Pirate Familiars

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Illustration by Typer Walpole

Avast there, ye scurvy swabs! This week sees the release of Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny, which includes, among other things, four new familiars for you swashbuckling spellcasters out there. But pirates stole into our computers during the dead of night and made off with some valuable loot—the bonuses these familiars grant their masters! Fortunately, we tracked down the villainous knaves on the open seas and recovered our lost cargo—and took a few extra bits o’ plunder for ourselves.

So without further ado, here’s the rules for the pirate familiars presented in The Wormwood Mutiny, with a few other pirate familiars thrown in for good measure!

Other Piratical Familiars

Trained animals are extremely popular among pirates, serving as pets, ships’ mascots, and company on lengthy voyages. Pirate spellcasters prove no different than their shipmates in their interest in pets, and find having exotic familiars wins them bragging rights and a degree of status. Creatures like blue-ringed octopuses, goats, hawks, rats, lizards, king crabs, monkeys, rats, scarlet spiders, snapping turtles, vipers, and weasels all serve as existing examples of potential pirate familiars that appear in either the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary or Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic. Additionally, the statistics for many existent familiars might be used to represent more exotic, piratical familiars. The following table presents a variety of such exotic familiars, statistics that can be used to represent them, and the benefits of having them as familiars (which, in some cases, vary from the familiar creatures whose statistics they share).

FamiliarStatisticsSpecial Ability
DodoDodoMaster gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks
Dwarf caimanDwarf caimanMaster gains a +3 bonus on Stealth checks
Giant isopodGiant isopod Master gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC
Marine iguana    Dwarf caimanMaster gains a +3 bonus on Swim checks
MongooseWeaselMaster gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves
OspreyHawkMaster gains a +3 bonus on Survival checks
ParrotRavenMaster gains a +3 bonus on Linguistics checks
ToucanRaven (cannot speak)    Master gains a +3 bonus on Diplomacy checks
Sea kraitViperMaster gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves
SealSealMaster gains a +3 bonus on Swim checks
Snail kiteHawkMaster gains a +3 bonus on Fly checks

Rob McCreary

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Tyler Walpole
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Karelzarath wrote:
I am hurt and crushed at the exclusion of the beloved albatross.

Yea, much better as an animal companion. Otherwise, you have gnome wizards casting reduce person and flying on their familiars.

Dark Archive

Hellz yeah, a Parrot. I was always toying with the idea of turning the Raven into a Parrot.

"Polly want a cantrip"

Liberty's Edge

Cheapy wrote:
ciretose wrote:

Hello power creep...

When you make exotic better than standard for the same cost, you might as well just make the exotic the standard.

Since you're probably referring to the +4 initiative, UM has a "standard" familiar that also gives that bonus.

Interestingly, I just realized that almost every familiar gives what's essentially a bonus feat that doesn't scale. Most give Skill Focus, some give Iron Will / Great Fort / Lightning Reflexes. And I guess some give Improved Init.

I should have said "core".

I wasn't happy about it in UM, I'm not happy about it here.

The "doesn't scale" part is the problem. If a familiar is functionally a bonus feat, either they should scale like the bonus feat. If it is less than a feat, make it the same.

+4 init is particularly troubling to me since it stacks with improved init.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"This is my pet lobster, Polly. Raised him from a fingerling I did, a finer crustaceon you won't find," Long John.

"I thought pirates had talking parrots?" Gonzo.

"Talking Parrot?" Long John

Tim Curry's finest role

Liberty's Edge

What? No albatross?

Coleridge weeps.


Saint_Meerkat wrote:

What? No albatross?

Coleridge weeps.

This was discussed on Page 1. :D

Rob McCreary wrote:
If you really want an albatross familiar, you could use the stats for an eagle. Keep in mind that an eagle (or an albatross) is a Small animal, rather than the normal Tiny size of most familiars. That's the main reason albatross wasn't included - we don't yet have a Small flying familiar in the game.

We have, but they fall under Improved Familiar feat - Small Air Elemental and various Mephits.

EDIT: If druids can have pygmy versions of animals as animal companions (i.e. animals that are smaller as a companions that the wild ones), we could have smaller exemplars of familiar species and use have a tiny albatross using hawk stats.

Sovereign Court

Drejk wrote:
Rob McCreary wrote:
If you really want an albatross familiar, you could use the stats for an eagle. Keep in mind that an eagle (or an albatross) is a Small animal, rather than the normal Tiny size of most familiars. That's the main reason albatross wasn't included - we don't yet have a Small flying familiar in the game.

We have, but they fall under Improved Familiar feat - Small Air Elemental and various Mephits.

EDIT: If druids can have pygmy versions of animals as animal companions (i.e. animals that are smaller as a companions that the wild ones), we could have smaller exemplars of familiar species and use have a tiny albatross using hawk stats.

