[GD13] GM Nomadical's Escape from Oppara

Game Master Nomadical


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Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  

In the city of Oppara, the Pathfinder Society has been investigating a recent crime spree that targeted the assets and allies of Grand Princess Eutropia, Taldor’s new monarch who came to power following the War for the Crown. The Society has learned of the group responsible for these crimes, but it has more work to do if it’s going to untangle the web of deception and get to the heart of the treasonous conspiracy. Gloriana Morilla, a trusted ally and former Pathfinder leader, has concocted a plan to draw out the Society’s enemies. For her plan to work, she’s going to need agents who are willing to take some risks, as there’s no telling what sinister forces might be responsible for the recent crimes in Oppara.

The plan starts like this: first, try to flee the city… but make sure they see you doing it! 

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

Small but brave halfling female, battered but lucky to survive always finds a way to get into some troubles. She carries massive backpack (for her proportions) and surely a reliable slingstaff.

Her face express excuses and curiosity most of time. Now she is supposed to help famous lady Morilla to find some way out of difficult situation. Even though she is mostly curious about abandoned ruins and ancient relics, Klara decides it is a good chanse to visit Oppara and have a good bath...

Horizon Hunters

Level 4 summoner | AC 19/20 | HP: 52 | Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 8 | Spell DC 20 | Per 8 | Speed 25’

You see a fair-skinned female aiuvarin, with long red hair under a tricorn hat. She wears a black sailor’s outfit, and has a dagger and hand crossbow at her hip.

“Good day t’ye”, she says, doffing her hat. ”Black Molly’s the name”

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion gives a bit of a dramatic bow, their wild blond hair flowing lusciously around them as a halberd pokes out from behind their back.

Strengthening up they introduce themselves, their voice reverberating almost as if in song. "Corelion here. I am an Elven Spellsinger."

They give their halberd a fancy spin before returning it to their back.

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

Klara enthusiastically waving to other Pathfinder. Something in her moves reminds you of Janira Gavix likely.

- Hi Molly, hi Corelion! I am Klara Rrhoft, but out of courts you may call me Rrho! Isn't it sound like a goblin name?
She smiles with excusing smile as if not everyone can understand jokes.

ohhh. I hope that not sound rasistish toward goblins...
Her anxiety quickly fades as she is curious about upcoming mission

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion gives the tiniest of flourishes and then turns their nose up, clearly not impressed by the low brown humor of Rho.

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  

You each received a hand-delivered missive instructing you to meet with Lady Gloriana Morilla at the Porthmos Club, a tea house and former temple to Shelyn that offers discreet meeting spaces.

Following the explicit instructions not to identify yourselves as Pathfinders and to order moon grape wine upon your arrival, the server ushers you each to a wine rack in the basement, sliding it aside to reveal a meeting room outfitted with a table and threadbare velvet chairs. To the left sits Lady Gloriana Morilla, a light skinned, dark-haired Taldan woman wearing a fashionable dress. On the right sits Venture-Captain Muesello, a light-skinned, grey-haired man with a ruddy and pock-marked complexion. He wears a simple white shirt and a pair of brown utility trousers. Gloriana offers you seats and invites you to partake in the tea and charcuterie on the table. Once everyone has arrived individually as instructed, she clears her throat and begins.

“Thank you all for coming,” says Lady Gloriana Morilla, longtime ally of the Pathfinder Society. “I hope the refreshments are to your liking.” She pinches a bit of cheese between her fingers and drops it near a grey stone cube on the table. The rock rolls over to the cheese, opens a crystalline toothy maw, and engulfs the crumb. “A few months back, a group within the Taldan military calling themselves the Ninth Army perpetrated a crime spree against supporters of Grand Princess Eutropia. They intended to implicate Venture-Captain Muesello here, and for a while, I nearly believed their ruse. Thanks to the efforts of a group of agents including Mr. Laeron here, we were able to determine that the Ninth Army was responsible, yet Muesello still insisted on taking the blame, for... well, I’m sure he has his reasons.

Lady Morilla pauses to nod and give a slight smile to Laeron. ”Thank you for your part in resolving that, Laeron.” Muesello looks abashed and thanks the human also. ”Yes, I’m sorry about all the deception and confusion. I’m sure you have many questions.”

Lady Morilla holds up a long delicate finger before you can ask any however. “Hold the questions for later, please. We’ve learned that the Ninth Army now means to pull some strings of their own and find a way to make Muesello disappear. We must uncover evidence proving the Ninth Army’s plot to frame Muesello. I’ve tightened my circle of trust to just you and a handful of my most loyal spies.” Gloriana pauses. The silence is broken by Muesello’s cracker crunching. A few crumbs hit the table, and the granite cube tumbles across the table to devour them.

