Gameday XIII - Pathfinder Society #0-16: To Scale the Dragon (Core)

Game Master Lysle

Start Date: We've Begun!
Recruitment: Full


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Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

Rumors are that a certain druid has arrived at the Grand Lodge and is eying a group of experienced agents.

Grand Lodge

female Rog 7 HP 56 | AC 23; Touch 17; FF 17 | F +4; R +11; W +3 | CMB +7; CMD 24 | Speed 30 ft | Init +9 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +15 Rogue 7

"Hello" says the slim elf as she twirls a dagger on her finger. "I wonder where Valsin is sending us now"

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

A stout dwarf in mage robes enters the Grand Lodge in hopes of having an eruditical conversation with the druid. He sports red unruly hair, almost gnome-like, but covering most of his face as well as head. He walks with the confidence natural to dwarves and a bit of a swagger and lots of jewelry. A fighting staff is held loosely and he uses it for all manner of purposes, this time as a door knocker as he attempts to gain entrance.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

A Human of Shoanti decent joined the others at the Grand Lodge. Like most Shonanti, he does not have any hair, being completely bald and clean shaven. A rapier and short sword were riding on his hip, with a holy symbol of Desna around his neck. He appears to not have any noticeable armor.

"Greetings everyone, I am called "Two Blades in the Shadows" and while I can help patch you up, as the name suggests, I do most of my work from the shadows." he said as he made introductions with the others.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

A Half-Elven man with weathered features, and a wild, unkempt beard, clad in a suit of armour crafted from green dragonhide, strides into the room.

He has a wicked-looking scythe in one hand, and plodding along beside him is what appears to be an owlbear chick.

"I'm Radagast. That's Beaky," he says, pointing to the owlbear.

"He's mostly trained, so he shouldn't bite, unless you *really* irk him."

Radagast smiles, and tickles the juvenile owlbear under its beak, provoking a high-pitched hoot of enjoyment from his companion.

"Fair warning - although I attended this meeting in human form, I usually spend most of my time wearing the skin of some animal or another, so don't expect much in the way of conversation."

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf CORE Fighter/1 Rogue/4 Shadowdancer/3 HP 55/58 AC25|T 18|FF 19 CMD 26* Fort +7|Ref +14|Will +6*/+8* vs. enchantments Init +6* Perc +14/+16 vs. traps Low-light, darkvision|Sense Motive +9

A tall, pale-haired elf slouches silently into the room behind the druid. The hilt of a curve blade protrudes over one shoulder, and a cased longbow sticks up over the other. All of his clothing and gear seems to have been carefully dulled to eliminate any bright reflections. He glances around the group, his eyes lighting up when he spots Two Blades. "I, ah, see you've recovered from Bonekeep, my friend."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

Hello....I've been called for a mission, and I hope to be useful. My name is Desynthia Mezden, and use magic, even if I've never studied it. Mostly, I use summoning spells to help in fight.

This is a young woman, not even in her twenties, who is speaking. She is dressed quite casually, and doesn't wear armor, but one of her striking feature is her mane of white hair, which seems to change colors as she speaks

I'm not myself much of a fighter. I do have a curative wand to heal people, and most of the time I manage to use it correctly.

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

This scenario was from the first season of Pathfinder Society and predates the first edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying game. As such, it comes with some features not common in later scenarios.

The first are faction missions, which come in the form of missives given to PCs based on their faction. These missions no longer have any mechanical impact on the outcome of the scenario, no longer impact Prestige, and are entirely optional. Still, I like to include them for their "historical" value and also because some are fun and/or include some interesting lore. The first faction mission can be found here with the others listed on subsquent Slides.

Another feature is that the scenario begins the adventure in medias res, describing the briefing in a flashback before placing the PCs into the first mechanical encounter. Feel free, based on the information below, to make any purchases you wish to have made within Absalom before departing for Galt. I will not entertain questions for Osprey because I was not given any and I believe that VC is not always forthcoming. However, I have provided some possible information checks below. I am also open to PCs having learned more before departing Absalom or en route with successful checks with appropriate skills.
Simply indicate in your post what you wish to learn and how you go about trying to do it.

Two weeks ago, a certain druid, known as Osprey, showed up at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, his features shadowed by the long cowl of his heavy leather cloak, his unmistakable voice a sullen whisper of both mystery and urgency.

