[Outpost VII]#3-99: Fate in the Future - GM Ilmakis (Inactive)

Game Master Ilmakis

RPG Chronicles
Slides Tabletop

Current Characters

Chaos Beast

Venture-Captain, Online PBP
(254 posts)
Harrowed Summoning
Radiant Oath Charlies

[GDXIII S05-19] Male Versatile Human Angelic Avenger Summoner 6 | Eidolon Estes | Eidolon Contact | HP 86/86 w Toughness (restoring 1 HP/min), AC 24 w +1 Studded Leather Armor (26 w Steel Shield raised), Fortitude** +12, Reflex* +11, Will** +12, Perception** +12, Stealth +3 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

played by Frozen Frost (383 posts)
Horizon Hunters Dennis the Menace

Male Human Fighter 6 | HP 86/86 | AC 25 | F+12, R+10 (bulwark+3), W+12 (bravery) | Perc +12 (+1 visual) | Exp Mode: Scout | Speed 25' | Hero: 2 | Conditions: none

played by Professor Plum (330 posts)
Lion Blade
Estes, Charlies' Angel

Male Angelic Avenger Eidolon 6 | Summoner Charlies | HP 86/86, AC 24 Unarmored (25 w Protect Companion), Fortitude** +14 Reflex* +11 Will** +12, Perception** +12 (darkvision), Stealth +3 | Speed 25 ft | ◆◇↺

played by Frozen Frost (38 posts)
Wayfinder of the Planes
GM Ilmakis


played by Ilmakis (2,204 posts)
Clegg Zincher
Envoy's Alliance Jaxon Richter

male human rogue 6 | HP 80/80| AC 24 (25 w/shield) | F +11 R +12 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +12 | speed 25 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

played by Enchanter Tim (506 posts)
Vigilant Seal Princess Clover

Female Poppet Thaumaturge 6 (needs leveling) | HP 61/61 | AC 23 | F+11 R+11 W+9; resist cold and electricity 1 | Perc +9; Darkvision | Class DC 21 | Speed 25ft | Hero Points: 1 | Exploration: Investigate | Active Conditions: None

played by Super Zero (205 posts)
Grand Archive Radim Vesperra

m N human Ranger 5 | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W+11 | Perc +11 | Speed 30' | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1

played by ‘Eκάτη (189 posts)
Sun Priestess
Radiant Oath Zhamie Zhapp

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

played by UncleFroggy (452 posts)