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You find yourselves in the office of Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight at the Hajoth Hakados Lodge in southern Numeria. She introduced herself quickly before rushing off to deal with ... something. The whole Lodge is abuzz with activity and there are many Pathfinder agents, caravan masters, guards, and animal handlers busily getting ready for what is clearly something big. Knowing how these assignments are so randomly carefully made by the other VCs, she has asked you to introduce yourselves to each other while she finishes up prepping for your mission.

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"Looks like we're gonna get to have some fun soon eh?" Says an old Dwarf standing next to a window. His hair is straight and grey, pretty greasy with the occasional twig or piece of bark in it.
"I mean.. maybe we're being invaded and we get to do some special operation to cull the 'leadership' from the invaders?" He ponders out loud "That'd be a hoot..."
He digs yet another piece of smoky jerky from a pocket in his cloak and chews loudly.

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A large, thick-necked human sits in the corner. At first you thought he was some sort of lodge guard, but then you realize he's likely meant to be with you. He pops his knuckles as he waits. "Chew with your mouth closed, Scratch." He gets up and crosses the room to the dwarf. "Or at least give me a piece of jerky."
The man sports several prison tattoos covering his arms and his oversized hands, also covered in scars. He stretches his neck to one size, popping it too. He nods at Scratch. "That would be a bit of fun. Beats smashing rats' skulls together on my last outing."

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Scratch digs out another piece of unidentified dried meat and hands it over to Jaxon "Were they ROUS's at least?" He asks, referring to the rats of course.
"You two can stand up in the front and get yer hands grimy, I'll provide ranged support." He grins, showing off an impressive set of yellowing teeth with very poor gums. It looks like years of jerky stuck in between them has taken its toll.
He looks up at a clock on the wall and raises his eyebrows in excitement "Looks like its almost the witching hour.. hope you all are ready?"

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An elven woman flies across the room to see the men. She is tall and slim, even for an elf, and her face looks too young for an adventurer. Her hair is sky-blue and eyes onyx black. She's wearing a culturally mismatched outfit, her skirt from Qadira, man's shirt from Taldor, one scarf from Varisia, one from Bhopan, and jewelry is more commonly seen in Osirian funerals. Everything fits together aesthetically if one can ignore the cultural clashes.
"Excuse me, I need to open this a bit", she says, opens the window and starts fanning air from the window on her face with a fan in the shape of Desna's butterfly. "I don't believe we have met, I am Lindevaile Tindome, I feel the wind", she presents herself. She notices Jaxon's prison tattoos, and with delight takes a more careful look. "I know this one! Yes... I can see why you'd have that, that other one is a bit surprising. That I don't know. Mom didn't let me take them, but some of the others had these." She smiles sweetly to Jaxon, not at all taken back by his gruff image. "Don't worry, I won't tell my guesses about the tattoos to anyone, you can tell the full story someday."
"Witching hour? I think I'm what they call a sorcerer, does that help?" she asks Scratch.

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A green goblin walks up to the Pathfinders, happily munching on a pickle (with her mouth open, of course), with brine running down her chin. She's happily humming a goblin song as she joins the group.
"Oh! Hullo Paffinders! I's Lokaloka. I's with yous for this trip." Seeing a familiar face, her face breaks out into an even wider grin as she walks up to the individual.
"Oh hullo again, Jaxon! Pickle?" she asks, spraying him with bits of pickle and brine. She rummages in her pickle jar and hands him a large green cucumber, dripping with brine with a rather large bite on one end...

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"Pickle Goblin!" Jaxon laughs and takes the pickle to add his own bite. He hands it back to the goblin, sure that she won't mind. The pickle taste mixed with the jerky makes an odd combination. He waves to the others. "You gotta try it. It's weird at first, but there's something about it that grows on you"
He turns to Lindevaile and then glances at his tattoos. "You, uh, spent some time in the lockup? Only those who've done some time know exactly what those mean. But I don't clock you as someone with a rap sheet."

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"Uhhh witching hour? Just a figure of speech Lady." He grins, a bit jealous of the flying around bit. "What kinda magic spells you usually slingin'? Big bangers or one of those mind games types of woman?"
Scratch hustles over for his own pickle, trading some spicy jerky for the tangy treat. "You a fermented pickle type or vinegar soaker?" He asks before taking a bite, secretly hoping its crispy.