After sipping tea, Gloriana resumes. “I’ve learned that off-duty Ninth Army members gather at a tavern in Eastport called the Fox and Lion. I’ve arranged transportation to an old candle warehouse just south of the tavern. Your mission is to cause a commotion at the tavern and draw the Ninth Army into pursuing you through the streets. We’ve planted false information suggesting that Muesello plans to flee the city, so the Ninth Army is on edge; the mere presence of Pathfinders may provoke them. While they chase you, Muesello will coordinate my agents in observing the Ninth Army’s every move. He’ll be in the candle warehouse—it’s a safehouse, and it’s close enough for him to use magic to communicate with my spies. Hopefully one of the criminals leads us to their true hideout. Then, we can send you in to search for evidence.

Avoid direct violence if you can. Muesello will signal you with magic when we have the information we need, then you can lose anyone still tailing you and rendezvous at the safehouse. Any questions?”

Horizon Hunters

3-16 | "Sunshine" | male (he/him) liminal kayal (Nidalese) ranger (precision) 5 | ◆◇↺ | AC 23 (24) | HP 49/77 | P+9, F+11, R+13, W+9 | Explore: Avoid Notice | DV, 25' | Focus: 0/2 | Hero: 2/3 | Active Conditions: self-flagellating

"Greetings, I'm Sunshine," a wirey kayal says as he emerges from the shadows. His spiked chain and grey skin suggest that his decidedly-not-sunny demeanor is at least in part caused by being in a temple of his god's half-sister.

"I like spies. But who are the Ninth Army? And why do they bear a grudge against Muesello?"

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion eats just a tiniest bit of the hors d'oeuvres nodding at the quality provided by their Taldan hosts.

"I too am curious about the answers to Mister Anschluss's questions, but also am curious as to how the Ninth Army is most likely going to attempt to soil us with our own blood and other vital bits."

Horizon Hunters

3-16 | "Sunshine" | male (he/him) liminal kayal (Nidalese) ranger (precision) 5 | ◆◇↺ | AC 23 (24) | HP 49/77 | P+9, F+11, R+13, W+9 | Explore: Avoid Notice | DV, 25' | Focus: 0/2 | Hero: 2/3 | Active Conditions: self-flagellating

Outside of Nidal, Sunshine prefers to be called Sunshine.

Envoy's Alliance

Human (he/his) Fighter 6 HP 80/80 +5 temp| AC 25 or 27| F +12 R +11 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +9 Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: Dueling Parry +2 AC| Hero Pts: 2

At the mention of his name from the lips of Lady Morilla, Laeron gives a shy wave to the rest of the Pathfinders, but says nothing as his mouth is crunching down on crackers. Laeron is a young human, barely an adult, in heavy armor with a couple of swords sheathed across his back.

Later, after Sunshine asks his question, Laeron speaks up. "So what I recall of the Ninth Army is that they are a group opposed to Taldor’s Princess. From my previous encounter they didn't seem too much like an army, despite the name...more like a thieves' guild.

Horizon Hunters

Level 4 summoner | AC 19/20 | HP: 52 | Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 8 | Spell DC 20 | Per 8 | Speed 25’

Black Molly nods with a smirk. ”So lead them on a merry chase, then sack their lair. Aye then!”

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

Klara listens carefully though with face expressed confusion becoming more and more obvious.

Is anything odd in the briefing situation or in surroundings?
Using That's odd feature.

The thinks it is time to Pursue a lead - Ninth Army and why they do what they do.

Question is, why can't we evacuate Muesello and.. if it not helps - destroy reputation of this Army which hopefully not an army, right? After their reputation gone - we can threat and fight away what will left after. Aaand any info about Fox and Lion tavern?
probably the tavern should be her second Case...

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 5 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 58/58 | AC 21 | F/R/W 11/13/11 | Perc +11 | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/3/3/2 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E)/Diplomacy(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +11, Deception/Medicine: +10, Intimidation(U)/Nature/PFS Lore(E): +9, Athletics: +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism: +7, Religion/Survival: +7, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +5 |

A woman of average height joins the group. "Shayna Quickfingers of the Quickfingers Equipment Emporium located in the Grand Bazaar in Absalom. We have the latest equipment." She greets each member of the party and hands them a small slip of parchment. "Present that to one of my staff and you will get what's known as a dis-count on your purchase. It's sort of like getting it cheaper but of the same quality..."

Horizon Hunters

Level 4 summoner | AC 19/20 | HP: 52 | Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 8 | Spell DC 20 | Per 8 | Speed 25’
Shayna Quickfingers wrote:

A woman of average height joins the group. "Shayna Quickfingers of the Quickfingers Equipment Emporium located in the Grand Bazaar in Absalom. We have the latest equipment." She greets each member of the party and hands them a small slip of parchment. "Present that to one of my staff and you will get what's known as a dis-count on your purchase. It's sort of like getting it cheaper but of the same quality..."

