DM Brainiac's Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Table 3

Game Master Brainiac

Reputation: Bunyip Club: -4, Runewatchers: 4, Sandpoint Cathedral: 15, Sandpoint Mercantile League: 1, Scarnetti Consortium: -13, Town Watch: -1, Townsfolk: 2

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CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

"But that's ancient history! I'm talking about the here and now, you know, now." Ximble might be a gnome and yes, gnomes can become quite old, but Ximble is still but a young gnome. "Anyway, how about we meet with Father A-to-Z and see if we can make head or tail of what vague hints we acquired?"

This'll look familiar...

You go home and get some rest. Soon after sunrise the next morning, Abstalar sends word via an acolyte for you to return to the cathedral. He meets with you once more on the courtyard veranda in the cathedral, and while he appears a bit haggard, he’s eager to speak to you about what took place the night before. Audrahni attends this meeting as well, but is dressed for travel.

"I thank you for your aid in the ritual. Ashava will be pleased at the good work we did in helping Nualia's troubled spirit," Audrahni says. "I must depart now. I'm headed back to my home town of Roderic's Cove. I wish you luck in your adventures ahead."

Abstalar thanks the elf for all she has done, and as she leaves, she squeezes Abstalar's shoulder and nods farewell to you.

Once Audrahni has left, Abstalar thanks you once more as well. "You all heard what Nualia said last night. What do you make of these 'seven dooms' she mentioned?"


After listening to your your thoughts, Abstalar taps his chin. "Seven was a particularly important number in old Thassilon. Seven virtues, seven sins, seven runelords. I doubt it is a coincidence there are now seven dooms.

"My adventuring days are far behind me today, but I recognize the potential threat well enough. The past few decades have been difficult for Sandpoint. The town’s endured devastating fires, pattern killer rampages, goblin raids, an attack by stone giants and a red dragon, a strange and unnatural sinkhole in the middle of the upper town, and not one but two tsunamis that, but for the town’s fortuitous topography and surroundings, could have wreaked much more devastation. Nualia's unsettling proclamations has convinced me that some dire plot is brewing southeast of town, in the Pit.

"We need your help again. I want you to travel to the Pit, investigate the site, and see what is going on there. The goblin ghoul you fought mentioned Chief Ripnugget, didn't he? You'll have to see if the old chief has returned as well. Keep an eye out for any other dangers that may be building. Of course, I'll provide healing for you, free of charge, whenever you return to the chapel."

Before you leave, you can choose to do some more research in Sandpoint.

Preliminary Investigations:
Ripnugget Rumors

If the PCs heard Ripnugget’s name mentioned in the warrens below the boneyard during Chapter 1, they may wish to ask around town to find out if anyone knows anything more. Doing so requires a successful DC 15 Gather Information check and 2 hours of work, but regardless of success or not, anyone over the age of 25 or so who’s asked about Ripnugget curses the goblin’s name, spit, makes superstitious signs of protection from evil, or gets a haunted look as memories of the goblin raid on Sandpoint 17 years ago resurface in their mind.

Researching the Pit

The Pit has long been known to the locals as a place of danger. Simply asking around to Gather Information is an excellent way to learn more about the site; each attempt to do so takes 2 hours of work. Alternatively, a PC can attempt to Recall Information about the Pit on their own. Finally, Brodert Quink’s collection of lore likely holds additional secrets; these checks take 1 hour.


Gathering Information: Many locals have their own stories and tall tales about the Pit; Maximum RP 5
Research Checks: DC 19 Diplomacy

Recall Knowledge: Any PC with the right skills can attempt to remember information about the Pit; Maximum RP 5
Research Checks: DC 17 Sandpoint Lore, DC 19 Society

Consulting Brodert Quink: Brodert has a large collection of old books and tomes that contain bits and pieces of information about the Pit; Maximum RP 5
Research Checks: DC 19 Academia Lore or Library Lore, DC 21 Perception

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

Society vs DC 19: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Ximble finds himself a quiet table at Cracktooth's tavern and orders a glass of sweet blackberry wine. He had intended to ponder the matter of the Pits, but a rather entertaining discussion between some local artists steals his attention. Before Ximble realizes it, a couple more glasses of blackberry wine have come and gone, and he now finds it hard to ponder the matter any further.

