miteke's School of Spirits

Game Master miteke

School of Spirits (Gameday XIII)

GM Reference - RPG Chronicles Sign Up - NPCs and Player Handouts

Current tactical map - Necroplis (slide 2)

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Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Kihel commented on the content of the backpack with the notable absence of a notebook. The adventuring supplies are similar to a normal adventurer, but are no match for a experienced Pathfinder, lacking Antiplague(vs Disease), Essence of Independence(reroll vs Mind-affecting),Meditation Tea(Reroll vs Mind-affecting),Mellowroot(vs Fear),Smelling Salts(regain conciousness),Soul Stimulant(ignore 1 negative level),Stillgut(reroll vs Nauseated),Twitch Tonic(reroll vs Paralysis & Stagger & Sleep),Wismuth Salix(reroll vs Nauseated & Sickened),Blood-boiling Pill(initiative),Focus Chew(INT skills & Concentration bonus),Sunrod(Illumination),Tracking Powder(Tracking),Dragon Rose(Magic weapon)

Kihel's brother is a seeker Investigator and her mom is an experienced Alchemist.

"What you have is pretty good, but there is always more thing to learn."

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

Vangral does not speak as J is presented and she presents her skills, though he does clap in delight at her outfit and even at her kukri skills.

As the rest of the group delves into the intricacies of adventuring, he carefully examines his nails, barely listening. Though he focuses when talk of healing comes up.

"It seems that Ms. Rosenthal and myself will be doing the healing on this trip. A bit of a shame that we don't have a member of the team dedicated one of the gods as they always have such wonderful ways of dealing with undead.

"Though...I have my own ways," he says with an enigmatic smile.

"Now, I agree with J. Let us get on with this. If you cads keep talking of preparations, you're going to make her think being a Pathfinder is boring and she'll never want to join us."

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

I guess Vangral didn't notice the CLERIC of Abadar in the party...

Rosla el Func wrote:
"Hm... looks like most of the basics are covered... but no torches? How are you going to see in darkness?"

Things she has that are not in her backpack: mithral shirt, kukri, backpack, beltpouch with some gold, everburning torch.

Rosla el Func wrote:
miteke wrote:
With no consequence to cost, she asks "Ohh, can I try the wand? I've never used a wand."

If I understand correctly, this doesn't cost me a charge? If yes:

"Sure, here is my wand of cure light wounds. The command word is... Valetudo Lebenskraft."

It would cost a charge if she activates it. So I'm thinking you skip the part where she activates it and tell her to hold on to it but only use it when someone is hurt? Because, if you don't, she is going to activate it to see what happens.

Feel free to edit the post post-postingly.

Kihel Rosenthal wrote:
Kihel commented on the content of the backpack with the notable absence of a notebook. The adventuring supplies are similar to a normal adventurer, but are no match for a experienced Pathfinder, lacking Antiplague...

J dutifully jots all this down and weighs her purse and the chances of getting her mom to fork out a few hundred gold to buy all that and comes up short.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

Tempestas also notes he doesn't have many of those in his pack either.

You continue your discussions on your way.

Once out of her home, J. breathes a sigh of relief and visibly relaxes. She asks the PCs how they would like to proceed to the Precipice Quarter.

There are two main ways of reaching the Precipice Quarter from the Ivy District. The most direct route is through the mercantile Coins district and then along the edge of the Merchant’s Quarter. The second is through the Foreign Quarter and then through the Docks. A map of Absalom is included in the NPCs and Player Handouts, linked above as well as here. A PC who succeeds at a DC 10 Knowledge (local) check knows that today is a market day, which means that the Coins are packed with shoppers and merchants. On the other hand, even though there will be less traffic in the Docks, going through that neighborhood is not without its risks, as it is one of the city’s rougher districts.