Molly tucks it away carefully.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion makes a mental note. Call Anschluss Sunshine and Klara Rrhoft Rrho.

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  
Sunshine wrote:
I like spies. But who are the Ninth Army? And why do they bear a grudge against Muesello?"

Lady Gloriana drops a crumb to the cube of granite and begins the answer. “They’re a secretive insurgent group embedded within the Taldan military that want to see Eutropia off the throne. They’ve been impersonating Pathfinder Society agents and committing crimes in their name against individuals that supported Eutropia’s ascension.”

Muesello continues, “I learned the Ninth Army planned to present false evidence incriminating me for treason, so I’d gone into hiding while I investigated their schemes. I turned myself in when their actions became more violent, hoping a false confession would tie things up in legal proceedings for a while.”

He looks sheepish as his voice drops. “The Ninth Army wasn’t just out there preparing false evidence to make me look like a traitor. They were also planting false evidence to trick me into doubting Gloriana, to put me in a place where I couldn’t know who to trust. And I bought it, hook, line, and sinker.” Gloriana pipes in as Muesello looks down at the table in embarassment, “It’s understandable, Muesello. They had me doubting you as well. Their skill at forgery and trickery is formidable. We’ll need more direct evidence of their involvement to be certain to defeat their lies in court.”

Laeron wrote:

At the mention of his name from the lips of Lady Morilla, Laeron gives a shy wave to the rest of the Pathfinders, but says nothing as his mouth is crunching down on crackers. Laeron is a young human, barely an adult, in heavy armor with a couple of swords sheathed across his back.

Later, after Sunshine asks his question, Laeron speaks up. "So what I recall of the Ninth Army is that they are a group opposed to Taldor’s Princess. From my previous encounter they didn't seem too much like an army, despite the name...more like a thieves' guild.

The granite cube rolls over to where Laeron is sitting and almost seems to beg for a bit of the cracker that the young man is crunching on. Muesello seems amused and his mood lifts slightly as he answers. ”Exactly right. They take the Army in their name from their association with the Taldan military, but they are not a military force. A thieve’s guild, yes, I like that comparison,” he nods in agreement.

RRho wrote:

Klara listens carefully though with face expressed confusion becoming more and more obvious.

Is anything odd in the briefing situation or in surroundings?
Using That's odd feature.

Nothing jumps out to Klara about this room, except the weird little cube of granite that honestly shouldn’t be eating crumbs but that no one has asked about….

RRho wrote:
Question is, why can't we evacuate Muesello and.. if it not helps - destroy reputation of this Army which hopefully not an army, right? After their reputation gone - we can threat and fight away what will left after. Aaand any info about Fox and Lion tavern?

”Not yet; though that may come later,” the Lady answers. ”But I appreciate your concern, and I like the way you think. At this point in the operation, his skills and knowledge are far too valuable and his magic is an essential part of our plan. Don’t worry, we’ll have spies securing the area, and if the safehouse is somehow compromised, we’ll get him out.”

She then looks to Muesello to field the question about the tavern. ”I’ve never been there myself. It’s a bar for locals, friendly to humans and the local workers and troopers. It’s not for the aristocrats and certainly not for foreigners or non-humans.” He pauses as he considers what he’s heard. ”Not to say that it’s dangerous. I’ve never heard of an incident there other than the usual bar fight between patrons, so I wouldn’t worry about your safety. Just be prepared for prejudice.”

I don’t know how your session of No Time for Treason played out, but Laeron might (or might not) remember Muesello’s assistant at the Oppara Lodge, Ms. Lolly Adafish, or the leader of the Ninth Army contingent that the PCs fight at the end of the adventure, Cole Farsen. If so, he might want to ask about them.

Envoy's Alliance

Human (he/his) Fighter 6 HP 80/80 +5 temp| AC 25 or 27| F +12 R +11 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +9 Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: Dueling Parry +2 AC| Hero Pts: 2

Thank you for the reminder!

Laeron slurps charmingly at his tea. So Mr. Muesello, I was wondering about your associate, Lolly Adafish. Nothing about this situation has affected her in an…uh…inconvenient way I hope. Laeron puts his teacup back into the saucer. And whatever became of that Ninth Army bigwig we apprehended? Cole Farsen, was it?

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

Klara give a cookie to the cube, looking at Muesello questionably.
Ooze pet huh?