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

Wherby grumbles, sure that there's someone else who should be doing this. But until that person shows up, he supposes he'll have to. Even if it's really not his job.

He tries to think about what he knows about the Pit other than it's no place for him or Tekmin. Or probably Ximble, for that matter. Maybe for Herok.

Lore (Sandpoint) (trained): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

Tekmin asks around town about The Pit.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

Herok tries to recall what stories he's heard about the Pit around town - after all, he's spent enough time hero-worshipping others that he must know something about it.

Lore (Sandpoint): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Wherby recalls that the Pit is a mysterious open shaft in the heart of the rocky escarpment known as Devil’s Platter; it’s located just over 2 miles to the southeast of Sandpoint. Unfortunately, nobody else is able to contribute much more than that.

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

Society vs DC 19: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

During the afterparty at Cracktooth's, Ximble runs into a visiting actor who happens to speak fluent goblin! Ximble at first only asks the actor to tell him some naughty words and phrases in goblin, but then realizes that maybe he should ask the actor if he knows anything about the Pit!

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"IF it were me, I wouldn't learn anything about someplace called, 'The Pit.' Sounds very unpleasant. Do you think it's just chock full of goblins? Maybe we should bring a keg of pickles." Tekmin speculates. "Did you find any adventurers around, Ximble?"

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

Wherby continues to -- grudgingly -- spend the day trying to learn more about what's going on. If they have to go to this Pit at some point, better to put it off.

I figure we've got a full day we can do research so going to continue with three more checks.
Lore (Sandpoint) (trained) to RK about the Pit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Lore (Sandpoint) (trained) to RK about the Pit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Lore (Sandpoint) (trained) to RK about the Pit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

Herok tries to remember if anyone in Sandpoint might have more first-hand knowledge of the Pit.

Sandpoint Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

"Tis but a name! And a short one at that, probably because they couldn't come up with a more menacing and literary engaging name like say, hrm, the Hungry Maw or, hrmm, the Devouring Cavern. The pit is so barren and basic that it forces you to fill in the blanks. Puh, it deserves our scorn."

You are able to glean some more information about the Pit. The safest route to the Pit is to take the Lost Coast Road south to Cougar Creek Road. Then, follow the road southeast past Trennel’s Farm and Sarl’s Farm, and turn east along Wisher’s Trail. Upon reaching Wisher’s Well, head north; the rise up to Devil’s Platter is rough but climbable there. The Pit itself is about a half-mile north of the climb. Locals mention that Brodert Quink likely knows more about the Pit, and if he doesn’t, there’s surely more information among his collection of old books.


Word that Abstalar Zantus actually contacted Nualia’s spirit spreads quickly in the days after the ritual, fueling an already extant worry among some in town that the cleric has been tampering with forces best left alone. The rumors continue to gain power in town, and as you continue to learn more about the Pit, Abstalar receives a missive from Mayor Deverin—notice of an emergency meeting of the town council to take place that evening at sunset to speak about these rumors. Abstalar asks you to accompany him to this meeting to help provide context and support.

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

Herok was fairly certain they'd gotten as far as they could so far without consulting Brodert Quink, so he headed towards the sage's house and politely knocked on the door. Once the sage answered, he said, "Good day, Brodert. We've recently received word of some danger in an area known as 'The Pit' on the Sandpoint Plateau, and we were wondering if you had any information about it? May I take a look and see what can be learned?"

If Brodert allows, Herok will take a look.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

Wherby agrees to accompany Abstalar. Certainly now he can persuade the mayor and other town luminaries that they need to put out a call for adventurers! Seven dooms mean they probably need seven brave souls ... or maybe even seven parties, gods save them all.

"Of course, feel free to browse my collection," Brodert Quink says to Herok. "It's rather extensive, I'm afraid, so it may take some time to find what you need." Indeed, Herok makes no progress in his initial research session.


