The Best Deal in Gaming Miniatures—Now With More Pathfinder!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Last week, I posted a blog from the floor of Gen Con letting you know about Reaper's Bones Kickstarter for their unpainted plastic miniatures. At the time, they were just passing $565,000, heading towards the first Pathfinder miniatures stretch goal, adding nine Pathfinder goblin minis to their package, plus the option to buy the Red Dragon from the cover of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

Well, your support blew the roof off their Kickstarter; as i write this, it has just passed $1,500,000. And Reaper's next goal, at $1,540,000, will bring four more iconic Pathfinder characters. Four more? Yep—since my last email, Reaper announced a second Pathfinder stretch goal that was quickly achieved, adding seven of our iconic characters: Seelah (paladin), Damiel (alchemist), Merisiel (rogue), Feiya (witch), Valeros (fighter), Amiri (barbarian), and Seoni (sorcerer). They also added the option to buy the awesome Jabberwock from the cover of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 for only $10. And their latest goal adds Bones minis for Kyra (cleric), Ezren (wizard), Lem (bard), and Seltyiel (magus).

The best deal in miniatures gaming history keeps getting better and better. Right now, a $100 pledge (the "Vampire" level) will get you 200 Bones minis and a metal Sophie the succubus. That means the Bones figures cost only 50 cents each! Wow! And if you don't want the metal Sophie, it has been announced that you'll be able to opt out of it for $25 credit to put towards other minis, such as the gargantuan Nethyrmaul the Undying undead dragon, designed for Reaper by Wayne Reynolds!

There are only three days left to back this Kickstarter, so don't hesitate. This will be the last time that I send you a friendly reminder, one gamer to another. I want to see Reaper succeed with this Kickstarter because bringing cheaper miniatures to the hobby benefits the whole industry. But I particularly wanted to let you, my gamer friends, know so you can get in on the minis deal of a lifetime.

And as more of us get involved, the deal gets better for everyone. If this Kickstarter behaves like most, we could blow through quite a few more stretch goals before all is said and done, meaning we'll get even more miniatures for our pledges. All you have to do is get involved. I've been told that they have more Pathfinder stretch goals waiting in the wings!

Many of the staff members here at Paizo have already backed this Kickstarter, and I'm expecting we'll have quite a few painting parties around the office once they arrive. Join in the fun and get involved with the Reaper Miniatures Bones Kickstarter. People will be talking about this one for years to come. Are you on board?

Your gaming friend,

Lisa Stevens
CEO, Paizo Publishing

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Dark Archive

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yeah I gave in earlier... watched it for a while now... but there is just no way I could pass it up with that many minis... now I just have to learn to paint a wee bit better so they will actually look good.

My wife may kill me when they get shipped in. If so your all welcome to fight to the death over them as my dried out husk watches.

EDIT: Wow... First reply never managed that before.


Since I got that email from Lisa, the Kickstarter gained over 30,000. Let's push it folks. I really want my griffons! Plus great bargain for everyone!

Sovereign Court

Some handy links:

Close ups and prices (in metal) of all the figures in the deal:

Comparison photos of some of the larger minis:

Frost Wyrm
Spirit of the Forest
Projected scale of the new dragon (nethermaul vs wotc colossal red)
Projected scale of the new dragons2

If you use minis in your game and you haven't supported this, you are clinically mad. This deal is one of the most remarkable deals I've ever seen anywhere, for anything, ever.

Silver Crusade

Oh I'm in so hard, and hoping that the remaining Iconics get added before its over.

Grand Lodge

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It's like the lottery - except that everybody wins!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Really wish I had 100 bucks to put in on this. And WOW I am blown away by how much this kickstart has earned. This should fund this mini line for some time to come.

That really is a great deal for those who enjoy/have the patience to paint.

I love minis, but I just don't like to paint. But so glad to see the Kickstarter doing so well!

There's a lot to be said for the Bones minis, even unpainted. (I'm just learning to paint minis myself.)

Before pledging, I visited my FLGS to check out some of the Bones already in stock. The Bones looked very good even unpainted. The detail in the sculpts is very nice and still apparent without washes and paints and highlights.

Bones compared very favorably in my mind to the unpainted miniatures included in the recent D&D Board Games or the older D&D Fantasy Adventure Board Game (and supplements). Simply painting an entire mini one color could also "color code" the minis as is done in the board games.

So this KickStarter provides another option between pawns and Pathfinder Battles helping me ensure my players actually see what is confronting them.

Sovereign Court

The Hydra and lizardmen are funded. Next goal, griffon and owlbear:

Dark Archive

Freakin' economy slump.
First you take my charter subscriber tag, now you do me this.

