DM Brainiac's Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Table 2

Game Master Brainiac

Reputation: Bunyip Club: -4, Runewatchers: 5, Sandpoint Cathedral: 15, Sandpoint Mercantile League: 1, Scarnetti Consortium: -7, Town Watch: 0, Townsfolk: 0

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Male human pitborn tiefling redeemer 5 | HP: 73/73 AC: 23; F: +12, R: +7, W: +10 | Focus Avail: 2/2 |Perc: +8/+10 (+2 Init) | Speed 20ft | Fauchard +14 2d8+4| conditions: Disrupting, snapleaf

Waiting on the feedback from the NPCs about what to do. I'll hop in with the assumption they're still deciding.

Zen shambles into the Tavern, clanking, and takes off his militia cloak, folding it neatly and putting it into his broad sack. He runs his hand through his hair, and touches his horns absentmindedly. "I told them; they're talking about it." He smiles slightly at Kaz, "sorry - I know it's important to you - but with all the problems Sandpoint has had - I mean, you're brilliant, I'm sure you wouldn't go messing with stuff that's too dangerous. But what about a kid?" He shakes his head, "and Zantus and Brodert had their own theories about what the negative energy of the ruins can do."

He glances around and takes a look at the pitcher of table beer, and pours himself a small cup, swirling it around, "sorry - I'm talking too much. But - I could take some time off, you know." He sips the drink, "most of the adventurers have moved on - we might be the only people with the skills to deal with these types of monsters" He taps his simple holy symbol and looks down at the table. "If this is a new - event?" He seemed to have trouble searching for the word, "I guess? - Sandpoint will need people who can defend it; who won't get scared."

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

The kick from Jeni causes Nadja to sit up for a moment, but she soon flops back down to sprawl her arm, head and shoulder on the table. Her other hand darts out to get the last piece of fish from her plate before Kaz finishes it off.

"Hey, Zen," she mumbles through the mouthful. "You want to go check out the Pit with us? It could be fun."

Her attention is drawn away when one of the mayor's nephews takes the open stage with a stringed instrument and starts playing a jaunty tune. "Hold that thought. Miska is really good."

She hops up from her seat and moves to the open spot before the stage and begins dancing to the music.

Perform (Dance): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

Kaz's smile quirks in amusement. "One hopes that it is already sufficiently difficult for unsupervised children to enter the sarcophagi of Father Zantus's interred guests. The Pit makes sense as a starting point for further inquiries once our business with Nualia is complete. I would rank our chances of finding something there as substantially more than infinitesimal, for what it's worth."

After that they lean back and watch Nadja dance, continuing to knead and pull at Astyanax's flesh until at last he's done and prepared for his next task. As a near identical doppelganger of Kaz, save for crimson pupils and irises, he gives a low mocking bow to the assembled friends, resettles his spectacles, and stalks off to save Kaz's spot at the library. Shifting over to Independent, Speech, Manual Dexterity, and Master's Form for the fun of it.


Zen consulted with several authority figures in town about what to do about the newly discovered ruins beneath the cathedral. Sheriff Hemlock quickly confesses that such matters aren't exactly in his wheelhouse, but he promises to assign a pair of constables to watch over the graveyard to ensure nobody comes in or out without prior authorization.

Father Zantus is still shocked at how close the ruins have been this entire time. Had the foundation of the cathedral’s basement been dug only a few feet deeper, these hidden chambers would have been discovered decades ago! However, their proximity makes him reluctant to just collapse the tunnels again until a thorough survey can be done as to the chambers' functions, especially the strange red pylons.

Brodert Quink also blanches at the thought of sealing up the tunnels right away. "Zen, my boy, think of all of the knowledge that you would be denying us! We still have only barely scratched the surface of the secrets of ancient Thassilon. This is too good an opportunity to pass up!"

He thanks Zen for the notes, and invites him and his friends to check back in later to help him with his research. Perhaps Brodert will be able to help unravel the mysteries of the strange red pylons...