That evening, you accompany Abstalar to Sandpoint's Town Hall. The majority of the ground floor of this two-story building consists of a meeting hall large enough to seat most of Sandpoint’s adults. Indeed, the hall's main chamber is packed with concerned citizens, including Charn Scarnetti and a dozen of his supporters. As a member of the town council, Abstalar takes his seat at the large table at the head of the hall along with the other six councillors--Jubrayl Vhiski of the Bunyip Club, Brodert Quink of the Runewatchers, Jasper Korvaski of the Sandpoint Mercantile League, Titus Scarnetti of the Scarnetti Consortium, Sheriff Hemlock's wife Kaye Tesarani representing the Town Watch, and Mayor Kendra Deverin representing the townsfolk.

Abstalar indicates that you should be seated nearby in the small seating just to the west of the table reserved for guest speakers—doing so effectively puts you on display for the rest of the room to watch, and it is hard to miss the mix of curious, admiring, and suspicious glances sent your direction from the gathered citizens.

"I hereby call this emergency meeting to order," Mayor Deverin says, quieting the murmuring crowd. "Tonight's meeting has only one agenda item. We are here to discuss whether or not Abstalar Zantus has put Sandpoint at risk by contacting the spirit of one of the town’s most notorious enemies. I need not remind most of you of the role Nualia Tobyn palyed in the goblin raids that struck Sandpoint seventeen years ago. As I recall, the decision to bury Nualia in the town's boneyard was a contentious decision, but with the advice and support of the heroes who defeated her, it was decided that doing so was the right choice."

Sense Motive, Perception DC 22:
You detect a note of impatience and annoyance in the mayor's voice at those who’ve raised so many objections about Abstalar’s concern for the safety of the town.

Mayor Deverin asks Abstalar to explain the reasoning and the process behind performing the ritual. The cleric nods, then he proceeds to explain himself clearly and patiently, despite a few catcalls and guffaws from Charn’s bloc in the audience. He doesn’t go into the details of the ritual itself, claiming that the words of the dead should not be made a spectacle of in public, but does admit that while Nualia was never a danger to the town, she did warn that other dangers still exist.

At this point, Kendra turns to you and asks you to corroborate Abstalar's story...

Each of you has a chance to speak. Once you do so, each of you should attempt a DC 19 Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check, depending on the tenor of your presentation. The results of these checks will determine what happens next.

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

"Townsfolk! It's natural to be scared of a spirit like Nuala, but she is long dead now and summoning her only served to make sure that her spirit was at rest. She may have been no friend of the town, but she was able to warn us of some upcoming danger, which we are searching for adventurers to address." Tekmin tries to win the town audience over with his charms.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

Perception (trained): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Wherby keeps quiet for the most part, nodding along with Tekmin's comments. He prefers to keep to himself and has never been very good at talking.

Ursividae peeks out from under his chair and hisses at Charn.

Diplomacy (untrained) to Aid Tekmin: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10 Failure.

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

Diplomacy vs DC 19: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Ximbles tries to come up with good arguments, but he has to admit that the worried townsfolk do have a point. He won't admit it out loud, but it forces the gnome to keep to himself. He isn't a gifted persuader like Tekmin. Hell, he isn't even able to persuade himself this time!

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Herok stands and says, "Nualia's spirit was brought back for the purposes of seeking amends. As a reminder, her life prior to becoming a threat to Sandpoint was very unkind, with people making her feel an outcast and a pariah with few friends. That she saw violence as her only recourse is as much a fault of the townspeople here as it is her own anger. It may be that, in warning us of a possible danger here in town, her spirit seeks some measure of redemption and forgiveness for her actions. Perhaps we can give her some measure of that ourselves. Kindness and neighborliness have long been values of Sandpoint. Let us not forget those values now."

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 10

While Tekmin is able to sway some of the townsfolk, the rest of your words do more harm than good. Titus Scarnetti sits back and remains silent, a smug smirk on his face revealing his delight that the you've put a proverbial foot in your collective mouths.