During their walk through the city, J. asks the PCs questions about their lives and their adventures as Pathfinders.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Kihel will let the group decides the route, and act as the local guide with bard take 10 =21 Knowledg(local) for the news and trivias to keep J entertained. She will talk about the Rosenthal family, lead by her father Venture-Captain Colin Rosenthal, and how all her family members are part of the Pathfinder Society.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Knowledge (Local) Untrained: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6

No help from Ekadan.

"If the most direct route is through the Coins we should go that way. If it's Market Day that means we might find some nifty items on sale!"

He'll tell J about his battles vs. the Tempest Monarch, some evil cultists in Highdelve, and a secret mission he still can't talk about...

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

Yup...I stopped at "Barbarian." That's an interesting multiclass choice.

"I also vote for the Coins. One thing you learn as a Pathfinder is not to tempt fate. Face the dangers that need facing, avoid the ones that need avoiding," Vangral comments.

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft
miteke wrote:
Things she has that are not in her backpack: mithral shirt, kukri, backpack, beltpouch with some gold, everburning torch.

Ok, the everburning torch helps with darkness. Please ignore Rosla's comment about seeing in the darkness.

miteke wrote:

With no consequence to cost, she asks "Ohh, can I try the wand? I've never used a wand." It would cost a charge if she activates it. So I'm thinking you skip the part where she activates it and tell her to hold on to it but only use it when someone is hurt? Because, if you don't, she is going to activate it to see what happens.

Feel free to edit the post post-postingly.

Ah, now I understand - she has no idea/doesn't care about the cost.

"Well, wand charges are expensive, and if nobody is hurt, it won't do anything. But I tell you what: When a need to use a healing wand occurs (and of course there will be such a situation), you can try it first. Deal? Look, this one here is my wand of cure light wounds; the command word is Valetudo Lebenskraft. And that one here is my wand of infernal healing. The command word is different of course: Hexenspeichel Hexengall."

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

Knowledge: Local t: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Rosla comments: "Today is a market day, the Coins are going to be packed with shoppers and merchants."
She pauses, thinking. Maybe I can lift a few purses as a bonus?
"Better than walking through the less safe districts, though."

Rosla is not going to try and pick pockets of shoppers and merchants while on a mission. But thinking about it is permitted, right? ;-)

You all make your way through the Coins district my mutual agreement. It is not long before a pack (5) of young hotspur noblemen, who quickly surround J. These are young men of House Damaq who are dressed in the latest Qadiraninspired fashions turbans, flowing silk scarves, heavy eye shadow, and impressive jewelry).

"So, a troublemaker from Andoran, are you? Come here to stir up trouble too?"

One of them gets in her face and yells at her to "Go home and leave Absalom alone."

Note: They have not harmed her in any way. Unless you are the stereotypical murderhobo Pathfinder, it would be an unreasonable escalation at this point to start hacking at them with weapons.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

Tempestas steps forward. I am this lady's bodyguard. If you wish to harm her, you will have to deal with me. I would recommend you leave ... now

He does not raise his voice, but the tone of his voice is - if they start anything, they will regret it.

intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27 Kihel asks them nicely to cease and desist harrasing the young lady.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan prepares to draw his sap - just in case the talking doesn't work!

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

Vangral steps behind Tempestas, so slight that his presence is almost hidden by the larger man. Only his head and face are visible to the young toughs.

He is even smiling. Yet, there is something in that smile and his eyes, which suggests that he knows things. Dark things. Deep truths that most don't want to contemplate.

"You should listen to my friend and go about your day," he says, quietly.

Intimidate (Aid): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

The group is definitely impressed and starts to back away, though one of the thugs gives her a shove before leaving. This provokes an unusual response. A small stone near to J leaps from the ground and strikes the shover.

DC 15 spellcraft:
J cast a telekinetic projectile spell using emotional components.

In addition, a ghostly creature appears briefly and runs around the area threatening the thugs. Everyone catches fleeting glimpses of the blue-tinged, ephemeral outline of a boy with hollow eyes. Then it mysteriously vanishes as quickly as it arrives.

