miteke's School of Spirits

Game Master miteke

School of Spirits (Gameday XIII)

GM Reference - RPG Chronicles Sign Up - NPCs and Player Handouts

Current tactical map - Necroplis (slide 2)

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Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft
Ekadan Joshi wrote:
Who doesn't have darkvision and no light source? If Ekadan sees one of the PCs struggling with no light he will offer them a Sunrod.

Rosla needs a bit of light to see with her low-light vision. (Unfortunately, the Elven Alternative Racial Trait to get darkvision is not PFS legal. Otherwise - as a rogue - she would have taken it in a heartbeat.) So she bought a torch. But one Sunrod should provide enough light for everyone, no need to activate another.

"Thanks for providing light, Ekadan." Rosla walks into the room and looks around for any potential danger.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 (+1 vs traps)

Reminder that Rosla has the Rogue Talent Trap Spotter.

Trap Spotter (Ex) wrote:
Whenever a rogue with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, she receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.

Kihel Rosenthal wrote:
miteke wrote:
"You may call me Majordomo Pip..."
Is that the mandragora speaking?


Rosla el Func wrote:
Reminder that Rosla has the Rogue Talent Trap Spotter.

If you would like you may make a roll for each room that you enter and I'll let you know if it comes into play.

You all follow Pip into the next room. A collapsed sign near the door lists the exhibit that was on display in this gallery at the time of the earthquake: “Flowering Shrubs of Eastern Taldor”. Plants once grew in the large, ceramic planters that still hug the southern wall. Dozens of branches clinging to decaying leaves emerge from the wooden door to the north. To the east, a room with healthy trees and shrubs is visible through a glass door set in a wrought iron frame. In the east room there are dozens of healthy plants with vibrant and colorful leaves, fruit, and flowers that emerge from the decay in the small greenhouse, spilling out of the pots and berths that once contained them.

Pip looks to be heading towards the north door.

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

Trap Spotter roll:
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 (+1 vs traps)

"Let me go first, comrades, I have a knack for spotting danger." Rosla follows Majordomo Pip.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Kihel follows Pip and chitchat with Pip along the way. She holds the sunrod high to illuminate the room.

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

"If you don't mind, I have a more elegant solution," Vangral says and casts a spell. Four lights glowing an eerie green spring into being, providing illumination as powerful as a torch, spinning slowly around him and causing his pale skin to shadow and shine in unpredictable patterns.

He keeps an eye on everything but just follows the Majordomo for the moment, content, at least for now, at the mandragora is leading them on the right track.

Vangral will recast Dancing Lights every minute.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan stops and asks Pip, "What's in the room over there? And why do the plants seem to be so much healthier in that room than some of the others?"

He points towards the eastern door.

Pip stops and informs Ekadan that "One of the few rooms that seems to have survived the catastrophe. It's very beautiful, is it not? This whole place used to be a lot like that. Some of the plants are quite beneficial and even magical in nature."

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

"Pretty and magical? Nice."

Pip waits patiently, probably used to the concept of folks hovering over an exhibit.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:
Pip stops and informs Ekadan that "One of the few rooms that seems to have survived the catastrophe. It's very beautiful, is it not? This whole place used to be a lot like that. Some of the plants are quite beneficial and even magical in nature."

"Could you give us a tour, tell us which plants are beneficial and which are magical? We're explorers first and foremost and we live to learn."

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'
Rosla el Func wrote:
"Pretty and magical? Nice."

"It is a blessing and a curse," Vangral remarks with a wry smile.

He looks to J. trying to gauge her and her hidden companion's tolerance for a sight seeing detour.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

Tempestas stays quiet, looking around for danger.

Pip opens the door and invites the others into the room. He explains that there are a pair of walnuts that each provides the effects of a potion of shield of faith, a tough length of ivy that functions as a potion of spider climb when chewed, two cherries that function as potions of reduce person, and two watermelons that each produce the effects of potions of enlarge person on the first person to eat a bite of them. Eating any of these unusual potions takes a standard action.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"Fascinating..." Kihel admires the magical exotic plants, but prefer not to disturb the plants.

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

"Wow, that's really awesome! Did you once sell these fruit snd plants to produce some income for the Arboretume, too? What about now?"

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:
Pip opens the door and invites the others into the room. He explains that there are a pair of walnuts that each provides the effects of a potion of shield of faith, a tough length of ivy that functions as a potion of spider climb when chewed, two cherries that function as potions of reduce person, and two watermelons that each produce the effects of potions of enlarge person on the first person to eat a bite of them. Eating any of these unusual potions takes a standard action.