“A grim shadow creeps over Absalom, one that threatens all of us." Osprey had warned. "We know not its source or even its purpose, and need answers to secrets only known to the dead. Your task is one of great importance and urgency. You must retrieve the bones of the ancient mystic Amao from his cairn and bring them to me so our seers can contact his spirit. We need to contact him before these dark forces track his spirit down in the worlds beyond and devour him. Take extra care on this mission, for the Aspis Consortium also dearly desires these bones and their secrets. Amao’s bones rest in a cairn atop a mountain. Go to Cania’s Drop, a small waystation high in the Fog Peaks along the border of Southern Galt. There you will meet with an ex-Pathfinder named Rysam Aklon who will provide you with equipment and directions to Amao’s cairn. You shall hear from me again once you complete your mission, but for now may the gods speed you on your way.”

Now, here in the foothills of a wintery southern Galt and about a mile above sea level, bitter winds blister skin and numbness settles in to exposed extremeties. While Absalom isn’t known for its sunshine, at least its foggy shores are more favorable than the bonebrittling cold of the Fog Peaks. Before you lies your destination, a mountain waystation run by exiles and recluses.

PCs that are non-acclimated to high altitudes or some other form of protection must succeed on a Fortitude (DC 15) or be fatigued. Note that additional saves may be needed each additional hour you are within these conditions (DC 15 +1 per previous check).

PCs may know or learn more about the Fog Peaks and/or Cania's Drop with a successful skill check.

Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Knowledge (nature) (DC 12):
The Fog Peaks are a large mountain range in eastern Avistan that form the border between the nations of Taldor to the south and Galt to the north. Their name comes from their perpetually fog-covered and cloud shrouded mountain tops, which constantly dump precipitation. Winter comes early in the Fog Peaks, with snow blanketing the higher elevations. The Fog Peaks climb thousands of feet into the icy skies of eastern Golarion.

Diplomacy or Knowledge (local)(DC 20):
In the harsh mountain environment rests an isolated waystation called Cania’s Drop. Cania’s Drop is one of several dozen waystations erected in the Fog Peaks highlands, a wild expanse of rock and glaciers that creates a craggy border between southern Galt and northern Taldor. Situated to provide aid to travelers and keep watch over the surrounding lands, these stations are manned by outcasts, exiles, former criminals, and others who simply seek isolation or penance. Some willfully volunteer for the position, but for others it serves as a punishment. Cania’s Drop is run by Rysam Aklon, an ex-Pathfinder serving a self-imposed penance for murder.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

Fort (Radagast): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17.
Fort (Beaky): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14.

Knowledge(Nature): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16.

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

kn local (DC 12): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
kn local (DC 20): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

During the trip, Silgil will share what he knows about their destination. Among other things he recommends everyone be prepared for some nasty cold weather and a certain lawlessness (which puts a grim and disapproving expression on his face).

since others are making fort saves, I will throw one out too.

fort save, DC 15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:
Tere di Montefeltro wrote:
A tall, pale-haired elf slouches silently into the room behind the druid. The hilt of a curve blade protrudes over one shoulder, and a cased longbow sticks up over the other. All of his clothing and gear seems to have been carefully dulled to eliminate any bright reflections. He glances around the group, his eyes lighting up when he spots Two Blades. "I, ah, see you've recovered from Bonekeep, my friend."

"Yep that was a rather painful adventure. Glad to see that you are on this side of the dirt also!" Two Blades said, as he started shaking his hand. "I was not expecting that "Until our skulls are gathered would happen to all of us."

Fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Two Blades had a hard time adjusting to the elevation, not use to the thin air as the group traveled.

Provide the information to the group

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf CORE Fighter/1 Rogue/4 Shadowdancer/3 HP 55/58 AC25|T 18|FF 19 CMD 26* Fort +7|Ref +14|Will +6*/+8* vs. enchantments Init +6* Perc +14/+16 vs. traps Low-light, darkvision|Sense Motive +9

DC 15 Fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Tere finds himself gasping for breath at the high altitudes.

DC 12 Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

DC 20 Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

As the weather turns unpleasantly cold, though, he draws a wand. "Two Blades, this has an endure elements spell in it. Could you cast that on me? A-anyone else who needs a charge can use it, too."

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

"I'm good. I have an endure elements spell prepared. Hate to waste money, even someone else's."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

I'm willing to use the spell on you if you want, and on myself if you allow it.

