue slowly broke free from the vines. Once they did the fighter luckily crit the druid and reduced him to 3 HP before he had a chance to escape, the goblin broke down and spilled the beans.

And that's where we left it with the players levelling up their characters.

As i said in my original post we are very new to this so if anyone has any advice or notices something we're doing wrong, that'd be great.