You have gained 1 Repuation Point with the Runewatchers. You are now Liked by the Runewatchers! The Runewatchers invite the PCs to take part in their gatherings, and are also willing to offer some of the magic items from their collection for sale. The Runewatchers have a handful of magic items of 8th-level or lower you may choose from.

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

When Miska finishes his set, Nadja bounds up to him and plants a kiss on the young man's cheek. Then she returns to the table, cheeks flushed. "You didn't join me," she huffs, effecting a hurt expression but not directed to anyone specific. "I might have to see what Miska's doing later tonight. Or one of his brothers."

She catches the musician's eye and gives him a little wave. Then Nadja turns back to the table and looks for reactions.

Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

"I'm eating" Jeni says, though the real reason is dancing in front of the other people in the room is not something she desires. "And the brothers smell."

Male human pitborn tiefling redeemer 5 | HP: 73/73 AC: 23; F: +12, R: +7, W: +10 | Focus Avail: 2/2 |Perc: +8/+10 (+2 Init) | Speed 20ft | Fauchard +14 2d8+4| conditions: Disrupting, snapleaf

Zen raises his eyebrows at Nadia, ”I’m tired, Nadja.” He exhales and leans forward on the table with his elbows perched on the edge, and his hands on his cheeks, ”I had a long day.”

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

Nadja's pout becomes a little more pronounced when it doesn't seem like her companions are willing to keep up with her. "We fought goblin ghouls today. The Deverin brothers don't come close to that kind of stink," she retorts.

"Go to bed early if you want. I'm going to find whatever fun this town has to offer." With that, Nadja takes off, finding Miska or another young man close to her age and heading off to wherever there is music and dancing.

She returns to the theater early in the morning and only rises after her mother begins the tap dancing lessons directly over her head.


The time has come for the ritual to be performed. Abstalar summons you back to the Sandpoint Cathedral. There, he introduces you to his old friend Audrahni, who has just arrived this morning. Audrahni is a pale-skinned, dark-haired elven woman who dresses in somber colors and, unlike most elves, moves with a somewhat awkward gait and has a slumped posture. Despite this, the elf greets you with a friendly smile.

"Blessings of Ashava upon you. Abstalar has told me a lot about you all. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance," Audrahni says. "He has also filled me in about Nualia's sad story. Ashava is the empyreal lord of lonely spirits, and from what I understand, Nualia's soul is very likely the definition of one of those lonely spirits my faith urges me to guide and assist."

While Audrahni serves as the primary caster for the call spirit ritual, and Abstalar serves as its secondary caster, there remains a very important role for you to perform. Audrahni explains that the particulars of Nualia’s death, her past with Sandpoint, the passage of nearly two decades of time, and the desecration of her remains all make for a less than ideal set of circumstances for calling her spirit. It will take all of her focus, as well as Abstalar’s, to ensure that Nualia’s spirit can be properly called, and even then, there’s a chance that restless spirits might arrive as well. If this happens, Abstalar and Audrahni must focus on blocking those spirits from fighting their way through to potentially become dangerous undead—which would leave you with the responsibility of not only helping to shore up the ritual’s magic, but to be the ones to speak to Nualia’s spirit if she answers.

The best way to contact a spirit in this case, Audrahni explains, is under moonlight, and so she and Abstalar intend to perform the ritual at night in the open-air cathedral courtyard. They plan to perform the ritual an hour after sunset when the moon shines down into the courtyard. While moonlight is essential for the ritual, a few extra lanterns won’t hurt.

Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

"The goal is to put her to rest. How should we go about that?" Jeni asks her adoptive but estranged father.

"I'm willing to bet that Nualia still harbors anger towards this town and its people," Abstalar says to Jeni. "You will have to calm her down and convince her that we are genuinely sorry for the ill treatment that she suffered while she lived."

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

Nadja looks around at the others. "And that's a message you want us to give her? We weren't alive back then. How's it going to sound coming from us? 'Yeah, we want to pass along a message that the people of Sandpoint are really sorry about how they treated you, but they couldn't be arsed to tell you themselves.'"

