[Gameday XIII]PFS #2-13 Murder of the Throaty Mermaid by GM Colin

Game Master Colin_Mercer

RPG Chronicle
Maps and Handouts
Game dates: 8th of September - 17th of November

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Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

The game is part of Gameday XIII and will start at September 8th. Please check out my GM profile to see my GM philosophy and expectation, much of which are common sense I hope. We will be using Google Slides and RPG Chronicle for this game, and they will be added when we get closer to the game start date.

You can post your player name, character name, PFS #, and faction stuff in here if you want. But since those things will be entered in the RPG Chronicle anyway, I think some OOC introduction to what your character can do would help everyone getting familiar with the teammates better.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

Hey GM, Ninnic is a Ratfolk psychic, doing general psychic things like mind thrusting and all that jazz!

Dotted and deleted Gameplay.

I'm playing a pretty weird ooze-ish android shifter uncovered in Numeria.

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

The google slide is up! Please add your token to the Character Info page, and fill out the info roll on that slide as well (for init, perception, save, etc).

I hope your character are not seasick, because we're going to embark on a 10-week murder mystery on the sea pretty soon :)

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

With the start date of September 8th approaching soon, feel free to introduce your character in the Gameplay thread. You can assume to be either on the ship, or at the Pathfinder Lodge in Magnimar.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

Hey GM, could you place my token somewhere in the middle of the marching order? I’m a phone poster and can never get it right. Thanks!

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Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden
Ninnic wrote:
Hey GM, could you place my token somewhere in the middle of the marching order? I’m a phone poster and can never get it right. Thanks!


And Ninnic will get the answer of his question when the game start.

Just need to level up my character and get his PBP stuff ready--will post in the morning.

The Exchange

female Kitsune Kitsune Trickster Level 1

Just realized we are on subtier 4-5 and I will need to use my lv4 wizzard instead


Agender CG Android Oozemorph 3 | HP 20/31 | AC* 13/15 T 12/14 FF 11/13 |DR 4 (slash) |CMB +5, CMD 19 | Saves *F: +8/9, R: +5/6, W: +1/2 [Many Immunities] | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: -4 | Speed 30ft | Shirt 0/1 |Pin 1/1 |Nanite Revival 1/1 |Repair Nanites 0/1 | *Humanoid Form 0/1 |Active conditions: Puddle Form, 3 Str damage

Prior to session, spending 3,000 gp on equipment.

Will forgo a Day Job check at end of session to earn a Chronicle boon.

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden
Genesiks wrote:

Prior to session, spending 3,000 gp on equipment.

Will forgo a Day Job check at end of session to earn a Chronicle boon.


Right now only 2 players fill in their info in the RPG chronicle, which is fine because reporting info won't be needed for another nine and a half weeks.

However, only Ninnic have added his token on the Google Slide.

I know Magnimar is a great city to visit and you guys just spent weeks on the sea, but the captain of the Throaty Mermaid will very much like to have all of you on broad before setting sail. So if Genesix, Zeta Forli, Elizabeth Lightbringer, Mallycorn Tavee can add their token to the slide so we can start the journey, that would be greatly appriciated :)

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

This partcular scenario is an exceptions to the rule that faction missions are for flavor only, which is the reason why I need to know your faction before we can proceed.

Grand Lodge will received the Osirion mission, since this is a Season 0–4 scenarios. I believe Genesiks and Ninnic are both Grand Lodge?


Agender CG Android Oozemorph 3 | HP 20/31 | AC* 13/15 T 12/14 FF 11/13 |DR 4 (slash) |CMB +5, CMD 19 | Saves *F: +8/9, R: +5/6, W: +1/2 [Many Immunities] | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: -4 | Speed 30ft | Shirt 0/1 |Pin 1/1 |Nanite Revival 1/1 |Repair Nanites 0/1 | *Humanoid Form 0/1 |Active conditions: Puddle Form, 3 Str damage

Yeppers for me.

Silver Crusade

f CN ifrit Fighter 4 | HP 45/47 | AC 20 T 11 FF 20 | CMD 16 | F+8 R+1 W+0 [+1 fear & mind-affecting effects] | Init +4 | Perc +6 | DV 60' |

I'm sorry for the delay, it's been a very difficult week. I filled out the RPG chronicles and about a day after this message, or a little faster, I will join the game (and also fill in the data on the slides).