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"Born and raised in the dark, until the wind freed me. Haven't been out that long yet, so I'm still learning how the free folk speak", Lindevaile Tindome answers both Jaxon and Scratch. "Oh that reminds me", she says and pulls out some elixirs. "Some of my past is still in my blood, so for those born in the light I have these, if I need to call the darkness. Please take one."
1 Lesser Darkvision Elixir (10 min) loaned for those who don't have darkvision.
On the topic of spells, she seems surprised. "I thought I told already, I feel the wind and it listens to me. It moves, heals, hurts, and even brings dark and light. But if those are the choices I guess I bang, there are too many sad memories in my mind to get more from others. And," she does a very elegant, captivating pirouette, "of course the music in the wind, and Desna's whispers, guide my dance."
She stops to listen Lokaloka's humming. "That sounds nice! Maybe you could sing a song for me to dance?"

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Scratch gives a fist pump at Linde's spell response, he wasn't sure what she meant by most of that, but he definitely appreciates a big banger. "We'll get along just dandy Lady, a big bang is my jam!" He raises his eyebrows and does a little wiggly wiggle, pointing at some REALLY large guns strapped across his back and a belt full of explosives.
Scratch has darkvision.

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A man dressed in white apparel arrives, hoping he is not late for the briefing mission. He overslept and hurriedly goes to the meeting place, hair still sticking out randomly on his head.
"I am Raphaeleos, I will be the healer for the mission." he says while catching his breath upon arrival.
"Did I miss the mission briefing?"

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"Briefing? Nah mate, you missed the whole dang mission!"
Ain't I a lucky SOB... big meaty buggers up front... a HEALER! And another big banger, woo! AND pickles!

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Worry washes over his face. For a moment, doubt lingers though, maybe he is joking.
"Are you serious?" he asks, his voice cracking with both concern and skepticism.

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Lindevaile Tindome gets delighted when she sees the familiar pathfinder arrive, and waves at him. "It's Raphaelos the quick doctor with a zombie in his pocket! Hi hi! Look, the wind carries me now!" she greets him, starts flying again and dances in the air. "Have you learned new arts?"
"He's really good, we met a while ago on a mission for friendship and education", she comments to Scratch.

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“CHECK THE BACK!” Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight calls back over her shoulder into the hallway as she returns to her office. “Vanis is behind schedule, but they’ll get caught up. They always do.” She winks as a glimmer of a smile passes her face. “Now, for your task:
“Twenty years ago, a group called the Technic League took power here in Numeria. They convinced the Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul, Numeria’s monarch, that we were trouble, and he banished us—but that didn’t stop me. I’ve been running this place in secret since. Recently, the Technic League have fallen out of power and Kevoth-Kul has refocused. He and I had a little chat the other day...” she trails off, lost in thought for a moment.
“To appease his suspicions, we’ve agreed to turn over a copy of all of our findings. Complete transparency. I agreed to send him a shipment of ledgers detailing every screw, nut, bolt, and wire that we’ve found and researched since this lodge started quietly operating twenty years ago. It’s probably the only thing that’s going to keep the Society operating here without first fighting off whatever army he sends to wipe us out for good. So trust me when I tell you: the success of this mission is paramount.”
A well-groomed human trots into the room carrying a clipboard and feather quill. “Task completed, venture-captain. We were able to find the crate containing the—”
They stop short, considering their words in front of these unfamiliar Pathfinder agents, but a nod from Dagur spurs them on, “—the gift for the Sovereign.” Dagur grunts in approval, then waves her secretary, Vanis, out of the room. Vanis nods politely, then spins on their heels and marches out.
The fur-clad venture-captain pulls out a large, rolled-up canvas map of Numeria then spreads it out on a large table. “We’re down here: Hajoth Hakados, in the southeast, with the Numerian Plains to the north. The caravan needs to go northwest, all the way up to Starfall. I’ve plotted a relatively safe route north to the town of Torch, then west to Gorum Pots. There, you’ll meet up with a group of Gorumites who owe me a favor; just ask for Baric the Bloodfist. They’ll wait up to 10 days for you, and then help escort you the rest of the way to Starfall. You might think that buying horses is a good idea, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s dangerous out there, and what you find at market may not survive.**
“Now I say the route is relatively safe, because in Numeria you never know what you’re going to get. Things here are always changing, always in flux. You need to be ready for anything. Don’t worry, your job isn’t babysitting the caravan; I’ve got some of our junior Pathfinders for that. I need you to scout ahead of the main group, clear out any dangers like roaming robots or wild animals, and make sure the caravan has a safe course to travel. I’ve got some reports that the Blue Streaks gang is on the move. They caused an incident when Kevoth-Kul and I met in person to make this deal to hand over our research.
“Listen up: your priority is the caravan and not the Blue Streaks. If they do make an appearance, foil any plot they have, but only strike back against them when you know the caravan is safe.
**To account for poor editing, I feel obligated to expound on something. The advise against getting horses is that they will almost certainly die, either in the hazardous environment or from the predators, or from being spooked and running off into a or b above. You could get war-trained mounts, or get extras, or simply accept the chance and get what speed boost you can from them until they do. It’s not intended to be a general discouragement, more of “this isn’t the fix, but it won’t hurt if you can afford it.”

