Lion Blade

Estes, Charlies' Angel's page

38 posts. Alias of Frozen Frost.


HP 99/99, AC 25 Unarmored (26 w Protect Companion), Fortitude** +15 Reflex* +12 Will** +13, Perception** +13 (darkvision), Stealth +3 |


Speed 25 ft | ◆◇↺


Male Angelic Avenger Eidolon 7 | Summoner Charlies |

About Estes, Charlies' Angel

Name Estes
Eidolon Type Angelic Avenger
Summoner Charlies
Size & Reach Medium (5 ft) Speed 25 ft Languages Celestial

STR +4^, DEX +3, CON +4, INT -1, WIS +2, CHA +0
HP 99/99, AC 25 Unarmored (26 w Protect Companion), Fortitude** +15, Reflex* +12, Will** +13, Perception** +13 (darkvision)
Acrobatics* +12
Arcana -1
Crafting -1
Deception +0
Intimidation +0
Medicine** +14
Nature* +11
Occultism -1
Performance* +9
Religion*** +16
Society -1
Stealth +3
Survival +2
Thievery +3

Melee ◆ [Primary Attack] +1 Striking Vitalizing Fist (trip) +16 Damage 2d8+6 B, 1d6 persistent vitality damage vs undead (and Enfeebled 1 on Crit Hit), and 1 spirit damage (from Hallowed Strikes) vs unholy creatures and those with weakness to spirit damage
> [dice=+1 Striking Vitalizing Fist (Primary) Attack]1d20+16[/dice]
> [dice=Damage, Eidolon Weapon Spec., Boost Eidolon]2d8+6+4[/dice] bludgeoning damage, [dice]1d6[/dice] persistent vitality damage vs undead (and Enfeebled 1 on Crit Hit), and 1 spirit damage (from Hallowed Strikes) vs unholy creatures or those with weakness to spirit damage

Melee ◆ [Secondary Attack] +1 Striking Vitalizing Wing (agile, finesse) +16 Damage 2d6+6 B, 1d6 persistent vitality damage vs undead (and Enfeebled 1 on Crit Hit), and 1 spirit damage (from Hallowed Strikes) vs unholy creatures and those with weakness to spirit damage
> [dice=+1 Striking Vitalitizing Wing (Secondary) Attack, Agile, Finesse]1d20+16[/dice]
> [dice=Damage, Eidolon Weapon Spec., Boost Eidolon]2d6+6+4[/dice] bludgeoning damage, [dice]1d6[/dice] persistent vitality damage vs undead (and Enfeebled 1 on Crit Hit), and 1 spirit damage (from Hallowed Strikes) vs unholy creatures or those with weakness to spirit damage

Evolution Feat Glider Form – Your eidolon evolves wings, a buoyant body, or some other means to control descent. It glides slowly toward the ground, 5 feet down and up to 25 feet forward through the air. As long as it spends at least 1 action gliding each round and has not yet reached the ground, it remains in the air at the end of your turn.
Ediolon Ability (initial) Hallowed Strikes – Your eidolon's attacks are hallowed by the celestial realms. Your eidolon's unarmed Strikes gain the holy trait and deal 1 extra spirit damage to unholy creatures and creatures with weakness to holy.; as usual, this extra damage harms only evil creatures or those with a weakness to good damage. Additionally, your eidolon can make nonlethal attacks with its unarmed attacks without taking the usual –2 circumstance penalty.
Eidolon Ability (symbiosis) Traveler’s Aura – Your eidolon emanates a powerful aura—resembling that of an astral deva—that protects creatures as they travel. The aura has the abjuration, aura, and divine traits. Your eidolon and its allies within a 20-foot emanation are protected from severe heat and cold, and your eidolon is never flat-footed to creatures inside the aura that are of a lower level than the eidolon. When you gain the transcendence class feature, this evolves to the full benefits of an astral deva; your eidolon and allies in the aura are protected from environmental damage from any plane, including severe and extreme heat and cold as well as more unusual dangers.