She laces her fingers behind her back. "A full-on necromancer couldn't do a better job of whipping up some pissed-off undead."

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Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

Jeni's heart clenches, crushed under years of prejudice and still boiling from each and every one.

With an almost even tone, the young assimar says "You want ME to be a part of telling HER that this town has gotten better? That it is sorry with how it treated her? Da-" she stopped herself "Father Zantus, do you know what you are asking?" but she doesn't give her the opportunity to answer.

Instead she crosses her arms and agrees with her friend. "Nadja is right. This is a bad idea."

Male human pitborn tiefling redeemer 5 | HP: 73/73 AC: 23; F: +12, R: +7, W: +10 | Focus Avail: 2/2 |Perc: +8/+10 (+2 Init) | Speed 20ft | Fauchard +14 2d8+4| conditions: Disrupting, snapleaf

Zen looks sadly at the others, and nods, ”I’ll help if I can - but maybe you should try to get an offering or something from the townsfolk.”

Abstalar sighs. "I know it is asking a lot from you all. But I do not trust anybody else with this important task. The people of Sandpoint are a superstitious lot, and many of them still resent Nualia for the pain she inflicted on the town. But if we are ever going to break the cycle of pain that pushed her down that dark path, somebody has to be the first to step up and do so."

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Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

Jeni's hands curl up into fists as she stares at him. She looks ready to hit something, destroy everything, or just scream really really loud.

But she doesn't. Not around him. Ever.

Her body somehow relaxes, and she nods. Once.

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Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

Nadja's eyes narrow. "How about breaking the cycle by starting with Jeni? You're sounding about as tone deaf as Tobyn right now! It looks like you're using her to prove a point, but isn't that oh, I don't know, using her?!?"

She turns to Jeni. "Say the word, and we can go."

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Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

"I can find it in me to try to get Nualia somewhere in the vicinity of acceptance and forgiveness for her own sake, but as for the rest, the Gnat is completely correct. You're trying to build on a foundation more hollow than the cathedral's.

"Nualia's own father can no longer atone, but there are clearly those living who could learn from his bad example."

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Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

Jeni's control cracks just enough that her eyes start to water. Crying is not something she has done around other people since she was a child, completely lost to why people shied away from her, even feared and hated her.

Later, it was something she kept to herself, alone on really bad days.

Strong is what she wanted to be. Strong enough to not care.

But... she did. Turning her eyes to her friends, she found that reason to smile. Her brightness in three people form. She wiped her eyes really quick with the heel of her hand, her cheeks reddening a little with embarrassment for the spillage.

"Kaz is probably right, as always." she answers Nadja's declaration "About talking with her, for her sake at least." plus she could see the desire to help from Zen and the desire to learn from Kaz.

She'd stay for them.

Father Zantus winces at the backlash. "I know... I know I haven't been the best parent to you, Jeni. But I've tried. And I am continuing to try. Perhaps, if we can work together to healing this old wound, we can then work together towards mending fresher ones."

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Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

Jeni's face shot back to Father Zantus, blanched and pained.

HE was apologizing?? He had been perfect, it was them. The whispers, the stares, the outright disdain and contempt. Nothing, he had done nothing wrong, (other than not scream at all the hateful pointing or move them both somewhere else.)

She felt even worse than before but swallowed it all in one big gulp.

"Thank you. Father. I... I would like that." a complicated lie weaved in wanting back what they had before they knew what she was and the utter certainty that it would never ever happen.


That night, under the light of the moon, you gather in the cathedral's courtyard. After making sure you are prepared, Abstalar and Audrahni begin the ritual, their voices raising in prayer to Desna and to Ashava. Candles and incense burn in a circle around them as they prepare to part the veil to the Great Beyond.

However, only about ten minutes after the ritual begins, a harried-looking acolyte rushes into the courtyard. He gasps at the sight of the magic building around the two clerics, then he quickly hurries over to you. He brings worrying news—a small “mob” has gathered at the entrance to the cathedral, and they’re demanding to be let in to speak to Abstalar. The acolyte nervously asks you to help disperse the mob.

