It's a lot for a Wizard...
Class: Wizard
HP: 15 (+1 Con ancestry)
Class attribute boost: INT
Proficiencies: Arcana
Level 1 Class features: Arcane Thesis (staff nexus); Arcane School (unified theory - add a feat); Unified Theory Feat: Familiar: Raven (named Nevermore); Familiar Ability: Speak (Fey); Master Abilities (from Familiar):Restorative Familiar; Arcane Bond and Drain Bonded Item
Spellcasting details (for spellcasting classes and will include a choice of spells): spellbook contains: (Bold indicates currently prepared)
Cantrips - Caustic Blast, Detect Magic, Ignition, Light, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Aura, Shield, Telekinetic Hand, Telekinetic Projectile
1st Rank - Burning Hands, Color Spray, Grease, Mystic Armor, Summon Animal; Thunderstrike
Focus Spell: Hand of the Apprentice
Staff Nexus allows Magnus to add Light and Mystic Armor to his staff to cast outside of prepared spells.

Magnus continues his studies of the arcane, watching as his instructor prepares another spell for the class. Immediately, he understands this incantation and its effects -- it is the spell Summon Animal. Quickly a giant frog appears in the room for an instant. The gnome thinks he understands the complex equations behind this spell after seeing it cast just this one time.
Magnus Identify Magic, Arcane: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
As the mysteries of this magic are unraveled by the student, he tries to tie back this knowledge - the history, uses, and similarity of this spell to others. Things seem to lock into place for the young caster, and he writes this paper with apparent ease.
Magnus Academia Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Magnus still has not filled all his base attributes, if I am supposed to I missed it. He would add another point to INT when that is complete, and get a final result 1 higher than shows here. Imagine that is critical success for the first and a success for the second...
Magnus recovers the hat, and with a bit of Prestidigitation, restores it to its original condition and hands it back to his friend. He shrugs at the question. "I've just always been able to do that, don't know how or why its different from other gnomes. Maybe its my ties to the First World, maybe its something else, but now that I am learning arcane magic, perhaps I will find out more. Perhaps..."
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Krrys'tall wrote: Neppka wrote: Thanks. It's not you or the process that's overwhelming, it's being a few days behind and then having to parse through all the posts to know what I should do next. Mostly my issue. I feel that, Friend. I am catching up with you. To be fair, PBP doesn't usually move this fast, you just caught the right people on the right day. Usually you are sitting and hoping someone, anyone would post something....
Magnus appreciates the tour of Magnimar with his Varisian classmate when they get to review the monuments left here by some former civilization, Magnus thinks back about the maps he has seen of this area when it was ancient.
Recall Cartography Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Bleh! Don't have my 4 first level boosts entered yet, so it would be +1 more, but still not enough for the DC...
As they ponder the monolithic ruins, a bird snags his friends hat. Magnus replies almost without thinking and casts his popping spell at the offending creature.
Phase Bolt ranged spell attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Piercing Dmg: 3d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) = 7
Not sure if that is a critical hit. If so the damage would be 14.

As a young adult it was all study, recitation, and practical magic for poor Magnus. Some would think that a fun-loving gnome would grow dry and bleached from all the bookwork, but curiosity has always been Magnus' real obsession even from the nursery. He loves learning new things, he dives deep and focuses on things without distraction, he has become a savant of sorts at recognizing (and repeating to an extent) the vocal and symbolic tracings of many different spells such that they are easily recognizable.
As if that wasn't enough, the young prodigy studies language as well, focusing on the most common magical tongues: Draconic and Elvish. He also picks up the local Varisian patois rather easily from hearing it spoken around him in the Varisian city of Magnimar where he is studying.
Part of the course of study is dinners with professors and honored wizards, and the demand to attend social events around these lectures. He learns much about customs, mores, and mannerisms from observing and participating in these rituals, and the First World expatriate does his best to copy things he did not have a chance to learn first-hand. Soon he is a great imitator of how society should function, if its not natural to him.
Magnus' straw like infant hair has turned into a large unkempt shock of unnaturally golden hair that is often in disarray, perhaps with a small creature or two nesting it from time to time. His eyes are wide and a pale lavender color. He has grown tall, for a gnome, at just about 3.5ft, and is lithe and wiry but not very muscular or physically imposing. He has taken to wearing an oversized magician's robe with stars and moons and suns on it, to hide his physical frailty.
Magnus looks forward to his matriculation from his studies, but supposes a lifetime of research, magical endeavor, and satisfying his innate curiosity, especially around maps, the First World, and the arcane in general.
For Stage 4, Magnus will take the Background Student of Magic which gives him a boost to INT and DEX. It also gives him Academia Lore and one other skill. I choose Society for him there. It also gives him the Recognize Spell ability.
It appears I don't have a skill feat at level 1?
I will post a bit more about that in RP tomorrow
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You guys are getting some miserable rolls out of the way...

