AbadarCorp Entertainment |
The insectile ghibranis of Elytrio live divided, with husk ghibranis living in the harsh desert wastelands and membrane ghibranis living a pampered life in automated cities. Inspired by positive relations with the Starfinder Society, two ghibranis are spearheading a social movement aimed at bridging this cultural divide—with limited success. Undeterred, the ghibranis Dystane and Klarima are planning a joint cultural event, intended to mend bridges, forge friendships, and foster understanding between their people. Who better to help them than the Starfinder Society? Travel to Elytrio to put on the grandest celebration Elytrio’s seen since the Gap!
Ainsley Torar |
You see a hobgoblin approaching in somewhat fashionable clothing. Ainsley has heard of a party and they are ready to party! They smile as they stroll in. Name's Ainsley, I've lived in a few different places, but currently on Absalom Station. Some interesting times these days with the Society...
Jekcedo |
You see a shirren wearing a concert T-shirt walk in fumbling with their com unit trying to turn their music off.
"Sorry I just got back from vacation, I still need to change into my mission gear, and hit the supply store before we take off."
Jek finally gets their com unit put away
"Nice to meet you Ainsley, I'm Jekcedo, most people just call me Jek, I'm a battle medic, I trained over on Aikton. Interesting times, you got that right, I wonder where they will send us next?"
Elwin the Technomancer |
A tall elf with topaz blue eyes and a completely bald head enters. He wears light armor, has a pistol and survival knife at his belt and various bags and packs with techno gear, tool kits and a small computer with him.
He smiles to the two already present. "Well. I'm early for once! The transit system is actually on time today! MY name is Elwin. Nice to meet you."
Bodie 705 |
A broad-shoulder golem makes its way into the room, followed closely by a middle-aged human man. Both bear Iomadae's blade on their chests. The man carries a tablet while the golem carries paired heavy firearms slung over its shoulders.
"Well met." he says. "I'm Brother Tim, of Her Lady's Church of Iomadae & the Knights of Golarion. This is my champion, Bodacious Creed, also a Knight. We've come to provide support for the upcoming festivities, both spiritual & martial, as needs be.
With a nod to the golem that's at least a foot taller than him & outmasses him by a significant amount as well, Brother Tim finishes with "You may as well great our companions, Bodacious."
Overly large golem fists grasp either side of the golem's head & with a twist & a pop, they remove a helmet revealing the toothy smile & buzz-cut black hair of a half-orc.
He flashes a hang loose sign & nods.
"Bodacious Creed, Knight on the loose, surfing the waves of the cosmos. You can call me Bodie. How're all you brahs & wahines doing today? I heard there was gonna be a par-tay?"
Brother Tim rolls his eyes.
Ears |
"I'm Ears. Researcher. Teacher. But the Society employees me as a glorified mechanic."
The sleekly brown-furred ysoki with a streak of white between his ears and over his jowls stands in the doorway. His fur is clean and luxurious looking; his temmpweave armor, immaculate. Two pistols, and a knife hang off his belt.
Jekcedo |
Jek recognizes a familiar pair of ears entering the room.
"Ears, good to see again, fur's grown back nicely from that grenade I see."
Aluradux Hass |
A tall, attractive, female lashunta strides confidently into the briefing room. Her lashunta armor is accessorized with bits of brightly colored clothing. She would look right at home in a fancy and expensive nightclub. She flashes a cheerful smile and greets everyone with a wave. "Hi everyone. I'm Aluradux Hass. This is my first mission in quite awhile. I've been off doing a lot of promotional work for Daddy's firm. I understand we're going to host a party of some sort, is that right? Sounds like a lot of fun!"
Elwin the Technomancer |
Elwin smiles as the half orc unmasks. "Nice to meet you!"
He stands and greets the others also walking in. "Nice to meet you all! A party would be a nice change of pace from the usual mission!"
Lots of techno mages! Could be great! Should be fun either way!