When you step outside, you find a group about two dozen concerned locals gathered at the cathedral entrance. Some carry torches and lanterns, but for the moment none appear to be armed with actual weapons. As you approach, you hear voices calling out, demanding to speak with Abstalar and voicing concern about “taunting the dead” or “toying with evil spirits.” Loudest among the voices is a young man hammering on the door with his fist—Charn Scarnetti, noted troublemaker and rabble-rouser.

"Cease your spells at once!" Charn demands. "We're not about to stand by while you invite a demon into our midst once more!"

You have several options for dispersing the crowd. Each PC can attempt once to do so, and at least two must succeed:

Assuaging the Locals:
Appeals: A PC can appeal to the mob’s sense of civility or try to instill a sense of shame for acting so uncivilized by attempting a DC 23 Society check.

Diplomacy: A PC can attempt a DC 19 Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on the crowd to soothe their anger, or merely promise that they’ll do their best to keep everything safe and will put a stop to the ritual themselves if things look dire.

Misdirection: A PC can outright lie to the crowd, either trying to convince them that the ritual is not happening tonight after all, or that Abstalar is not present and is out attending a sick patient, or otherwise distract them from their anger with a successful DC 20 Deception check.

Threats: A PC can match the crowd’s fury with their own, issuing threats of legal action, warnings that the mob might be making things worse by being distracting, or even hinting at the possibility of a fight by succeeding on a DC 18 Intimidation check.

Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

"You imbeciles! No demon is being called hither, but if you insist on bringing flame and rancor to a ritual of peace and reconciliation, you yourselves may draw one down upon all our heads!"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Intimidate - Hero Point: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

intimidation: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

These people... Jeni shakes her head, her deep well of anger ready to explode in all ways bad. She tries to reason with them, but it comes out in an sharp and hot "Father Zantus is performing the ritual! And if you think HE would summon a demon you are broken in head in more ways than we'd think just looking at your face, Scarnetti."

Her waters swirl into tight balls hovering over her shoulder, ten or so of them, ready to fling. "Kaz knows more than you ever will, if they say your distraction will endanger the Father, then You. Will. Leave."

obviously going with 'hinting at the possibility of a fight' of the intimidation options

Charn winces at the harsh words and threats you hurl at him. The rest of the locals are thoroughly cowed by Jeni's fierce display, backing away before scurrying off into the night. "This... this isn't over," Charn promises, though his words are rather listless. He turns and flees as well!


With the angry mob turned away, you return to the courtyard. The ritual proceeds without issue, shimmering motes of moonlight swirling about both Abstalar and Audrahni. Dancing spectral figures begin to appear as well as the veil between this life and the next starts to thin. After an hour, the ritual is almost complete. But then, suddenly, a new manifestation appears —shadowy skeletal shapes that begin to claw up from the ground and swipe at the dancing spirits. Audrahni quickly motions for you to approach and assist!

To fight back against the shadows that attempt to squeeze through the barrier between life and death, each PC must attempt the following activity. You need to earn at least 3 Victory Points to prevent bad things from happening!

You strive to prevent or push back against the shadowy spirits attempting to capitalize upon the call spirit ritual. Attempt an Arcana or Occultism check to help shore up the magic, an Intimidation check to frighten the spirits, a Performance check to join the dancing spirits and bolster them against the shadows, or a Religion check to push back against the spirits with prayer. Regardless of the skill chosen, it’s a DC 19 check for success.

Critical Success: The party earns 2 Victory Points.
Success: The party earns 1 Victory Point.
Critical Failure: The party loses 1 Victory Point.

Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

Jeni's lips curl slightly up before she masters herself and stops. Smiling cowing townsfolk seems wrong. A little Zen on her shoulder tells her so. Another figure on her other shoulder itches to have her call after them to F$** Off Forever... that one is Nadja.