"Wow that's awesome! Do you mind if we take a couple of these? They could be really useful since we were told there's quite a potent haunt hanging around."

Pip shrugs. "Sure, take what you want as long as you do not harm the plants."

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

"Oh, that is most generous of you," Vangral says moving around to help gather the bounty. He doesn't pick the watermelons, though. Not only would he not benefit from their magic, but also watermelons are quite cumbersome.

"I've always had a passing admiration for nature, but I begin to see just how fascinating it can be," he comments.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"Let's focus on Grisom's parcel for now. We can always come back later to study these plants, our friend Pip will surely taking a good care of them."

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan asks for Pip's help in showing how to properly harvest the two walnuts, the tough length of ivy, the two cherries, and one of the watermelons.

To Kihel he says, "Yeah but I'm hungry now."

He'll distribute the harvested items to those who want them except for one of the walnuts and the watermelon.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"If we're done with picnic, let's move forward. There's still the haunted Tri Tower place we need to escort J to after this."

Having picked the room clean of goodies, the group continues on their way and reach the greenhouse. Several corridors and galleries from the previous area eventually lead to the entrance of the second intact greenhouse in the arboretum. A wooden plaque outside reads “Plants of Eastern Garund: Please proceed with caution, as some are poisonous”.

"The master gardener is in there."

Unlike the dead and warped growth in most of the Arboretum, the plants growing in this greenhouse seem to be relatively young and healthy. Several raised beds of earth host strange looking plants with long, sinuous vines, and a small, gently flowing fountain with a red lion statue at its center sits near the middle of the chamber. Against the wall stands a worktable and chair covered in gardening tools.

As you enter (please place your icons near the entrance) an anthropomorphic plant creature yells at you all "Stay back. I know you! You are gardeners from Quantium, come to collect us."

She seems quite agitated.

DC 12 sense motive:
She is not in her right mind, eyes darting around as if locking onto adversaries you cannot see.

DC 15 Knowledge (nature) or (arcana):
You intuit that her suffering might be due to the corrupting rain within the Arboretum.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

"Lady I can see you are quite agitated but you don't know me and I'm not a gardener nor am I from Quantium. I'm from the Five Kings Mountains and I have zero desire to 'collect' anyone."

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Kihel speaks in Sylvan, trying to clarify the misunderstanding, and says that we mean no harm.
Diplo: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (12) + 22 = 34

Kn Bard take 10: 10 + 9 = 19
"This place had a negative effect on her mind. It's the corrupting rain." she whispers to her allies.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

sense motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

I don't even know where Quantium is ... replies Tempestas. Besides, I'd rather protect you from ... erm .... plant nappers

Your diplomacy is insane at a low level table. That being said...

The Master Gardener shakes visibly before settling down.

"No, no you do not look like gardeners. So, what can I do for you?"

Congratulations for successfully avoiding all combat in this facility using diplomacy, though some of the melee types in the group may not be so enthusiastic :)

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:


Your diplomacy is insane at a low level table. That being said...

The Master Gardener shakes visibly before settling down.

"No, no you do not look like gardeners. So, what can I do for you?"

Congratulations for successfully avoiding all combat in this facility using diplomacy, though some of the melee types in the group may not be so enthusiastic :)

"Well first we have this weird ghost with us that needs us to search that red lion statue for something he left there when he was alive. Then we need to escort this young lady to the haunted part of the compound so she can make peace with her past. I'd also like to ask you some questions if you don't mind?"

Reading the chalk scribbles he made on some of his canvas he asks, "How did you get hear from Quantium and you said "collect us"; who is 'us' exactly? We're members of the Pathfinder Society and we explore, report, and cooperate and maybe we can help you and your group out. Second what do you know about the areas outside of here specifically what looks like it used to be a school? And what do you know about Majordomo Pip the little plant creature that led us to you and called you the 'Master Gardener'?"

"Ah, that is a story indeed. I am a Ghoran and I escaped from Nex with some seedlings of my kind. I've planted them and am awaiting their emergence. You probably do not know of our kind as w are mostly extinct - and apparently valuable. I was hoping Absalom would be a more welcoming place to my kind and we could live peacefully and grow here. This place looked like a suitable place to do so, though now I wonder. I do not know much about the area having only arrived recently and then secreted myself here. Pip here was not particularly happy that I took over this greenhouse, but I convinced him it would be too dangerous to do anything about it. I have friends here, you see. Pip is a mandragora which is to say, well, a bit on the self serving and malicious side if yo ask me. Still... he is at least a plant, which speaks well for him. We get along. I think it helps that I plan to leave soon. You wouldn't happen to know of a safe and out of the way place we could live?"