Endure Element is on the Sorcerer spell list, I probably can use it without trouble. From my Celestial bloodline, I have resist Cold (and Acid) 5. Do I still need to roll a Fort save?

Diplomacy DC 20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Desynthia tried to get some informations before they go, but to no avail

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

I mean, I have Endure Elements always running; I assumed that this was a high-altitude-related Fort save, though...? Please correct me if I am wrong, as I would love to avoid having to roll further saves :-)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

Two Blades shook his head "I think the problem is that the air is getting harder to breath." he wheezed.

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

Silgil grimaces with annoyance. "Indeed. though there are dwarf clans that live in the higher reaches, most of us prefer to delve and live in the lower reaches. The cold I can handle, but I guess I am just going to have to tough out the lack of air."

aka GM Valen Human (mostly)
Desynthia Medzen wrote:

I'm willing to use the spell on you if you want, and on myself if you allow it.

Endure Element is on the Sorcerer spell list, I probably can use it without trouble. From my Celestial bloodline, I have resist Cold (and Acid) 5. Do I still need to roll a Fort save?

Yes, the Fort save is for altitude. Creatures that need to breath labor to do so in the thin air at this altitude unless they are acclimated.

Waiting on Fort saves (v. fatigue) from Desynthia and Merisiel, but will keep us moving.

The sun continues its descent as you travel onward. You find a small cabin at the waystation, just before sunset, after spotting a wisp of chimney smoke.

Outside the cabin are rows of sleeping sled dogs, curled up together in the deep snow. The few strangers out in the cold eye your party with a mixture of nervousness and naked fear. Among them is a pock-faced man of Andoran descent, watching you with particular interest.

As the you approach the cabin, you are immediately approached by a burly man with a shock of wild curly black hair, with strong, rough features that jut through his scraggly, unshorn beard. With ebon eyes gleaming beneath a low-sloped brow, and a demeanor burning bitter as the highland winds, he introduces himself. "Rysam Aklon is the name. If I am right about who you all are, then I can't say that I'm too pleased to meet you, especially when I'm probably sending you all to your deaths in these harsh wintry highlands. But, I still owe a few favors and I'm eager to clear my debts."

"You are welcome to remain out here in the crisp mountain air, should you wish, where you can take in the locals and the sights along with as as the fresh powder that the night is sure to bring." adds Rysam. "However, I believe I can squeeze you lot into my cabin for the night. It may be a bit cramped, for certain, but it'll at least provide you with a warm, dry place to sleep."

What do you wish to do, Pathfinders?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

Fort save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

What's happening here? Why do I feel so much tension?

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf CORE Fighter/1 Rogue/4 Shadowdancer/3 HP 55/58 AC25|T 18|FF 19 CMD 26* Fort +7|Ref +14|Will +6*/+8* vs. enchantments Init +6* Perc +14/+16 vs. traps Low-light, darkvision|Sense Motive +9

I didn't expect the endure elements to help with the altitude was for when the cold weather moves in.

Tere lets the more personable party members do the talking.

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

"I'll stay in the cabin. I'm more of an indoor or underground kind of guy. Yea, I can feel the tension too. And what's up with the guy with all the pock marks? Every time I look, he's staring at us."

Every night before retiring, Silgil casts an extended mage armor, extended false Life (false life HP: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18), and endure elements. After 16 hours he recasts mage armor but not false life so the false life covers him from 10 PM to 2 PM the next day, while the other two spells are always active.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf CORE Fighter/1 Rogue/4 Shadowdancer/3 HP 55/58 AC25|T 18|FF 19 CMD 26* Fort +7|Ref +14|Will +6*/+8* vs. enchantments Init +6* Perc +14/+16 vs. traps Low-light, darkvision|Sense Motive +9

Tere continues to look around the area, still trying to catch his breath.

Grand Lodge

female Rog 7 HP 56 | AC 23; Touch 17; FF 17 | F +4; R +11; W +3 | CMB +7; CMD 24 | Speed 30 ft | Init +9 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +15 Rogue 7

Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Merisiel stops and takes a breather.

"That was some climb!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

At the mention of a pock marked person, Two Blades ears perked up. "Yes, who is he?" he asked.

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon
Desynthia Medzen wrote:
What's happening here? Why do I feel so much tension?