Yeah, probably the best deal in mini-history... like... ever! go pledge and pledge a lot, it unlocks even more freebees and gets you more options too!
Go go go!!! 60 hours to contribute :-)

Scarab Sages

Too good a deal to pass up. I've been part of this kickstarter about 5 days in, and to see it explode when I started only with 60 figures, and suddenly without changing my pledge it went to 200, I was floored. It was a good deal to start with, now ... someone said it before, it's winning the lottery, but everyone wins.

Like some, I guess I'll have to start learning to paint. I never was into miniature painting, but this reaper stuff, very nice sculps, and now the want to paint has come. From what I understand, the paint deal in the kickstarter is also a pretty damn good deal, like getting 3/4 off the normal price of paint.

I never thought I'd be spending 125 dollars in minis at once... But this deal is just too awesome.

If only they were pre-painted... then I'd probably do $100. As is, $0... they just aren't useful to me. The sculpts are amazing, but my painting skills are nil.

Iziak wrote:
The sculpts are amazing, but my painting skills are nil.

And? Are unpainted minis a complete no-no for you?

For once, I consider them a significant improvement over dice, pieces of lint or beer bottle crown caps.

Iziak wrote:
The sculpts are amazing, but my painting skills are nil.

This is exactly how I feel (and the skill of my painting).

Midnight_Angel wrote:

And? Are unpainted minis a complete no-no for you?

For once, I consider them a significant improvement over dice, pieces of lint or beer bottle crown caps.

To answer your question, at least from my perspective, I already have a ton of pre-painted minis through DDM and now collecting the Pathfinder Battles line, so that is enough for me. And if I have painted minis, yes, I do prefer using those over unpainted (however great the sculpts are, and they are great).

Scarab Sages

I am in!

Sovereign Court

Ergh...must resist...

Damn you Paizo and your evil Jedi mind tricks!

I'd just gotten over funding Rise of the Rune Lords and Rappan Athuk, and now you have to go and point me at this!!

My wife may never let me look at the Paizo Blog again!!!


Scarab Sages

Resistance is futile!

I'm in. Paizo getting on board with the project was like a seventh layer of icing on the most amazing cake I have ever seen. Wow, did that metaphor get thick... Catch that?


36 minis for the $15 level. Just funded my first Kickstarter.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

Some handy links:

Close ups and prices (in metal) of all the figures in the deal:

Comparison photos of some of the larger minis:


I had no idea the skeleton giant was so huge. I will definitely be including that as an add-on.

I've never really wanted to design an undead campaign but thanks to this kickstarter I'm getting everything I'll need to do a one-shot ... or three-shot more likely.

I never thought that when I started supporting this klickstarter at the Vampire level that I'd wind up with 11 Pathfinder iconics and an butt load of Pathfinder Goblins.

Right now my extras are:

Ebonwrath x2 (one for me, one for my 10 year old son)

Orcpocylpse 20 Orcs (I may bump this for either an extra case or the Fire Giants. I just discovered that apparently I have 10 of Reaper's pre-painted orcs and about 5 or 6 or their unpainted metal ones so...)

Figure Case (When I originally joined this Kickstarter this case would have easily held all of the Vampire pledge minis. Now as it stands I'm gonna probably need two of these things. ANd that's not even including the bigger mini's. UGH.)

There Be Dragons (Two more Dragons! YAY!)

Demons (I love how these guys look! and there are two of them!)

Deathsleet (another Dragon!!!)

Undead Giant (originally I was going to pass on it but my son thinks its so cool so...getting it!)

Pathfinder Dragon (yet another Dragon! more of a display piece than use for an actual game but still...)

IMEF Marines (For my son...)

Mind your Manners (Seriously?!? AN Ettin and Ogre and a gnoll? SOLD.)

I plan on trading in the Sophie in order to possibly get the Hydra and some Fire giants or maybe that Second Case...

The Jabborwock may wind up in the batch as well.

Hobbun wrote:
Iziak wrote:
The sculpts are amazing, but my painting skills are nil.
This is exactly how I feel (and the skill of my painting).

I've never painted a mini in my life (I still have 4 boxes of AD&D minis that were purchased sometime in the 80's) but I added on for 3 of the paint sets. I figure there are enough miniatures included in the Vampire level that I'm not going to use that will give me the necessary test pieces to learn.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

The Hydra and lizardmen are funded. Next goal, griffon and owlbear:

$18,000 left to go on that stretch goal. It's just a matter of time before they announce the next one.

I'm thinking there are two more stretch goals that are a given to be funded before the end of this thing.

