Neppka's page

8 posts. Alias of Andostre.


GM Stargin wrote:
Neppka. Im good with your proposed changes so justblet me know what you end up with.

I'm confused. What changes are you referring to?

GM Stargin wrote:


As you grow up you find yourself strangely comfortable in stormy weather.

My parents would often claim that we were blessed by Hei Feng on the storm-tossed voyage that brought us from Kwanlai to here. They thought that we weren't going to make it, but by Hei Feng's fickle whim, we survived.

One incident in particular happens when you're outside in a very rainy day with thunder and lightning booming and flashing around you. Can you tell us if you're outside alone in this weather or is someone with you?

I'm with an older human guardsman named Neilar. My father has befriended him, and Neilar has agreed to train me in the use of weapons commonly found in Avistan. We are practicing basic forms. If I show enough aptitude, I've been promised my own sword!


A flash of lightning comes down and hits a tree and then flashes right at you! You're knocked back by the force, but strangely don't feel hurt at all! (Stormtossed gives you electric resistance of 1 which is enough to make this 0)

As you lie on your back staring up at the rainy sky you see the shape of a large bat, probably spooked by the lightning swooping right at you! You don't know what's happening and so you scramble for a stone to put in your sling and fire it at the bat!

(Usually because of the concealment caused by the rain you'd have to roll a flat check to even have a chance of hitting, but thanks to Stormtossed there's no such concealment. Go ahead and roll a strike for the sling!)

Ranged Strike: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

It's not surprising that I can't effectively fire my sling while lying flat on my back. The surprising part was that I could load it and fire it at all!


Right after you fling the stone though, you feel a buildup of energy that you cannot explain and you fling your hand out and lighting comes out towards the bat!

Follow the rules for the electric arc spell to cast it!

There's nothing in the spell description that says I need to make an attack roll, so I think it just hits.

Electricity damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 <-- But the target gets a basic Reflex save.

Beak hanging open in surprise, Neppka is shocked, and doesn't understand what happened....

I second taking what time you need, GM. No rush.

But also, for when you're back, I just want to make sure that you're not waiting on anything from me...

Andostre wrote:
GM Stargin wrote:
Neppka: To make ancestry choices.

Ancestry: Tengu (the scary journey mentioned in the gameplay thread was his family's storm-tossed journey from Kwanlai.)

Ancestry Boosts: Dexterity and Free (Strength)
Heritage: Stormtossed Tengu (electricity resistance)
Feat: Storm's Lash (scaling electric arc cantrip!)
Weapons: I'm good with the default club and sling for now, but obviously he'll switch out the club for a more appropriate weapon.

GM Stargin wrote:
I've got the Ancestry character option link in the description

Hey GM, it looks like that link is bad. It doesn't lead to where you intend. FYI.

GM Stargin wrote:


Neppka stands up successfully! Last action... is Neppka going to toddle and in which direction?

I make a joyous sound at this new accomplishment, but there's no response from Mother. I want to find her. Our home might be only one room, but there's many obstacles such as furniture and piles of supplies that I cannot see around. I leave my sleeping mat and head towards the home's lone window, which is above the small oven we have. If Mother is not watching me, she's usually there preparing food. If she's not there, then she might be where she and Father sleep.

Toddle: 1d20 ⇒ 15

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DrunkenTurtle wrote:
I was trying to figure the alias thing out, yeah. Sorry, for being slow with this.

You're not being slow. is an old, weird website. They've interlinked the functionality of their blog, webstore, and forums too much, in my opinion.

To make an alias, click "My Account" in the top right corner of the site. Hovering over it will bring up a menu of options, but you can ignore the menu this time. Just click "My Account," and you'll be taken to a page where you need to confirm your username and password before being taken to your My Account page.

Your account page has two columns of boxes. The third box down in the left column is called "Messageboard Aliases." Click the "Create New Aliases" button. You'll be taken to a page with a text field for an Alias name (with Paizo's suggestion that you'll probably want to replace). Put in your own alias' name, but it has to be unique. For example, when I created my alias for this thread, I originally wanted 'Nepka,' but someone out there is already using it, so I added an extra 'P'. If you want, you can then click the "Submit Changes" button, and technically be done. The new alias will appear in your "Messageboard Aliases" box and also in the drop down menu beneath the text field when writing a new post.

If you want to add an Avatar image for an alias, you can do so before you click Submit, or you can can do it later by clicking the Edit button next to your alias name in the "Messageboard Aliases" box. By default, the site will show you every single Avatar image available. You can narrow the available images down using the filters to the left, if you want. When you've found the image you want to use, hover over the image and click the "Select this Avatar" button that pops up. Then you'll need to click the "Submit Changes" button on the screen you're taken to.

If there's a limit to the number of aliases that a user wants to create it must be very high. There's a thread somewhere on the forums, for example, of users joking about having a race to create 400 aliases, and the guy who started it is at 529. Way more than anyone is likely to ever need.

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GM Stargin wrote:
Neppka: Sorry for overwhelming you, but you're doing stage 2 perfectly. You used an action and were not able to stand up. Do you want to try again with your second action?

Thanks. It's not you or the process that's overwhelming, it's being a few days behind and then having to parse through all the posts to know what I should do next. Mostly my issue.

Standing up, Take 2: 1d20 ⇒ 14

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Hi, this is Andostre. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea of trying to catch up, so I'm just going to focus on one step at a time.

GM Stargin wrote:

Stage 2 of character creation (Stage 1 was concept). Newborn.

Character Sheet step.

Put 0 in all attribute modifiers on a character sheet. These are your starting stats.

Roleplay Step:

You are a baby, the equivalent of an 8-month-old human child and you have just woken up from a nap. You are lying down.

• Describe what you see. For example, what does your sleeping area look like, who is around you?

I open my eyes and see the familiar sites of what I've come recognize as home. I have vague impressions that I used to have another home, but there was a long (and quite frankly, scary) journey with my parents to arrive in our new home. Mother is usually here, but father is usually not. I roll on my thin mattress that lies on the floor to get a better look around. Mother, father, and I all live in the same room, which also contains a few meager pieces of furniture. There are no other rooms in our home other than this one. When we leave the room, it is bright and noisy and crowded. The outside noise is constantly present even inside the home, but I feel safer inside the room despite the noise.


Mechanics Step:

Having woken you want to practice all the wonderful things you have been teaching yourself to do. Exciting things like standing, and walking, and running. This is what you’re going to attempt to do.

Standing Up:
Standing up is becoming very easy for you as you have been doing it for a while. It is still not automatic though.

Roll a d20 and note the number that comes up on the top face.

Standing up: 1d20 ⇒ 3