Oswald Copperpot |

Oswald Copperpot will start a Draft...

Dominic of the Strands |

So maybe Dominic is assuming too much responsibility. Is there some form of governance beyond the wizard's school, a mayor or magistrate or someone already in a place of leadership?

Dominic of the Strands |

So I had Dominic pegged as CN, but in the circumstances that have been thrust upon him, there's a lot of Good in his veins it seems. I hope you.dont mind I've changed his alignment to CG.
Which means, people are looking to him for leadership, but he doesn't like being the leader.

Naomi Chadwick |
Ok folks! I think we'll have Naomi rolling Diplomacy to calm the crowd and Oswald rolling Intimidate to force the panicky ones to follow orders even if they are panicking on the inside. Utuk can aid either effort. If you have some other cool way to solve this, anyone, take a shot and roll a relevant skill. I'll be checking your results vs. groups of common folk by road, hoping that some pass and some fail so you will have to clean up some streets the ol' fashioned way *bony knuckles cracking*
So do you want another roll, or are we applying the earlier one to diplomacy?

Dominic of the Strands |

Dominic of the Strands wrote:Naomi, I think Oswald and I are making our way towards you.Why did I think you were called up to the main podium of the octagon?
I was, and I thought you were at Chadwick's. In my mind I pictured we were like across the plaza from each other. Just trying to get us all together for when were are inevitably surrounded by skeletons.

Naomi Chadwick |
No, she was outside when the commotion started and headed towards the octagon, she approached the stage and climbed up it to speak to the crowd.
...she moves to the stage. Calling "Dominic what do we do?"
... Climbing on the stage she calls out, projecting her voice like her father had taught her. "Everyone get inside somewhere! If your homes are close, go there and open it to whoever you can. Everyone else, to the businesses, undead are coming intent on killing the living."

Naomi Chadwick |
Ok, I thought by stage you meant at the Tavern.
yeah.... no, my first post had her outside taking a break and stuff started to happen, she moved towards the towns octagon with the rest of the people.
Not that I assume people read my posts :)
Quite honestly, if I'm in a hurry and someone has a long post I just read where their speaking, so I do it too.

Dominic of the Strands |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think I just imagined that Chadwick's was on the square, with maybe an outdoor stage. I do read other's posts, mostly as I am going to bed or on my lunch break, so I not give them all my attention. I think in this case I was just imagining the situation differently. Theatre of the mind goof.

Utuk |

I'm figuring we're here, we may as well go in. Utuk, we're you leaning towards doing something else?
Utuk was leaning more towards the medieval equivalent of parking a truck against the door and leaving it for later, but he wouldn't be difficult to persuade.

GM Parrot |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Definitely not going hungry, but I am going to the grocery store instead of posting. Here's the encounter:
So, a while back, I accidentally bought the local super expensive tofu and baked it in chunks that then turned into astonishingly good little puffs. So, I'm going to buy it again and see if I can replicate the effect... I tried with budget stuff and got no puff. If I can get the puff, I'm going to attempt General Tso's tofu with foraged chicken-of-the-woods mushrooms tonight.
@Utuk: it's hard to cook for Kate when she's so good at it! But I can cheat with good ingredients (K so frugal). Also, we've been hanging with Laurel a lot lately, too (went on a one night camp for the holiday, cf. chick-o-woods). I think we are gonna start a real-table campaign with her and her partner! @Oswald I think we'll even do 2e. It will, if it happens, be my first in-person game in, like, five years.
@the rest of ya, for context: Utuk taught me and Kate and Laurel how to play DnD years ago in Bellingham, WA. Super grateful.
Wish we could all gather 'round the humble table.

GM Parrot |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Is her partner the same one I knew way back when?
Yep! She and Blyss are still together. They and Kate are the players for the campaign, although I'm excited that Laurel has expressed interest in learning how to DM, so I might get to switch roles later. Blyss has no tabletop experience but loves Skyrim, Red Dead, Diablo, New Vegas, etc., so I think it'll work out.

Utuk |

Yep! She and Blyss are still together. They and Kate are the players for the campaign, although I'm excited that Laurel has expressed interest in learning how to DM, so I might get to switch roles later. Blyss has no tabletop experience but loves Skyrim, Red Dead, Diablo, New Vegas, etc., so I think it'll work out.
Great to hear! Tell her I said hi if it comes up, would you?

Dorian 'Grey' |

Of course! She asked after you last time I mentioned this game.
Our first session is tonight! First in-person game in several years. Maybe since covid, dang.
And ...how did it go? Our weekly SoT got cancelled last night, so I need to wait until next week to TPK them ..

Naomi Chadwick |
I don't mean to absolutely detract from our current mission (which is?), but just suggesting maybe we put 'find the librarian' on our 'to do' list, increase our number of helpful NPCs in town (which is currently 1, the eager Marley Mason). If Oswald wants to find magic items, I think our best bet is the offices of Ulyssia and the other deans.
In theory it's the middle of the night after a world changing even.
GM are there any other 'emergencies' going on?
Players, is there really anything we need to do, now that we know the undead are stopped for the immediate future?

Dominic of the Strands |

On a personal character level, I think Dominic would like to check in with his very large family, make sure they have secured some semblance of housing after having had to evacuate their home.
On a player/gaming level, I think going around town and securing as many resources/supports as we can before the next crisis rears its ugly head.

Naomi Chadwick |
I agree that securing resources is a thing. We're four people, it's the middle of the night and a large town. Wouldn't waiting until morning and organizing seem like the prudent thing. Now if there is something we need to loot before the other looters get to it, that's different. But I have no idea what that would be.
And honestly, I have no desire to play 'town administrator' that's why I desperately wanted to dungeon dive in the necromancers pyramid.

Naomi Chadwick |
Thanks for your honesty! I was thinking a tour of town and some administering was in order, but I will advance the mini-crawl I have planned for the library to be the next thing!
Obviously, knowing what shape the town is in and some government administration are what needs to happen for the town. Are those things we're responsible for?
It would be foolish to stay up all night going on a crawl if we're the people who should be organizing the town in the morning. It is till the middle of the night right?

Oswald Copperpot |

Oswald Copperpot is not interested in Governing, Organizing, or being vaguely responsible for anything Town related.
He would most certainly be interested in exploring, clearing out hazards and monsters and such things.