Inside the ritual, she sees the dancing spirits, then shares a look with the real Nadja. A couple of nights ago her friend wanted her to join in with the dance. Today, she will actually listen.

acrobatics for performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 using Acrobatic Performer feat

Male human pitborn tiefling redeemer 5 | HP: 73/73 AC: 23; F: +12, R: +7, W: +10 | Focus Avail: 2/2 |Perc: +8/+10 (+2 Init) | Speed 20ft | Fauchard +14 2d8+4| conditions: Disrupting, snapleaf

Zen looked like he was going to try to disperse the crowd with calming words, but the others had their own reasons for reacting, and the effect was the same. He frowned at the departing townsfolk as he stood silently nearby and watched - fully armed and armored in the regalia of the militia, his hand gripping the shaft of his newly enchanted staff. He seemed to relax a little and nods at Jeni, ”good job,” and then watches over the crowd’s departure for a few more minutes.

When called to help, he turns back to the ritual, and tries to see if there’s anything he can do. He touches the holy symbol he carries and closes his eyes, whispering a prayer. Guidance if allowed.

arcana, guidance: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 1 = 25

Recalling evenings spent with Brodert - the young man thinks carefully about how to draw binding runes at the boundaries of the ritual circle - specifically to ward out the type of spirits assaulting Zantus. He quickly retrieves some pastels and scribbles them down where he thinks it’s appropriate, and though clumsy, he seems to know how to draw them to imbue the runes with a minor abjuration magic.

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

Nadja stayed silent during the tense scene with the near-mob of townsfolk. She was afraid if she'd opened her mouth she would talk herself into joining them rather than diverting them away.

Kaz and Jeni berated them sufficiently and cowed them into leaving, meaning that the ritual was cleared to proceed. Despite her misgivings, she stuck around to see if the ceremony would be a success.

When the dancing figures get attacked, Nadja leaps in, because if there's one thing she knows, it's how to fight off enemies while dancing (and looking good while doing it!).

Perform (dance): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Perform (dance), Hero Point: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

Avoiding the conjuration of shadows and dark things isn't quite Kaz's forte, but they still manage to to a credible job securing the boundaries of the ritual.

Arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

You hold back the restless spirits long enough for the ritual to be completed successfully. The air grows chill, then Nualia’s spirit rises up with a mournful cry. She appears as a ghostly version of how she appeared in life—an aasimar woman with long hair wearing a breastplate that leaves her scarred abdomen exposed, her left hand a demonic claw and her eyes glowing with white light. Her entire ghostly form sheds a pulsing blue-green glow, an amplification of the moonlight into which she has been called.

As Audrahni feared, the particulars of this ritual have left her and Abstalar in a trance, their bodies swaying as they dance with the swirling vortex of moonlit spirits. As her mournful cry tapers off, Nualia settles into a position floating just off the ground, not far from Abstalar and Audrahni. She peers closely at them, focuses more intently on Abstalar, and then says in a haunting voice, “I remember you... why did you call upon me... you hated me... you all hated me...”

With Abstalar unable to respond, it falls on you to speak to Nualia...

The conversation with Nualia is an influence encounter. Each influence round lasts 1 minute. The ritual has a 10 minute duration, so you have 10 rounds to influence her.

Discovery Skills: Demon Lore, Perception, Society
Influence Skills: Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Religion (to note that it's not too late for her to make choices that might save her from being sent to the Abyss when her soul is judged), Society (to remind Nualia that her life in Sandpoint had some good points)

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

"Hate? Why-- well, that's a strong word. Of course we don't hate you!" Nadja blurts out. "We're worried about you! That's not hate! We're afraid your soul is going to get ground up in the Abyss for all eternity! The people of Sandpoint don't want that! They-- we all want to save you! We forgive you! It's not too late for you!"

Deception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Nadja puts her best sweet-and-earnest face on, burying her cynicism as she lies through her teeth.

