Cannon Golem

Qimok's page

36 posts. Organized Play character for Tim Emrick.

Full Name



SP 54/60, HP 42/42, RP 7/7


Speed 30 ft. | EAC 22, KAC 25 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5 | Init +7; darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision; Perception +0 | Active conditions; none


LG male skittermander gladiator soldier 6 (armored storm, powered armor jockey)

About Qimok

Qimok is a muscular, black-furred skittermander wearing powered blue and black armor with golden accents. He typically carries a small arsenal--curve blade, pike, rifle, and shield--but tries to keep at least one hand free at all times, to grab, punch, or offer a helping hand, as needed.

Male skittermander gladiator soldier 6 (armor storm; powered armor jockey)
LG Small humanoid (skittermander)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
SP 60; HP 42; RP 7

EAC 22; KAC 25

Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5
Defensive Abilities ; Resist cold 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee hammer fist +10 (1d10+14 B)
Melee holy merciful carbon steel curve blade +10 (1d10+12 S; crit bleed 1d6)
Melee invigorating tactical pike +10 (1d8+12; reach)
Ranged corona artillery laser +9 (2d8+6 F; crit burn 1d6; penetrating, range 120 ft.)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tactical pike)

Special Attacks wyrmling dragon gland (15 ft. cone, 3d6 A, Ref DC 16 half; rest or 1 SP to re-use)
Str 18 (+4); Dex 16 (+3); Con 16 (+3); Int 10 (+0); Wis 10 (+0); Cha 15 (+2)

Skills Acrobatics +1, Athletics +7 (+11 climb), Culture +2, Engineering +4 (+6 craft/repair armor), Intimidate +15, Mysticism +1 (+2 identify outsiders), Perception +0, Piloting +7, Profession (gladiator) +13 [+16 Day Job], Survival +5; (-5 to DC to recall information about entertainment combat, fighting styles, and gladiatorial traditions; +1 to Culture to recall knowledge about Aballon, Absalom Station, Triaxus, or Heaven)

Feats Cleave, Grab Attention, Improved Initiative, Laugh at Danger, Powered Armor Proficiency, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Weapon Specialization

Languages Akitonian, Common, Draconic, Vesk

Other Abilities efficient upgrades (+1 armor upgrade), gear boost (melee striker), guardian, hyper (1/day), famous fighter, primary fighting style (armor storm), primary style technique (enhanced tank, hammer fist), six-armed

Gear battle harness (infrared sensors, thermal capacitor mk 1; weapon mount: corona laser rifle), second skin [worn under powered armor], basic riot shield, holy merciful carbon steel curve blade, invigorating tactical pike, battery (3), battery (high-capacity), ring of resistance mk 1, serum of healing mk 1 (4), armorcrafter’s kit, climbing kit, engineer’s kit, gear maintenance kit, holographic sashimono, hygiene kit, industrial backpack, medpatch, professional tools (gladiator), reconfigurable clothing (1. travel & heat, 2. professional [gladiator] & heat, 3. cold & zero-g, 4. uniform [Starfinder], 5. ceremonial [Iomedan layperson]), Star Sugar Heartlove!!! album, 300 UPBs, credstick (92 credits)

Gear (not carried) backup generator

Gear (scenario-specific) clearsight goggles

Augmentations Finitrium Augmentation (Resolute Mind) [boon], Subdermal Society Implant [boon], Wyrmling Dragon Gland

Boons Slotted
Ally: Elite Hireling Access (Academic; +12)
Faction: Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) Champion
Personal Nufriend Skittermander (Existing Skittermander) [permanently slotted]
Promotional: Promotional Reroll
Social: Instructor
Starship: Expert Scanner
Slotless: Finitrium Augmentation (Resolute MInd), Marked Starfinder, Memories of the Past, Planar Preparation, Studious Researcher, Well-Traveled (Aballon, Absalom Station, Triaxus; Heaven)


Bot Me:

Qimok prefers to enter combat with his full arsenal at the ready: mounted laser rifle, curve blade and tactical pike in two hands each, riot shield in another, and one hand free to punch, grab, or move things. This gives him access to all three kinetic damage types, reach, and a nonlethal option.

As a gladiator, Qimok is a show-off who revels in a good fight, but he has a strong moral streak that tempers his bloodthirst and makes him put the safety of others above his own. His usual strategy for most fights is to quickly close with the biggest threat, and keep it focused on him rather then his teammates. (If he can do this while threatening multiple foes, even better!)

Out of combat, Qimok gladly lets more skilled teammates take the lead, unless Athletics, Intimidate, or Professional (gladiator) would be useful. Otherwise, he does his best to aid others' efforts, despite his lack of training in most other skills.

[dice=holy merciful carbon steel curve blade]1d20+10[/dice], [dice=damage (S)]1d10+12[/dice] (crit bleed 1d6)