"The air can make feel all kinds of things," Rysam replies quickly. "Why don't we talk inside?" He points to his cabin.

Silgil wrote:
"I'll stay in the cabin. I'm more of an indoor or underground kind of guy. Yea, I can feel the tension too. And what's up with the guy with all the pock marks? Every time I look, he's staring at us."

"Glad to hear it! Come! Come inside!" Rysam says, opening the cabin door. He ushers the party inside.

Two Blades in the Shadows wrote:
At the mention of a pock marked person, Two Blades ears perked up. "Yes, who is he?" he asked.

"That is Krysher. I understand that he's an ex-soldier serving punishment for desertion. Among other things, he serves as a cook." Rysam notes. "Which is rather fortunate as there is always a demand for good food around here, but seldom a need for soldiers."

"As for why he's staring at you, who knows? Maybe he figures you to be bounty hunters? Perhaps, he fears you're looking to turn him in?" Rysam speculates.

Once those party members who wish to enter do so, Rysam shuts the door tightly then secures it against the chill of the coming night. As promised, the cabin is large enough to accomodate the party, but offers little more in the way of comforts other than a modest fireplace.

"As one who spent a lot of time serving the Society, it is clear to me that you are Pathfinders." Rysam says. "And as a former Pathfinder, I still owe a few favors to the Society and Osprey in particular. I said outside that I am none too pleased about dealing with visitors. I came here to serve penance, not play babysitter. Worse, Osprey knew I put myself in this self-imposed exile for murder and now the Old Bird seems intent on having me send you to your deaths in these mountains."

Rysam lets out a sigh. "Like I said, I'm eager to clear my debts."

After rubbing his hands near the fireplace, he turns to the party and continues. "I understand that you are heading to Amao’s cairn. You can reach the cairn by traveling a snaking trail the ancients called Qi Oamatok Pass, which loosely translates to the Winding Serpent. Locals simply refer to it as the Dragon."

"The cairn lies about twenty miles northeast of here, a short but precarious journey through the icy mountain terrain." Rysam notes. Then, almost as an afterthought, Rysam adds, "The Dragon bisects wild lands sacred to clans of primitive beastmen that roam the high snowy peaks."

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

Silgil considers for a moment, then muses "So, a potential ambush or interdiction by barbarians. We'll do our best not to get killed, I promise. And the society has a knack for judging what the right group construction is needed for any given mission. At least if my survival so far is any measure."

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

Rysam gives Silgil a nod.

"I can only provide you with a few meager supplies, including dogsleds, among other things." Rysam offers. "Though, I suggest that you spend the night, and leave at first light if you hope to reach the cairn alive."

Rysam shows the party three dogsleds. "I can offer you these. Along with 6 trained dogs to accompany each one of them. I trust you know how to use them."

Rysam also offers the following equipment to the party: 12 days worth of rations, 1 set of heavy furs to help protect from the cold, one map of the Dragon with each of its parts demarcated, and one heavy pick.

"I suggest that you spend the night and leave at first light if you hope to reach the cairn alive." Rysam adds.

Pressing Rysam further requires a successful Diplomacy check to turn him from friendly to helpful.

Diplomacy (DC 18):
Rysam suggests that you purchase a couple of scrolls from him at a discount. He has 2 scrolls of calm animal and 4 scrolls of charm animal. He is willing to part with any or all of the scrolls as a cost of 20 gp each.

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

"I hope someone can figure it out. I certainly do not know how to use a dogsled."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

What could help us in our travel, esides warm clothes and cautiousness? Could someone here act as a guide?

Grand Lodge

female Rog 7 HP 56 | AC 23; Touch 17; FF 17 | F +4; R +11; W +3 | CMB +7; CMD 24 | Speed 30 ft | Init +9 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +15 Rogue 7

"Dog sled beats me?'

@GM I'll get a cold weather outfit, if you'll allow me at the start.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

"Odd, some of the places here, desertion is a death sentence, where did he come from?Two Blades asked.

He pondered a bit "Maybe he is the bounty hunter and you are the bounty. Where does he stay at, the cook's tent or something? he said with a sly smile.

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon
Silgil wrote:
"I hope someone can figure it out. I certainly do not know how to use a dogsled."

"I suggest, then, that you learn quickly before tackling the Dragon." Rysam says. "You are Pathfinders after all. It should be simple for you to learn if you deliberately set your mind to it."

