Zero's #6-00: Salt of the Ocean [Gameday XIII]

Game Master Super Zero

RPG Chronicles
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Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Dr Ripfang upchucks some more rainbow liquid but gives Kamil and Rawiri the thumbs up.

Grand Archive

Rock Dwarf Black Market Smuggler Mastermind Rogue / Investigator 8 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Mode: Search
AC 26, 27 parry, 28 edge | ♥️106 | Saves @ 16**/16***/16** w/ Resilience (^), Rock Dwarf (+2), Evasion (^) | Perception @ 17*** w/ Darkvision| Speed 20 or 30 Dashing / Quickrunning
| ☘️ ☑☑ | ✋ Clan Dagger | ⚕ none | Investigations: Forked Key Quandary, Mystery of the Missing Whippoorwill | ↺: Clue In, Inspired Stratagem

A light goes off in Knab's mind as he seems to remember the clue.

[i]Ah yes: They were seen going in in the order described, #1 through #8... Ok, green, green... #7 is green (iruxi)... that means it must be Tsaraka, given he was one of two left, but the only person "in the cabin immediately before or after someone who was green"...

He gives Tsaraka hot pursuit - where is the tengu hiding?

Perception (Master) w/ Pursue a Lead (+1 vs Missing Knapsack): 1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 17 + 1 = 34

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders find the missing documents in Tsaraka's belongings. Afraid of having to walk the plank (the likely punishment on his pirate ship), Tsaraka offers to tell everything he knows if the Pathfinders let him return to Quest. The tenge explains he was reporting telepathically to a succubus pirate named Enava. Tsaraka explains she promised to leave her current captain and serve him on a ship of his own.

For successfully identifying the thief and recovering the logs, I've reported a Navigation Success.

All is quiet--as quiet as it can be aboard a ship upon a stormy sea, at any rate--for the rest of the night.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The following morning...

Sailing Mission 3: Headwinds and Windfalls

The Snapdragon suddenly lurches as a violent crosswind hits its broadside. Eando grimaces as he tries to see through the raging storm. "Pathfinders," he calls out, gesturing up to the rigging, "It looks like there's some sort of elemental up there. Go see what it wants, and if you can get it to go bother some other ship!"

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

On it sir

Zarina had spent yesterday wondering if rose water would improve the seawater in Merian's barrel. She also contemplates getting one of her own.

She heads for the bow and calls out in Thalassic - hoping it's a water elemental.

Ahoy! You out there .... could I have a few words please?

Verdant Wheel

6-00 | female (she/her) thassalic azarketi (Arcadian) magus (sparkling targe) 7 | ◆◇↺ | AC 25 (27) | HP 92/92, shield 64/64 | P+9, F+14, R+12, W+11 | Explore: scout | LLV, 20' | Focus 1/1, FF [ ] | Spells: 2nd TS [ ][ ], 3rd WW [ ] H [ ], 4th I [ ] MR [ ] | Hero: 0/3 | Active conditions: none

Merian is a little confused at why walking the plank would be considered a punishment, but perhaps the stiff diving board doesn't allow for a full 3.5 forward somersault.

When she hears of the elemental, Merian will go to the bow and call out in Thalassic.

"Hi! My name is Merian!"

Merian knows Common, Algothullu, Azlanti, Draconic, Sakvroth, and Thalassic. She'll cycle through the same message in all of the languages, although someone told me Azlanti is written-only.

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

Oh ... hi Merian ... sleep okay?

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Dr. Ripfang shrugs and wipes the multicolored sludge from his mouth. "Still not feeling great, but if anybody else wants something tasty, I should be able to help."

Can provide the following potential helpful items, can make up to 5 total at the moment, and the slots'll refresh over the next hour.

Silver Tongue Mutage for 10 minutes of +2 Item Bonus on all CHA Skills and convert Critical Failures to Failures. -2 on INT Skills. Choose a trained skill to become untrained and Failures on RK become critical failures

Cognitive Mutagen for 10 minutes of +2 item bonus on all INT skills and RK. RK Crit failures become failures. -2 on weapon/unarmed attacks/athletics/acrobatics. Also -2 Max Bulk.

Venture-Captain, Online PBP


Calisro calls out from the quarterdeck, standing proudly against the gale and driving rain. “Pathfinders, we’ve found a path through the storm, and we’re making good time!”

