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Oh yeah, in my list of "what is that cool thing" I also forgot to mention atavistic totem. That Wrathbringer is a great example of several of the new rules in this chapter, so it was almost worth being entangled to get him up there!
Ooo, I'd like to know more about Atavistic Totem Rage Power line.

Mark Seifter Designer |

Thanks for the preview, Mark!
Ahh, my rage mage looks really cool! (Ha, pun!) Can't wait to see the rest of the marauders, and all the other organizations!
Yeah, the marauders were a fun group to work with, and they should be pretty useful in a lot of situations where the GM needs a marauding tribe or army, especially since they don't just all mindlessly rage and charge in but instead use complimentary tactics among the various marauders.

Mark Seifter Designer |

Mark Seifter wrote:Oh yeah, in my list of "what is that cool thing" I also forgot to mention atavistic totem. That Wrathbringer is a great example of several of the new rules in this chapter, so it was almost worth being entangled to get him up there!Ooo, I'd like to know more about Atavistic Totem Rage Power line.
My go-to for dissecting previews is to look in the statblock for anything fishy. In the case of new rage powers, one strategy might be to compare the base statistics to the in-rage statistics and see if anything changes; of course, that isn't guaranteed to work if the power is something that wouldn't be captured in the statblock.

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Rysky wrote:My go-to for dissecting previews is to look in the statblock for anything fishy. In the case of new rage powers, one strategy might be to compare the base statistics to the in-rage statistics and see if anything changes; of course, that isn't guaranteed to work if the power is something that wouldn't be captured in the statblock.Mark Seifter wrote:Oh yeah, in my list of "what is that cool thing" I also forgot to mention atavistic totem. That Wrathbringer is a great example of several of the new rules in this chapter, so it was almost worth being entangled to get him up there!Ooo, I'd like to know more about Atavistic Totem Rage Power line.
Like the small Leshy being able to bench press a truck?

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Nah. That's mostly accounted for by Class Levels and Item. Fungus Leshy's start with a 10, +4 for PC class, +2 for Belt of Str is a 16 right there (18 raging). This guy has +2 over that, but only +2. I wonder where that's from?
He does have ferocity, though. Which seems pretty atavistic to me. As does the fact that his bite attack damage seems to go up a size category (from 1d8 to 2d6) when he rages...
The 'Nature's Wrath' Feat and accompanying penalty to saves vs. rage effects also lead me to believe that said Feat makes him susceptible to his own morale effects (making Skald actually work as a Class for a plant), along with emotional effects in general.

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Rysky wrote:Monster rules when you add PC classes is they get a bunch of stat bonuses (and one penalty) to apply to their standard array. The highest bonus is +4. Check your favorite Bestiary appendix on monster advancement.Deadmanwalking wrote:+4 for PC class,?
Ah! I was unaware of that tidbit, thankies.

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Nah. That's mostly accounted for by Class Levels and Item. Fungus Leshy's start with a 10, +4 for PC class, +2 for Belt of Str is a 16 right there (18 raging). This guy has +2 over that, but only +2. I wonder where that's from?
I'd guess either the new Nature's Wrath or Atavistic Totem options.
Assuming one of those provides an additional +2 to Strength, it all works out;
Bestiary stats: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 15
PC adjustments: Str +4, Dex +0, Con +4, Int +2, Wis –2, Cha +2
Results: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 17
Then Str gets +2 rage, +2 belt, +2 Wrath and/or Totem, Con gets +2 rage, and Cha gets +1 stat increase at 4th level