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
Did any of your characters play in 1-04, 1-29, 2-00 or 3-00?
It's the Society's private docking bays on Absalom Station where we meet our group, ready for an audience with Venture-Captain Arvin.
Venture-Captain Arvin ducks out of the way of a team of porters who load crate after crate of food into the cargo bay of the Loreseeker, a sleek Pegasus-class starship without any stress fractures.
“Thanks for meeting me here, Starfinders,” Arvin says as he fondly pats the side of the ship. “The Loreseeker is one of our finest and most reliable starships. It’s been in operation for well over a decade, kept hundreds of Starfinders safe, and brought back countless discoveries. One of those discoveries was the location of a planet in the Vast called Elytrio, which was devastated by thermonuclear war several hundred years ago. Today, the local ghibrani people are divided into two different groups called the husks and the membranes. They have distinct cultural traditions, societal structure, and physical characteristics, and have remained isolated from one another for a few centuries.”
“When you arrive on Elytrio, you’ll be met by Dystane and Klarima, old friends of the Starfinder Society. They’re planning a social event intended to bring the husks and membranes together to bond as a community, and they want the Starfinder Society to participate. They’ve asked us to help ensure the smooth operation of the event and then enjoy the celebration as honored guests. In short, your job is to support them in any way you can.”
Venture-Captain Arvin gestures to the porters still loading crates into the cargo hold. “As special guests, it’s important that we don’t arrive empty handed. As you can see, I’ve ordered these crates of food from different planets of the Pact Worlds that you can bring to share. I’ll let you decide how and where you want to use them.”
Arvin then uploads a small dossier on Elytrio to each of your datapads (See Handouts).
You'll also need this Arvin says as he hands the group a a Tetrad certified translator It'll help you communicate with the Ghibrani. I admit the device is a bit cumbersome, but it's better than using hand gestures
You can ask questions to Arvin. This time, we don't have any know-before-you-go rolls
Elwin the Technomancer |
i've played 1-03 with this character, which is the first one, correct? I remember playing him in 3-00 but it's not listed in his list on the Paizo site. Will have to look at chronicle sheets to be sure but right now i'm 95% sure I played him in that.. anyway, yes, did play the first scenario where we met these folks.
Elwin laughs. "A good communicator would be nice for sure. I've been there once for the initial contact. Has the Starfinder society had many more dealings with both groups? What is the current political situation there?"
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
1-03 is the first mission to Elytrio. I'm asking for 1-04 (Cries From the Drift), 1-29 (Honorbound Emissary) or 3-00 (Last Bite). From your campaign page, it looks like you played 3-00 with GM Dennis, but with The Freeman
Jekcedo |
have not played any of those
Jek looks up from their com unit as they search the infosphere for music, looking for something liked by both the Ghibrani husks and the membranes or if they each have their own music they like.
"Is this a diplomatic mission that would benefit from formal or other culturally appropriate clothing?
Looking at their com unit again, Jek bookmarks a few links to look up later
"Are there any groups on Elytrio that are against reuniting husk and membrane culture?"
Ears |
Jek recognizes a familiar pair of ears entering the room.
"Ears, good to see again, fur's grown back nicely from that grenade I see."
"Jek! Yeah! The fur's come back in. If you want to show me any other battle techniques like that -- just don't." The ysoki reaches up to to shake the shirren's hand with both of his own.
Kludde, Ears played in 1-03 and 1-04.
Ears also takes a quick dive into the offered data, using his computer. "Interesting. I thought for sure the membranes and husks would break into civil war. " He thinks over the data a little more.
"VC Arvin, have the planetary defenses been disarmed? They nearly shot down my ship on my first visit there."
Jekcedo |
Jek still feeling bad about inspiring Ears to drop a grenade on himself, gets excited to show Ears Jek's new grenade.
"Looks what I got here, this should help avoid that situation again."
Jeks pulls out a grenade and holds it up.