Table GMs, we have Fair Winds and Following Seas.

Grand Archive

Rock Dwarf Black Market Smuggler Mastermind Rogue / Investigator 8 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Mode: Search
AC 26, 27 parry, 28 edge | ♥️106 | Saves @ 16**/16***/16** w/ Resilience (^), Rock Dwarf (+2), Evasion (^) | Perception @ 17*** w/ Darkvision| Speed 20 or 30 Dashing / Quickrunning
| ☘️ ☑☑ | ✋ Clan Dagger | ⚕ none | Investigations: Forked Key Quandary, Mystery of the Missing Whippoorwill | ↺: Clue In, Inspired Stratagem

Knab tries to identify it…

Religion (Master) w/ Assurance: 24 = 24

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

GM Dice (Secret):
Knab Arcana: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34

The creature does not appear to be a water elemental, but a wind elemental. It is akin to a stormcloud in the shape of many vaguely humanoid figures who speak as one.
Image unveiled.

They do not deign to respond when addressed in Thalasic, though they do nod in acknowledgement when addressed in Common.

Knab recognizes them as a blustering gale. Blustering gales are among the least of air elementals: spirits of the small breezes who sometimes arise in the wake of mightier creatures, like the downdraft of a swallow's wing or the sharp expulsion of a vigorous cough. Unwilling or unable to act effectively alone, they form into “gales,” collections of weak elementals that use their combined power to hurl insults and pummel those who defy them in a misguided attempt to rise above their humble origins.

Together, they force other creatures to do their bidding, then move on when they grow bored. While most gales claim their abandoned minions were useless, in truth, blustering gales lack the commanding presence and confidence to retain vassals for long.

“Ahoy, pirates! I hope thou hast made thy tithes to Besmara, because thou art about to meet thy foul mistress!” a booming voice calls out. Whirling winds form multiple humanoids, which cluster together as electricity crackles between them.

“Thou canst tell her that Wshallo—herald of Ranginori, the Zephyrous Prince—didst send thou there as punishment for thy foul behavior,” the stormy figures call out in unison. “Declare unto the Pirate Queen that her perfidious pirates shalt no longer be allowed to roam the Eye of Abendego, for the Duke of Thunder claims this territory!”

The Pathfinders' first goal here is probably to convince Wshallo that, well, they're not pirates.
Which can be accomplished with a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check. You gain +1 circumstance bonuses to your first checks for this mission due to the Fair Winds and Following Seas condition.

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Diplomacy(master), bonus: 1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 17 + 1 = 32

"Noble Wshallo, you are mistaken thinking that we are the pirates, we are explorers heading to check on a wreckage, we have no interest in looting or pillaging ... "

Grand Archive

Rock Dwarf Black Market Smuggler Mastermind Rogue / Investigator 8 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Mode: Search
AC 26, 27 parry, 28 edge | ♥️106 | Saves @ 16**/16***/16** w/ Resilience (^), Rock Dwarf (+2), Evasion (^) | Perception @ 17*** w/ Darkvision| Speed 20 or 30 Dashing / Quickrunning
| ☘️ ☑☑ | ✋ Clan Dagger | ⚕ none | Investigations: Forked Key Quandary, Mystery of the Missing Whippoorwill | ↺: Clue In, Inspired Stratagem

Shy, Knab steps behind Rawiri, clears his throat.

”Um, sir, Duke, was it? We are seeking our friends lost many years ago. We carry no ill-obtained cargo.”

Diplomacy (Trained) w/ Wind and Seas (+1): 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 1 = 16
Will Re-roll a CF

Verdant Wheel

6-00 | female (she/her) thassalic azarketi (Arcadian) magus (sparkling targe) 7 | ◆◇↺ | AC 25 (27) | HP 92/92, shield 64/64 | P+9, F+14, R+12, W+11 | Explore: scout | LLV, 20' | Focus 1/1, FF [ ] | Spells: 2nd TS [ ][ ], 3rd WW [ ] H [ ], 4th I [ ] MR [ ] | Hero: 0/3 | Active conditions: none

"Do you see a boarding axe on me? Or a gill hook? Look, this goblin quack threw up all over the place. Pirates, sheesh! NO, we're not pirates!"