I was referring to "normal" Small flying familiars. We can use the stats for a raven to represent a parrot, but there is no Small flying animal familiar that we can use for an albatross. I don't think an air elemental or a mephit stat block would be a good representation of an albatross. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

It IS a design philosophy that the bonus a familiar grants is more or less equal to a feat, like Iron Will or Skill Focus or, in some cases, Improved Initiative.

Initiative is pretty important, but it's also not nearly as important as some folks expect—it can get you in trouble easy, in fact, if you end up going before everyone else.

If you think that allowing the initiative bonus is too much, change it for your game. I don't think it's that big of a deal, personally.

Rob McCreary wrote:
I was referring to "normal" Small flying familiars. We can use the stats for a raven to represent a parrot, but there is no Small flying animal familiar that we can use for an albatross. I don't think an air elemental or a mephit stat block would be a good representation of an albatross. :)

Uh, it's kind of a intelligent, skilled albatross with sort of, uh, fiery temper! Yeah!

But generally it is why added *but* in my comment. Still, I think that individual GMs can consider using stats of some tiny creatures to represent smaller than usual specimens of normally small creatures.

Or we can have Improved Familiar celestial/fiendish/entropic/resolute eagle playing the role of improved albatross. An elemental template equivalent of alignment templates would be useful too (storm albatross).

I love the pirate familiars, especially the dodo. Having said that, is the dodo supposed to have a Strength of 3 or 6? The penalty to its bite damage is -2 but the stat block says it has a Str of 3. Also, it looks like you guys forgot to give the seal a Feat.

This is a very cool list and thanks for sharing it, but what is an isopod?

This is a giant isopod.

Cheapy wrote:
This is a giant isopod.

I asked my sister if she'd ever heard of a giant isopod last weekend over dinner. She hadn't so she looked it up on her phone and got freaked out.

I mean who wouldn't freak out at an ocean-dwelling potato-bug the size of a house cat?

She was fascinated though so spent the next 10 minutes looking at pictures of them.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Eric Hinkle wrote:
This is a very cool list and thanks for sharing it, but what is an isopod?

It's a coward.

From "iso", meaning cold, and "pod", meaning foot.
Hence, literally, one with cold feet; by extension, a coward.

Oh, all right. It's woodlice, pill bugs, etc.
Things with lots of segments, and feet on each segment.
Genuine etymology - "iso" means "same", so it describes
creatures with lots and lots of legs/feet, all alike.

Eric Hinkle wrote:
This is a very cool list and thanks for sharing it, but what is an isopod?

Think Pilot from Farscape.

No wonder Dodo's are exstinct, they're sitting ducks. Imagine trying to keep that thing alive!

So...no Feat for the seal or...?

Sovereign Court

The seal should have Weapon Finesse as its feat (the bonus is already included in its attack line).

Rob McCreary wrote:
The seal should have Weapon Finesse as its feat (the bonus is already included in its attack line).


A Seagull would be the same as an Osprey I'm assuming?

harmor wrote:
A Seagull would be the same as an Osprey I'm assuming?

Actually Brambleman suggested using a Raven since a seagull is not a bird-of-prey.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
JohnF wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
This is a very cool list and thanks for sharing it, but what is an isopod?

It's a coward.

From "iso", meaning cold, and "pod", meaning foot.
Hence, literally, one with cold feet; by extension, a coward.

Oh, all right. It's woodlice, pill bugs, etc.
Things with lots of segments, and feet on each segment.
Genuine etymology - "iso" means "same", so it describes
creatures with lots and lots of legs/feet, all alike.

Even better, many isopods are parasites. One isopod parasite goes so far as to replace it's host's tongue after devouring said tongue. Perfect for a witch.

Either attached to the witch herself, or a higher level NPC witch could attach her familiar to a charmed host.

Cheapy wrote:
This is a giant isopod.

looks cloverfieldish.... yummy !

Silver Crusade

Are these familiar modifications legal for Pathfinder Society? I did some searching and have had a hard time finding any documentation for either case (yes or no). I have some players with more pirate themed characters, so I expect this question to come up and would love to have an official ruling, since I couldn't find anything in the Additional Resources or Campaign Clarifications.


Maybe it's a little late but is my two cents.


"Familiar Statistics Special Ability

Dodo Dodo Master gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks
...Mongoose Weasel Master gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves."

Dodo is a useless item. Dodos' where slow, dumb, oblivious. To let it give its' owner +4 initiative is outrageous, especially when the mongoose on the List. Haven't you ever read, "Rikki Tikki Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling? The mongoose is one of the few natural predators of cobra. Using its' quick reflexes to defeat the cobra. A mongoose is a bane to cobras, and should grant its master a +4 initiative. Lets shovel another load of dirt on the grave of the extinct bird.

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