JD's Abomination Vaults

Game Master Jack Daniels

Current Characters

Sky Dragon

(1,984 posts)
Night Monarch
The Exchange WormysQueue

(2,511 posts)

Google Slides

played by Jack Daniels (63 posts)
Gadka Burtannon

M Dwarf Cleric (Warpriest) of Torag 1 | LG | HP: 21/21 | AC 18 | speed: 15 | F+8,R+4,W+9 | Resistances: Poison 1 | Perc +7 |Darkvision 60’

played by Gerald (768 posts)
Lantern Bearer
Jon Yddina

M Gunslinger (Drifter) 1 | Perc +5 (low-light vision) | Speed: 25' | HP: 11/16 | AC: 18 | Fort: +5 Ref: +9 Will: +3 Conditions: OK | Hero Points: 2 | ◆ ◇ ↺

played by CloakedInSmoke (40 posts)
Maclin "Mac" Stoneheart

Male Dwarf Fighter 1| HP 23/23| AC: 18| Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +5 | Init: +0 | Per +7/+9 | Spd 20 ft. | Hero Points: 1

played by Lucendar (39 posts)
Grand Archive Penflower Khan

Elf Magus 1 | AC 18 | HP 14 / 14 | saves +5 +5 +5 (increased with arcane cascade) | Perception +3 | none

played by Veniir (39 posts)
Stronfeur Uherer
Willorn Flamehand

Dwarven [Rock] Rogue 1|HP 11/20 |AC 17| Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Wil: +6 | Perception: +6(+5) |Speed: 20ft.

played by WormysQueue (30 posts)