Intimidation, bonus: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 1 = 14
Will reroll a CF but not a F.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Dr Ripfang follows Rawiri's "Yup, no looting or pillaging here."

follow Rawiri's Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 + 3 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 3 + 1 - 1 = 23

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Merian Reroll: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 1 = 27
Rawiri and Merian succeed.

Wshallo seems unconvinced--but at least less certain. "We shall not destroy this vessel. Not yet. Not while there is yet a chance that you speak true. But if not pirates, then who are you?"

Kamil and Zarina?

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

Explorers. We seek a ship of ours that went missing.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 1 = 29

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

"Hm. We must permit you to pass in the unlikely event you are telling the truth." Zarina has the impression that Wshallo is convinced, but doesn't want to admit their error outright. "But we shall be watching for any signs of piracy!"

With the elemental convinced that the Pathfinders aren't pirates after all, the team may also have a chance to impress them, which may well be useful.

In the second round you can each attempt an Easy Pathfinder Society Lore or Ranginori Lore check, an Average Religion check, or a Hard Nature check to Recall Knowledge to remind Wshallo of the Society’s role in freeing Ranginori from imprisonment in the Untouchable Opal during Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable.

Grand Archive

Rock Dwarf Black Market Smuggler Mastermind Rogue / Investigator 8 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Mode: Search
AC 26, 27 parry, 28 edge | ♥️106 | Saves @ 16**/16***/16** w/ Resilience (^), Rock Dwarf (+2), Evasion (^) | Perception @ 17*** w/ Darkvision| Speed 20 or 30 Dashing / Quickrunning
| ☘️ ☑☑ | ✋ Clan Dagger | ⚕ none | Investigations: Forked Key Quandary, Mystery of the Missing Whippoorwill | ↺: Clue In, Inspired Stratagem

Knab extols a few details of a story he read once in which Ranginori was imprisoned in an Untouchable Opal but Peter freed by the Pathfinder Society - an event he did not participate in but one which he read the cliffnotes for…

Religion (Master): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
Hero Point!
Religion (Master): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36
Maybe +1 to Pursue a Lead see Discussion

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Religion, follow the expert? From Knab: 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 3 = 25

"What Knab says, we are on your side..."

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

pfslore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Dr. Ripfang wipes some more rainbow dribble from his cheetk.

"Ohh! Ohh! Dr Ripfang think you should like us. Pathfinder free Ranibor.. Ranagor... RANGINORI!"

PFS Lore: 1d20 + 14 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 14 + 1 - 1 = 25

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

Zarina holds out her Wayfinder

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

"Pathfinders, you say! And seeking a lost ship? Ah, yes, we have lain our many eyes on this wreck. But when we drew close, a foul ghost shot at us, and we departed as quickly as we blew in!”

“Thou hast earned a reward for thy help in freeing my most windy master, mortals! Take it, be grateful!” Wshallo gives them two bottles and a staff made of dense wood topped with an obsidian sphere.

"The bottles are spun clouds--one red and one white as you can surely see. The staff is an atmospheric staff. Farewell, Pathfinders. We shall be watching for any piracy."

Reporting another Navigation success.
Oh, and I forgot something after the last encounter:

Tsaraka said that he stole the charts at the behest of a succubus named Enava, but who is Enava? Why is she trying to undermine this mission, and is she important?

Has anyone heard of her? Maybe one of the team, or perhaps they could ask around among the crew...

Anyone who'd like to see if they can Recall any relevant Knowledge about Enava can post their or relevant Lore bonus (Sailing Lore and Shackles Lore are mentioned as particularly relevant). Alternatively, anyone who'd like to Gather Information can post their Diplomacy bonus.

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

Zarina asks about (Diplomacy +10) including asking Calistro.
Is Ocean Lore helpful?

Also if Merian is willing, Zarina will explain to her how ships work, including why walking the plank is a bad thing for an airbreathing creature although she, herself, considers it to be fun after proper preparation.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

It is. However...

Zarina doesn't think she's ever heard of Enava, and she doesn't find much useful information asking around either. One person says they've heard of her, and that she's a pirate, but she already knew that much.