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Lokaloka grins at Lindevaile. "Oh yous no worry. I's play tunes when wes marching! Keeps spirit up!"
Lokaloka looks puzzled at something the Venture-Captain said. "Ro-bot? What ro-bot?"

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"Well, a simple caravan job. Almost like the good old days. Except there weren't robots out in the wilds." Jaxon laughs.
"So what's up with these 'Blue Streaks'? They just want to cause trouble or do they have a specific beef with us and the Sovereign? Trust me that I know how to deal with a rival gang." The thug cracks one of his knuckles.

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"That sounds lovely! Taking a trip in open air, seeing the local wildlife, meeting new people", Lindevaile Tindome says, delighted. "I don't see a point for me to get a horse, they are barely faster than me on a road if I don't call the wind, and much slower in any other terrain"
"What kind of plots do these Blue Streaks usually have? Are they usually just bullying people to obey them, or sneaking and stealing things, or disrupting alliances with bribery and other tricks?" she adds to Jaxon's question.
Underworld Lore +10 to remember something about Blue Streaks

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Scratch's eyes light up as the mission is laid out before them, leaning down over the map like a kid in a candy store "Nothin' like some overland travel.. livin' off the land.. blastin' varmits, bandits, and robots. Wooo!"
"Robots.. metal contraptions. My brother builds that kinda stuff. Dink." Scratch and his brother don't get along that great it seems.
"I'm pretty good in the wild, I'll help keep us on track, maybe we can even sneak up on somethin' and give 'em a few "BOOMS!" before they even know we're there."
Scratch only has one relevant question so far "So these Gorumites.. they human? Orcs? Hobgoblins? What.. don't tell me giantkin."

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Lokaloka's eyes light up as she recognizes the name 'Steeltoe'. "Oh! Yous brovver of Stitch?! I's travel with Stitch once! Fights monsters in dragon house!" She rummages in her pack and offers him a dripping green cucumber with two bites in it. "Pickle?"

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Lindevaile Tindome gets delighted when she sees the familiar pathfinder arrive, and waves at him. "It's Raphaelos the quick doctor with a zombie in his pocket! Hi hi! Look, the wind carries me now!" she greets him, starts flying again and dances in the air. "Have you learned new arts?"
"Nothing new so far, just the usual dabbling of life and death." Raphaeleos replies with a brighter face now that he is with a familiar companion from the previous mission. He is fairly impressed by the sorcerer's ability to be carried by the wind. "That's neat when you want to move faster!"

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A strange half-elf with dark gray skin and faded hair listens silently to the conversation and the beginning of the briefing, as if his thoughts are somewhere far away. It's only when the Venture-Captain's story gets to the heart of the mission that he wakes up. He looks up at you, which have an unexpected golden hue, and nods. If you need another melee warrior or a hidden scout, I'm here for you. My name is Zaizarc. Zaizarc of the House Misraria. He looks around at all of you, his gaze lingers slightly on the dwarf and especially lingers on the elf. This is not the friendliest look in your life.