Pip seems unconcerned by the assessment, but does eye the Ghoran with annoyance.

"You may examine the statue, but take care not to disturb the plant beds.

Give me some perception/search rolls to examine the statue.

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

"If you are amenable to it, we can return here after we deal with our next errand and take you to our Grand Lodge. It is quite an expansive campus and there are many there who are dedicated to the care and study of all manner of beings, including plants. I'm sure we could find you a place there. And there is likely little place in the world safer as it's home to some of the most capable adventurers in the world," Vangral offers as he approaches the fountain and statue.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 11

But, given the fact that he doesn't want to get his clothes wet, he doesn't get nearly close enough to the statue to make any kind of decent examination.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:

"Ah, that is a story indeed. I am a Ghoran and I escaped from Nex with some seedlings of my kind. I've planted them and am awaiting their emergence. You probably do not know of our kind as w are mostly extinct - and apparently valuable. I was hoping Absalom would be a more welcoming place to my kind and we could live peacefully and grow here. This place looked like a suitable place to do so, though now I wonder. I do not know much about the area having only arrived recently and then secreted myself here. Pip here was not particularly happy that I took over this greenhouse, but I convinced him it would be too dangerous to do anything about it. I have friends here, you see. Pip is a mandragora which is to say, well, a bit on the self serving and malicious side if yo ask me. Still... he is at least a plant, which speaks well for him. We get along. I think it helps that I plan to leave soon. You wouldn't happen to know of a safe and out of the way place we could live?"

Pip seems unconcerned by the assessment, but does eye the Ghoran with annoyance.

"You may examine the statue, but take care not to disturb the plant beds.

Give me some perception/search rolls to examine the statue.

"Yeah your doubts about this place are wise. Our resident know-it-all here says this place is infected with some kind of weird 'corrupting' rain and that's probably what has you and Majordomo Pip on edge. Like Vangral said we can escort you out of here and to our Lodge. I don't know where you might be comfortable living but I'm sure the Society knows of somewhere suitable."

Ekadan moves to inspect the statue for any sign of a hidden compartment or something similar:

@GM: Since this isn't a combat situation (?), Ekadan will take 10 for a 16 on his Perception.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

Maybe the Grand Lodge gardens would be suitable? Tempestas suggests as he examines the statue.

perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
"Our Grand Lodge do has a small forest near the entrance for druid and Ghoran alike."

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

Rosla asks Ekadan to help her search by providing constant divine guidance. She then takes her time examining the statue.

"Give a minute, I'll see what I can find."

Take 20 Perception, guidance: 20 + 9 + 1 = 30 (+1 vs traps)

Most of you poke around looking for a secret compartment, but Rosla notices a slight rocking and calls for everyone to tip it over, gently. You discover that it is hollow. Inside is a small package wrapped in many layers of wax paper: Grishan’s intelligence packet. Reading his notes reveals a number of secrets, all in Grishan’s hurried script, along with documents that provide proof of the allegations made. (See slides 4-6 in NPCs and Player Handouts).

Grishan is particularly troubled by the information on his family, while J looks more thoughtful than anything.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan tries to comfort Grishan, "Eh every family has a few skeletons in the closet. And maybe that's why your brother chose the path he did: to make up for your family's past misdeeds. By the way we need to turn documents over to the Pathfinder Society. It's important information starting with the assassinations on Society members."

To J he says, "Looks like your trip down memory lane is next."

The Drownyard is located a short distance from the Arboretum Arcanis, and is surrounded by a tall, wrought iron fence. The key provided by Drandle Dreng unlocks the front gate.

The grounds of the old Tri-Towers Yard have been cleaned up in the last several years, and several old ruined school buildings that stood too close to the cliff’s edge were demolished. All of the gnarled old trees were removed and new flowering bushes and trees have been planted in their place. Despite these efforts, the few ruined classrooms that remain look sad and forgotten. Just inside the gate sits a small, locked storage shed marked with the Pathfinder’s Glyph of the Open Road.

On the pathfinder storage shed reads a sign that reads "Entry to above ground structure in the ‘Yard is strongly discouraged. It contains an dangerous supernatural force. Items in the yellow box are for emergencies only." It is signed "V-C Dreng".

J. falls silent as she steps on the grounds of her old school. She asks the PCs to remain quiet just for a moment while they remember the children and adults who died there. I'll assume you all respect the silence and remembrance. You may post anything special you may or may not do during that moment.