After Wshallo departs, all is, if not "calm" at least "uneventful" for several hours. Nothing goes particularly wrong until--

“Sailor overboard!” rings out a cry from the lookout, pointing from his perch in the crow’s nest. The alarm provokes an immediate reaction as Calisro orders the helmsman to swing the ship in that direction, where a sodden figure clings to a piece of floating wreckage. Looking around, the venture-captain calls out. “Pathfinders, we’ll get as close as we can, but we only have one chance in this storm! Save that sailor! If you have to, make some tethers and fish that flotsam out of the water!”

The castaway, who appears to be a tripkee woman but none of the Pathfinders recognize, lies on a crate of supplies, slipping in and out of consciousness. The Pathfinderss must act quickly if they want to rescue her as she passes within 30 feet of the Snapdragon.

You will each have two chances to act—as Mogwenni passes from the front to the middle of the ship, and then from the middle to the rear. These aren’t standard 6-second rounds, but each PC can take one main action (such as casting a spell, Aiding another PC, or using the Craft a Tether or Snag the Wreckage actions, which follow), while freely moving on the deck, drawing, or passing equipment, etc. PCs can determine the order in each round.
If the Pathfinders have other means to rescue Mogwenni from the sea they can certainly attempt them (make some kind of check that you think is most relevant to your plan, such as Acrobatics to Maneuver in Flight), but the Venture-Captain's suggestion is one way.

You use rope and other items to create a tether. Doing so requires an easy Crafting, Survival, or Thievery check.
Critical Success The well-made tether grants a +1 circumstance bonus to rolls to Snag the Wreckage.
Success The PC successfully makes a tether.
Critical Failure The PC tangles the lines. The next attempt to Craft a Tether takes a –2 item penalty.

Once the PCs have a tether, they must attach it to the wreckage with an attack roll against an Average DC. Treat the tether as a simple thrown weapon, but PCs may be creative; for instance, allowing a spell attack roll if they have telekinetic projectile or an impulse attack roll with an air blast or Weapon Infusion.
Success The PC successfully attaches the tether.
Failure The PC fails but can use the tether in another attempt.
Critical Failure The PC loses the tether in the ocean.

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

Zarina dives overboard to reach the sailor while casting two spells - Waterbreathing and Feet to Fins

athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31. She also has the Natural Swimmer feat.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Dr Ripfang tries to craft a tether!

tether: 1d20 + 19 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 19 - 1 = 29

"I've got a swim speed for anybody else foolish enough to dive in, or this Tether if somebody wants to throw it!"

Sea Touch Elixir: 10 Minutes of 20ft Swim Speed

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Acrobatics to aid those doing rescue mission: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Rawiri tries to help the more skilled ones to do the rescue

I have neither good spells, nor he can throw the tether ;)

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +14 R +14 W +13| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

Kamil concentrates and casts Sure Strike before throwing the tether.

Snag the Wreakcage: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
Snag the Wreakcage: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Verdant Wheel

6-00 | female (she/her) thassalic azarketi (Arcadian) magus (sparkling targe) 7 | ◆◇↺ | AC 25 (27) | HP 92/92, shield 64/64 | P+9, F+14, R+12, W+11 | Explore: scout | LLV, 20' | Focus 1/1, FF [ ] | Spells: 2nd TS [ ][ ], 3rd WW [ ] H [ ], 4th I [ ] MR [ ] | Hero: 0/3 | Active conditions: none

Can we still attempt the check on Enava? Merian doesn't have any relevant skills, but I just didn't see anyone else attempting after Zarina, so I wanted to check.


Merian realizes that walking the plank is a punishment, not a reward. "Oh, dear," she says to Zarina. Fortunately, Zarina seems to be prepared with her spells. "We should go for a swim sometime," Merian offers, presciently ...


The lookout barely finishes crying, "Sailor overboard!" when Merian dives into the water. Merian has a 30' Swim speed.

I can make some checks if having a Swim speed isn't an automatic success, but I'm not sure what would be most relevant. Maybe Athletics, not to catch the sailor, but to haul the sailor up onto the tether?

Athletics: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32
Athletics: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32

Merian also has haste prepared - she can cast it on herself or Zarina if additional Swim speed would make the difference, but obviously, I'd prefer not to use a spell slot unless necessary.