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To Lokaloka’s question the VC replies, ”Oh, right, some of you don’t know much about the hazards and critters here in Numeria.” She pauses as if listening to something out in the hallway before continuing. ”Numeria is crawling with strange technological constructs called robots. They’re like a cross between a golem and an android - if you’ve met any of our android Pathfinder agents. If not, just think of them as golems that are powered by strange technology instead of magic. To be safe, I’m sending you on a path that should avoid the most dangerous pockets of them. But since we’re on the subject, there’s also a wide variety of wildlife in Numeria that has either adapted to the strange tech and hazards found here, or has mutated because of it. Lastly, be on the lookout for weird stuff with the land; there’s some ancient technological gadget that destroys a mountain or some such every time someone turns it on.”
Shrugging as if having mountains just get destroyed is a normal thing, she turns to answer Jaxton and Lindavaile. “The Blue Streaks are ex-Technic League enforcers who formed a gang to hold on to what power they could when they got the boot. They know more than a little about technology and magic, so they’re quite dangerous. Their leaders are Khismar Crookchar, a male gnome with blue lightning streaks in his hair, and Gatwa, a female medusa. I know that’s not much to go on, but it’s all the intel we’ve got.”
"So these Gorumites.. they human? Orcs? Hobgoblins? What.. don't tell me giantkin."
“Baric’s folks? Oh, no they’re just regular old humans that have a penchant for physical combat and worthy challenges. Your principal challenge, though, will simply be getting there in time. You might say Baric’s an old relation of mine. We parted on the best of terms: I beat him in a contest of strength, he got angry and punched a stone pillar. That’s how he got the name ‘Bloodfist’, after all. He’s tough but fair; likes people to take care of their own messes. Make sure to meet up with him within 10 days; don’t make me look bad.”

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I've seen a lot of different things at home in the Darklands. My countrymen preferred mutations over flesh, and these "robots" are like mutations over metal, am I right? The powerfully built fighter is clearly trying to comprehend what was said. Do we need special weapons to be able to deal damage to such golems? Adamantine?

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With no further questions forthcoming, VC Hawksight offers the party a single pair of boots of bounding. She shrugs as she does so. ”Looking you lot over, I expect you’ll have little trouble making the meeting, so long as you take direct routes. You might not need these for the overland stretches, but maybe they’ll help someone in a fight.”
Do we need special weapons to be able to deal damage to such golems? Adamantine?
”Well, sure, that always helps, but likely a bit pricey for you all. Just hitting them hard enough and often enough tends to crack their shell eventually,” she answers.
If you want me to roll Engineering Lore or Society (Recall Knowledge) OR Diplomacy (Gather Information), please post your modifier.

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Lindevaile Tindome looks as the boots. "Well, I would run little faster, but I really don't need help in jumping." The boots do remind her of clothing, gestures toward the furs of the venture captain, and asks: "Is it cold currently there? Should I get a fox around my neck?"
She chats around the city while preparing the last details of her travel.
Diplomacy (Gather Information) +12

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Scratch nods at the information "I just don't want to put a bullet in someone that's not supposed to get one. I'm not always the best at reading lips from 500 yards." He winks.
I already have boots and move at 25'. Anyone have an overland speed less than 25'?

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Jaxon would love them, but he also has Power Leap already. This would mean he could leap 25 feet?
"Right, just hit them harder. I can do that." Jaxon grins and spits on the ground.
Diplomacy +10

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"I will be just behind everyone to give support and healing." he retreats behind everyone, literally. "A few undead that I can summon can be of help?"
Diplomacy +13 to Gather Information

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Performance +13 (Versatile Performance) to gather info

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Preparations for the expedition consume everyone’s time, from the lowliest stable-mucker on up. No one seems to have time to chat with any of you. Except Lokaloka, who charms a small crowd that was taking a break. She hears that Numeria is a nation of separate Kellid tribes who swear fealty to the most powerful warrior in each generation, granting them the title of Black Sovereign. The country is most well-known for the strange technology, creatures, and devices that, though they warp the land and make it dangerous, also hold the promise of great power for those who can unlock their secrets.
In addition, there are rumors that a secretive group of arcanists and scholars called the Technic League has controlled Numeria for the past several decades by feeding mind-altering drugs to the country’s current ruler, Kevoth-Kul, the Black Sovereign. Recently, the Technic League’s leadership experienced a power vacuum, and the subsequent infighting allowed Kevoth-Kul to return to his senses. He is now taking stock of his nation and bringing it back under his direct rule.
Looking over the map, you see that the route from Hajoth Hakados to Starfall will take you approximately 100 miles north-by-northeast to the town of Torch, then approximately 50 miles to the meeting spot north of Gorum Pots where you cross the First Blade’s Path. From there, the caravan travels another 100 miles on winding roads leading to Starfall. The caravan contains enough food and supplies for 40 days of travel.
As the Expedition’s scouts, your team is expected to search for safer and faster paths for the wagons and retainers.
As you set off in the early morning hours of the following day, you travel through the rugged countryside of Numeria. The first couple days pass uneventfully, and you get a chance to experience the rough roads, strangely mutated plants, ferocious animals, and the occasional chunk of bulkhead with blast marks that give this land its reputation for being strange and dangerous.
See Discussion and please list your Exploration Activities there given the importance of them for this scenario.