Sovereign Court

Male Human Cleric 4 Init +0 Hp 35/35 AC 14 T10 FF13 Fort+6 Ref+1 Will+7 Per+3 Spd 20 Channel 7/7

Hi there!

Sorry for the lateness

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

Yep. Grand Lodge here.

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

Zeta, about your familiar......

Legacy FAQ: Can my familiar wield weapons? Can it wear or use armor or magic items? wrote:

Familiars in categories marked with an asterisk (*) are able to grasp and carry one object at a time in their paws, claws, or hands, including weapons, rods, wands, and staves, as long as their carrying capacity is sufficient. Calligraphy wyrms, which are marked specifically with an asterisk below, can also carry these items. Most familiars cannot wield weapons in combat.

The following familiars can wield weapons: arbiter, brownie, cassisian (in small humanoid form), coral capuchin, imp, leshy (any), liminal sprite, lyrakien, mephit (any), nuglub, pooka, quasit, shikigami, soulbound doll, sprite, xiao, and zhyen.

I did not see Pyrausta in the list above. Can you provide a link to rules that allow your Pyrausta familiar to use weapon in PFS, or PM me the boon if any?

Silver Crusade

f CN ifrit Fighter 4 | HP 45/47 | AC 20 T 11 FF 20 | CMD 16 | F+8 R+1 W+0 [+1 fear & mind-affecting effects] | Init +4 | Perc +6 | DV 60' |

Houston, we got a problem.

I skipped this sentence - it seemed to me that having hands and proficiency with a weapon is equal to wielding a weapon. But you're right. My mistake. Thanks!

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden
Elizabeth Lightbringer wrote:
I just wonder if I have my spellbook and spell componet pounch with me

I sleep in jeans when I'm travelling but that could just be me.

Anyway, it is a 2 pound bag full of bat guano and pork rind and other funny stuff that accumulated over the years, so I wound say it's within each or fasten on your day clothes, but it wouldn't be something that's on you when you sleep.


Agender CG Android Oozemorph 3 | HP 20/31 | AC* 13/15 T 12/14 FF 11/13 |DR 4 (slash) |CMB +5, CMD 19 | Saves *F: +8/9, R: +5/6, W: +1/2 [Many Immunities] | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: -4 | Speed 30ft | Shirt 0/1 |Pin 1/1 |Nanite Revival 1/1 |Repair Nanites 0/1 | *Humanoid Form 0/1 |Active conditions: Puddle Form, 3 Str damage

@GM: Just an FYI that Genesiks will be in his "puddle" form during this encounter because he can only maintain his humanoid form for 3 hours a day. (he's immune to sleep, but can't wear any gear in this form)

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

Noted. That may or may not have an effect on how your unwelcome guests pick their target......

Sovereign Court

Male Human Cleric 4 Init +0 Hp 35/35 AC 14 T10 FF13 Fort+6 Ref+1 Will+7 Per+3 Spd 20 Channel 7/7

Mallycorn only wears light armor on daytime, but I don't see him wearing armor while he sleeps.

Maybe, from now on...

But so, no armor for him.

Dark Archive

”Liz” Female NG Wizard4 Elf | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 13 FF11 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +5 (+2VS enchantment) | Init +6 | Perc +2 Wizard 4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Shift: 6/6

I should have my daily spells prepared:
lv 0: Read magic, Detect magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
lv 1: Grease(S), Adhesive Spittle, Obscuring Mist, Expeditious Retreat, Burning Hand
lv 2: Glitter dust(S), Burst of radiance, Mirror Image, Create pit

Dark Archive

”Liz” Female NG Wizard4 Elf | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 13 FF11 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +5 (+2VS enchantment) | Init +6 | Perc +2 Wizard 4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Shift: 6/6

One quick question: what action will it take to reach my spellbook and the component pounch? I would say they will be by my bed-side.

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

Genesiks, I was trying to BOT you this morning but you don't have a PbP profile. It would be really appreciated if you can put up at least the BOT instruction on it.