Grand Archive

Rock Dwarf Black Market Smuggler Mastermind Rogue / Investigator 8 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Mode: Search
AC 26, 27 parry, 28 edge | ♥️106 | Saves @ 16**/16***/16** w/ Resilience (^), Rock Dwarf (+2), Evasion (^) | Perception @ 17*** w/ Darkvision| Speed 20 or 30 Dashing / Quickrunning
| ☘️ ☑☑ | ✋ Clan Dagger | ⚕ none | Investigations: Forked Key Quandary, Mystery of the Missing Whippoorwill | ↺: Clue In, Inspired Stratagem

If Kamil’s check fails…

Ranged Strike: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Knab observes the hook failing to strike true - he rushes to retrieve it and hurls it with a heave ho!

Acrobatics (Trained) w/ Bracelet of Dashing: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

And scrambles across the deck to scoop the tripkee up!

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rock Dwarf Black Market Smuggler Mastermind Rogue / Investigator 8 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Mode: Search
AC 26, 27 parry, 28 edge | ♥️106 | Saves @ 16**/16***/16** w/ Resilience (^), Rock Dwarf (+2), Evasion (^) | Perception @ 17*** w/ Darkvision| Speed 20 or 30 Dashing / Quickrunning
| ☘️ ☑☑ | ✋ Clan Dagger | ⚕ none | Investigations: Forked Key Quandary, Mystery of the Missing Whippoorwill | ↺: Clue In, Inspired Stratagem

Knab yells at Rawiri across the deck "Watch your step - she blows two knots starboard!"

↺) Inspired Stratagems (Only if you want to use it here / now, Rawiri, for your 2nd check)

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Dr. Ripfang shapes a tether, and Kamil hooks the floating debris. In the stormy sea, one tether isn't going to be enough to pull her in, but Zarina and Merian demonstrate that the water rescue rule of "Throw, row, go," doesn't apply so much to people with fins who can breathe underwater.

The push the box back to the ship with aplomb--the tether is almost unnecessary, and Knab scoops the little frog up.
As crew members rush to bring her towels and warm drinks, it quickly becomes clear that nobody knows who she is--she was never on the Snapdragon.

She introduces herself as Mogwenni (image). She was a sailor on the Grindylow’s Grasp, whose captain heard about the shipwreck from pirates drinking in Quent and set out to reach it first.

Unfortunately, the hurricane destroyed the ship, and she believes she's the sole survivor. Mogwenni tells the Pathfinders she knows of at least one other ship trying to beat them to the prize: the Scorched Shark, captained by a nephilim pirate named Ila Clare, though xe is better known as Sharkskin. She doesn’t know anything more about that expedition, though can tell the party Sharkskin’s nickname is a reference to the material of xir armor and what xe uses to line the rungs of the ladders on xir ship.

Mogwenni pushes the crate she was clinging to towards the Pathfinders. "This is all I have to thank you for the rescue. I hope it helps."

The box is full of glass bottles with neat labels. Most of the larger bottles are now in multiple pieces and filled primarily with seawater after their rough voyage into, through, and out of the sea.
While the loss of the liquids meant for drinking may be disappointing to some, the smaller vials containing liquids that are useful are still intact--two moderate elixirs of life, two moderate antidotes, and two lesser sea touch elixirs.

Success reported.

But who is this Sharkskin person, anyway?
If the Pathfinders want to see if they can Recall any useful Knowledge about xir, they can post their bonus for Society or a relevant Lore, like Sailing Lore or Shackles Lore. Or they can take some time to ask around with the crew with a Diplomacy check to Gather Information.
Yes, anyone can still make checks for Enava as well. They're the same checks.

Verdant Wheel

6-00 | female (she/her) thassalic azarketi (Arcadian) magus (sparkling targe) 7 | ◆◇↺ | AC 25 (27) | HP 92/92, shield 64/64 | P+9, F+14, R+12, W+11 | Explore: scout | LLV, 20' | Focus 1/1, FF [ ] | Spells: 2nd TS [ ][ ], 3rd WW [ ] H [ ], 4th I [ ] MR [ ] | Hero: 0/3 | Active conditions: none

Merian will claim the bottles of seawater, carefully labeling them with the vintage and the location of bottling.