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Lindevaile Tindome's chatting about how the road sounds and caravan feels only get hasty grunts as responses. When joining the team to start their travel, she seems to have followed her idea, she's wearing a white fur stole for warmth. "There doesn't to be any blue furs available anywhere, but white fits nicely, too"," she says. The fur stole suddenly yawns, and it turns out it is a live arctic fox. "This is Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, I heard it's the name of a snow queen and that's what she is."
8 sp spent on non-combat pet for no good reason.
On the trail, she is clearly enjoying herself. "Isn't this the best? Wind in your hair, the soul of nature all around, and new wonders behind every hill!" She happily skips along and around the trail, moving with surprising ease even through thorny bushes. She gives some suggestions on the path through the wilds as they move: "These bushes tell me it is shorter here, and the winds blow easier further there so it must be open. Then right tastes music and left history, we have to choose", she explains her findings.
Lindevaile Tindome's speed and Arboreal Boots would make it easy for her to scout the route for the team, in addition to Nature skill. Nature +9, Rolling in spoiler, don't peek before we know if it's Aid or not.
Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

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"Speed is top priority, got it." Nods Scratch, deciding to forgo his usually stealthy approach he focuses on finding the shortest route with Lindevaile.
Nature or Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Throughout the day when the group stops for a rest, or to make camp, Scratch surveys the immediate area to get a bead on any local wildlife.
If the GM can just roll these where appropriate it would be the least disruptive and be within the flow of the game. Survival +12
Survey Wildlife: Feat 1: General/Skill: Prerequisites trained in Survival
You can study details in the wilderness to determine the presence of nearby creatures. You can spend 10 minutes assessing the area around you to find out what creatures are nearby, based on nests, scat, and marks on vegetation. Attempt a Survival check against a DC determined by the GM based on how obvious the signs are. On a success, you can attempt a Recall Knowledge check with a –2 penalty to learn more about the creatures just from these signs. If you’re a master in Survival, you don’t take the penalty.

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The silent half-elf spends most of the journey gliding like a shadow somewhere near the caravan. But every time it seemed to someone that danger was near, Zizarс appeared as if from nowhere, and looking like a tiger before jumping, he was always ready to rush into battle.

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Between her scouting, Lindevaile Tindome remembers her wand. "Oh, I forgot to protect myself! Better put it now", she says and touches herself with her wand.
Mystic Armor on. Now, defaulting to putting it up every preparation as it is 24 hour cooldown.

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Jaxon moves quickly for someone of his size. Occasionally, you glance around and he's nowhere to be found until moments later you see him coming out from behind some brush. How the large man find places to conceal himself is baffling.
Avoid Notice, Stealth +12

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Raph keeps his eyes peeled for signs of danger along their journey. Perception +12 to Search for Exploration Activity

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The first day of caravanning is relatively pleasant as you travel across the Numerian Plains. Near the end of the first day, Scratch spots strange metallic birds without wings that seem to hover and change direction in an instant. The flock of a dozen metallic birds creates a loud buzzing sound and seems to move in perfect unison, following your advance party from a distance of about 300 feet for an hour before flying away.
Shortly after the strange birds leave, Scratch points out a spot where an animal track crosses the road, and Lindevaile follows it off into the brush. When she returns, she brings good news. She’s found a shortcut! Aid and Success!
Scratch Survey : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Scratch RK : 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 12 - 2 = 16
Later in the day, Scratch spots small bits of scat. Examining them further, he’s certain they come from a krooth. But not just any krooth, these were left by the juveniles. Of course, krooth lay hundreds of eggs at once that spawn into a swarm of juveniles, and they’re not far from here! However, he doesn’t seem to know any more than that.
A small stream lies east of the road, its waters trickling through a shallow riverbed. Grass and scrub brush cover the riverbed, while large boulders create huge mounds of earth to the east. At the base of the rocky mound lies the half-eaten corpse of a large creature.
Lindevaile Nature : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Scratch Nature: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
The two put their heads together and agree that it seems permanent settlers have diverted the river upstream to the north, causing only a trickle of water to make it through what was once a flowing river. It’s also obvious to them both that doing so will often make any local wildlife desperate for fresh water.
Scratch then further recognizes the rocky mounds to the east as krooth dens, where groups of krooths raise their young. He’s certain that being this close to a den will likely leave the Pathfinders’ scent for the protective krooth mothers to find. At the base of the rocky mound to the northeast lies the corpse of a half-eaten male krooth. The wounds on this krooth indicate he was killed and eaten by others of his own kind.
Scratch and Lindevaile both know that giving the mama and juvenile swarm krooths fresh water, such as from a create water spell or by sacrificing 4 days’ worth of rations, should placate the krooths enough to allow the party to search the area unmolested, and they know how to offer these without provoking the animals.
We’re on this map, but not rolling iniative. Yet. Red and Blue square krooths are the mamas. Pink and Light Blue circle krooths are the juvenile swarms. The upside down Black border token is the dead male. Do you placate the krooths with water, or just kill ‘em all?