DC 15 sense motive:
J does not seem surprised by this but does look a bit uncomfortable.

The thugs have had enough and tear off through the market causing a small bit of confusion as they knock things over in their haste to get away.

DC 22 knowledge (local):
You recognize her as a spiritualist, a class that hosts the spirit of a deceased person in their mind and derives strange powers from it.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Kn Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Kihel pats J's shoulder "Good job. Maybe you're more similar to a Pathfinder than you think. I supposed your parents don't know about this?"

J takes a few moments to collect herself. She seems a bit shaken after the manifestation.

“I guess I should tell you, considering who you are and where we are going. I’ve been keeping him a secret for far too long in any case.”

“Grishan, can you come out, please. These people would like to meet you.”

Grishan steps out of J.’s body, revealing himself to be a green-tinted apparition that resembles an emaciated 14-year-old boy with sunken cheeks and hollow eyes. He is still wearing his school uniform consisting of a blouse covered by a vest. His legs end just below the knees, trailing off into nothingness and he floats above the ground at the same height he stood in life.

I'm Grishan. I was with J when we got trapped in the necropolis. After I died, I felt compelled to remain here and help J, particularly when I saw that nasty creature come after her. J did some research and we have figured out it was an allip, a creature that feeds on suffering. I was... I was able to somehow hide her soul in the Ethereal Plane. That is why she lost consciousness and, I think, why she did not age. We are not sure. Ironically, after she was rescued it was my turn to hide inside of her. I didn't want to freak her out so I remained there for years before revealing myself, you know, once she was older and more mature and I thought she could take it."

J blurts out at that moment, "Silly fool, you should have KNOWN I would have accepted you." she looks a bit miffed.

They both smile at each other at that.

"I guess I shouldn't be toooo harsh. I haven't told my parents about this either. Not sure they would understand or cope with it very well. Can't have them sending an exorcist or something. I mean, we're best FRIENDS. I don't want him to leave."

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Ekadan waits for Kihel to explain.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"In Pathfinder Society, we nickname those who shares a strong bond with a particular spirit and is able to utlizes said spirit in battle, Spiritualist, and we call the spirit a Phantom."

"You see, usually when a creature dies, its spirit flees its body and begins the next stage of its existence. In some cases however, debilitating emotional attachments during life and other psychic corruptions cause some spirits to drift into the Ethereal Plane and descend toward the Negative Energy Plane. Some of these spirits are able to escape the pull of undeath and make their way back to the Material Plane, seeking refuge in a psychically attuned mind." she gestures at J, "Such a fusing of consciousnesses creates a Spiritualist—the master of a single powerful phantom whom the spiritualist can manifest to do her bidding. Their magic comes from their thought and emotion, and can manifest as psychic spells."

"Really? It actually has a name? I'm a 'Spiritualist' and there are others like me in the Pathfinder Society?"

She grows a little excited by this. Well, more than a little.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"Yes, a group of people/adventurers that shares rather exotic set of powers definitely deserve a name, so we can properly refer and analyse them. The bad news is, what you have is not unique anymore. The good news is, you are not alone. And I just want you to know that, it is ok to have those powers, and they are not something you should be ashame of."
Kihel turns to Grishan. "But I digress. You mentioned an allip in that location, right? And since you two fled from it, which you should, it might be still around. Let's see......" She tap herself with a Heighten Awareness wand and start going through Pathfinder Chronicles for information about Allip...
ALl monster ID knowledge: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 2 + 2 = 24

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan nods and tells Kihel, "Thanks I was hoping someone could make sense of this situation."

Turning to Grishan he says, "Hiding inside her eh? So are you influencing her decision to return to the Tri-Towers Yard? So what else did you see or hear during the years you were inside the complex? Anything other than this 'allip' creature?"