Horizon Hunters

3-16 | "Sunshine" | male (he/him) liminal kayal (Nidalese) ranger (precision) 5 | ◆◇↺ | AC 23 (24) | HP 49/77 | P+9, F+11, R+13, W+9 | Explore: Avoid Notice | DV, 25' | Focus: 0/2 | Hero: 2/3 | Active Conditions: self-flagellating
GM Nomadical wrote:
He looks sheepish as his voice drops. “The Ninth Army wasn’t just out there preparing false evidence to make me look like a traitor. They were also planting false evidence to trick me into doubting Gloriana, to put me in a place where I couldn’t know who to trust. And I bought it, hook, line, and sinker.” Gloriana pipes in as Muesello looks down at the table in embarassment, “It’s understandable, Muesello. They had me doubting you as well. Their skill at forgery and trickery is formidable. We’ll need more direct evidence of their involvement to be certain to defeat their lies in court.”

Sunshine is tempted to ask whether they were trained by the Nidalese army, before realizing that might sound suspiciously sympathetic.

GM Nomadical wrote:
She then looks to Muesello to field the question about the tavern. ”I’ve never been there myself. It’s a bar for locals, friendly to humans and the local workers and troopers. It’s not for the aristocrats and certainly not for foreigners or non-humans.” He pauses as he considers what he’s heard. ”Not to say that it’s dangerous. I’ve never heard of an incident there other than the usual bar fight between patrons, so I wouldn’t worry about your safety. Just be prepared for prejudice.

Sunshine's used to prejudice.

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  
Laeron wrote:
Laeron slurps charmingly at his tea. So Mr. Muesello, I was wondering about your associate, Lolly Adafish. Nothing about this situation has affected her in an…uh…inconvenient way I hope.

Muesello watches Klara try to feed a whole cookie to the cube before answering. “Stressed. Thank you for asking after her. She’s been burning the midnight oil with me gone, even though I urged her to take time off. She’ll be glad when the danger has passed so we can get back to wayfinder tinkering.” He rummages around under his seat for a second. ”She’s very grateful for the Society’s continual efforts to resolve the dilemma here in Oppara, even in the face of growing threats across the Inner Sea. She wanted me to give this to any of the original team that returned as a gesture of her gratitude,” he says as he hands a leather bag to Laeron and explains that it’s much bigger on the inside than it looks. It’s a bag of holding spacious pouch type II.

Laeron wrote:
Laeron puts his teacup back into the saucer. And whatever became of that Ninth Army bigwig we apprehended? Cole Farsen, was it?

Gloriana chuckles at Klara also then turns her attention to Laeron and grows serious. “He didn’t make it to trial, regrettably. His testimony could have been useful in proving Muesello’s innocence.”

Lady Morilla taps the table twice with her long fingernail and the little cube tumbles across the smooth wooden surface like a dice tossed at a game. “This pet rock is a cobble mite. They’ve become chic among Oppara’s nobility, so of course, I had to have one. Intriguing aren’t they?”

Muesello digs around a bit more and hands Klara a compass needle. He asks her to keep the needle close to hand, explaining that it’s ritually linked to the wayfinder it came from. ”If something urgent comes up, I can use it to send you a short message and receive a short reply from you in return, as usual for the sending spell.” He pauses a moment as a cloud passes across his face. ”Also, if you were to be defeated and captured, I could even track you to wherever the Ninth Army is holding you captive to coordinate a rescue.” He takes a bite of the final cracker. ”But I’m sure it won’t come to that.”


With the briefing complete, Gloriana instructs you to accompany Muesello to her manor in West Park, where a small flat-bottomed boat awaits to deliver you to a candle warehouse in Eastport. She will not be accompanying you as she has other business to attend to.

On the way to the manor, you can purchase supplies in Oppara if you wish, and Muesello in his cover as a skilled local craftsman is a knowledgeable guide to the shops and markets of the city. The 45-minute journey through Oppara highlights the city’s gradual decline. The opulent manors of West Park with their high stone walls overlook the fashionably distressed apartments and markets of Imperial Square. The homes lining Canal Row grow shorter and more condensed the further south the party travels. Turning into Eastport, wooden buildings and construction co-mingle with dilapidated structures. You disembark near a gated warehouse along the shore. Before the ferryman departs, he gives you directions to the Fox and Lion, about a quarter mile north through the city. Muesello discreetly enters the candle warehouse and signals the “all clear” to you to proceed with the mission.

The bustle of the district winds down as evening approaches. Shops begin closing, and tired people walk home. There is a distinct lack of guards patrolling. One building stands out from the rest; raucous laughter pours from a downtrodden tavern with a recently crafted sign bearing a fox and a gold lion with a white mane.