"Next time we are up against a swarm I got this, it's an anti-swarm grenade, this could have prevented both of us from needing to blow ourselves up! The new mission sounds more like a diplomatic situation hopefully won't need any grenades at all."
Ainsley Torar |
Ainsley has not played any of these scenarios, even though as a player, I have played all except 1-29
So basically this is a combination of a diplomatic and a logistics mission. I think I have the logistics end of this down. From a diplomatic standpoint, is there any of our expected guests needing additional attention or protection? Any specific or targetted potential for trouble, aside from what Jekcedo mentioned? Anyone have any rivals or enemies?
Also so I do not forget - precog rolls.
precog 1: 1d20 ⇒ 14
precog 2: 1d20 ⇒ 4
precog 3: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Aluradux Hass |
Aluradux has played 3-00. If it matters, I have played 1-03, 1-04, 1-29 and 3-00 on another character.
As Arvin hands the translator to the group a tiny hand reaches out from the handbag slung over Aluradux's shoulder and tries to grab it. "Oh no you don't, you rascal. That's not for you." The Lashunta steps away from the device. Reaching into her bag she extracts a tiny fuzzy bipedal creature with an oversized head and enormous eyes. She scratches him behind the ears to distract him from the new tech toy and he relaxes, clearly enjoying the attention.
Aluradux laughs and introduces her friend to the starfinders. "Everyone. Meet Snafu. He's a glitch gremlin I caught chewing on the data cables at Daddy's information center. He's part of the reason they were having such trouble. The little dickens can really get into some mischief. One of you can keep the translator. I spent much of my downtime for the last year or so studying what we know of the Ghibran language. Fascinating stuff. I can't wait to get down there and actually speak to some of the Ghibrani in person."
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
"Are there any groups on Elytrio that are against reuniting husk and membrane culture?"
Elwin laughs. "A good communicator would be nice for sure. I've been there once for the initial contact. Has the Starfinder society had many more dealings with both groups? What is the current political situation there?"
Relationship building is pretty much the point of this event, it’s meant to bring together the husks and membranes in a friendly environment, foster positive interactions, and create bonds of community. Other than that, we don't know much. I’m sure our allies will provide more details when you arrive.
"Is this a diplomatic mission that would benefit from formal or other culturally appropriate clothing?
We're there to help out, which is also why we're bringing food. Elytrio isn’t the most forgiving of environments. This is a Starfinder mission, though, so nobody will be surprised if you bring your adventuring gear.
While the membranes never lack for food, many husk communities endure regular bouts of hunger and famine. Recent innovations in water redemption and drought-resistant crops have helped, but I want all the citizens of Elytrio to enjoy some well-deserved abundance.
"VC Arvin, have the planetary defenses been disarmed? They nearly shot down my ship on my first visit there."
Yes, that shouldn't give you any trouble this time around. Oh, and we patched the holes in that ship. It should give you no trouble. Most of the time.
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
The Loreseeker is an old ship, with patched-up holes, but sleek and well-maintained. On board, it has a well-stocked library of both informational and educational titles. There's also plenty of opportunity to swab the decks. There's also some maintenance tasks that need to be performed, though the capacitor array seems to be just fine..
The journey to Elytrio takes 5d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 3, 3) = 10 days of travel through the Drift. As the Loreseeker exits the Drift, a cheery voice hails it from a planetary comm unit on the surface, speaking in fluent Common. “Welcome, Starfinders. This is Klarima. Let me provide you with landing coordinates!”
most of Elytrio is irradiated desert wastelands, though isolated green areas of vegetation exist in remote canyons, within the protected dome of the one surviving city, Arkeost, and in the scrubby little gardens near Shelter, the home of the husk ghibranis. Near the landing area coordinates, there are areas of cultivated green space forming a sprawling set of fairgrounds. This large rectangular and artificial park stands out starkly from the surrounding rust-colored sands of Elytrio
After landing, as the doors open from the Loreseeker, a pair of ghibranis are waiting for the Starfinders
“Starfinders! Welcome!” a delicate insectile woman with fluttering wings flies forward, arms extended in a welcoming gesture. “We’re so pleased you could make the trip, and that you will be helping us with our upcoming festival. I’m Klarima, and this is my good friend, Dystane.”