"I'll admit I have been trying to get J to visit the Precipice Quarter. She needs to get the events out of her system before she can get a handle on who she is and who we are. I also have my own reasons." With a shrug he adds, "As for what else is there, I have no idea. I kept watch over her soul, not her body, so we were both in the ethereal plane all that time."

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:
"I'll admit I have been trying to get J to visit the Precipice Quarter. She needs to get the events out of her system before she can get a handle on who she is and who we are. I also have my own reasons." With a shrug he adds, "As for what else is there, I have no idea. I kept watch over her soul, not her body, so we were both in the ethereal plane all that time."

"And what, exactly, are your own reasons?"

When Grishan admits he has been influencing J, Ekadan gives the others a 'I told you so!' look.

To Kihel, "Are these powers something she can control? Or could this become a problem for us?"

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15
Ekadan Joshi wrote:

To Kihel, "Are these powers something she can control? Or could this become a problem for us?"

"That is something you have to ask the young lady herself."

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan turns to J and asks, "Well?"

With a sigh that is almost human, Grishan explains "My brother, Colson Maldris, wanted me to do a little spying for Andoran. I know I was successful and I know I recorded what I found out, but I do not remember what it was. Only that I left it in the Arboretum Arcanis and never had a chance to put in the dead drop. Please, could you take us to the Arboretum and allow me to accomplish my life’s great unfulfilled mission. It must have been important or I would not feel such a compulsion to complete the transfer. But, even if it is out of date, or something that was important for other reasons than actual value, it would remove a heavy burden from my soul to complete it. Please!"

@Ekadan Joshi
BTW, nice RPing on the low charisma. Acerbic describes his personality.

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

When the spirit appears:

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Knowledge: Local t: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Rosla was already in the process of drawing her blades when she senses that J wasn't surprised or afraid, just a bit uncomfortable. While stowing her weapons again the elf thinks about what she knows about spirits connected to people.

She's a Spiritualist?! How did that happen? Rosla quietly listens to Kihel's explanations. So the phantom's name is Grishan.

miteke wrote:

"Really? It actually has a name? I'm a 'Spiritualist' and there are others like me in the Pathfinder Society?"

She grows a little excited by this. Well, more than a little.

Rosla turns to J: "I'm so proud of you! But don't get overconfident, ok? I think we should get to know your abilities better, so tell us: Which spells can you cast?"

@GM miteke: Do we get any info on the allip? Kihel rolled a 24 here.

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

Vangral shows no signs of concern when the phantom appears. After all, some of his best friends are dead. He is curious about what this means for J, though.

"My young friend, why do you waste your time playing with that toy," he says, pointing at the blade she wears, "when you have access to the powers of your mind? And a spiritual assistant?"

He looks to the others. "She just got much easier to escort...assuming she takes Rosla's advice and does not get overconfident."

"Well, I don't cast spells. It was Grishan that did that. He helps me out like that sometimes."

NOT! Those of you that know spellcraft and made that EC 15 roll know that she cast that spell whether she realizes it or not.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

I'm not sure I understand all of this, but ... if you're all okay with it, then I am

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:

With a sigh that is almost human, Grishan explains "My brother, Colson Maldris, wanted me to do a little spying for Andoran. I know I was successful and I know I recorded what I found out, but I do not remember what it was. Only that I left it in the Arboretum Arcanis and never had a chance to put in the dead drop. Please, could you take us to the Arboretum and allow me to accomplish my life’s great unfulfilled mission. It must have been important or I would not feel such a compulsion to complete the transfer. But, even if it is out of date, or something that was important for other reasons than actual value, it would remove a heavy burden from my soul to complete it. Please!"

@Ekadan Joshi
BTW, nice RPing on the low charisma. Acerbic describes his personality.

