Illustration by Jon Hodgson

The Unluckiest Owlbear: Part II

Monday, March 15, 2010

As I mentioned back on the 22nd of February, the owlbear sort of ended up being the mascot for the Kingmaker Adventure Path. I also hinted that our poor mascot was going to have something of an unlucky streak. Turns out... the bad luck hits more or less immediately—in the second Kingmaker adventure, "Rivers Run Red," the PCs start to build their kingdom and tame the wilderness of the Stolen Lands. That's bad news for the owlbears, as you can see here.

Don't worry, though, because our unlucky owlbear is destined for greater things than merely providing a pile of experience points for some overzealous archer! It's just that the owlbear won't be all that aware of his fame when it finally comes!

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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Tags: Jon Hodgson Kingmaker Monsters Owlbears Pathfinder Adventure Path River Kingdoms Wallpapers
Dark Archive

Not only will there be Owlbear fur rugs and Owbear fur trimmed/lined coats, on Coronation Investiture Day, peppered Owlbear steak in Sphinx butter will be given to the populance at large.

Them's good eating.

Some faint hearted druids probably gagged when they saw the background for that picture.

Dark Archive

Ameri to Lini "Do yourself a favor and dont turn around"

Lini turns around "ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH"

Ameri "Told you"

Dark Archive

Lem: "It's what we call a fixer uppper."

Seltyiel: "Bah! In the Great Fatherland we have a saying - if you want to make some eggs you have to raze some forrests."

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

(During combat)
Harsk: I'm running out of arrows and they keep coming!

Seltyiel: *cracks knuckles* I've got this one. Fuego! Mas Fuego! Maximo Fuego!

Harsk: And not a singe on the Owlbear *thunk*

Seltyiel: Hmm, must have taken a couple levels of rogue.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I love that the name of that particular jpeg is: PZO9032-ArrowedOwlbear.jpg




Dark Archive

It's alright little Mairkurion, Woodsy went to live a happy life on a Cheliax farm with my grandmother Para Countess Lola.

Sovereign Court

The poor Owlbear is like the Lorax...

Dark Archive

Good one CJ !

I want a zombie owl bear mini.

Awakened Archlich 20th level Sorcerous Fey Bloodline Owlbear!

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

I love that the name of that particular jpeg is: PZO9032-ArrowedOwlbear.jpg


Looks like the forest has been burninated too.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Qwilion wrote:
Awakened Archlich 20th level Sorcerous Fey Bloodline Owlbear!

Hmmm .... I might just have to stat that up.

Sovereign Court

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Some faint hearted druids probably gagged when they saw the background for that picture.

I would suggest that it was less being faint hearted, and more "not being a complete monster"

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Qwilion wrote:
Awakened Archlich 20th level Sorcerous Fey Bloodline Owlbear!
Hmmm .... I might just have to stat that up.

I can accept this quick, ignominious demise if Woodsy ends up being the ultimate BBEG of the AP. But he would need stats and a final illustration to fully heal the wound.

cappadocius wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Some faint hearted druids probably gagged when they saw the background for that picture.
I would suggest that it was less being faint hearted, and more "not being a complete monster"

He'll be laughing out the other side of his freakish little skull when we of the woods have our vengeance!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

This is the most depressing image ever! I'm going to blow it up and pin it to the wall for every player to see. Let's see if they still want to start a colony knowing the heavy price on the virgin earth.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

It doesn't get much better for fans of owlbear honor. Just sayin'.

Liberty's Edge

Oww, poor widdle owlbear.

So, who’s playing a druid in this AP?

Lantern Lodge

Remember what happened after Paizo re-envisioned Goblins in Burnt Offerings?
Suddenly everyone wants to play one of those funky little guys as a PC race!

So don't let us empathise with these poor Owlbears too much:
Owlbear = the new Wookie!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
DarkWhite wrote:

Remember what happened after Paizo re-envisioned Goblins in Burnt Offerings?

Suddenly everyone wants to play one of those funky little guys as a PC race!

So don't let us empathise with these poor Owlbears too much:
Owlbear = the new Wookie!


classic, too bad I dont have a druid in my game, I would totally have one follow them around growl-hooting or what ever they do, miming conversation.

want to sneak up on those bandits? too bad! Hoots McGee your druids new pal just blew your stealth check, good luck.

ROWWWWR-hoo hoo hoot.....



Renraku wrote:

HA! That is totally making it to my gaming table.

*Gazes deeply into the Roarhoot's eyes*

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Gaze away, you freaks of nature; soon death will embrace you. You'll both make nice carpets, wall-ornaments, and/or zombies.

James Jacobs wrote:
It doesn't get much better for fans of owlbear honor. Just sayin'.


Dark Archive

poor owlbear... you are just too hard to train...

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

ulgulanoth wrote:
poor owlbear... you are just too hard to train...

Admittedly, though, the carrot and stick thing works best when the sticks aren't pointy and being propelled at the trainee at incredible speeds.

Dark Archive

owlbears don't eat carrots

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

A fact which also contributes to their lack of easy trainability.

Dark Archive

ay so true

Silver Crusade

However, they do eat many things with carrots inside them!

The background of this picture really has me thinking ahead about preservation of the land and the situation with any people already living there. Sounds like a lot of fey live out there according to the player's guide. We're aiming to be a good-aligned party as a whole, so we're definitely going to try and avoid another Falcon's Hollow situation.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Roarhoot wrote:

ROWWWWR-hoo hoo hoot.....




so tempted to make a .wav file now just for that one encounter...

The Exchange

yoda8myhead wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
poor owlbear... you are just too hard to train...
Admittedly, though, the carrot and stick thing works best when the sticks aren't pointy and being propelled at the trainee at incredible speeds.

Now THAT is funny! *takes notes*

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I'll be the first to say that the owlbear did an excellent job leveling the forest behind it. I'm surprised they stopped the beast so soon.

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