DC 18 Society or DC 16 Oppara Lore check to Recall Knowledge:
You believe the lion may be an homage to Maxillar Pythareus, a former general in the Taldan military and defeated challenger for the throne. The throne that Eutropia now occupies.

We’ll pause here before entering the tavern and starting the first encounter. You can buy supplies en route if needed. You can also ask any follow-up questions prior to the end of the briefing or on the way.

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 5 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 58/58 | AC 21 | F/R/W 11/13/11 | Perc +11 | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/3/3/2 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E)/Diplomacy(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +11, Deception/Medicine: +10, Intimidation(U)/Nature/PFS Lore(E): +9, Athletics: +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism: +7, Religion/Survival: +7, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +5 |

Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

"Hmm. I believe the lion may be an homage to Maxillar Pythareus, a former general in the Taldan military and defeated challenger for the throne. The throne that Eutropia now occupies."

Don't believe Shayna? Just open the spoiler! :)

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

No supplies needed.

Corelion nods "Considering Eutropia's alliance with the Pathfinder Society, I'm certain this doesn't bode well for us."

Horizon Hunters

3-16 | "Sunshine" | male (he/him) liminal kayal (Nidalese) ranger (precision) 5 | ◆◇↺ | AC 23 (24) | HP 49/77 | P+9, F+11, R+13, W+9 | Explore: Avoid Notice | DV, 25' | Focus: 0/2 | Hero: 2/3 | Active Conditions: self-flagellating

"We should keep our political loyalties close to our chest," Sunshine nods.

Sunshine has a 3rd rank scroll of haste as his Pathfinder Provision. No other purchases.

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 5 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 58/58 | AC 21 | F/R/W 11/13/11 | Perc +11 | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/3/3/2 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E)/Diplomacy(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +11, Deception/Medicine: +10, Intimidation(U)/Nature/PFS Lore(E): +9, Athletics: +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism: +7, Religion/Survival: +7, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +5 |

No supplies needed. She takes a Moderate Healing Potion as her Pathfinder Provision

Horizon Hunters

Level 4 summoner | AC 19/20 | HP: 52 | Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 8 | Spell DC 20 | Per 8 | Speed 25’

Molly picks up a couple of healing potions for the road.

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

Society: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 1 = 33

Klara is thoughfull. She decides not to use child's masquerade and just be serious, prepareing to mocking of humans.

Klara has everything necessary, mug maybe takes 1 proper healing potion from provision.

- Agree, lets try to be humble at our words and not ask much questions.

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  

Inside the tavern, the dozens of patrons are in various states of relaxation and revelry. A light-skinned, brown-haired Taldan woman with a perpetual scowl tends the bar and serves day-old bread. Laeron immediately recognizes this woman as Parvilla, a member of the Ninth Army who was spying on the previous Pathfinder team at the Queen’s Tears Fountain.

A light-skinned, balding Taldan man with an overbearing smile plays a lute and sings a song in the corner of the bar. Shortly after you enter, one of the other patrons addresses him as Thomil and the bard cedes the makeshift stage to the amateur slam-poet who is quickly booed and jeered off the stage in a friendly and completely non-hostile way, as if both he and the crowd have done this dance before. Thomil laughs as he takes the stage back and starts singing a song that some of you may have heard before….

DC 16 Society check or DC 18 Performance check to Recall Knowledge:
You quickly recognize this and the next song that Thomil starts up as popular tunes in Taldor; however, the lyrics have been changed to bawdy parodies.

A few patrons are tossing knives at a target at the opposite side of the bar. The rest of the room is a cacophony of mugs thumping, belching, and workers bemoaning their day jobs—or lack thereof.

All of the bar’s patrons are human, most of them male, and some of them have threadbare Taldan military uniforms. While not openly hostile, they’re clearly not friendly to the group that brought a kayal, an elf, and a halfling onto their turf. They do, however, sneer at anyone openly brandishing a wayfinder.

Your mission - which you chose to accept - is to cause a commotion that will get you kicked out of the bar, then lead the Ninth Army on a chase through the streets and alleys of the Eastport district so Gloriana’s agents can observe the insurgents’ movements. Completing this task requires you to work together over multiple “rounds” to draw out the Ninth Army and then stay ahead of them in the streets.

First you’ll need to Get Noticed by drawing the attention of the tavern’s patrons. Each of you can attempt a Diplomacy or Performance check to make your presence known, such as by speaking loudly or putting on a performance; a Perception check to notice and approach the patrons who seem most susceptible to provocation; or an Underworld Lore or Warfare Lore check to draw attention with relevant conversation.

