GM Erich's #2-13 A Gilded Test (1-4) for Gameday XIII

Game Master Thereus, Silver Crusader

Called to the Taldan capital city of of Oppara, a group of Pathfinders quickly find themselves assigned to investigate a clandestine fighting tournament taking place in the city streets. However, there’s more to this tournament than meets the eye, and the PCs must quickly uncover the true motives behind those holding for these brutal bouts. Can the PCs learn the truth before they find themselves too caught-up in the event to escape?

Written by Kalervo Oikarinen

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Grand Lodge

Salt of the Ocean ||| A Gilded Test ||| xxx3

Several of you know a bit about the situation...

About the Politics at hand:
You know that while Grand Princess Eutropia managed to secure a firm grip on the crown of Taldor during the recent civil war, there are still factions within the nation that would be happy to see someone else on the throne—preferably, someone they could more easily control.

To the warrior's bluster, Muesello just shrugs. “I mean, the usual suspects like the Aspis Consortium could always be involved, though there’s no indication of that from what we’ve learned so far. There are potential adversaries both foreign and domestic that might want to harm my friend and their allies, but there’s no point in idle speculation. Stay low-key on our end and see where the evidence takes you.”

Turning to Amanita's question, he nods. "Hmm, I suspect that these tournaments have a hidden purpose beyond earning coin from illegal street fights—especially with combatants disappearing. They could lead to trouble for us and our friends in Taldor in the future.”

He leaves you with this.... "Despite the normalcy and civility you see around you here in Oppara, this country still rests on a knife's edge. Here you may need these." Scooping up the wayfinders from the table, he in turn hands over a satchel that contains a minor healing potion for each of you.

If there are no more questions, you can stock up on supplies... don't forget your Pathfinder provisions for your level. Also, we seem to have 5 extra GM glyph hero points for the six of you, so one of you will have to go without the extra hero point. Any volunteers?

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