Scenes from the Abyss

Friday, August 27, 2010

So, we're finally wrapping work on Lords of Chaos. As with the first volume of Book of the Damned (last year's Princes of Darkness), the chapters of the book will be separated by actual in-game entries from the Book of the Damned, complete with creepy illustrations. I'm showing off two of those pictures here—both great examples of why you might want to schedule your next vacation for the Abyss. Look how scenic it is, there? So what if that mountain over yonder might get up at any moment and come eat you? That's part of the fun!

Illustrations by Kevin Crossley

James Jacobs
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Demons Kevin Crossley Monsters Wallpapers
Dark Archive

Whoa, like, trippy dude.

Pass the cheetos and the OJ.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Kev Crossley is on the ball. I predict a lot of tiny little maggots writihing around every piece of artwork in the book.

Liberty's Edge


Those are awesome (especially the first one); can't wait for the full-color versions :)

Kevin Crossley does my favorite art for Pathfinder. So happy to see his stuff in this book.

Very nice.

Dark Archive

Ok, now I totally want an adventure in the abyss, the landscape looks like it wants to murder you.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
Kev Crossley is on the ball.

+1 These pics evoke the Abyss, right on.


Are wrote:

Those are awesome (especially the first one); can't wait for the full-color versions :)

These are for the Pages from the Book of the Damned sections between the chapters, so these are the finals. Pretty awesome/sick the detail Crossley gets with his line work!

Liberty's Edge Contributor


'Nuf said.

The Exchange

Why are there trees growing on that dragon?

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Are wrote:

Those are awesome (especially the first one); can't wait for the full-color versions :)

These are for the Pages from the Book of the Damned sections between the chapters, so these are the finals. Pretty awesome/sick the detail Crossley gets with his line work!

Excellent! Black&White works very well for these :)

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

These are for the Pages from the Book of the Damned sections between the chapters, so these are the finals. Pretty awesome/sick the detail Crossley gets with his line work!

No wonder the level of awesomeness for these "sketches" was darn high. Totally impressive!

Sovereign Court

Hey you can see my roost in the 1st pic!

--Birds of a feather Vrock together!

That's no moon...

Dark Archive

The artwork is intense! I really love black/white sketch type art! I like looking at the Wayne art that is just pencil sketch!

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