Male human pitborn tiefling redeemer 5 | HP: 73/73 AC: 23; F: +12, R: +7, W: +10 | Focus Avail: 2/2 |Perc: +8/+10 (+2 Init) | Speed 20ft | Fauchard +14 2d8+4| conditions: Disrupting, snapleaf

society, discovery skill: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Zen tries to figure out the best way he can help Nualia before he speaks, based on what he knows about Sandpoint.

Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Here she is, the woman that had made her life hell. But looking at her made her rage suddenly slip away.

"How... how did you deal with it? Being different, being feared and shunned." the young aasimar steps forward, her face open, searching for an answer, even though she knows she is supposed to be placating.

Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

Kaz racks his brain for minutia, any of the flotsam and jetsam of this unfortunate woman's life that might give them a handhold now...

Sandpoint Lore (discovery): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

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"Hmph," Nualia huffs in response to Nadja, giving her words the benefit of the doubt for now. She turns to Jeni and floats closer, staring at the kineticist's features. "Ah. You are like me. Cursed with heavenly blood. You want to know how I dealt with being different? I killed my adoptive father by burning down the church while he was still inside. Then I orchestrated a goblin raid to steal his remains to try to burn them as an offering to Lamashtu so that I could transcend my accursed mortal form. And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling heroes!"

Zen is able to determine that reminding Nualia about the good points of her life would be the easiest approach towards influencing her. (Society is the skill with the lowest DC.)

Meanwhile, Kaz remembers the horrible treatment Nualia's adoptive father, Ezakien Tobyn, put her through. Mentioning him will no doubt invoke her fury, but censuring or condemning his acts may help get Nualia to put stock in your words.

You have gained 2 Influence Points. Everybody may make rolls for the next round.

Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

Jeni knew the stories, but it is another thing all together to hear them from Nualia. Especially so close. "I... I've wanted to do things like that. Smaller things." she corrected "Like throw someone through a window or kick the teeth out of someone over and over... but not to my adoptive father. He was always good to me, unlike yours. He was a monster."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Male human pitborn tiefling redeemer 5 | HP: 73/73 AC: 23; F: +12, R: +7, W: +10 | Focus Avail: 2/2 |Perc: +8/+10 (+2 Init) | Speed 20ft | Fauchard +14 2d8+4| conditions: Disrupting, snapleaf

society, guidance if allowed: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 1 = 20

Zen looks contemplative, ”I heard some of the stories. There was a lot of cruelty. But I also faced some of the same thing - and not everyone was cruel to me. Can you remember anyone who didn’t treat you poorly? My mom spoke kindly of you at least, every time we visited.” Everything he’s saying is true!

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

Nadja takes a step forward, balling her hands into fists. "Nualia, you didn't get away with it because you didn't need to. Your actions made the people of Sandpoint realize that they were to blame! They treated you so bad, but they realize it now! And they feel awful! It's not your fault. Sandpoint, the people, we are asking for your forgiveness! We understand why you did what you did during those awful days, and we forgive you! You don't have to go to Lamashtu for acceptance anymore."

Deep down, Nadja doesn't believe it. But she says the things she hopes Nualia wants to hear.
Deception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

"Once you were long it didn't take long for everyone to realize how badly awry your father had gone, the cruelties, the impossible expectations. I know that others like you who had been wronged by those who were supposed to guard and guide them, flocked to your banner. It's a very human response at the end of the day.

"However, that very human rage was still something you chose to unleash, and not just on those who had stoked it, but on anyone near them. Do you know, by chance, the list of the Swallowtail Slain? They did not all hurt you. Is that still the best idea you have?"

Sandpoint Lore (Influence): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Nualia's expression begins to soften, with sorrow beginning to replace her anger. "Perhaps you are right. I have harbored bitterness in my heart towards the people of Sandpoint for so long. But now I mourn for them. As with Chopper before me, I was but an early doom to come to this town. The worst is yet to come. There are seven dooms in Sandpoint's future, and they will finish what was begun so long ago.