@GM: Thanks. :)

Conversing with Grishan, Ekadan gives a sly look to his companions as he speaks, "Gee a compulsion! Good thing at least one of us thought it was a possibility eh? So you're a spy for Andoran and you want us to help you finish your spying mission against - whom? Unfortunately we don't have any recent reports about what's going on, or living in, the Arboretum Arcanis so we'll have to consider the risks. So if this 'heavy burden' is removed from your soul will you pass on to Judgement of Pharasma?"

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"Colson Maldris is your brother? This is truly a small world..."

J and Grishan both look a little confused and stunned by the revelation that there is compulsion involved. Those of you that understand the spiritualist class would know that there is no compulsion involved if you would care to respond to Ekadan Joshi.

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

"Grishan is not compelling J, any more than Dreng compelled us to take this mission. Phantoms do come into being in much the same way as haunts or ghosts, there is some purpose or tragedy in their living existence that is so intense that their spirit does not move on to the Boneyard," Vangral says.

"Yet, unlike a ghost or haunt, often a phantom will not pass on once that purpose or tragedy is resolved. They remain linked to the spiritualist who has formed a connection with them," he continues.

"The relationship between a phantom and their host can vary from leader and assistant to friends, even to rivals, but there is no compulsion between them other than the spiritualist generally having the ability to control when the phantom manifests in the physical world," the elf finishes.

A relived look comes over J as she adds, "Grishan and I were and are friends. I do not think there is any compulsion involved, other than the deisre to help a friend."

"Wait...," Grishan interjects. "Did you say that you know my brother? How is he?"

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ticking off points on his hand Ekadan says, "That's all well and good but I have yet to hear answers to the following. Who was Grishan spying for? Was there anything dangerous living in the Arboretum Arcanis back then? If you finish your 'mission', what happens to you then?"

"My brother is an Eagle Knight, and he asked me to keep an eye out for useful information. I don't know what information I collected or I would not need to find my notebook. When we were at the Arboretum before there was no danger. But now? who knows."

"I don't know what happens to me. I don't know why I'm even here. Kihel, do you know my brother?"

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"Indeed I do. Major Colson Maldris is the leader of the Liberty's Edge faction within the Pathfinder Society, that oppose tyranny and spread freedom wherever he goes. I'm merely acquainted with him, but some of my family members know him rather well. I...respect his effort and the idea he is fighting for."

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

I too, am a member of that Faction.

J and Grisom stand a little straighter at the news.

You headed for the Arboretum or the Drownyard or, maybe, somewhere else?

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft
Tempestas wrote:

I too, am a member of that Faction.

"So am I", Rosla comments. She then addresses the group: "I think it's bets if we escort Grishan to his unfinished business at the Arboretum Arcanis to get it out of the way. Do you agree, J?"

One vote for the Arboretum Arcanis.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

Tempestas will also agree with Rosa

Missed the Allip roll. You can thank Rosla for reminding me. An allip is a babbling incorporeal undead appearing as a roiling cloud of shadows exuding a skeletal maw and claws. You can ask two questions from the usual list.

You doing any research on the place before going there?

I use the rule of two which means as soon as two PCs decide on a course of action, the group will follow.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

You doing any research on the place before going there?

I use the rule of two which means as soon as two PCs decide on a course of action, the group will follow.

Is researching the reports from previous Pathfinder expeditions an option? Did VC Dreng provide us with a map of the Tri Towers? Otherwise, given what was revealed about allips, I'd recommend those who can purchase things like scrolls/potions/oils of protection from evil, magic weapon, shield of faith, and Holy Weapon Balm. There's also Weapon blanch (ghost salt) but that's 200 GP per use.

Pathfinder expeditions, or other local news articles, or just asking folks near the Arboretum would work. The source book has some nice background I'm itching to give you so you just have to try :)

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Diplo: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (13) + 22 = 35 Kihel asks around about the Arboretum.

There are probably not many people who climb the gate/pick the lock to visit the haunted Tri Tower place and is still around/alive for us to ask question, she thinks.

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