Agender CG Android Oozemorph 3 | HP 20/31 | AC* 13/15 T 12/14 FF 11/13 |DR 4 (slash) |CMB +5, CMD 19 | Saves *F: +8/9, R: +5/6, W: +1/2 [Many Immunities] | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: -4 | Speed 30ft | Shirt 0/1 |Pin 1/1 |Nanite Revival 1/1 |Repair Nanites 0/1 | *Humanoid Form 0/1 |Active conditions: Puddle Form, 3 Str damage

@GM: Ah yes, I do need to complete that profile page! I've put up some quick bot instructions now.


Agender CG Android Oozemorph 3 | HP 20/31 | AC* 13/15 T 12/14 FF 11/13 |DR 4 (slash) |CMB +5, CMD 19 | Saves *F: +8/9, R: +5/6, W: +1/2 [Many Immunities] | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: -4 | Speed 30ft | Shirt 0/1 |Pin 1/1 |Nanite Revival 1/1 |Repair Nanites 0/1 | *Humanoid Form 0/1 |Active conditions: Puddle Form, 3 Str damage

Away for 48 hours--please bot as necessary.

Dark Archive

”Liz” Female NG Wizard4 Elf | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 13 FF11 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +5 (+2VS enchantment) | Init +6 | Perc +2 Wizard 4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Shift: 6/6

Guys, I have the wand of mage armor as well as the wand of mage missile. I also have the bonded item which can acitivate any spells in my spellbook.

I have Shadow Trap, Color Spary, Liberating Command which may help in current situation. Please note I am under entangle so I have DC16+ for concentration .

Let me know what you think.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

Color spray would be great, if you can get it off.

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

If Ninnic want to move away to make room for Liz's spell (you can still attempt Acrobatic to avoid AoO), I will allow it, treating it as Ninnic was delaying his turn all along.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

If she tries it, I’d love to get out of the way, please GM!

Silver Crusade

f CN ifrit Fighter 4 | HP 45/47 | AC 20 T 11 FF 20 | CMD 16 | F+8 R+1 W+0 [+1 fear & mind-affecting effects] | Init +4 | Perc +6 | DV 60' |

I apologize for the absence. I have just finished a week trip, followed by several very busy days with almost no sleep (a lot of things have accumulated). I was sure that I would find an hour to visit this forum, but I was extremely mistaken. Anyway, I will return to active posting during the day.

Silver Crusade

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f CN ifrit Fighter 4 | HP 45/47 | AC 20 T 11 FF 20 | CMD 16 | F+8 R+1 W+0 [+1 fear & mind-affecting effects] | Init +4 | Perc +6 | DV 60' |

When I read the title of the scenario "Murder of the Throaty Mermaid", I didn't think it meant "Murder of the party in the First Encounter", lol .)

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

GM, I have a folio reroll. Would you allow me to pass it to Elizabeth to retry the concentration check? If not, I understand. Just searching for something, lol!

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Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden
Ninnic wrote:
GM, I have a folio reroll. Would you allow me to pass it to Elizabeth to retry the concentration check? If not, I understand. Just searching for something, lol!

I was told that lending reroll to others is only allowed if you have Campaign Service Coin, or Student of Swords GM Star Reward boon.

Student of Sword wrote:
Work as a Team (3rd-Level, 2 Stars):You may spend your free reroll (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play 26) to allow another player to reroll one d20 roll using your GM star bonus, even if she has already used her own free reroll.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

Yeah, I don’t have any of those unfortunately.

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Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden
Zeta Forli wrote:
When I read the title of the scenario "Murder of the Throaty Mermaid", I didn't think it meant "Murder of the party in the First Encounter", lol .)

I would like to assure everyone that even if our brave Genesiks fails to solo 3 elven assassins, there will not be a true TPK. The elves are here for reasons, and kill kill you is not one of them. But please roll high on your stablization check. As for why, that's something for you guys to find out!

Also please let me know if you don't have a healing wand or potion. The surgeon onboard do charge extra for his service.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

I’ve got plenty of healing with a wand and a few potions!

M CN Fire Dragon | HP 23/23 | AC 22 T 16 FF 20 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+2| Perc +8 | LLV, DV 60'

Vellestir is here and will start using healing potions as soon as he can do it without dying too .)

Silver Crusade

f CN ifrit Fighter 4 | HP 45/47 | AC 20 T 11 FF 20 | CMD 16 | F+8 R+1 W+0 [+1 fear & mind-affecting effects] | Init +4 | Perc +6 | DV 60' |

@GM_Colin, just in case, I will clarify that I was not against the TPK either. Pathfinder is a dangerous profession.