"You say you want my forgiveness? I cannot give it to you. Those who taunted and tormented me while I lived forced me down my dark path. By doing so, they doomed their children more than anything I could have ever done."

You now have 6 Influence Points with Nualia. Everybody may roll for the next social round.

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Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

Kaz flicks their hand out in an involuntary tic when Nualia veers off target, but makes themself pause to take in that rage before trying to respond to it.

Sandpoint Lore (Influence): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

"The history of this town has always been written in blood. Murders spattered the founding charter before they were signed with ink. But that was Sandpoint's beginning, not its end. That spilled blood led to the disparate parties finding a new pact that they could live with, a way forward that brought better ends than still more blood.

"That is the choice now before you. Even as you regret them, you cannot withdraw your deeds, nor can your father, nor can those who followed in his footsteps. Of course you cannot forget the past, but you must look towards the best path that can still be walked."

Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
hero point
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Jeni listened to Kaz, and when he finished she frowned "Forgiveness for those that tormented and taunted, I don't think I can do that either. But there had to be people who were not bad." like her friends, like her father "And the children who have done nothing. If you cannot forgive the people, you could forgive the town for those that weren't."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

"If you can find it in yourself to mourn for Sandpoint, that means you're sad to see it facing all these 'dooms' you're talking about. That's progress! All you need to do is say you forgive us and your soul will be redeemed and you won't have to go to the Abyss for everlasting torment! That's a win for everybody!"

Deception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

"Besides, the kids are all right. That's us. We've already exorcized ghosts, slain ghouls, killed demons, cleared out haunted mansions... we're pretty much this generation's heroes of Sandpoint. So relax. We've got this."

Your words prove to be quite persuasive. At last, sadness fully replaces Nualia's anger. She sighs and slumps her shoulders. "Forgiveness from those who never wronged me directly is a bitter salve. I invite you to seek me out in the land of the dead once the Pit disgorges its seven dooms upon you all. Then, perhaps, I'll be ready to consider forgiving those who ruined my life, for they'll have the wisdom of the far side of the grave at last."

The ghost of Nualia begins to fade away, returning to the Boneyard. As she goes, she offers one final warning: "Not all who have plagued Sandpoint lie still, and new enemies work in the shadows. I do not wish these seven dooms upon Sandpoint, but one does, and that one hearkens on red wings. Unless you can delve the Pit in time, you will not escape his fires."

Then she is gone.

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Male human pitborn tiefling redeemer 5 | HP: 73/73 AC: 23; F: +12, R: +7, W: +10 | Focus Avail: 2/2 |Perc: +8/+10 (+2 Init) | Speed 20ft | Fauchard +14 2d8+4| conditions: Disrupting, snapleaf

Zenobius was quiet during the end of the speech, but he seems to grow very tense. The young man watched her carefully, and nodded in appreciation, holding his holy symbol tightly and whispering a prayer to the Redeemer Queen.

When she finishes, he exhales as if he was holding his breath. ”the Pit. The fires of the Abyss. I feel a tug on my soul at her words…” He whispers to himself, Nocticula, I beg of you, grant me a measure of strength to resist the abyssal corruption, as you once had. He closes his eyes and speaks quickly to himself, whispering secret prayers to the daughter of the night.

When his eyes open, the corners are laden with tears and he shudders. He watches the spot where she faded away. In a cracked voice, he adds ”The whispers of forbidden knowledge, secret temptations, a never-sated lust - they echo from below. Doom is already upon us.” There may be a note of uncharacteristically bitter resignation, but it’s hard to tell.

He shakes his head, as if clearing it, and turns back to Father Zantus, ”is she at rest, Father?”

Abstalar and Audrahni sigh heavily as the ritual magic fades away. Both of them appear to be haggard and drained. Abstalar manages a weak shrug. "I do not think she is at rest, not fully. But we have started her soul on the proper path to salvation. Thank you for being here with us. I must rest now, but I will ruminate on what Nualia said. Return here tomorrow morning and we will speak further."