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Cool - very flavorful and creepy! It would be nice if his bongos were made out of mushrooms and he had some rad, bolt-on, flat-top mushroom crash and ride cymbals. ^_^
On the stat block, I have the following questions/comments:
1. CL7 CHA18 Skald Rage Rounds: 3 base + 4 CHA + 12 (2 x 6 levels) = 19 (17 shown above)
2. Regarding the versatile performances, it would be nice if the skill list showed: Handle Animal +19, Intimidate +19, Diplomacy +12, Sense Motive +12. GMs who don't know the skald class may not parse the extra detail, and it could impact combat. And, it's extremely helpful in the heat of battle to have those data handy.
3. Similarly, with bardic knowledge and good hope, it would be great if the skill list showed Knowledge (all) +4. GMs might miss the good hope/INT interaction and it makes it easier if the stat block shows the correct bonus.
4. I did some quick math on the skill points and ended up with 22 total, where all referenced skills are class skills, except survival (including perception and stealth as a plant...+ stealth size modifier) and including the ACP of -3 on DEX/STR skills. So, 1 plant racial level + 7 skald levels = 22 skill points. Seems to check out. Nice. (It leaves +7 FCB for hp) -- I did this calculation, because the hp did not align for me (see next).
8. I'd be interested to know how the hp is calculated. On the base stat hp, my math yielded 97hp instead of 101. My attempt: 4.5 (plant/1) + 8 (skald/1) + 30 (skald/6) + 40 (CON) + 8 (toughness) + 7 (FCB) = 97hp (round down). So, 8d8+61 makes sense to me, but as 97hp if it follows the average hp model used in the bestiaries (4.5*8+61 rather then 5*8+61 as implied by the above stat block). So, my question is: Is the 101hp intentional or should it follow the typical 4.5x8 average hp model for monsters and be 97?

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8. I'd be interested to know how the hp is calculated. On the base stat hp, my math yielded 97hp instead of 101. My attempt: 4.5 (plant/1) + 8 (skald/1) + 30 (skald/6) + 40 (CON) + 8 (toughness) + 7 (FCB) = 97hp (round down). So, 8d8+61 makes sense to me, but as 97hp if it follows the average hp model used in the bestiaries (4.5*8+61 rather then 5*8+61 as implied by the above stat block). So, my question is: Is the 101hp intentional or should it follow the typical 4.5x8 average hp model for monsters and be 97?
That looks like an issue with the HD. The main stat block indicates it has 9 Hit Dice. (The stats without rage active seem to be in error)
101 hp = 9d8 (avg 40) + 61
61 hp = 45 (9*Con) + 9 (Toughness) + 7 (FCB)

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HP are actually entirely correct. I think what you're missing is that it has 2 HD of Plant, but I'm not sure.
40 from HD is correct for 9d8 HD (4.5 x 9 is 40.5 and you round down), as is 54 from Con (45 when not raging) then they get 7 from FCB, and 9 from Toughness.
That's precisely 110 (101 when not raging). And is the formula used in all NPC stat-blocks. The 'rounding up to 5' on PC HD is for PCs only, and technically only for PFS even there (though it's a common House Rule in non-PFS games). The non-raging stats are listed with 8 HD, but that's a minor error, and their only one.
Talking skills, he should have 23, but my count sees 25 with 3 in Acrobatics, 1 each in Stealth and Survival, 7 in Perception, 3 in Oratory, and 10 in Percussion.
And the 'mystery' +2 Str can't be from Rage Powers, since it applies even when not raging. Maybe the Fungal Slippers boost fungal creatures that way?
My bet on the Rage Powers is that Lesser Atavistic Totem is what upgrades the Bite Attack's effective size, and Atavistic Totem gives Ferocity. That's a solid line of powers in many ways, and consistent with the stat-block.

Mark Seifter Designer |

I'm guessing Nature's Scourge has some none plant allies to take afvantages of the moral bonuses this creepy fungal menace can hand out?
The Wrathbringer is the only new plant character (though there's a suggested encounter with other angry plants), so lots of non-plants. The Blight Caller (who created the Wrathbringer) is an interesting druid, and you've seen the picture of the Renewer up there. At leadership levels, they round that out with Ember, who is pretty terrifying as support.