Klarima points to her stocky colleague, a somewhat taciturn and sturdy insectile woman dressed in practical leathers, who raises one arm in greeting. “Welcome to the Elytrio Fairgrounds!”
Behind Klarima is a park with sprawling paths, plazas, trees, and many temporary buildings. “Much like the Starfinder Society, AbadarCorp has proven to be an excellent ally to my people. Their surveyors found underground water in an aquifer, and even grew trees from preserved Elytrio seedstock that we found. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Most of us have never seen so much green in one place.”
“Might want to tell them what they’re going to be doing,” Dystane prods in a low and amused voice. “Perhaps about the special guest?”
“Oh, of course! Sorry!” Klarima flutters around. “We ask that you help us with four tasks so that we can start the festival on time. Many visitors have arrived early, but most will be arriving tomorrow. We also ask you to escort another of our special guests around during your stay, to make sure that they have a good time and leave with a good impression of us!”
Ears |
Computers: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
During the approach to Elytrio, Ears jumps onto the chair beside the sensor console and begins scanning the planet. He grumbles, "One of the few planets that make Akiton look good." "OH! That is different. They've managed an oasis of sorts near the landing coordinates."
The ysoki spends the rest of the approach focusing the sensors on the ghibrani's new garden.
On planet, Ears returns the natives' greetings. "On behalf of the Starfinder Society, we are eager to help in any way possible. We've brought a number of Pact World delicacies to supplement your table."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
On Ears Elytrio mission no one had diplomacy skill points, or a great charisma. So he took a correspondence course when he got back to Absalom Station.
Elwin the Technomancer |
1-03 is the first mission to Elytrio. I'm asking for 1-04 (Cries From the Drift), 1-29 (Honorbound Emissary) or 3-00 (Last Bite). From your campaign page, it looks like you played 3-00 with GM Dennis, but with The Freeman
Thank you. And yes, it was Freeman that played 3-00. I was making sure i had my scenarios right, think that Elwin had been here before. :)
"Well, good to see some green."
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
That's very nice of you to bring supplies! Klarima says
“Oh, and allow me to introduce the special guest” Klarima continues. “He is the salvage captain who brought the husks our first emergency supplies, courtesy the Starfinder Society,” Dystane says, with some emotion in her voice. “And then he kept coming, with more supplies that he scrounged up from everywhere. He must have asked dozens of different charity organizations in the Pact Worlds and Veskarium for the aid he brought us. He’s one of our biggest heroes.
“As for the tasks, we're going to need some of your help!” Klarima enthuses. “Here is a list!”
You'll have to perform four out of six tasks. I'll let you guys decide which four - the list is on the handouts
I'll use the two-vote rule here: first tasks with two votes is next in line
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
We meet again! Yuzulak says to Aluradux and Ears with a big grin My pleasure!
Remember this guy? He's the captain of the Honourbound from Cries from the Drift
Elwin the Technomancer |
"Greetings. Nice to meet you. Thank you for helping out!"
No serious preference on the tasks but since there are 6, we go to the scientific method!
which task?: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Jekcedo |
Food sounds good to me so another vote for task 1
Jek greets Klarima, Dystane, Yuzulak
Nice to meet you Klarima, Dystane, and Yuzulak. Yuzulak looks like you already know some of our team. It's an honor to be part of helping make such an important event successful, happy to assist in any way we can. I can't wait to sample some of the local food and music as well."
Aluradux Hass |
After landing, as the doors open from the Loreseeker, a pair of ghibranis are waiting for the Starfinders
“Starfinders! Welcome!” a delicate insectile woman with fluttering wings flies forward, arms extended in a welcoming gesture. “We’re so pleased you could make the trip, and that you will be helping us with our upcoming festival. I’m Klarima, and this is my good friend, Dystane.”