Round 1 - Get Noticed
Skills: Diplomacy, Performance, Perception, Underworld Lore, Warfare Lore
BOLD May Act

Black Molly

Characters are simply listed alphabetically for tracking of who has and has not gone. You may act in any order. There is no penalty for multiple PCs attempting the same check, nor for using the same check in subsequent rounds. You may Aid Another (DC 15) in lieu of your check for that Round. Sitting out the Round gains no Pursuit Points, but Critical Failures do cost you points, so consider wisely.

Horizon Hunters

Level 4 summoner | AC 19/20 | HP: 52 | Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 8 | Spell DC 20 | Per 8 | Speed 25’

Get noticed, eh?, thinks Molly. That’s easy enough

”Cap’n on deck!”, she shouts.

The space beside her wavers, and a greenish-blue apparition appears. It looks like a human pirate, with a long gray beard and an eyepatch. One hand holds a cutlass, while the other has been replaced by a shadowy hook. A skull and crossbones appear on his hat, as well as Molly’s.

”Avast, me hearties!”, he proclaims. ”Silverbeard walks again!”

He then peers around with his one good eye.

Manifest Eidolon

Silverbeard’s Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 5 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 58/58 | AC 21 | F/R/W 11/13/11 | Perc +11 | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/3/3/2 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E)/Diplomacy(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +11, Deception/Medicine: +10, Intimidation(U)/Nature/PFS Lore(E): +9, Athletics: +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism: +7, Religion/Survival: +7, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +5 |

Shayna picks up her flute and plays a strident trill on it.

Performance(E), Virtuosic w/ Wind Instruments, Maestro's Instrument: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23

At the sound of the high pitched trill, all activity stops and the tavern's patrons turn and stare at her. Yep, I got their attention all right she thinks to herself.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Performance RK: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Corelion recognizes the song and chuckles to themselves A little low brow, but I think I can compete.

Corelion waits for a chance to sing the next verse and sneaks this one in.

Mister Maxllar Pythareus
Would often have the odd glass --
But never when he thought anybody could see.
Secretly he'd buy it,
And drink it on the quiet,
And dream he was an Earl
Wiv a girl on each knee!

Performance to Sing: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

Klara spending time to find a larger chair and request some milk from the brown-haired Taldan woman.

After drinking the hole glass she enthusiastically suggest that Thomil come back as she is too tired of this over fancy stuff...

But this is just distraction. For real Klara watches and listens
Perception: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 1 = 15

Horizon Hunters

3-16 | "Sunshine" | male (he/him) liminal kayal (Nidalese) ranger (precision) 5 | ◆◇↺ | AC 23 (24) | HP 49/77 | P+9, F+11, R+13, W+9 | Explore: Avoid Notice | DV, 25' | Focus: 0/2 | Hero: 2/3 | Active Conditions: self-flagellating

Sunshine sinks into the shadows and looks for the most obvious rube.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human (he/his) Fighter 6 HP 80/80 +5 temp| AC 25 or 27| F +12 R +11 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +9 Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: Dueling Parry +2 AC| Hero Pts: 2

moderate healing potion for provision

Laeron tries to get the attention of the barkeep. One serving of your finest alcohol-type drink please, and portions of the same for my companions. Drinking is fun, it is why we are here!

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  

The patrons nearest Black Molly startle and a few drinks are spilled when the ghostly apparition that is Cap’n Silverbeard appears. But after a few seconds the crowd just assumes it’s a trick or something, and the Cap’n is unable to spot anything unusual. Fail, but not by much. Note that Perception has a slightly higher DC than the other skills.

Shayna gets the crowd’s attention with her flute, and Corelion hops into Thomil’s song with his own lyrics. A couple of the patrons smirk and laugh at his version, but the crowd is certainly no friendlier than before. Successes.

Klara and Sunshine watch the Taldanes, one with a sleuth’s eye for picking up clues, the other with a thief’s eye for marks. But neither are able to see anything they can use to advance their mission. Both Fails.

Laeron orders a drink from Parvilla who doesn’t appear to recognize him, but he certainly gets the other bar-flies’ attention with his generous offer of drinks for everyone! Success.

As the team splits up into different parts of the room, table conversations become noticeably louder and peppered with Pathfinder Society misquotes. “Explore, Extort, Corroborate.” someone says to Corelion’s back. “Something stinks in here. Must be the Bathfinders,” another says while holding his nose and gesturing towards Shayna.

With at least some of the crowd well aware of the presence of the Pathfinders, it’s now time to provoke the Ninth Army insurgents into pursuing the team outside. Each PC can attempt an Intimidation or Performance check to boast or to insult the patrons; a Society, Genealogy Lore, Oppara Lore, or Pathfinder Society Lore check to brag about Grand Princess Eutropia or the Pathfinder Society’s accomplishments; or an Acrobatics or Athletics check to physically shove, trip, or “accidentally” stumble into someone.