Recall Knowledge: Society +12

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

sailing lore +9, diplomacy +17 to ok both ;)

"Sorry Knob, did not hear you on time

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

While in the water, Zarina does check to see if Mogwenni needs healing, and if so, use a Heal spell.

Back on board, she asks about Sharkskin.
Ocean Lore +11, Diplomacy +10

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

GM Dice (Sekrit):
Merian Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Rawiri Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Rawiri GI: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28
Zarina Lore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Zarina GI: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

None of the Pathfinders remember hearing of Sharkskin before, but Rawiri and Zarina have some luck asking the crew.
Ila “Sharkskin” Clare is a pangender nephilim pitborn pirate who spent xir youth clawing xir way up their ranks until xe finally got xir own ship, the Scorched Shark. Enava is xir succubus first mate.

Venture-Captain, Online PBP


A sighting from the goblin lookout brings a jolt of energy to the ship’s sailors, who quickly begin striking the sails and preparing the anchors as the Snapdragon arrives at its destination.

Table GMs, Ship Ahoy! Quickly finish your current mission and proceed to Encounter A!

Having avoided the worst ravages of the storm, the ship is quickly secured in the sunken island’s natural harbor. With little need to help, the Pathfinders prepare to leap into action once the exploration begins

Table GMs, the Ship Shape condition is in effect!

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The ship comes to a halt near a wreckage-strewn sunken island. But as the venture-captains begin marshaling Pathfinders to explore, a ripping sound suddenly overwhelms the noise of the storm. Reality itself seems to tear, and another ship emerges from the rift, slamming into the Snapdragon!

Horrific sailors with shark heads and octopus tentacles instead of arms line the railings of this new ship, ready to board the Pathfinder vessel. its prow is adorned with a figurehead in the shape of a demon, whose horns combine to form a deadly looking bowsprit. The figurehead's eyes suddenly glow red, and its mouth opens to emit a yell: "For Enava!" In response, the awful sailors on the new vessel roar in unison, "For Enava!" and leap to attack!

Fortunately, thanks to the work of all of the Pathfinders, the ship arrived in its destination in excellent time, and everyone was already moving to disembark as the demon ship arrives. Everybody is ready to leap into action! Rawiri's spell pushes them even farther.
All PCs are Quickened for one round thanks to the Ship Shape condition. You can use the extra action to draw an item or to Stride. Applied the benefits of Rawiri's Initiative reaction.

Grapples fire from the front of the demonic ship, binding the two vessels together--and snaring many of the people on deck!
Everyone must attempt a DC 22 Reflex save or be Grabbed (Escape DC also 22). On a critical failure, they're also impaled and take piercing damage: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (1, 4) + 7 = 12

Knab and Kamil's turns. Knab, see below for spoilers you can open depending on where you want to make a RK check. The Demon Ark is a hazard. You can always try to smash it of course, but it has normal object immunities and can alternatively be Disabled. Attempting to Disable it takes two actions, and requires that it be within your reach (though as it's the figurehead it can be reached from the right spot on either vessel). It can be Disabled with a Sailing Lore check to confuse it, a Religion check to ward against demonic presence, an Arcana or Occultism check to weaken the demonic possession, or an Intimidation check to scare it away. Fully disabling it will require multiple successful checks, but even one success may weaken it.
Knab (106+3/106, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Kamil (72+3/72, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Green Gargarthezul Captain
Merian (92+3/92, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Dr. Ripfang (82+3/82, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Damned Vescavor Swarm
Orange Gargarthezul Captain
Zarina (78+3/78, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Purple Gargarthezul Captain
Demon Ark (Hazard; can be Disabled with Sailing Lore, Arcana, Intimidation, Occultism, or Religion)
Rawiri (87/87, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)

Knab's Automatic Knowledge vs Gargarthezul:
That's a Gargarthezul, a demon associated with Besmara. They can brand a creature they hit with their tentacles, compelling them to piracy and stealing from their allies.

Knab's Recall Knowledge vs Gargarthezul:
That's a Gargarthezul, a demon associated with Besmara. They can brand a creature they hit with their tentacles, compelling them to piracy and stealing from their allies.

AK vs Demon Ark:
A demonic presence animates the ship carrying demon pirates. It's made of wood, but the animating force is still demonic--it's weak to holy and cold iron!

