phaeton_nz |
Please add your details in the following format:
1) Player name:
2) Character name:
3) SFS#-Character#:
4) Character Class:
5) Faction:
6) Preferred Starship Frame?:
7) Preferred Starship Role?:
8) Character Ancestry and Size?:
9) Perception and Initiative bonus:
A) Spending a Replay?:
B) Anything else you wish to add?:
Dot into Gameplay when you're done.
Qimok |
1) Player name: Tim Emrick
2) Character name: Qimok
3) SFS#-Character#: 93564-706
4) Character Class: Soldier
5) Faction: Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Drake
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Gunner
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: skittermander, Small (in Medium powered armor)
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perc +0, Init +7
A) Spending a Replay?: no
B) Anything else you wish to add?: Qimok has the guardian alternate species trait (scroll to bottom of that page) which allows him to share a space with a single Small, Medium , or Large creature in order to better protect them. However, he now wears Medium powered armor. Does that negate or alter the guardian ability? The abiity's text dpesn't address size changes, and I couldn't find anything in the FAQ, errata, or forums except this one very short thread. I'm fine with however you rule on it, as Qimok doesn't use it very often--he's more of "up in the enemy's grill" kind of protector.
Dot into Gameplay when you're done. Done!
Jekcedo |
1) Player name: Ashbourne
2) Character name: Jekcedo
3) SFS#-Character#: 2386108-701
4) Character Class: Mystic
5) Faction: Cognate
6) Preferred Starship Frame?:
7) Preferred Starship Role?:
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Shirren M
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perc +12, Init +2
A) Spending a Replay?: no
B) Anything else you wish to add?:
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
1) Player name: Kludde
2) Character name: Momo Strawberry
3) SFS#-Character#: 108716-704
4) Character Class: Solarion
5) Faction: Exo-Guardians
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Drake
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Gunner
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Human M
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perc +5, Init +3
A) Spending a Replay?: No
B) Anything else you wish to add?: Nervous flyer
Borq, the Skeedish Chef |
1) Player name: Eeeeka
2) Character name: Borq, the Skeedish Chef
3) SFS#-Character#: 246222-705
4) Character Class: Operative (explorer)
5) Faction: Acquisitives
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: No preference
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Pilot (+17), Chief Mate (+17), Engineer (+10), Gunner (+12)
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Skittermander, small
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: +16 Per; +8 Init
A) Spending a Replay?: no
B) Anything else you wish to add?: Ever Vigilant (always act in surprise round), Jack of All Trades, do not provoke with ranged attacks, Constant Alert (win ties in init), Scurry
Thrym-Who-Speaks-With-Spirits |
1) Player name: Luke_Parry
2) Character name: Thrym-Who-Speaks-With-Spirits
3) SFS#-Character#: 2847-721
4) Character Class: Operative 7
5) Faction: Second Seekers (Jadnura)
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Drake
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Chief Mate
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Kish, Medium
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: +18 and +12
A) Spending a Replay?: Yes
B) Anything else you wish to add?:
I have Skill Mastery (Perception), Diligent, and Trap-Spotter - so my 'walking around' Perception is 30, 33 versus traps.
Additionally, Thrym can see gravitation anomalies within 60' (not that that comes up much!).
Finally, he has 'Survivalist' - so he can always predict the weather 6 days in advance, with perfect accuracy.
Ears |
[ooc] Hey everyone, sorry I missed the notice.
1) Player name: therealthom
2) Character name: Ears
3) SFS#-Character#: 90661-702
4) Character Class: Technomancer 6
5) Faction: Acquisitive
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Leave that to the pilot and gunners
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Engineer/Science Officer. but flexible
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: ysoki, small
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: +0, +7 darkvision 60'
A) Spending a Replay?: No
B) Anything else you wish to add?: Not at this time