Charn Scarnetti stands up and demands restitution and an accounting for this risky ritual, claiming that it’s only luck that prevented an army of ghosts and ghouls from invading from beyond, and that next time Sandpoint might not be so lucky. Kendra calls for order, and after a few minutes, her face heavy, she orders Abstalar to pay a hefty fine and to refrain from performing “unsanctioned rituals” in the future. It’s a political slap on the wrist that shames Kendra and Abstalar, isn’t enough to appease the Scarnettis, and leaves the town in just as much doubt as before, but no further repercussions will come.

You have lost 1 Reputation Point with every faction except for the Sandpoint Cathedral.

Kendra bangs her gavel against the desk to adjourn the meeting. As everybody starts to file out, Kendra asks you and Abstalar to remain for a bit. "I want to thank you for trying to keep things from escalating tonight. The tonwsfolk may be mollified, but I fear Titus is not. He seems to have an agenda beyond protecting the people from evil spirits, and he may well be a thorn in the cathedral’s side for some time."

The mayor gives you all an appraising look. "What do you intend to do next? You've been involved in one scandal already, so if there’s a chance you might start another, I want to be prepared."

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Well, we're currently looking for a group of adventurers to investigate The Pit!. We haven't had much luck so far," Tekmin confides. "We might have to take a look ourselves if we don't find someone soon, but..." he lowers his voice, "Adventuring always makes Master Crick so cranky."

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

A fine?! What's this, Korvosa?! Ximble leans back in his chair and shakes his head, disillusioned by the choices made by his fellow townsfolk. Lazily, he finishes his drink before getting up and joining the others in their chat with the mayor.

"The Pit calls to us! And don't you worry, if anything goes wrong, you can blame us again. If Master Crick is to be believed, we won't even make it back to town, though I doubt the veracity of his claims."

Kendra raises her eyebrows. "The Pit? Well, I would advise you to take care. The Pit is far from a safely conducted ritual on hallowed grounds, after all. Be careful not to get in over your heads. I will pray for your safety."

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Me too!" Tekmin adds, enthusiastically. The information they have found out about The Pit so far is hardly encouraging. "Let's swing through the tavern one more time looking for adventurers--adventurers love taverns--and if we can't find anyone we can at least have a hot meal."

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

Wherby sighs from the depths of his soul. "We're all going to die," he grumbles, [b]"but I guess at least I've lived a long life."[/]

He nods enthusiastically -- or at least as enthusiastically as he ever does -- at Tekmin's suggestion. Finally, the boy's showing a lick of sense.

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Well, eventually everyone dies," Tekmin agrees. "But you're supposed to teach me how to be a powerful witch first, so try to hang on a little longer."

No other adventurers are willing to accompany you to the Pit. Thus, it seems like it's up to you to be the adventurers Sandpoint needs! Fortunately, you are feeling stronger from your recent experiences.

Everybody is now level 5! Everybody gains 1 Hero Point.


Chapter 2: Whistles in the Dark

The next morning, you leave Sandpoint and journey to the Pit. The Pit is located just over 2 miles to the southeast of Sandpoint, on a rocky plateau known as the Devil’s Platter. Along most of its perimeter, the rise up to Devil’s Platter is a steep escarpment of jagged rock, but there are several areas where the cliffs are more like steep slopes. One such rise lies just north of the ruins of Wisher’s Well, an ancient, 30-foot-tall stone tower with an interior that drops away into a 100-foot-deep shaft filled with water. Local legends say those who toss an offering into the depths and make a wish are granted good luck.

As you clamber up over its jagged rim of sharp rocks and boulders, you get your first unnerving sight of the Pit itself. A vast hole yawns in the rocky plateau, measuring a good fifty feet in diameter and dropping away into fog-filled shadows below. The sides of the Pit are steep—nearly vertical—and are relatively smooth, without many obvious handholds. The bottom of the Pit is shrouded by a thick layer of fog that starts fifty feet down.

A five-foot-wide ledge creeps along the eastern side of the Pit about twenty feet from the rim. A rickety-looking wood ladder leads down to this ledge from the Pit’s southern edge, and additional ladders connect even deeper ledges disappearing down into the fog layer below. The air around the edge of the pit feels colder. It’s silent within, but it feels like the type of untrustworthy quiet that could, at any, moment give vent to an unnerving scream.