RK vs Demon Ark:
A demonic presence animates the ship carrying demon pirates. It's made of wood, but the animating force is still demonic--it's weak to holy and cold iron!

AK vs Vescavor Swarm:
A swarm of tiny voracious demons, they're weak or resistant to all the things one might expect. They can eat away at the very ground beneath your feet, creating difficult terrain and making creatures fall prone.

RK vs Vescavor Swarm:
Knab is completely confident in this one [ooc](critical success)! A swarm of tiny voracious demons, they're weak or resistant to all the things one might expect--they're less resistant to slashing than they are to bludgeoning or piercing. They can eat away at the very ground beneath your feet, creating difficult terrain and making creatures fall prone. Their vocalizations sounds like gurgling stomachs and muttering of gibberish at first, but their hunger is their song and it echoes the endless chorus of the Outer Rifts. They can be maddening and overwhelming, inducing confusion.

GM Dice (Initiative):
Green Gargarthezul: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
Purple Gargarthezul: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
Orange Gargarthezul: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
Damned Vescavor Swarm: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
Demon Ark: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Knab: 1d20 + 17 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 17 + 2 - 2 = 35
Ripfang: 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 19 + 2 = 27
Zarina: 1d20 + 15 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 15 + 2 - 2 = 19
Merian: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 - 2 = 29
Rawiri: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 12 - 2 = 12
Kamil: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 15 + 2 = 31

GM Dice (Secret):
Knab Religion: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30

Grand Archive

Rock Dwarf Black Market Smuggler Mastermind Rogue / Investigator 8 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Mode: Search
AC 26, 27 parry, 28 edge | ♥️106 | Saves @ 16**/16***/16** w/ Resilience (^), Rock Dwarf (+2), Evasion (^) | Perception @ 17*** w/ Darkvision| Speed 20 or 30 Dashing / Quickrunning
| ☘️ ☑☑ | ✋ Clan Dagger | ⚕ none | Investigations: Forked Key Quandary, Mystery of the Missing Whippoorwill | ↺: Clue In, Inspired Stratagem

Knab winces as Rawiri mispronounces his name, then rushes to save the tripkee in his ample arms, nimbler than he looks, with a sudden speed that belies his otherwise awkward and slow walking gait.

When the figurehead screams, he ducks and rolls!

Knab Reflex (Master) w/ Evasion (S > CS) Grab and 12 damage if CF (both DC 22): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22 @ 0 damage, free to move

Landing safely, he turns to the nearest ally "Gargarthezul, those three" he indicates with three thick stubby fingers, splaying in a triple point "Besmara's Demons. Careful because they can brand you with their tentacles, and next thing you know you'll be stealing from everybody"
GM Note: That's a Gargarthezul, a demon associated with Besmara. They can brand a creature they hit with their tentacles, compelling them to piracy and stealing from their allies.

Assurance w/ Nature or Occultism: 22 = 22
Assurance w/ Arcana or Religion: 24 = 24
Religion (Master) to Disable Demon Ark: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28

◇) Automatic Knowledge vs Gargarthezul Captains (3)
◆) Activate Bracelet of Dashing (to speed 30 one minute)
◆) Quickened Stride
◆◆) Disable
↺) Inspired Stratagem (Once per round, consuming his reaction, on the first ally to declare a Disable check against the Demon Ark, you may roll twice and take best result. Fortune)

Worn like an armband under his scraggy shirt, Knab activates a glyph, imbuing his stout legs with orange alacrity. Leaning down the ship to propel momentum, he races towards the Ark to study it, feeling it's runes with his fingers, and uttering a long lost dwarven dialect to exorcise it's demonic possession back into the deep!

"אתה לא תעבור"

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Knab avoids the snare. (It's not a basic save. You only take damage at all on a critical failure.)

He moves over and presses a ward into the wood of the animated figurehead. It seems a little less animate after that.
Successful Disable.