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Wanting to test a theory she read about soothing beasts with music, Lokaloka plays a soothing melody on her pipes to try to calm the creatures.
Performance, Wind Instruments(Virtuosic), Maestro's Instrument: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22
Theory - Music soothes the savage beast, of course!

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Zizarc is creeping closer. The team will decide for themselves whether to kill these creatures or not - he will make any decision.
While undetected by all non-allies in rubble terrain, you can Sneak without attempting a Stealth check as long as you move no more than 5 feet and do not move within 10 feet of an enemy at any point during your movement. This also allows you to automatically approach creatures to within 15 feet while Avoiding Notice during exploration as long as they aren’t actively Searching or on guard.

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Lindevaile Tindome takes a less stealthy approach. "I'll try to fly and give them some of my food. If we find something interesting there, I can dance to them and you can sneak past. I tend to draw attention for some reason", she suggests.
Elemental Motion to get close, Fascinating Performance and Distracting Performance to allow others to sneak past.
Edit: Oh, and put Musical Accompaniment up, Dance +17 when it comes to distraction time.

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Raph feels useless at this point, though he is willing to help the group in any way he can.
"I have waterskin too." he says and draws out an empty waterskin that he can lend for the thirsty krooths. "I would not mind taking some from our rations for them." he suggests.

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Zizarc takes overwatch while Lokaloka tries to soothe the beasts with music. It seems like it might work, but their dehydration and wariness keeps them from getting with the beat. Lindevaile moves about the vale making sure they understand that you’re no threat. While Lindevaile has their attention, Scratch and the others empty enough waterskins into several rocky depressions. The krooths drink their fill then wander off northward.
With the mama and swarm krooths gone, you are able to safely investigate the remains of the male krooth. You can see that several valuable and nutrient-rich organs have not been harvested and that there are several metal implants embedded in the corpse’s flesh.
Before proceeding out of this valley, Scratch reminds you that it would be best to mask your scents and that of the caravan to keep any other krooths from attacking.
Each PC can make 1 check from this list: DC 20 Athletics (turning earth to hide their scent), DC 20 Crafting (creating false trails for the krooths to follow), DC 20 Nature or Survival (to mask the PCs’ scent using natural resources), or any relevant Lore skill. PCs with wild empathy or similar abilities can attempt a DC 18 Diplomacy check instead.

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DC 20 Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Raph examines the krooth's corpse but finds nothing useful from it. Perhaps the others can get something out of it.
Thanks to his ally's reminder, he gathers some herbs nearby and creates some garlands out of them, and wears them for himself. His first creation is so shoddy, that he tries to make another one.
DC 20 Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 to mask scent
Hero Point! DC 20 Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 to mask scent

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Lindevaile Tindome goes to see the dead male krooth. "I can feel the spirit joining the earth, to be one with the world. But do these bind it, slow the transition?", she says and examines the metal implements.
Thievery: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
She carefully pries one metal device from the corpse, using a tiny tool she pulled out of her pocket. "This was connected to it's essence, to guide its feelings. These may be doings of those we were warned of", she says, showing the blue streak of lightning on the device to the others.
She goes also to find plants, but concentrates on finding pretty ones, preferring blue and white flowers. She arranges them aesthetically in her dress and in her hair. The fox around her neck smells them for a moment, but then goes to sleep again.
Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Can we continue finding shortcuts with the Exploration Activity?