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

"Well, this is certainly a less than pleasant looking place. I wonder what the origins of the Pit are. Do you think these ladders are safe to descend?"

Herok knelt down to examine the ladder and see if it looked like it would hold them or break as soon as they tried to use it.

Perception (Expert): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

"The first lesson is don't go to somewhere called the Pit," Wherby grumbles. "If you're unlucky, it's a bad Pit to someplace you don't want to go. If you're lucky, it's still a big hole you can fall in and if you don't break your neck, you'll probably break your leg. Or you're stuck in the bottom until you scream yourself hoarse, and no one comes to help you and you starve to death. Or the pit collapses on you. So, yeah, don't go to the Pit. But you're not actually going to listen to me!"

The next day, he glances down the Pit. "See what did I tell you?!"

With that, he turns on his heel and walks away ... but only to Wisher’s Well, where he tosses a single gold coin in. Don't let these idiots -- including myself, playing adventurer! -- die down here, please... He returns to the Pit proper. "Probably not," he responds to Herok.

Then he grabs Tekmin by the collar. "Not so fast. Wait until he makes sure it's safe!"

Despite the ladders' appearance, it actually seems to be quite sound. It should have no problem supporting your weight. On the platform below, you can see a 6-foot-high opening in the Pit wall that leads to a wooden door. A few discarded bones and broken dogslicers litter the ledge here.

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Ooop!" Tekmin gets pulled back from the edge he was looking over just in time. "Some bones down there. Very spooky! Exactly what I'd expect from a Pit!"

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

"Well, the ladder looks secure enough. If it can hold me, it should hold the rest of you, so I'll go down first. Before I do," Herok pulls out a rope and ties it around his waist, then turns to the others and holds out the other end. "Can you guys hold the rope so that if the ladder does break on me I don't fall and break my neck?"

That done, he took a deep breath, and began climbing down the ladder, carefully taking his time.

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

Ximble shows up to the expedition perched atop a massive mountain goat. Where did he get this goat? Why did he get this goat? How did he get this goat? What is the goat doing here? Remarkably enough, the creature responds to Ximble's commands and seems to do as the gnome tells it to. "Grew up fast, didn't he? Anyway, let us get to business."

Lazily, Ximble peers down into the pit, and after a couple of seconds of studying this ominous place, Ximble nods. "A place that tries this hard to look intimidating can't be all that rough. This should be easy enough." But Herok is already way past taking in the scenery.

"Hold up, Herok. " He takes a moment to retrieve his crossbow and a set of specialized grappling bolts from his pack and then triumphantly shows it to his companions. "I can go first if you want. As long as we have a place to secure a grappling hook to, this should make life a whole lot easier."

The 'grappling bolt' has an effective range of 60ft. Also, the goat is an adept climber.

You safely clamber down the ladder to the first platform. From somewhere in the fog below, you hear the sound of claws scraping against stone, followed by an eerie hiss. Fortunately, whatever caused those noises remains unseen.

You head through the nearby door and into a large chamber. The walls of this chamber are decorated with dozens of skulls harvested from a wide range of animals—deer, cows, elk, wolves, horses, and even some humans. All of the wall-mounted skulls are angled to stare down at the southern entrance to the room. In four alcoves stand taxidermy spiders as big as humans, each posed in a menacing position, while an even larger figure—a taxidermy horse with glittering gemstone eyes, “wings” made of canvas, a giant lizard’s tail stitched to its hindquarters, and a mouth filled with sharp fangs—stands vigil near two doors leading north and east. This cobbled-together monstrosity is meant to represent the Sandpoint Devil.

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

"Why would you say that!" Wherby snaps at Ximble. "That's just asking for problems!" He spits into the Pit three times, a bit of superstition that isn't actually likely to help anything at all.

"See!" he hisses as the sound of claws reaches his ears. "I told you!"