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Makes sense if there is a problem with 8d8 vs. 9d8. I guess confusion was with the base stats @ 8d8, since that's what I was using for my calculations. I was trying to calculate the hp total w/o rage. Also, I assumed that the class levels would be at +5 (because it seems to align with the +61 total vs. 8x4.5).
The # of rage rounds also seems to be in error, as above.
Talking skills, he should have 23, but my count sees 25
On skills, my math differs - I get 22, as above:
Acrobatics (skald class): 2 ranks - +1 base stats(racial?), +2 Dex, +3 class, +2 good hope, -3 ACP = +7 total. (if the +1 is in error in the base stats, then it needs 3 ranks, as DMW states) - what is the explanation for the +1 in the base stats?Perception (plant class): 7 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class, +2 good hope = +13 total
Perform (oratory)(skald class): 3 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 class, +2 good hope = +12 total
Perform (percussion)(skald class): 8 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 class, +2 good hope, +2 MWK drum/tool = +19 total (and I assumed that was maxed and in sync with 8d8 in the base stats)
Stealth (plant class): 1 rank, +2 Dex, +3 class, +4 size, +2 good hope, -3 ACP = +9 total
Survival (non-class): 1 rank, +1 Wis, +2 good hope = +4 total
Total Ranks: 2+7+3+8+1+1 = 22 ranks
Have I goofed in my skill analysis somewhere?
...and, for me, this aligned with 1 plant level @ 2+INT=1 and 7 skald levels @ 4+INT=3 (22 total, no FCBs) -- further reinforcing the HD confusion if the 8d8 base is in error...or is the 8d8 correct and the 9d8 in error? ^_^
So, I guess that leaves the mystery of 1 more plant skill rank if 9d8 vs. +1 in acrobatics in the base stats.

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Ah! I was forgetting the Masterwork Tool. That makes the math perfect on skills. And explains the bonus higher than he could have ranks, too.
And the +1 for Acrobatics listed in base stats is that he only +1 (rather than his full +5) for jumping due to low movement rate. So that puts it at 3 ranks of Acrobatics...which makes 23, the precise number he should have at the 9 HD he's got.
Now all we need to figure out is where that +2 Str comes from.

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The Wrathbringer is the only new plant character (though there's a suggested encounter with other angry plants), so lots of non-plants. The Blight Caller (who created the Wrathbringer) is an interesting druid, and you've seen the picture of the Renewer up there. At leadership levels, they round that out with Ember, who is pretty terrifying as support.
The angry plants have loads of potential. I would love to see them express additional plant traits during rage - like growing thorns, changing color, exuding toxic substances, wielding entangling roots, stolons and whipping tendrils that entangle, grab and constrict (or maybe also work as an 'invade' puncture attack, manifesting the equivalent of a 'swallow whole' - like a venus fly trap or pitcher plant and then start digesting or just growing around its grappled prey to suffocate and absorb them, etc. I know there are some monster entries that have some of these features now, but having them turn nasty with rage is all kinds of goodness. The bodythief needs some angry pals (and grappling minions to hold down the victims)! *evil grin*

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And the +1 for Acrobatics listed in base stats is that he only +1 (rather than his full +5)
Yeah - you're right - I was misreading it as a bonus instead of the actual total resulting from the -4 racial from a base movement < 30'. Thx!
So, 23 skill/9d8 HD (2 plant, 7 skald) it is! :)
...and I will add that every time I see a skill list, I always find myself wishing that it showed the number of ranks applied to each skill in addition to the total bonus. I occasionally have to rip pregens into VTT-land (we be goblins, maelstrom rift, serpents' ire, true dragons, etc.), and it would make it a little bit easier, not that there's anything wrong with sleuthing.
I think stat block sleuthing practice is an important part of GMing to help facilitate the immediate calculations for dynamic changes that occur as a consequence of negative conditions, stat damage, etc. in the heat of battle...and is definitely in the path of monster/campaign creation.

Mark Seifter Designer |
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I'm thinking of using this in Starfinder. The party lands on a sentient, hostile planet, and a horde of Wrathbringers try to kill or drive away the ship and its crew.
Oh man, that's pretty awesome! Add in some other plant creatures (leshys?) with Nature's Wrath. There's at least one really good plant monster in Bestiary 6 to use as a sort of crux or avatar for the sentient planet, and that should be in your hands in time for Starfinder as well!

Plausible Pseudonym |

John Napier 698 wrote:I'm thinking of using this in Starfinder. The party lands on a sentient, hostile planet, and a horde of Wrathbringers try to kill or drive away the ship and its crew.Oh man, that's pretty awesome! Add in some other plant creatures (leshys?) with Nature's Wrath. There's at least one really good plant monster in Bestiary 6 to use as a sort of crux or avatar for the sentient planet, and that should be in your hands in time for Starfinder as well!
Sounds like the Thorian from Mass Effect, which like much of that series is probably based on some pulp scifi I don't know.