Klarima points to her stocky colleague, a somewhat taciturn and sturdy insectile woman dressed in practical leathers, who raises one arm in greeting. “Welcome to the Elytrio Fairgrounds!”
Aluradux smiles broadly and gives the pair a brief bow before addressing them in their native language. "તમને ક્લાર્મા અને ડાયસ્ટેનને મળીને ખૂબ આનંદ થયો. હું Aluradux છું. તમારા મેળાના મેદાનો ખૂબ સુંદર છે. હું સન્માનિત છું કે તમે અમને તમારી ઉજવણીમાં સામેલ કરવાનું પસંદ કર્યું."
We meet again! Yuzulak says to Aluradux and Ears with a big grin My pleasure!
Remember this guy? He's the captain of the Honourbound from Cries from the Drift
Aluradux played 3-00 The Last Bite but none of the other listed scenarios. I played the other scenarios with a different character.
Aluradux is confused for a moment at Yuzulak's greeting but plays along to avoid embarrassing him. "Oh...uh...yes. So good to see you again."
Task one sounds great.
Ainsley Torar |
mysticism: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Ainsley will cordially greet everyone. I look forward to getting to know all of you. I might not have worked with some of you before, but rest assured I won't let you down. Especially if it involves any vehicles.
Task 1 sounds fine. In general, avoid the combat related ones, 1, 2, 3, and 6 would be ideal. Ainsley can deal with combat and would pick 4 over 5 in that case if the group had to fight or was such dictated in the scenario, but overall feels they are just going to be a bit more useful skillwise on average.
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
Let's start with task 1!
The ghibrani hosts allow the group to socialize with Yuzulak, and get a feeling of what this even is about. The Elytrio inhabitants are organising the first all-Elytrio sports championships! Yuzulak explains There are teams from Arkeost (membrane ghibranis), Shelter (husk ghibranis), and the Starfinder Society. The event emphasizes good sportsmanship and cooperation, and honor! Yuzulak looks like that is right up his alley. Nevertheless, it is good to be on the lookout for any tensions within this competition...
Colorful banners read “Taste of Elytrio” in Common and Ghibran in this shaded area of the fairgrounds. A series of brightly colored picnic tables and benches, all bearing the AbadarCorp logo, sit empty as excited people mill around the new space, most gazing in awe at the carefully manicured trees. Vendors are setting up stalls, and savory smells of grilled meats and vegetables mix with a greasy and faintly cheesy smell coming from a loud machine that is making squelching noises as it dispenses a pudding-like substance into bowls.
The patrons are amateur athletes who are stretching, warming up, practicing, milling around, and talking excitedly about their favorite sports. It’s the first time any of them has been at an organized sports competition, and none of them know what to expect. A curious crowd has gathered around an AbadarCorp vending machine offering 'Akivaz', the sport drink of champions! The ghibranis are eager to try out one fizzy beverage after another and getting more and more hyper.
The various food vendors are setting up their stalls, and they look like they could use some help here and there.
Jekcedo |
Jek volunteers to carry the translator. As we start our first task Jek cast Comprehend Customs
Duration 1 hour/level.
+2 insight bonus to Culture checks.
The insight you gain might help you greet someone properly,
know whether physical contact (a handshake, for example) is appropriate, or how to eat without making a mess or insulting your host.
In addition, when you attempt Diplomacy checks to change attitudes during the duration, you can lower the DC by 5.
This spell does not replace careful study of a culture, nor does it give insight beyond events that occur during the duration.
While walking to the first task Jek is curious how Yuzulak knows Aluradux and Ears Jek turns to ask Yuzulak.
"Yuzulak, it sounds like you have met some of our team before, did you work with them on another mission?"
as we reach the first task Jeks read the banner out loud.
"Taste of Elytrio, can't wait to try the food, such an important part of any culture. Looks like they might need some help setting up."
