Golarion Day: Inner Sea Magic

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So, Inner Sea Magic has been off to the printer for a few weeks now, but this is really the first chance I've had to say much more about it. And since the editors are still scrambling with various convention-season-related projects, I'll keep this blog short and just show off some art that goes with the winter witch archetype and the tattooed sorcerer archetype. It should probably be pretty obvious which one goes with which. (And also—first ever illustration of Seoni's familiar!)

Illustrations by Roberto Pitturru

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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Tags: Familiars Golarion Thursdays Iconics Irrisen Roberto Pitturru Seoni Sorcerers Witches
Dark Archive

...oh for the red, white and blue!

Can Team Seoni and Team Other Arcane Caster shirts be far behind ?

Dark Archive

so Seoni is not a standard sorcerer but an archetype? isn't that cheating?

What do you mean the first picture? She says I'm like a younger brother to her all the time.

thats one of the best images of Lady Seoni in quite some time.

Seoni doesn't look like the same person in the original iconic pic to me anymore. Just seems like someone playing dress-up as Seoni now.

That's because her cold's gotten better since the first picture.

Dark Archive

ulgulanoth wrote:
so Seoni is not a standard sorcerer but an archetype? isn't that cheating?

Arcane bloodline from the core book allows arcane bond as a wizard.

Grand Lodge

Shinmizu wrote:
Seoni doesn't look like the same person in the original iconic pic to me anymore. Just seems like someone playing dress-up as Seoni now.

It's been a few years now. She's gotten older.

There is a new younger more attractive witch on the scene.

(Just don't tell her I said that)
*runs from fireball*

Dark Archive

Chris Ballard wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
so Seoni is not a standard sorcerer but an archetype? isn't that cheating?
Arcane bloodline from the core book allows arcane bond as a wizard.

actually i was talking about the Tattooed sorcerer archetype

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
so Seoni is not a standard sorcerer but an archetype? isn't that cheating?


Just because she's used to illustrate an archetype doesn't mean she's always going to be that archetype, any more than using her to illustrate different action scenes in different 1st level adventures means she went on all those adventures.

Continuity doesn't matter for illustrations for iconics.

Drat. Here I was thinking there might have been some resemblance between those two pictures.. Estranged family, perhaps?

Dark Archive

well i guess lack of continuity allows for cool pics of their horrible, horrible deaths

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
well i guess lack of continuity allows for cool pics of their horrible, horrible deaths

Yup. As we explored in "Undead Revisited."

Or also cool pictures of things like antipaladin Seelah, or steampunk Harsk, or barbarella Amiri (all of which appeared in the GameMastery Guide, I believe).

Fabulous art.

ulgulanoth wrote:
well i guess lack of continuity allows for cool pics of their horrible, horrible deaths

Which is why nearly every depiction of Valeros is showing him about to get beaten up, getting beaten up, or having been thoroughly beaten up. He can't be that inept. He's probably relieved he's kicking wholesale a$$ on the cover of Ultimate Combat. He has a reputation to uphold, after all.

Scarab Sages

I like her better as a Varisian (As in the earlier Iconic pic), rather then an Ulfen (As in this one). The actual ethnic variety is one of the things I love about Golarion as a setting.

Huh? As far as I can see she's still sporting the Varisian dress and tatts.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DivineAspect wrote:
I like her better as a Varisian (As in the earlier Iconic pic), rather then an Ulfen (As in this one). The actual ethnic variety is one of the things I love about Golarion as a setting.

Even when Seoni's pictured as being relatively pale, she's still a Varisian. And, in fact, a fair amount of Varisians are relatively pale—that trait's generally an indication that the Varisian is from Ustalav and not Varisia.

Bravo Roberto!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

4 people marked this as a favorite.


I always thought Seoni took improved familiar and had a pair of silicon elementals as her familiar :P

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:

Even when Seoni's pictured as being relatively pale, she's still a Varisian. And, in fact, a fair amount of Varisians are relatively pale—that trait's generally an indication that the Varisian is from Ustalav and not Varisia.

Huh, Guess that means I should pick up a copy of the new Inner Sea Guide to replace my old Campaign Setting book.

Two thumbs enthusiastically way up. The tattooed Seoni easily accelerates to the front of my favorites now.

ulgulanoth wrote:
so Seoni is not a standard sorcerer but an archetype? isn't that cheating?

Sel has moved from being Wizard/Fighter/Eldritch Knight to Magus. This here is nothing.

Plus, she always had the tattoos.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:


I always thought Seoni took improved familiar and had a pair of silicon elementals as her familiar :P


Matthew Morris wrote:


I always thought Seoni took improved familiar and had a pair of silicon elementals as her familiar :P

Nooo, these are natural.