You have gained 1 Reputation Point with the Sandpoint Cathedral! You are now Admired by them! Spellcasting services for healing and recovery are free; prices for other spellcasting services are half off. The prices for healing or items at the cathedral decrease to 90% of regular asking price.

Human Swashbuckler 5 HP 59/68| AC 22 (23) | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perception +9 | Panache? N |Hero Points 1| Opportune Riposte: Attack

Nadja claps her hands together. "So, who wants to go with me to tell Charn Scarnetti the ritual went off without a hitch? I'm sure he'd love to know the good news!" She grins, but the slightly mad glint in her eye says she's serious.

Nonbinary (they/he) Human Wizard of Breached Boundaries 5 - HP 58/58| AC 20 | F +12 R +11 W +9 | Perception +7 | Focus 1/1 |Hero Points 1| Long Term Buffs: Mystic Armor

"Hmm? Very well. I enjoy rubbing someone's nose in things as much as the next person. Probably worth investigating the more local Pit rather than retreating entirely to the extraplanar for Nualia's warning afterwards."

Preliminary Investigations:
Researching the Pit

The Pit has long been known to the locals as a place of danger. Simply asking around to Gather Information is an excellent way to learn more about the site; each attempt to do so takes 2 hours of work. Alternatively, a PC can attempt to Recall Information about the Pit on their own. Finally, Brodert Quink’s collection of lore likely holds additional secrets; these checks take 1 hour.


Gathering Information: Many locals have their own stories and tall tales about the Pit; Maximum RP 5
Research Checks: DC 19 Diplomacy

Recall Knowledge: Any PC with the right skills can attempt to remember information about the Pit; Maximum RP 5
Research Checks: DC 17 Sandpoint Lore, DC 19 Society

Consulting Brodert Quink: Brodert has a large collection of old books and tomes that contain bits and pieces of information about the Pit; Maximum RP 5
Research Checks: DC 19 Academia Lore or Library Lore, DC 21 Perception

Hellstorm Focus

If the PCs want to learn more about the strange slabs of stone they discovered under the cathedral, their two best bets are to seek out the aid of local sage Brodert Quink, or simply to spend time on site, examining the runes and studying the magic that infuses the Hellstorm Focus. Each research check takes 1 hour.


Consulting Brodert Quink: Sandpoint’s local expert on Thassilonian lore is always eager to chat about his favorite subject; Maximum RP 4
Research Checks: DC 17 Academia Lore, Library Lore, or Arcana; DC 19 Diplomacy

On-Site Investigation: The Hellstorm Focus reveals some of its secrets to those who spend time examining the site in person; Maximum RP 4
Research Checks: DC 24 Arcana or Occultism

Rionugget Rumors

If the PCs heard Ripnugget’s name mentioned in the warrens below the boneyard during Chapter 1, they may wish to ask around town to find out if anyone knows anything more. Doing so requires a successful DC 15 Gather Information check and 2 hours of work, but regardless of success or not, anyone over the age of 25 or so who’s asked about Ripnugget curses the goblin’s name, spit, makes superstitious signs of protection from evil, or gets a haunted look as memories of the goblin raid on Sandpoint 17 years ago resurface in their mind.

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Female human aasimar hydrokineticist 5 | her image | HP: 68/68 AC: 22; F: +13, R: +12, W: +9 Resist Cold 5 | Perc: +7 | Speed 25ft | Blast +12, 2d8+3 | hero point: 1 | conditions: antiplague +2 fort, scouting

Jeni has a lot to think about but has a smug vindictive side in her like everyone else. She looks at Zen, and amends to 'almost' everyone else. So she agrees to go tell the jackhole Scarnetti how wrong he was.

While they are in whatever establishment they are in when they find the waste of skin, she asks around about the Pit.

diplomacy for THE PIT RESEARCH: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

The reverend's daughter adopted her tightly controlled personality, not letting her nervous anger around other people bubble out. The benefit is that she simply lets people talk instead of injecting tidbits and such, and people So loved to talk.

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