The Stuff of Legend

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You've head the rumors. Now learn the truth from the journal of Howell, Tim Nightengale's character in James Jacobs's legendary Shadows Under Sandpoint campaign.

Entry from the travel journal of Howell B. Talbot III, Servant of Abadar
18 Pharast (late morning)

All praise the might and justice of Abadar!

A quick missive here, as we have met and vanquished the object of Styrian's obsession: the Sandpoint Devil!

I must say that the pictures and descriptions that Styrian has shown me do not convey its sheer horror. The wolf-horse devil was summoned by one of the ghouls that waylaid us inside the back passages of Kanker's lair, by means of a large spiraled horn. The devil's approach was marked by such a scream that both Zandu and Rummy-Tum-Tugger fled in fear, and its arrival was punctuated by a flash and explosion that left Velmarius blinded. The horror flew in over the summoned pit, and proceeded to vomit a flame over Vorn that left him with horrible burns.

A hound archon summoned by Balazar seemed to occupy the devil, while Ostog, Melga (now, where did she come from, and where is Hazel?), and I moved up to attack. It was then that I called upon the Justice and Glory of the Gold-Fisted One, and finally, after many a failed attempt at smiting evils on this mission, I buried Thundergütter deeply in the chest of the Sandpoint Devil, causing it a truly grievous wound, and doubly-so as I wrenched the axe free. Ostog, as always, delivered the killing blow. Unfortunately, the beast's final act was to spray us with its infernal breath, leaving Ostog and myself, along with Vorn, charred and bleeding despite all healing. And yet, the Sandpoint Devil is no more, reduced to a cleaned skull in the hands of the scholar that has tirelessly pursued it. Styrian tells me it belongs in a museum....

Christopher Carey

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Tags: James Jacobs Sandpoint Devil Shadow Under Sandpoint
Dark Archive

An old campfire legend meets its end...

And with this act new heroes are born.

But on their guard they must remain,

For they have gained the Matron of Monsters scorn.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

\m/ \m/

Love the subtle reference to Indiana Jones there... ;)

dead and gone.


now go axe treerazor by banishing into into the earthfall demi plane

On anothe note on Howell, he's described in Wayfinder 3 by Tim (stats and all). You can get a glimpse on Howell in here

Hope you like it!

Sovereign Court

One can also read up on our adventures in the campaign thread.

It's pretty skimpy up until post #96, when yours truly joined up with this lot. Apparently, Styrian will not be forthcoming on his chronicles of Ostog the Unslain until it is complete (i.e., when Ostog is actually dead, I suppose). And Velmarius probably won't write much until he has a servant (or sexy secretary) to whom he can "dictate" his accounts.

Until then, I am perfectly happy to recount our harrowing tales, in hopes that it inspires some to a life of service to Abadar.

So it is judged!


Hmm, the Sandpoint Devil's skull in a museum seems a recipe for disaster.

Not certain whether it's going to be the night watchmen or the graduate students who decide to make out in front of the display case late at night--maybe the graduate student making out with the night watchman--but one thing everyone knows is that terror always begins at the natural history museum.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Did my photos not make it through the interwebs to you?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Timitius wrote:
Did my photos not make it through the interwebs to you?

Oh hey, there IS more art in that email. Added.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Ross Byers wrote:
Timitius wrote:
Did my photos not make it through the interwebs to you?
Oh hey, there IS more art in that email. Added.

Huzzah! Thank ye, Ross!

Liberty's Edge

I like the little 'rage' and 'bard' flags you guys use.

Sounds like a fun battle.

Mothman wrote:

I like the little 'rage' and 'bard' flags you guys use.

Sounds like a fun battle.

Ironically, those aren't game tools. Those are actually their standards . . . ;)

well i suppose now that i've seen the "screenshots", then i must admit that it really did happen.

That's alright. I'm sure whatever foul powers first spawned the Sandpoint Devil will make sure it, or another one, will arrive again soon, and will unerringly hunt down those that slew the previous incarnation of the creature.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

T'was Ostog who struck the killing blow!

Another monster with a Death Throes type Ability? S*@!. As if the Balor dealing up to 100 HP damage upon dying wasn't bad enough.

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