Just to throw it out there for people with no experience painting minis: I have little-to-no experience myself. But with nothing but 1 brush, 8 basic colors, and no advanced techniques whatsoever (blending, shading, layering, etc.) I can usually finish a standard-size figure in under 2 hours, and it looks better than your average DDM mini. It really does require a lot less skill than one would think to give it a serviceable paint job. The fact that you don't have to prime Bones, thereby skipping a step and saving money on primer, is an even more awesome plus.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1.79M goal passed. New goal 1.92M for a four pack of undead boss types (vampire, deathknight, ghast, and lich) automatically added to Vampire & Undertaker levels.

cannon fodder wrote:
Just to throw it out there for people with no experience painting minis: I have little-to-no experience myself. But with nothing but 1 brush, 8 basic colors, and no advanced techniques whatsoever (blending, shading, layering, etc.) I can usually finish a standard-size figure in under 2 hours, and it looks better than your average DDM mini. It really does require a lot less skill than one would think to give it a serviceable paint job. The fact that you don't have to prime Bones, thereby skipping a step and saving money on primer, is an even more awesome plus.

YUP. I dont consider myself skilled at all either but just following paint tutorials off of you tube using the same colors I painted up two Necron Lords which were at least good enough for table play.

There are plenty of video tutorials out there that can at least get people started. My biggest issue is coming up with paint schemes. I'f I see one that I like and I'm able to copy it I do a whole lot better than coming up with one myself.

I think a good idea at some point after this Kickstarter is done is coming up with basic paint schemes maybe not for the heroes or individual character PC's but for the monsters like the owl bear, griffon and the dragons. I mean what paints and washes were used on when parts of the miniatures. Personally once I have something like that laid out for me I'm usually off to the races.

Dark Archive

dracomancer wrote:
1.79M goal passed. New goal 1.92M for a four pack of undead boss types (vampire, deathknight, ghast, and lich) automatically added to Vampire & Undertaker levels.

I had hoped we'd get an all-vampire update similar to the mummy update at some point but the undead bosses update looks very cool.

Sovereign Court

One side effect of everyone getting all the same minis all at once, is that there is likely to be an explosion of tutorial / work in progress / help me type blogs and posts. There is going to be a ton of support in the community for how to paint and mod these minis come march.

Also, because it is a pvc material there will probably be some breakthroughs similar to the wood stain 'dipping' method as people begin to experiment with the various pvc dyes that exist in the plumbing world. Being able to dip 30 or 40 orcs into a bucket and then have them come up an even green tone could be cool. Not sure if it will replace spray paint but...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What pushed me over the edge to back them was they said since they've raised far more than they'd dreamed they would be able to move their manufacturing from China to Texas where they're based.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
zag01 wrote:
What pushed me over the edge to back them was they said since they've raised far more than they'd dreamed they would be able to move their manufacturing from China to Texas where they're based.

Where did you read this, zag01? I backed this early on...but I know of at least three people for whom this may just be the push they need.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

One side effect of everyone getting all the same minis all at once, is that there is likely to be an explosion of tutorial / work in progress / help me type blogs and posts. There is going to be a ton of support in the community for how to paint and mod these minis come march.

Also, because it is a pvc material there will probably be some breakthroughs similar to the wood stain 'dipping' method as people begin to experiment with the various pvc dyes that exist in the plumbing world. Being able to dip 30 or 40 orcs into a bucket and then have them come up an even green tone could be cool. Not sure if it will replace spray paint but...

That's an excellent idea!

You've just made me consider getting a few more sets of Goblins. In one of my campaigns the players have gotten used to a "what you see is what you get" use of paper miniatures. This allowed one of the players in a moment of genius to surprise me with "Those are plains goblins" in-character. Thankfully I've already set up a Sophie trade with another pledger ... I'll be getting his Ghast level with 12 non-Pathfinder goblins (among other things).

Sovereign Court

thunderspirit wrote:
zag01 wrote:
What pushed me over the edge to back them was they said since they've raised far more than they'd dreamed they would be able to move their manufacturing from China to Texas where they're based.
Where did you read this, zag01? I backed this early on...but I know of at least three people for whom this may just be the push they need.

Wow, that's really cool.


thunderspirit wrote:
zag01 wrote:
What pushed me over the edge to back them was they said since they've raised far more than they'd dreamed they would be able to move their manufacturing from China to Texas where they're based.
Where did you read this, zag01? I backed this early on...but I know of at least three people for whom this may just be the push they need.