Kamil's turns. The Demon Ark is a hazard. You can always try to smash it of course, but it has normal object immunities and can alternatively be Disabled. Attempting to Disable it takes two actions, and requires that it be within your reach (though as it's the figurehead it can be reached from the right spot on either vessel). It can be Disabled with a Sailing Lore check to confuse it, a Religion check to ward against demonic presence, an Arcana or Occultism check to weaken the demonic possession, or an Intimidation check to scare it away. Fully disabling it will require multiple successful checks, but even one success may weaken it.
Knab (106+3/106, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Kamil (72+3/72)
Green Gargarthezul Captain
Merian (92+3/92, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Dr. Ripfang (82+3/82, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Damned Vescavor Swarm
Orange Gargarthezul Captain
Zarina (78+3/78, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)
Purple Gargarthezul Captain
Demon Ark (Hazard; Disabled 1; can be Disabled with Sailing Lore, Arcana, Intimidation, Occultism, or Religion)
Rawiri (87/87, Quickened, DC 22 Reflex vs Grab)

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Reflex: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19

Dr Ripfang gets impaled by the grapples!

Still had Ripfang under Quicksilver in the notes, my Initiative is actually 3 lower (-2 Quicksilver, -1 Sickened), Peeking at initiative I don't think it matters here but feel free to bump Ripfang down if it does. Also I'm functioning at full 98/98 without the mercury to mess me up, so after temp hp and impaling I think I'm at 89/98. I've adjuste their header to account for the sickened 1 and no quicksilver, would you like me to adjust the macro sheet as well? And My apologies for not adjusting macro notes before initiative here.

Verdant Wheel

6-00 | female (she/her) thassalic azarketi (Arcadian) magus (sparkling targe) 7 | ◆◇↺ | AC 25 (27) | HP 92/92, shield 64/64 | P+9, F+14, R+12, W+11 | Explore: scout | LLV, 20' | Focus 1/1, FF [ ] | Spells: 2nd TS [ ][ ], 3rd WW [ ] H [ ], 4th I [ ] MR [ ] | Hero: 0/3 | Active conditions: none

Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14 vs DC 22

"Oh, dear."

Verdant Wheel

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004

Zarina was in the process of preparing to go diving ((is this the same day as the rescue?)) when this occurs.

Oh fleeming pronk she exclaims.
reflex: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

Fortunately she dodges

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

I did miss it, but as you said it doesn't change the order.
Yes, same day.

Verdant Wheel

N (he/him) Dwarf Oracle 7 | HP 87/87 | AC 25 | F+11 R+14 W+16 (resolve) | Perc+12 | Stealth+3 | 25ft | Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

Reflex: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34 vs DC 22

"Oh, dear, indeed! Load the cannons, grab everything that you can fight with, let's show those pirate scum that they messed with the wrong ship! Argh!"
As he yells that he burst in flames!
rping the init reaction, and being last;) course 1 - burning 1 Argh!

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Quack 8 | HP 82/82*| AC 26 | F+14 R+19* W +13 | Perception +10 Darkvision | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+18*) & Scouting

Not your fault at all, mine for not updating notes, didn't think about it till after the combat started.

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +14 R +14 W +13| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

Disable (intimidate): 1d20 + 19 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 19 + 1 = 35

Kamil moves next to Knab and starts disabling the Demon Ark.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Kamil Reflex: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
Though you were Quickened, so you had an action left to Escape (Acrobatics): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35. Okay.

With a small yelping sound, wisps of something float away from the figurehead. There's a cracking sound, and the red in its eyes is gone. It seems to be nothing more than an inanimate wooden carving.
But I never got to use it... ='|
You do also get to roll twice from Knab's reaction, but that first roll is already a crit anyway.

The shark demon in the green hat strides across the deck and onto the plank bridge connecting the ships. It swipes at Knab with its tentacle arm, and... it's terrible, just terrible. The demon almost falters. "You fell for my feint!" it lies, but follows it up by walloping him on the second swing.
◆ Stride, ◆ Strike Knab Tentacle: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16, ◆ Strike Knab Tentacle: 1d20 + 15 - 5 ⇒ (17) + 15 - 5 = 27 for bludgeoning damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2) + 8 = 16

Merian and Dr. Ripfang's turns.
Knab (93/106)
Kamil (72+3/72)
Green Gargarthezul Captain
Merian (92+3/92, Quickened)
Dr. Ripfang (73/82, Quickened, Grabbed, Sickened 1, Quicksilver)
Damned Vescavor Swarm
Orange Gargarthezul Captain
Zarina (78+3/78, Quickened)
Purple Gargarthezul Captain
Rawiri (87/87)

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