Round 2 - Provoke Pursuit
Skills: Intimidation, Performance, Society, Genealogy Lore, Oppara Lore, Pathfinder Society Lore , Acrobatics or Athletics
BOLD May Act

Black Molly

I will of course consider creative solutions using other skills if you make a reasonable case and that addresses the task presented for the current round. There is no penalty for multiple PCs attempting the same check, nor for using the same check in subsequent rounds. You may Aid Another (DC 15) in lieu of your check for that Round. Sitting out the Round gains no Pursuit Points, but Critical Failures do cost you points, so consider wisely.

Horizon Hunters

3-16 | "Sunshine" | male (he/him) liminal kayal (Nidalese) ranger (precision) 5 | ◆◇↺ | AC 23 (24) | HP 49/77 | P+9, F+11, R+13, W+9 | Explore: Avoid Notice | DV, 25' | Focus: 0/2 | Hero: 2/3 | Active Conditions: self-flagellating

Sunshine's spiked chain "accidentally" dangles a little too far and "accidentally" snags on someone's leg.

Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

"Oh, no! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Sunshine says to his spiked chain, making sure it didn't take any damage from the clumsy oaf.

Horizon Hunters

Level 4 summoner | AC 19/20 | HP: 52 | Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 8 | Spell DC 20 | Per 8 | Speed 25’
“Something stinks in here. Must be the Bathfinders,” another says while holding his nose and gesturing towards Shayna.

Molly sniffs and glares at him. ”Nah, I reckon ye cr@pped yerself when ye saw it was us”, she retorts. ”Can’t say I blame you”

Intimidation: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 5 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 58/58 | AC 21 | F/R/W 11/13/11 | Perc +11 | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/3/3/2 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E)/Diplomacy(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +11, Deception/Medicine: +10, Intimidation(U)/Nature/PFS Lore(E): +9, Athletics: +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism: +7, Religion/Survival: +7, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +5 |

Shayna plays her flute and sings a particularly bawdy song about the parentage of most of the bar patrons.

Performance(E), Virtuosic w/ Wind Instruments, Maestro's Instrument: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24

Envoy's Alliance

Human (he/his) Fighter 6 HP 80/80 +5 temp| AC 25 or 27| F +12 R +11 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +9 Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: Dueling Parry +2 AC| Hero Pts: 2

“Hey, so, now that we all have a drink I propose a toast: to Princess Eutropia! Truly the greatest of the Stavian line! And to the end of agnatic primogeniture! It could not have come soon enough! That’s what we’re all thinking I know!”

Genealogy Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion follows up with a little ditty about how awesome Grand Princess Eutropia is.

Performance to sing(E): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  

Sunshine’s spiked chain is undamaged by the Taldane plumber’s leg, which didn’t fare as well causing the man to limp away glaring at the “fer-i-ner.” Success.

Black Molly turns her ire on a man in a threadbare Taldane military uniform that looks like it hasn’t seen active service in many years. He ducks his head and pretends it wasn’t him that made the comment about Bathfinders, but his friends’ reactions make it clear it really was. Success.

Shayna and Corelion team up and dominate the floor with a pair of songs, ending with an ode to the Princess. Strangely, almost no one is even tapping their toes or clapping along. Unless you count the aggressive smacking of fists into palms as clapping. Successes.

Laeron finishes off Corelion’s ode with a loud and hearty toast to the ruler of Taldor, Princess Eutropia. The previously noisy tavern is suddenly deathly quiet, and no one - not a single soul - raises a glass to Laeron’s toast. One young buck, built like an ogre, does raise his tankard for a moment before hurling it down the bar at Laeron’s head! Success.

You’ve certainly gotten their attention and nearly provoked them into a fight. Only Klara remains to light the fuse and get this fight outside and into the streets.

Round 2 - Provoke Pursuit
Skills: Intimidation, Performance, Society, Genealogy Lore, Oppara Lore, Pathfinder Society Lore , Acrobatics or Athletics
BOLD May Act

Black Molly

I will of course consider creative solutions using other skills if you make a reasonable case and that addresses the task presented for the current round. There is no penalty for multiple PCs attempting the same check, nor for using the same check in subsequent rounds. You may Aid Another (DC 15) in lieu of your check for that Round. Sitting out the Round gains no Pursuit Points, but Critical Failures do cost you points, so consider wisely.

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

- Explore, conquer, rule - you wanted to say?
She commented someone from cCorelion back.
Klara shortly smirks in a sudden silence as well as dropping glass with remains of milk to the floor and hurries up to an exit.

Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  

“Take it outside!” someone yells as Klara’s dropped glass breaks the silent tension. The room then erupts into a chaotic brawl, though several patrons noticeably ignore everyone else and make their way straight toward the BathPathfinders. Knowing that this isn’t a fight you would be likely to win, and that your mission requires you to flee rather than battle here, you all indeed make a break for the door.

You must now keep ahead of the pursuers—but not so far ahead that you immediately shake them off. Each of you can attempt an Athletics check to keep the correct pace; a Perception, Oppara Lore, or Society check to remember or notice clear streets; or an Intimidation or Performance check to taunt the insurgents into further pursuit.

Round 3—Sprint through the Streets
Skills: Athletics, Perception, Oppara Lore, Society , Intimidation or Performance
BOLD May Act

Black Molly

I will of course consider creative solutions using other skills if you make a reasonable case and that addresses the task presented for the current round. Remember that Perception has a higher DC than other skills.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 5 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 58/58 | AC 21 | F/R/W 11/13/11 | Perc +11 | Spell Attack: +11 | 25 feet | Class DC 21 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/3/3/2 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E)/Diplomacy(E): +13, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +11, Deception/Medicine: +10, Intimidation(U)/Nature/PFS Lore(E): +9, Athletics: +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism: +7, Religion/Survival: +7, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +5 |

Shayna continues to alternate playing her flute and singing bawdy lyrics about the Ninth Army's parentage.

Performance(E), Virtuosic w/ Wind Instruments, Maestro's Instrument: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion continues to sing as well, making sure that the mob doesn't lose track of them.

Performance: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 4 | HP=42 | AC=19| Fort=7, Ref=10, Will=10| Perception +10 Char sheet

- I think I am aware of a shortcut out of this district!

Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Surprisingly fast for her height Klara jumps into a narrow way between 2 buildings

Envoy's Alliance

Human (he/his) Fighter 6 HP 80/80 +5 temp| AC 25 or 27| F +12 R +11 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +9 Speed:25 ft | Active Conditions: Dueling Parry +2 AC| Hero Pts: 2

Laeron sets the pace.

Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

Horizon Hunters

Level 4 summoner | AC 19/20 | HP: 52 | Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 8 | Spell DC 20 | Per 8 | Speed 25’

Molly casts a glance over her shoulder, as she and Silverbeard beat feet.

”Hangin’ back, are ye!?”, she shouts at their pursuers. ”Buncha cowards!”

Intimidation: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Hero Point

Intimidation: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

Horizon Hunters

3-16 | "Sunshine" | male (he/him) liminal kayal (Nidalese) ranger (precision) 5 | ◆◇↺ | AC 23 (24) | HP 49/77 | P+9, F+11, R+13, W+9 | Explore: Avoid Notice | DV, 25' | Focus: 0/2 | Hero: 2/3 | Active Conditions: self-flagellating

"Why are you running away?" Sunshine taunts, as he runs away.

Intimidation: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Will not reroll that, even on a CF, because I think we've got plenty of successes.

Sunshine is a little too good at running away.

Grand Lodge

Escape from Oppara slides  

Shayna and Corelion team up on a flute and vocal duet. Shayna’s bawdy lyrics get them riled up, and then Corelion’s finale which insinuates that General Pythareus may have been a Qadiran sends the Ninth Army into a frenzy. (Success and Crit.)

Klara spots a narrow shortcut and leads the Pathfinders down it. It slows the Ninth Army down a bit which keeps them from catching and trapping the party. Laeron meanwhile expertly sets the pace for the team to move at to keep the pursuers at juuuust the right distance. (Success and Crit, also.)

Black Molly taunts the Army, but maybe they don’t quite hear her until Cap’n Silverbeard sticks out his tongue on behalf of all good (and bad) Navy men everywhere and changes her fortunes. (Crit on the reroll.)

Sunshine is so good at hiding that they don’t even notice or hear him. (Regular Fail)

It quickly becomes clear that there are now too many insurgents on your trail, and you’ll need to block the progress of a few of the pursuers to have any chance at beating them in the fight that’s sure to come.

You must throw off or block a few of the pursuers. You can attempt a Cooking Lore, Diplomacy, Farming Lore, or Labor Lore check to hastily persuade some farmers’ market vendors to reposition their food carts; a Nature check to lure livestock onto the road; a Deception or Thievery check to compel marketgoers to mob up and get in the way while they look for troublemakers; or an Athletics or Crafting check to erect a barricade. Anyone who creates a magical barrier or distraction, such as with an obscuring mist or hypnotic pattern spell, automatically succeeds at their check.

Round 4—Block Pursuers
Skills: Cooking Lore, Diplomacy, Farming Lore, Labor Lore, Nature, Deception, Thievery, Athletics, or Crafting. Or an appropriate spell.
BOLD May Act

Black Molly

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