Desynthia Medzen wrote:
What could help us in our travel, esides warm clothes and cautiousness? Could someone here act as a guide?

Rysam produces a number of scrolls. "These may be of use to you and I am happy to offer them at a discount. Just twenty gold pieces each." He has 2 scrolls of calm animal and 4 scrolls of charm animal.

Merisiel elf rogue wrote:
@GM I'll get a cold weather outfit, if you'll allow me at the start.

I am fine with that.

Two Blades in the Shadows wrote:

"Odd, some of the places here, desertion is a death sentence, where did he come from?Two Blades asked.

He pondered a bit "Maybe he is the bounty hunter and you are the bounty. Where does he stay at, the cook's tent or something? he said with a sly smile.

"If Krysher does have a death warrant out for him, it may explain why he may be wary of newcomers. Probably, wouldn't be the only one in this parts to have one either." Rysam speculates. "But, I think him from Andoran and that country isn't known for issuing harsh punishments."

"Krysther serves as a cook at Jaive's Inn, presumably in exchange for lodging there--not that it has much to offer along those lines." says Rysam. "You are welcome to stay at the inn, if you'd like, but I assure you that you'll find my price for my cabin far more reasonable and the accomodations more comfortable."

"As for me being a bounty, I'm not aware of any having been set for me. Are you aware of something that I am not?" Rysam asks with curiosity.

As noted earlier, the faction missions are entirely optional and have no outcome on the potential rewards for this adventure. That being said, if the party wishes to pursue them, I am happy to indulge. The information provided for them in the scenario is a bit sparse, but I am happy to expand upon them (and already have to some extent) for your roleplaying enjoyment. I do not, however, want to overspend time on them at the risk of having other players left with nothing to do for a while.

That being said, the party has a decision to make because the party arrived shortly before dark and presumably needs to rest and eat. If the party wishes to try prep the dogsleds in time to leave at first light, as Rysam suggests, then time for any investigations in town is limited.

Two Blades in the Shadows has expressed a desire to visit Krysher's room. Please describe how he plans to go about doing so and roll any skill checks you may think appropriate. Anyone wishing to join Two Blades may do the same.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

"Sounds like staying would be the easiest thing to do, that way we can get an early jump on our travels in the morning." Two Blades said as he looked for a place to crash for the night.

If everyone agrees and out of hearing of our host.

"I have something to find out at Krysher's place. There is information that he might be spying for someone that has a bounty out on Rysam. I am open to anyone else coming to take a peek and hope that we could keep our host alive." he said.

The plan of action is to pay Jaive's Inn a call and get a drink. Find out where Krysher is staying and take a peek in the room while he is cooking. Use Agile Feet if needed to ignore all difficult terrain.

"Good day, let me get an ale to clear my head, the air is mighty thin here." Two Blades said as he plunked down a silver piece for two mugs of ale as he surveyed the area to see where Krysher stayed,
perception to find out where he stays: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Stealth (Fast stealth, move 50): 1d20 + 17 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 17 - 2 = 21
perception to find any information: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
perception to find any traps: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25

Grand Lodge

female Rog 7 HP 56 | AC 23; Touch 17; FF 17 | F +4; R +11; W +3 | CMB +7; CMD 24 | Speed 30 ft | Init +9 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +15 Rogue 7

Merieiel looks at the dogs. She smiles. "Are you guys ready go!?"

She sees Two blades move and she follows him.

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

Silgil eyes the dogs with wariness, knowing that if here were at the helm it would surely flip, and the scrolls were useless to him too being divine in nature.

He will set up his 'nest' in the cabin and get comfortable. But only after any prep on the sleds is done that he might contribute to.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

I'll check on the dogs, maybe they will like me, who knows? Does someone has some kind of link with animals? A dog lover, maybe?

Unfortunatly, Handle animal is trained only..

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon
Two Blades in the Shadows wrote:

The plan of action is to pay Jaive's Inn a call and get a drink. Find out where Krysher is staying and take a peek in the room while he is cooking. Use Agile Feet if needed to ignore all difficult terrain.

"Good day, let me get an ale to clear my head, the air is mighty thin here." Two Blades said as he plunked down a silver piece for two mugs of ale as he surveyed the area to see where Krysher stayed.