By the way, on *completly* unrelated note, can alter self be made permanent? And how can we improve it to reduce chance of being accidentaly dispeled?

jakebacon wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
well i guess lack of continuity allows for cool pics of their horrible, horrible deaths
Which is why nearly every depiction of Valeros is showing him about to get beaten up, getting beaten up, or having been thoroughly beaten up. He can't be that inept. He's probably relieved he's kicking wholesale a$$ on the cover of Ultimate Combat. He has a reputation to uphold, after all.

I think just about every PC I've ever seen follows the pattern Valeros sets. They get to do the cool stuff too, but there's always a bunch of hurting in there.

Hey, Valeros got to bust in a door on some kenku in an illustration in [MODULE REDACTED FOR POSSIBLE SPOILERS]. That's pretty much the high point as a fighter, right?

Oh, That is one beautiful piece of art. Winter witch is also nice.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Keegan wrote:
Hey, Valeros got to bust in a door on some kenku in an illustration in [MODULE REDACTED FOR POSSIBLE SPOILERS]. That's pretty much the high point as a fighter, right?

That's TENGU not Kenku, and yes, if you burst in a door on some raven-men that means things just got serious.

Gorbacz wrote:
...things just got serious.

I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a touch more scatological. ;)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Shinmizu wrote:
Seoni doesn't look like the same person in the original iconic pic to me anymore. Just seems like someone playing dress-up as Seoni now.

I prefer this look on Seoni MUCH more. She looks like a woman, and not some cutesy child.

Elorebaen wrote:
I prefer this look on Seoni MUCH more. She looks like a woman, and not some cutesy child.

I'm... just not seeing "child" in the original picture of Seoni.

I'll admit that the posing, shape, and face all look nicer, but the skin tone's just not as pretty to me.

A question about the art, specifically Seoni's familiar: Is there something wrong with my eyes, or are her tattoos flowing up and over it as it walks along her arm?

Sovereign Court

Eric Hinkle wrote:
A question about the art, specifically Seoni's familiar: Is there something wrong with my eyes, or are her tattoos flowing up and over it as it walks along her arm?

There's something wrong with your eyes. Seoni's familiar is obviously crawling out of her tattoos.

cappadocius wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
A question about the art, specifically Seoni's familiar: Is there something wrong with my eyes, or are her tattoos flowing up and over it as it walks along her arm?
There's something wrong with your eyes. Seoni's familiar is obviously crawling out of her tattoos.

That's either very cool or exceedingly creepy.

Sovereign Court

Eric Hinkle wrote:

That's either very cool or exceedingly creepy.

I don't entirely understand how those are different things.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Eric Hinkle wrote:
A question about the art, specifically Seoni's familiar: Is there something wrong with my eyes, or are her tattoos flowing up and over it as it walks along her arm?

Nothing's wrong with your eyes at all. Tattooed sorcerers can wear familiars as tattoos.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
A question about the art, specifically Seoni's familiar: Is there something wrong with my eyes, or are her tattoos flowing up and over it as it walks along her arm?
Nothing's wrong with your eyes at all. Tattooed sorcerers can wear familiars as tattoos.

Ok... I want the book today.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
A question about the art, specifically Seoni's familiar: Is there something wrong with my eyes, or are her tattoos flowing up and over it as it walks along her arm?
Nothing's wrong with your eyes at all. Tattooed sorcerers can wear familiars as tattoos.
Ok... I want the book today.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well I want it yesterday. When all my troubles seemed so far away.

Very nice Seoni pic, in fact the best I have seen for a while. So she can wear her familiar as a tattoo interesting.

Dragon78 wrote:
Very nice Seoni pic, in fact the best I have seen for a while. So she can wear her familiar as a tattoo interesting.

Where is the "I want to be her familiar" comment when you need it?

Oh, there it is!

KaeYoss wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Very nice Seoni pic, in fact the best I have seen for a while. So she can wear her familiar as a tattoo interesting.

Where is the "I want to be her familiar" comment when you need it?

Oh, there it is!

I think that I would prefer to be familiar with her instead. By the way, KaeYoss, could you stop looking at us during? Your cold immoving reptilian stare is distracting me. Thank you.

Drejk wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Very nice Seoni pic, in fact the best I have seen for a while. So she can wear her familiar as a tattoo interesting.

Where is the "I want to be her familiar" comment when you need it?

Oh, there it is!

I think that I would prefer to be familiar with her instead. By the way, KaeYoss, could you stop looking at us during? Your cold immoving reptilian stare is distracting me. Thank you.

First of all, I was merely making a juvenile comment. I am not actually her familiar.

And second, you should remember that arcanist and familiar share an empathic bond. They share emotions. What one feels, the other does.

So you say the lizard was merely staring? Couldn't have felt a thing.

Sovereign Court

KaeYoss wrote:

So you say the lizard was merely staring? Couldn't have felt a thing.

That's because lizards don't have much in the way of hardwired pleasure-stimuli receptors "down there".

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