"I sense something in there," she states, pointing at one of the classrooms. "It has something to teach me, something I need to learn."

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

Rosla keeps quiet in order to respect the remembrance.
She doesn't do anything special but she looks quietly at the locked pathfinder storage shed.
After the moment has gone and J isn't silent anymore, the rogue points at the shed and says: "This looks like a job for me." She starts looking for traps.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 (+1 vs traps)

If she finds none, she tries to pick the lock.

Disable Device t - ACP: 1d20 + 14 - 0 ⇒ (19) + 14 - 0 = 33
(total skill bonus includes MW thieves's tools +2 and trapfinding +1)

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Kihel checks out the yellow box for VC Dreng's supply.

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan observes the moment of silence with J and when it's over will offer prayers from Abadar for all those who perished.

"Easy J let's get some supplies that the Venture Captain advised us to access. Did you read the sign? "Dangerous supernatural force"? That's what I've been worried might be 'calling' to you and Grishan. Once we've retrieved what's in the closet we, including you and Grishan, should prepare yourselves."

Before we enter the classroom J is pointing to I suggest we cast buff spells.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

Tempestas also observes the moment of silence for fallen comrades. It is the Way.

The lock on the shed is broken and no longer works, so it has to be the easiest lock picking Rosla has ever done. Someone with far less finesse than her gained entry to the shed the old fashioned way.

The shed contains various supplies used by the archaeological teams that work here including large rolls of twine, wooden stakes, brushes, sacks, shovels, trowels, and various measuring implements. The yellow box contains 2 haunt siphons. A short note inside the box describes the function of the haunt siphon. The box is mostly empty but it still contains several holding slots for papers and vials as well as several empty (presumably looted) cloth pouches. For some reason the looters decided the haunt siphons were useless. What would you expect from goons that break locks like that?

Pick who takes the siphons. Does anyone take Ekadan up on his suggestion to buff before entering the classroom?

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

UMD: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26 Heighen Awareness up
"Whoever is in the front should take them?"

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan will read the short note aloud to everyone while shifting his lucerne hammer further behind his back...

So how does a haunt siphon work? And Ekadan will be buffing; I want to see who else is casting/using what else.

Dark Archive

Male Elf M Elf Witch (Gravewalker) [HP 17/17, AC 12(16) /ff 10(14) /t 12, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +1, Per +0, Spd 30'

Vangral takes the opportunity to cast mage armor on himself.

"Oh, fascinating," Vangral says, taking one of the haunt siphons. "I'll just keep this. It won't get rid of the haunt indefinitely, but it will give us some time."

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

Rosla draws her wand of longstrider and tries to activate it:

UMD: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

She successfully uses it on herself.

Unfortunately, longstrider is a personal spell. So unless you can use or UMD the wand yourself, no speed buff for you.

The elf then draws another wand of bless, hands it to Ekadan and tells him the command word.

"Holy moly!"

You all ready to enter the classroom?

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)

Ekadan educates the others (including J) on what items Ekadan has stored in his bandolier slots so they know what to grab if needed.

He reminds everyone who has earplugs this is the time to use them. Well except for J; she might need to hear something apparently.

Ekadan takes a moment to to chug his Meditation Tea, "Tasty."

Just before the party enters he will use his scroll of Protection from Evil on himself and then put in his earplugs.

"Ready! Can anyone hear me?"

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

"Ah, yes, earplugs." Kihel will put those on as well.

She then open her mouth to pretend speaking to Ekadan, but isn't actually making any sounds. Saying 'Can you hear me' if anyone can read lips

How to read Lips:
Organized Play FAQ wrote:

What does a deaf oracle (or other deaf PC) need to do in order to read lips?

In the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, any PC who spends a rank in Linguistics may learn to read lips in all languages she knows instead of learning a new language. She cannot use lip reading to decipher words in languages she does not know. When reading the lips of a speaking creature within 10 feet in normal lightning conditions, the reader does not need to make any skill checks. In more difficult situations, the lip reader must make Perception checks, with a DC determined by the GM.

Bluff for lol: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
Kihel Rosenthal wrote:

"Ah, yes, earplugs." Kihel will put those on as well.

She then open her mouth to pretend speaking to Ekadan, but isn't actually making any sounds. Saying 'Can you hear me' if anyone can read lips
** spoiler omitted **
[dice=Bluff for lol]d20+14

Seeing Kihel's lips move but not getting what she's saying isn't anything new for Ekadan who gives her a thumbs up!

"Yeah that's great, couldn't hear a thing!"

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

"Right, earplugs." Rosla also puts those on.

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