And he just closes his eyes for a moment and sighs loudly in the taxidermy chamber, before looking around again at the skulls. "See? That vacant spot? That's probably where they'll put our heads!"

Still, he casts a spell to see if there's any magic down here.

Wherby does not detect any magic in the immediate vicinity.

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

Ximble shrugs and discards Wherby's fears. "It's all part of the 'tough guy' act this place has going on. Don't sweat it! Real baddies won't and don't feel the need to try this hard." Nonetheless, the gnome readies himself for what might happen by drawing his switchscythe.

"Say, where should we go next? How abouuuut [that door?", Ximble says as he points to the door leading east.

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

Herok said, "Hold up a minute, Ximble. Let's make sure there's nothing dangerous in the room that can fall on us from behind."

Herok began searching the room, just in case.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Herok's prudence pays off as he discovers a trap on the taxidermy Sandpoint Devil! The Devil's gemstone eyes are actually magical sensors, and anybody getting close to the taxidermy will trigger the trap.

The trap can be disabled with a DC 23 Thievery check to pluck out the taxidermy’s gemstone eyes.

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

"Huh?" Ximble directs his confusion at Wherby. Didn't the man check the room for magic only mere seconds ago? Are traps able to hide their magical signature? Is magic a trap? "Well, that complicates things. Do you think we can throw, say, a bucket or a piece of canvas over its head so it can't see and target us?"

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

"That would likely depend on what the trap does. For instance, if the trap makes a fireball explode in the room, then yes, it would work. If all it does is alert someone that we're here, then maybe not. Wherby, can you see the magic and tell what the trap does?"

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

"No, I can't do that!" Wherby exclaims. "I didn't even notice it was there. My magic's not intended for this! But my guess is it's intended to kill us all."

He pauses and sighs mournfully.

"I can probably disarm it, though. I've spent enough time trying to get traps off foolish adventurers that come limping back to Sandpoint looking for help, so I have some experience. Everyone else should probably leave, though. No reason for more than just one of us to die."

Thievery (trained): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Thievery (trained): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Unfortunately, his attempts fail miserably, setting off the trap. Needed a good roll, and instead I got awful ones.

As Wherby bumbles with the taxidermy Sandpoint Devil, it suddenly lurches forward, opens its jaws, and emits a blood-curdling howl and a blast of foul-smelling gray smoke!

Wherby must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save or become enfeebled 1 for 1 hour (or enfeebled 2 for 8 hours on a critical failure).

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Oh no! It's what you always say happens with traps!" Tekmin resolves to protect his mentor from such things in the future.

"Any other traps in here? I'll go first!"

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5

Fortitude (trained): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Wherby reels as he takes in the full blast of smoke, collapsing onto his back. "Gah! I told you!" he wheezes. "I think I'm dying. Run, save yourselves!"

CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

Ximble rushes forward to assist Wherby however he can after the blast of gray smoke hits the old man. Throw a bucket, don't BE the bucket, Wherby!!!"

Tekmin doesn't find any other traps, but he does notice a secret door hidden in the southwest wall behind one of the taxidermy spiders. He also hears faint footsteps approaching from beyond the east door...

male halfing witch's apprentice 5 HP 66/66 | AC 22 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9 (+11 Ini.) | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 2 | Active Conditions:

"Oh, a secret door! Should we slip through and hide?" Tekmin asks. "Someone is coming!"

Male Half-Orc Cleric (Warpriest) 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 22 | Fort (E) +11, Ref (T) +11, Will (E) +12 | Perception +12 (low-light vision; darkvision) | Divine Font (Heal) 4/4 |
Spell Slots:
1st - 2/3, 2nd - 3/3, 3rd - 2/2
| Emblazon Armament: Bow

"You know, Wherby, one of these days we'll actually listen when you say that. Today is not that day, however."

He considers Tekmin's suggestion, then says, "It's a good idea, unless there's something even more dangerous behind the secret door. Well, no sense standing around here. Come on, Wherby. Let's go hope the secret door is less dangerous than whoever's coming to check on us."

Herok picks the old man up and helps him move towards the secret door Tekmin found.

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