Jek walks up to the nearest food vendor and asks.
"Hello there, Is there anything I can do to help set up?"
Ainsley Torar |
Ainsley looks at the vendors and smiles, though not sure if the vendors would trust them being a hobgoblin.
Looks like you need some help. Don't worry I'm not here to steal or eat food, we're all here and happy to help. What do you need done?
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
You can describe any help you provide to the stand setup, and rol a skill check that you can defend. I need a roll from everyone
Ainsley Torar |
Ainsley sees a few vendors selling food that might be unique to a certain culture or region. They advise the vendors on using their food displays and presentation of dishes to also promote the culture around their food.
culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Ainsley sighs.
Jekcedo |
Jek pulls out their trusty wrench and goes to work helping to set up the stands physical structures.
Profession maintenance worker with tool kit: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Jek talks nonstop to the various stand owners as Jek works.
"Setting up field hospitals under stressful conditions was part of my battle medic training, food stands should be a piece of cake, speaking of cake is there an Elytrio equivariant to cake? Have you heard of cake? It's a fluffy sweet kind of bread-like stuff. covered in a smooth sweet layer, with all kinds of options for topping and decorations, usually round but can be in any shape, so many options so many choices! So what kind of food is this here you have? Can't wait to give it a try."
Culture: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 11 + 2 = 18
Jek is just naturally curious about culture and food, this roll is just to show Jek trying to learn.
Bodie 705 |
Bodie works his way over to the area where the contestants are milling around.
He'll join in the stretching exercises & try to engage the others in some conversation.
"How're are things so far? Any clue what sorts of events? Weight lifting? Running? Team sports?"
Brother Tim watches those imbibing the fizzy drinks, curious what the effects of Akivaz on the Ghibrabi.
Life Science: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Aluradux Hass |
Aluradux wanders past several of the food stalls. As she stops and watches one that is grilling meat and vegetables on skewers she has an epiphany. "Waitaminute! There were some spices aboard the ship that would complement those nicely and unless I miss my guess would be delectable to the ghibran palate." She rushes back to the ship and returns with a box of various spices. She approaches the stall and greets the workers. "You don't mind if I help do you?" She speaks into to powerful computer on her wrist. "Mr. Fancypants start recording this please. I can use this for my vlog when we get back to the station."
Ears |
While walking to the first task Jek is curious how Yuzulak knows Aluradux and Ears Jek turns to ask Yuzulak.
"Yuzulak, it sounds like you have met some of our team before, did you work with them on another mission?"
"Yuzulak challenged us to starship combat. He takes honor and competition very seriously. He seemed well satisfied on both counts after we breached his hull. It is good to see you again, Yuzulak. "
Without asking permission, Ears slips into the Taste of Elytrio kitchen. He scoops some ice chips to chew on then, when he sees a deep fryer, pitches a few chips in for his own amusement. When nothing happens he accosts the nearest employee. "Looks like your fryer's not hot. Go double check the electrical breaker." Meanwhile he draws out his toolkit and begins taking off the fryer's fascia to fiddle with the insides.
engineering: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
Tiering: We're exactly at level 4.5, which gives you the choice or low or high tier. I'll go by majority vote here
Ah, you'll find all sort of events around here. I think you'll see what we're doing when you walk around the fairgrounds. It's all in the nature of friendship and collaboration, so you won't see flying races or anything like that, since husks don't have wings
Cake? Is that like kahlgee? Have you tried kahlgee? It's our best dish!
Yuluzak amicably (and slightly too forcefully) pats Ears on the back Yes, those were good times! You bested me fair ad square a in combat! A true warrior, this one!
Though not one for paperwork. If Yuluzak would find our Ears hasn't filled out the RPG Chronicles yet, he would probably be upset about this dishonourable behaviour. ;-)
The group helps around, calibrating fryers, arranging displays, maintaining equipment and even adding some fancy fusion cooking to the mix.