Secret GM Checks:

?, Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
?, Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
?, Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Speaking with the innkeeper, Jaive, the Pathfinder Two Blades secures an ale. Assuming Two Blades asks for something warm to eat...
Jaive heads to Krysher's room and direct's the cook to get to work in the kitchen. Krysher complains to Javie about the lateness of the hour, but eventually emerges from his room and gets to work cooking within the kitchen.

Confirming Krysher's presence in the kitchen and seeing Jaive approaching Krysher there to speak with him, Two Blades is able to momentarily slip away from the dining area unseen and to investigate Krysher's room. Finding no traps, Two Blades is able to enter the room and finds it to be sparsely furnished with contents that appear quite tidy and organized. Within a chest at the base of the bed, the Pathfinder finds a chain shirt and a matched pair of otherwise mundane shortswords. Searching the bed, he finds a pair of well-made bolas, which had clearly been hidden there.

Two Blades does not find any paper or other media that may contain any messages and does not find any other items of note.

Returning to the dining area, Two Blades sees Jaive and Krysher in the kitchen, plating a dish in preparation of serving it to their sole customer.

If the party wishes to do before heading out the next morning to tackle the Dragon, feel free to post it. However, to keep things moving, I will move us to the next encounter.

I have randomly assigned PCs to sleds on this Slide.

Each sled has a position for one musher and one rider. Feel free to reposition yourself before my next post, which will be in about 24 hours.

Per Rysam's directions, the cairn lies about 20 miles northeast of the waystation, a short but precarious journey through the icy mountain terrain. The second part of the journey follows the eight-mile long ancient pass shown in Rysam’s map labeled “The Dragon.”

To get a sled going, the musher must succeed at a Handle Animal check (DC 10). Although Handle Animal is a "trained only" skill, I will allow PCs to attempt a check even if they are untrained. Since the PCs are not in immediate danger or distracted, a PC may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate the result as if the PC had rolled a 10.

Travel is relatively uneventful, aside from spotting a few circling falcons and stray animal prints left by hares and wolves.

The first parts of the Dragon is the section known as "The Tail". This section of the pass is flat, but rocky.

All PCs must attempt an Acrobatics check (DC 12) to balance.

If you fail the Acrobatics check:
You become unbalanced.
An unbalanced character can take no actions for one round or else falls out of the sled.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

Unable to find any information, Two Blades was annoyed, but the bolas were of interest. Taking his any-tool, he carefully weakened it so that if they were used, the target would have an easier time of escaping before putting them back.

Disable device: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21

Two Blades did not seemed bothered by the trip on the dog sled as he guided it forward.

Take 10 for Handle Animal and +17 Acrobatics

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

DC 12 acrobatics to balance: 1d20 ⇒ 18

"Infernal device. even riding on one of these is a challenge."

But his white knuckled grip is sufficient to maintain his seat.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

Acrobatics: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17.

Radagast balances easily, much to his own surprise.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

Take 10 for Handle animal (total 15)

acrobatics DC 12: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Desynthia has an hard time maintaining her balance, but manages not to fall of the sled.. barely

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon
Desynthia Medzen wrote:
Desynthia has an hard time maintaining her balance, but manages not to fall of the sled.. barely

Neither mor Tere di Montefeltro can fail that balance check, so I will move us along.

The trek remains bumpy, but the party realizes quickly that the party is able to balance as long as the sleds don't go to fast.

Every quarter-mile along The Tail, all riders and mushers in sleds moving faster than half-speed must make a DC 12 Balance check to avoid becoming unbalanced.

The party next takes a steep turn before reaching the steep incline of The Haunches. A slip on the turn would send one 200 feet down a steep embankment onto a collection of exposed boulders. The turn would be difficult to navigate during a descent, but the party has no trouble on the turn. The rest of the climb here, however, is a bit slow.

Ascending sleds slow all movement by –1, although any descending sleds would increase all movement by +2.

Overcoming the haunches, the party next reaches The Spine. Along this section of The Dragon, the pass runs through a sloping field of boulders.
Sleds entering the boulder field in this section must make at least a 1 turn maneuver per quarter-mile or crash into a boulder.

By my count, based on the color changes on the map and the description of the area, The Spine is one-mile (four quarter-mile stretches) long.

Each musher PC must attempt a Handle Animal check (DC 15) or Strength check (DC 18) to make one of the manuevers involving a turn.