It was in the second video. They used hats to explain it all.

thunderspirit wrote:
zag01 wrote:
What pushed me over the edge to back them was they said since they've raised far more than they'd dreamed they would be able to move their manufacturing from China to Texas where they're based.
Where did you read this, zag01? I backed this early on...but I know of at least three people for whom this may just be the push they need.

They said they wont be able to do it for this production run, but they will be able to work on it in the future.

The "worst" thing about this kickstarter is that I've since funded a steampunk RPG and just now a local-company that is doing reflective cycling clothing.

I don't paint, and I'm not going to paint, so I pledged $15.

Then the student worker in our office said "I will paint them for you just for fun." He's a Warhammer 40K type who is already accustomed to painting insane amounts of minis.

So I caved and went to the $100 level. After that, adding on a few of the options just seemed natural.


So yeah, Kickstarter can be a dangerous, DANGEROUS site.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I can't really paint either but the sheer amout of minis you get at $100, I'd really be stupid not to get it. )

I really REALLY REALLY REALLY want to get this, but I'm broke, no one wants to buy my video card (GTX 560 Ti), and yeah: no job.

And I really doubt someone will lend me $100. Phooey. Really wanted these.

ShinHakkaider wrote:
YUP. I dont consider myself skilled at all either but just following paint tutorials off of you tube using the same colors I painted up two Necron Lords which were at least good enough for table play.

Agreed. Over the last few years, I've noticed MUCH more support for the new miniatures painter. Also, the big secret to miniatures painting is washing your mini with Army Painter Strong Tone ink wash (aka. the replacement for GW's Devlan Mud). I'm as far as base coats and washing, and my paint jobs look MUCH better than any prepaint.

They're up to about 200 miniatures for $100 AND you can trade in the limited edition metal miniature for $25 credit towards other add-ons, such as paints, a miniatures case, and huge miniatures.

But, as others have said, you *don't* have to paint these miniatures. The level of detail alone is worth it!

BTW, they're up to over 2 million dollars, and are tossing in two giants for NO additional cost to the $100 Vampire pledge!

ced1106 wrote:

Agreed. Over the last few years, I've noticed MUCH more support for the new miniatures painter. Also, the big secret to miniatures painting is washing your mini with Army Painter Strong Tone ink wash (aka. the replacement for GW's Devlan Mud). I'm as far as base coats and washing, and my paint jobs look MUCH better than any prepaint.

Is this something you need to do with the plastic (BONES) minis? Or only needed for metal minis?

I've heard the term "washing" the mini, but really don't know what that means, or how involved it is. Obviously it's not running it under water, so it's basically just another coat applied?

Grand Lodge

Too many minis to say no to. $100 Pledged.



2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hobbun wrote:
ced1106 wrote:

Agreed. Over the last few years, I've noticed MUCH more support for the new miniatures painter. Also, the big secret to miniatures painting is washing your mini with Army Painter Strong Tone ink wash (aka. the replacement for GW's Devlan Mud). I'm as far as base coats and washing, and my paint jobs look MUCH better than any prepaint.

Is this something you need to do with the plastic (BONES) minis? Or only needed for metal minis?

I've heard the term "washing" the mini, but really don't know what that means, or how involved it is. Obviously it's not running it under water, so it's basically just another coat applied?

Washing the mini is not the same as cleaning the mini. Metal miniatures, and some plastics, have mold releaser and need to be cleaned before being painted. A little soapy water will do.

Washing the mini is something different. A wash is a very watery paint that you lightly brush over the minitature usually as a final coat. It will add a color over the top of surfaces, but the orriginal color will show through. It will pool in cracks and crevices giving you more definition and giving you a shadowy effect. They will darken the mini and can create nice shadowed look.

Some people advocate dipping in a colored sealer, like furniture polish, instead of washing. It can easily produce a similar effect and be much faster, but you have less control.

You can put a wash over pre-painted minis and greatly improve many of them.

Tough decision here >.<

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kryzbyn wrote:


Tough decision here >.<


Just found this on the Reaper messageboards:

You will be able to use the PM to add to your pledge. We designed it to account for math errors, but it will have the side effect of allowing, for roughly 30 days, all users to add to their pledged amount.

moneys raised via the PM will not be able to unlock goals, as the drive will be over, but they will enable us to make more things for you as an individual.

We encourage you to pledge what you are able to now, to help the community unlock rewards, but understand if the PM must be used due to timing of finances.

Reaper Thread

Ok, so what do you get auto for 100 bucks now, and how much is optional for more?

Kryz, if you just Google "reaper bones kickstarter" there's a big picture of all the minis you get for $100, and you can scroll down to another big picture of various add-on options.

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