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Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden

Some of you might be fine with TPK here but I'm not. You see, I have a GM philosophy of:
-Not finishing the downed character on low level play like lv1-5, Unless it a suicide mission or designed with murderous intent (I know it sounds weird that Murder on the Throaty Mermaid is not "murderous" enough, but there are scenario like that). The dice is swingy enough to be quite lethal already and there's nothing PC can do. There's little player agency in death like this.
-Not having to finish downed character on high level play like 7-11, because the damage bonus is high enough to punch through negative CON score after the full attack. And it also depends on what type of enemy.

Murder on Throaty Mermaid | Splinterden
Ninnic wrote:
Want me to subtract 90 gold from my current profile or would you prefer to mark that off on the chronicle we receive? Either way if fine with me…

I would just put it in the Gold Spent section in your chronicle.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |
GM_Colin wrote:
Ninnic wrote:
Want me to subtract 90 gold from my current profile or would you prefer to mark that off on the chronicle we receive? Either way if fine with me…
I would just put it in the Gold Spent section in your chronicle.

Sounds perfect. Thanks, GM!

Dark Archive

”Liz” Female NG Wizard4 Elf | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 13 FF11 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +5 (+2VS enchantment) | Init +6 | Perc +2 Wizard 4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Shift: 6/6

I gonna post my spellbook later on and maybe you guys wanna have a suggestion on spells.

Grand Lodge

Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

Is Genesicks going to fill the party in on what they found during their investigation? Once they can take humanoid shape, I mean.

Dark Archive

”Liz” Female NG Wizard4 Elf | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 13 FF11 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +5 (+2VS enchantment) | Init +6 | Perc +2 Wizard 4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Shift: 6/6

Liz's Spellbook:

Lvl 0:
Open/Close, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Read Magic

Lvl 1:
Burning Hands, Grease, Mage Armor, Glue Seal, Color Spray, Stumble Gap, Mage Missile, Crafter’s Fortune, Vanish, Protection from Evil, Expeditious Retreat, Shadow Trap, Liberating Command, Obscuring Mist

Lvl 2:
Glitter Dust, Web, Mirror image, Gust of Wind, Burst of Radiance, Create Pit, Euphoric Cloud


Agender CG Android Oozemorph 3 | HP 20/31 | AC* 13/15 T 12/14 FF 11/13 |DR 4 (slash) |CMB +5, CMD 19 | Saves *F: +8/9, R: +5/6, W: +1/2 [Many Immunities] | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: -4 | Speed 30ft | Shirt 0/1 |Pin 1/1 |Nanite Revival 1/1 |Repair Nanites 0/1 | *Humanoid Form 0/1 |Active conditions: Puddle Form, 3 Str damage
Ninnic wrote:
Is Genesicks going to fill the party in on what they found during their investigation? Once they can take humanoid shape, I mean.

Yep, I was just waiting to see if the rest proceeds without further incident.


Agender CG Android Oozemorph 3 | HP 20/31 | AC* 13/15 T 12/14 FF 11/13 |DR 4 (slash) |CMB +5, CMD 19 | Saves *F: +8/9, R: +5/6, W: +1/2 [Many Immunities] | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: -4 | Speed 30ft | Shirt 0/1 |Pin 1/1 |Nanite Revival 1/1 |Repair Nanites 0/1 | *Humanoid Form 0/1 |Active conditions: Puddle Form, 3 Str damage

As mentioned above, I'm now away for the next sixteen days. Please bot as needed, and assume that once the rest is over, Genesiks shares their findings about the ship. Until the mystery murderer is caught: sleep with one eye open!

Sovereign Court

Male Human Cleric 4 Init +0 Hp 35/35 AC 14 T10 FF13 Fort+6 Ref+1 Will+7 Per+3 Spd 20 Channel 7/7

Sorry, was sick, will post tomorrow

Dark Archive

”Liz” Female NG Wizard4 Elf | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 13 FF11 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +5 (+2VS enchantment) | Init +6 | Perc +2 Wizard 4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Shift: 6/6

I should have my new spells prepared:
lv 0: Read magic, Detect magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
lv 1: Grease(S), Color Spray, Obscuring Mist, Shadow Trap, Burning Hand
lv 2: Glitter dust(S), Burst of radiance, Mirror Image, Create pit

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