Still missing a roll for Elwin... it matters!
Elwin the Technomancer |
Taking a minute to look around, Elwin sees the now jittery beings at the vending machine. He walks over to try to warn them of the dangers of whatever caffeine type additive is in these modern energy drinks.
"Greetings. Well met. I see you are enjoying these fine offerings from AbadarCorp! While they are amazing they do contain some mild stimulants that can have overpowering effects and should be taken in moderation. Here, look at the list of contents. See how high this number is? This will raise your heart rate and keep you awake. Again, I would suggest moderation but you should talk to your own doctor as well."
medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Ears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Kludde, about tiering. If you were taking the levels from our character headers, I had forgotten to update Ear's header. With Ears corrected, the headers give levels 6,4,4,5,5,5. ==> 4.8. Oh, and RPG chronicles are updated!
Yuluzak amicably (and slightly too forcefully) pats Ears on the back "Yes, those were good times! You bested me fair and square a in combat! A true warrior, this one!"
The slap causes Ears to spit a grenade out of his mouth. He uses reinserting the grenade as an excuse to keep diplomatically silent about the honor and stupidity of spaceship fighting for the fun of it.
Ainsley Torar |
I'm going to vote high tier, but will respect if folks don't want it. edit: nvm just saw Ears' message.
Ainsley will join in helping with cooking the food. See? You know you can trust a hobgoblin cook. I cook some mean Castrovelian fish casseroles!
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
So much help! So much food to go around! The atheletes are truly amazed at the thoughtful options to optimise their performance. Thankful for the contribution to the success of the stand, the vendors offer two bitterflesh serums and a commando serum of enhancement.
Hi! Ayoung teenager says, I'm Glompek, I'm in charge of setting up this kahlgee machine! Have you tried it?
Kahlgee is the membranes’ signature dish, kahlgee, a thick tan liquid in which floats irregular chunks of unidentifiable protein. Glompek enthusiastically serves the kahlgee in huge bowls to anyone and everyone. The kahlgee smells vaguely smoky and cheesy, but also slightly “off” to anyone who is not a ghibrani. Eating is this in its current state... let's just say you need a strong stomach.
I.e. a Fort save if you want to eat it. Before you do so, you can try to reprogram the culinary synthesizer so that the stuff is not dangerous for non-ghibranis. (Computers or Engineering)
Glompek looks like he would be very sad if the group wouldn't try the kahlgee.
Aluradux Hass |
"You set up the kahlgee machine? By yourself? Outstanding! I...uh...Haven't seen one of these before. I'd love to see how to set it up. Would you mind walking me through the calibrations?"
Aluradux will watch over his shoulder and gently nudge the teen into adjusting the settings for non-ghibranis.
computers: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
Satisfied that the synthesizer is safe she samples a bowl.
Jekcedo |
Seeing Aluradux try the kahlgee Jek follows suit, Jek says with a bug-like smile.
"This looks good." And gives it a try.
AbadarCorp Entertainment |
Glompek looks very happy that his Kahlgee is delicious to outsiders (truth of the matter is, it is tolerable rather than delicious, but it is an improvement).
Meanwhile, the elderly husk chef Auntie Falgo has prepared tiny tasting skewers of roasted sandbrute meat and vegetables with a tangy soarnettle sauce, careful not to waste a single morsel of the precious food. Her skewers are in fact proving much more popular than the kahlgee. So much so, that she's worried about running out of food. She doesn't speak, completely immersed in preparing food as she is, but it's clear that she could use some extra ingredients for her preparations.
If you want to source ingredients locally, that would require Perception or Survival
Jekcedo |
"Hand in there we'll try to find you some more ingredients."
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Jek rushes off but is quickly hit in the face with many options to choose from for where to look.
Ears |
SUrvival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
"Chunks are small enough that we could substitute some of the scavenging creatures that I saw down by the water. Anybody want to help me fetch some? "
Ainsley Torar |
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
So many options, guess it's time to improvise!