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (10/18 false life) | AC/FF/T: 14/14/10| CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: mage armor, endure elements, false life (until 2 PM)

Silgil is prepared to use his Change Shape ability to transform into an air elemental if things get nasty.

Grand Lodge

female Rog 7 HP 56 | AC 23; Touch 17; FF 17 | F +4; R +11; W +3 | CMB +7; CMD 24 | Speed 30 ft | Init +9 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +15 Rogue 7

"Who's a good doggie!"

The elf hangs on.

acrobatics: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 20 = 26

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 22/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 30/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

Handle animal: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Working with the dogs, Two Blades let them do the job they were trained for as the sled glided across the ice.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

handle animals: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

I was about to ask if I can take ten for these rolls (15 total) but maybe next time..

Desynthia manages to go throught the boulders without too much troubles

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

At this point, musher PCs may take 10 on the maneuver check.

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

Rolling a Handle Animal for Merisiel to keep us moving...
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

The elf crashes the dog sled into a boulder! The sled flips and all riders not strapped in are thrown from the sled.
sled rolls for x10 ft.: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Merisiel and Tere di Montefeltro each take damage: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6) = 14

The dogs continue to drag the sled for several seconds.
Rounds?: 1d4 ⇒ 4

The sled takes damage (-5 for Hardness): 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 6) = 14

Fortunately, the sled is not broken and the Pathfinders survive.
Feel free to perform any healing and/or repairs you wish before proceeding.

The party next moves into The Heart of The Dragon. In this location, a dangerously narrow bridge of solid ice spans a 15-foot-wide ravine that splits the pass. A weathered chain, secured to large boulders at either end of the bridge, hangs suspended about three feet above its surface.
Beneath the bridge, a chasm plunges 30-ft-deep to a rocky stream at the bottom.

Travelers usually tie off to the chain when crossing and walk the sleds.
Assuming you do so...

The Dragon next splits into two adjacent routes in this section called, The Talons. One route is a higher path with a slow incline and the other is a wider steep path that plunges below it across a series of ice dunes. The upper path sits between 10 to 40 feet above the lower path. It is only 10 feet wide and presently clear, but there is evidence that it often ices over in a short amount of time.

Perception (DC 10):
You notice a trickle of frozen blood crossing the trail.

If a PC makes a successful Survival (DC 12) check to follow the tracks, you may open the spoiler below:

Following the tracks, a few hundred yards off the trail leads to three piles of fresh snow that poorly conceal bodies. Two of the piles hide the bodies of hideous beastmen, white-furred simians. The third holds a human, perhaps of Chelish descent, killed by a gaping bite wound between his neck and shoulder.

A PC who succeeds at a Knowledge (nature) check (DC 17) to learn more about the simian creatures may open the spoiler immediately below.

If a PC makes a successful Perception (DC 10) to examine the human body, you may open the last spoiler below.

You may open the spoiler immediately below, only if you have been instructed to.

The white-furred simian creatures are taer. Taer are shaggy, primitive, naked humanoids that may be related to the yeti. They resemble prehistoric humans but are more bestial and apelike. Their fur is coated with an oily, fatty substance excreted through the pores, which protects them from cold. Taers are nomadic creatures that band together in clans for protection, hunting, and social reasons. During the day, adults hunt for food, which consists of fruits, berries, nuts, insects, and game.

You may open the last spoiler below, only if you have been instructed to.

Searching the man uncovers a small bronze coin, indicating membership in the Aspis Consortium. There is no other equipment or weapons on the body.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32.
Survival: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29.
Knowledge(Nature): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17.
Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31.

Noticing a blood trail, Radagast dashes off to one side, and identifies a series of fresh burials: Two yeti-like humanoids, and a Chelish man who appears to be a member of the Aspis Consortium!

Feel free to read the spoilers ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf CORE Fighter/1 Rogue/4 Shadowdancer/3 HP 55/58 AC25|T 18|FF 19 CMD 26* Fort +7|Ref +14|Will +6*/+8* vs. enchantments Init +6* Perc +14/+16 vs. traps Low-light, darkvision|Sense Motive +9

"Can someone use this wand on me? Tere produces a rather well-worn cure wand.

CLW, 3 charges remaining: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW, 2 charges remaining: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Good enough for now.

"Any idea who buried them? I've never heard of taer before--is that something they do?"

Is there any indication of how the taer were killed?

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