As as young child, Magnus moved from the First World to Golarion. His types to the First World, the land of his birth, remain with him though even it his adult years. (Feychild Gnome ethnicity). Upon relocating to Golarion, in Magnimar, a coastal city in Varisia, Magnus realized his innate magical ability. He can cast a spell that sends a bolt of energy up to 30' away. That casting, though, comes with an easily audible popping and bang sound that earned him the nickname Whizzbang from his peers. He kind of likes the name, and the tie this leaves him with the First World where he longs to go back to.
Intellectually curious even as he grows older, Magnus develops an affinity for maps. He collects them, studies them, pours over them, as much as he possible can. His sleeping area is filled to the brim and then some with a perfectly organized (to him) cornucopia of maps, drawings, snippets, and books. He spends extra time with these wonders outside of his magical apprenticeship and seeks out new cartographic treasures every chance he gets. His near-obsession with maps sometimes gets diverted quickly into other interests that he also goes way overboard on, before switching back to another interest almost at the drop of a hat. His desire to know it all about any number of topics borders on the unhealthy at times.
Magnus finds himself apprenticed to a gnomish spellcaster who begins teaching him the rudimentary art of wizardry. The young gnome takes to it quickly, find his natural curiosity and obsession comes in handy with complex study, equations, and the years of apprenticeship. His mentor is a gnome that has not been connected with the First World for some time, but makes up for that with arcane learning instead of primal.
Somewhere along the way, Magnus' mentor gifts him a staff made of pink-orange wood that is derived in the First World. He treasures this connection to his home plane, and keeps it with him at nearly all times, wearing small hand grooves into the hard wood surface over time.
GM Stargin wrote: Magnus and Boudoon: For Stage 3 you've got ancestry choices to make? I've got the Ancestry character option link in the description that has the details but basically here are the options you are picking.
Ancestry Boosts:
Weapons: Starting weapon if you don't like the default club and sling.
Magnus will choose Gnome Ancestry, and add one boost to Int along with CHA and Con which are innate. His Heritage is Wellspring Gnome which allows for one non-primal innate spell. I chose Phase Bolt for him, and we can agree that the Phase spell results in a popping or BANG sound, from where is name is derived.
His Ancestry Feat is Gnome Obsession which allows a Lore skill and Assurance in that skill. It can be changed with a day of downtime. I chose Cartography for now, but can easily accommodate any Lore to be campaign specific.
Oh, and I got a free staff as my weapon of choice.
I will add a role-play post in the Game thread after dinner.
It seems that one of the bullfrog-like nursery minders has spied Baby Magnus trying to leave the nursery, so instead of complying like a good baby, Magnus decides to try high gear...
Chariots of Fire: 1d20 ⇒ 9
I imagine that's a fail...

Baby Magnus, who doesn't have a last name yet, it is given at rite off passage for his clan, wakes hungry. He looks around at the nursery in which he is lying. Several other infant gnomes also lie in this communal nursery, some have full shocks of pink or blue hair, but Baby Magnus has just a few cowlicks across his mostly bald pate. They seem to be the color of straw but nearly translucent.
The nursery sits under the shade of a giant mushroom in the First World of the fey. The room has colors that swirl and change, never staying the same which creates a bit of dizzying effect for the youngster. Bullfrog like humanoid fey work in the nursery, tending to the babes and making sure they are fed and clothed.
The sky outside the mushroom-covered nursery seems to swirl in an odd assortment of blue and greens, and as Magnus looks a swarm of butterflies with the arms and torsos of humans, flies by. Trying to see them better, Magnus tries to stand.
The curious babe makes to an upright position, but the man-butterflies have gotten out of his vision. He chooses to toddle in their direction, oblivious to the dangers of doing so, or the panoply of hazards awaiting him outside the nursery. Pointing at the flying fey, he speeds out of the sleeping area, and towards the edge of the semi-outdoor nursery, as fast as his little legs can manage.
It seems Baby Magnus' intellectual curiosity, even at a young age, might get the better of him...
Standing?: 1d20 ⇒ 14
toddling DC 12: 1d20 ⇒ 19