
Ximble 'Rod' Wyrdfellar's page

70 posts. Alias of Solicitor.

Full Name

Ximble 'Rod' Wyrdfellar


CG | Male Gnome Ranger 5 | HP: 68/68| AC: 22 | F: +11; R: +11 (+11); W: +12 | Perception +12 | Initiative +12 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Exploration:

About Ximble 'Rod' Wyrdfellar

Ximble 'Rod' Wyrdfellar
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Male Gnome (Vivacious)(Curious Apprentice) Ranger 5 / Beastmaster 5
Chaotic Good Small Gnome (Varisian)(-)
Senses; Perception +12 (Wis 3 + Prof 9 (E))
AC 22 (Armor 4, Dex 1, Armor Prof 8 (T))
HP 68 (50 Ranger, 10 CON, 8 Ancestry)
Fort +11 (E), Ref +11 (E), Will +12 (E)
Bonuses: 2 Negative Resistance
Switchscythe +14 to hit, 2D6+4 slashing, Fatal D10, P and Grapple or S and Sweep

Bola +12 to hit, 1D6+4, Ranged Trip, Nonlethal, 20ft Range
Chakram +12 to hit, 1D8+4, Thrown, 20ft Range
Crossbow +12 to hit, 1D8, 120ft range, specialized bolts (see gear)

Combat Options
(1) Hunt Prey, Command Minion, Quick Draw, Recall Knowledge, Ranged Trip, Trip, Grab
(2) Soothing Mist, Heal Companion (1 or 2 actions)

Str 19, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12 Wis 16, Cha 10

Speed 30 ft. (25ft Gnome, 5ft from Fleet)

+13 Athletics (E)
+10 Survival (T)
+12 Medicine (E)
+8 Arcane (T)
+8 Society (T)
+10 Nature (T)
+8 Occultism (T)
+8 Poetry Lore (T)
+8 Sailor Lore (T)
+8 Goblin Lore (T)(Flex slot from Gnome Obsession)
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan

Animal Companion
Goat (Large)(Mature) Perception (T) +8
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +3, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha +0
Fort +12 (E) Reflex +12 (E) Will +11 (E)
Melee: headbutt +11, Damage 2d8+4 bludgeoning
Hit Points: 53 HP (base 8, levels 30, con 15) | AC: 20
Skill: Acrobatics +10 (T), Athletics +11 (T), Intimidation +7 (T), Stealth +10 (T) Survival +9 (T)
Senses: scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Speed 35 feet, climb 15 feet
Special: mount
Support Benefit: Your goat boosts you up a wall, allowing you to reach greater heights. You climb up a surface as if you had rolled a success on a Climb action.

Skill Feats
-Hefty Hauler: Increase your maximum and encumbered Bulk limits by 2.
-Titan Wrestler: You can attempt to Disarm, Grapple, Reposition, Shove, or Trip creatures up to two sizes larger than you, or up to three sizes larger than you if you’re legendary in Athletics.
-Battle Medicine: You can patch up wounds, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds and restore the corresponding amount of HP; this doesn’t remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day. This does not make them immune to, or otherwise count as, Treat Wounds.
-Assurance (Lore - Sandpoint):

General Feats & Abilities
-Fleet: +5ft movement speed

Ancestry Feats & Abilities
-Vivacious Gnome: Negative resistance equal to 1/2 your level (minimum 1). When you have the doomed condition, the condition affects you as if its value was 1 lower than it actually is (doomed 1 has no effect, doomed 2 causes you to die at dying 3, and so on).
-Gnome Weapon Familiarity: You have familiarity with weapons with the gnome trait plus the glaive and kukri—for the purposes of proficiency, you treat any of these that are martial weapons as simple weapons and any that are advanced weapons as martial weapons.
-Gnome Obsession: You gain the Additional Lore feat and the Assurance feat for the chosen Lore. As gnome obsessions can come and go quickly, you can retrain Gnome Obsession to a different Lore subcategory in 1 day of downtime.

Ranger Feats
-(1) Initiate Warden: Gain Heal Companion as a Focus Spell. Gain a Focus point.
-(2) Quick Draw: One Action. You Interact to draw a weapon, then Strike with that weapon.
-(4) Advanced Warden: Gain Soothing Mist as a Focus Spell. Gain a Focus point.

-Archetype Feat 2: Beastmaster Dedication (Gain a Young Animal Companion)
-Archetype Feat 4: Mature Companion (Companion becomes Mature. Companion always gets 1 action in combat.)

Class Features & Abilities
-Trained in simple weapons, martial weapons, unarmed combat
-Trained in light, medium, and unarmored defense.
-Trained in Ranger class DC.
-Hunt Prey: You designate a single creature as your prey and focus your attacks against that creature. You must be able to see or hear the prey, or you must be tracking the prey during exploration. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you Seek your prey and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your prey. You also ignore the penalty for making ranged attacks within your second range increment against the prey you're hunting.
You can have only one creature designated as your prey at a time. If you use Hunt Prey against a creature when you already have a creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and the new prey gains the designation. Your designation lasts until your next daily preparations.
-Hunter's Edge - Precision: The first time you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional precision damage. (Precision damage increases the damage you already deal, using the same type, but is ineffective against creatures that lack vital organs or weak points.) At 11th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8 precision damage, and at 19th level, the extra damage increases to 3d8 precision damage. Your Animal Companion also gets to apply the precision damage once a round.
-Will Expertise: Become an Expert in Will saves.
-Ranger Weapon Expertise: Your proficiency rank for martial weapons, simple weapons, and unarmed attacks increases to expert. You gain access to the critical specialization effects of all such weapons and unarmed attacks when attacking your hunted prey.
-Trackless Journey: You always gain the benefits of the Cover Tracks action in such terrains, without moving at half your Speed.

Curious Apprentice Background

Switchscythe +1 Striking Silver, Throwing Bandoleer +1 (Bola x3, Chakram x3), Breastplate, 3x Invisibility Potion, 2x Minor Healing Potion, 2x Holy Water, Breastplate, +1 Crossbow, Grappling Bolt, Shining Bolt (3), Bottled Lesser Lightning (2), Wondrous Figuring (Guard Dog - Scent), Adventurer's Pack (exploration and survival necessities), Tent, Compass, Purifying Table Spoon, Writer's Tools

89.5 g

Ximble 'Rod' Wyrdfellar (of the vivacious Wyrdfellar lineage of Magnimar, not to be confused with the umbral Wyrdsmiths of Korvosa) is a tall, lanky gnome. To most non-gnomes, he's mostly just a gnome.

He's a gifted outdoorsman who chases the color in life best as he can, less he turn into a blasted Wyrdsmith! Having worked a dozen odd jobs in Sandpoint since his family left, it's clear that Rod, so named for his unusually tall and lean frame, or for the fact he always forgets his fishing rod anywhere he goes, or possibly because he couldn't pronounce red when he was a kid, or ... well, his nickname is Rod, and it's clear the he has finally figured out what he wants to be: a writer!

Sadly, writing is an expensive endeavour. But, Rod had an epiphany while perusing the vast collection of Pathfinder articles at the Curious Goblin! Why not be like a Pathfinder and adventure? Make some easy gold, and then invest it into his literary career - it makes so much sense! But unlike a Pathfinder, he won't be writing about his adventures, about dusty old forgotten stuff and death. No, that's a Wyrdsmith kinda thing. A Wyrdfella writes about the colors of life.